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jbenet: fantastic, thank you!
Has anyone considered how, technically, to implement a consensus algorithm ove the ipfs swarm?
MikeFair raft?
Oh do you mean cluster?
nm the question; so I had a thought about how code running on many nodes can communicate they are part of the same swarm/code by registering announcement of the same ipns address
AniSkywalker: Yeah; clustering; how does network know "where to send a message"?
I guess I'm actually talking about the more general case
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How do I write code that presents a service to the netwrok via a cluster; something where accessing the address is connecting to the service
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jbenet, whyrusleeping: We had a problem earlier with people accessing: ipfs name resolve -r ; and ipfs ls /ipns/
whyrusleeping: How about just in the CLI?
whyrusleeping: In principal I've experienced/learned ; lazy evaluation of linked resources is always better
whyrusleeping: err principle; you can provide a smart agent to precache links in an async manner if its predict you'll actually need them ; but it's always two separate requests from different agents
That dirty little secret that says "anything that is expected that it "should" be there; if it isn't local to the source; will invariably not be there for more reasons than previously thought" :)
Even local to the source stuff won't be there; though it's statistically rare enough to ignore; and when they do happen; typically it's an indicator of bigger problems
(like files we wrote to a local hard drive are fairly good at being there next time we look; resources on linked machines outside of our control; not as much)
dryajov: resolve is handled by the browser
diasdavid: without that, what does supporting DNS means in this context?
I'm looking forward to in-network DNS hosting :)
it's just a workaround, once browser let us do dns lookups manually, we can do resolve() too. what it effectively means is that you have no control over whether it'll resolve A or AAAA
other impls (go) are already getting resolve()
js-ipfs needs to understand the same addresses
ah... I see... so this basically means to support the new dns multiaddress format and do the correct url mapping for websockets
yeah, and /wss
which websockets over https, where you need a domain name matching the certificate
*which is
right... which is what webrtc-star is doing right now...
dryajov: I'm just reading that comment now; but if i'm reading that right it's trying to choose which connection to open based on the DNS multi-reponses? Am I right?
yeah resolve() turns /dns4/ into /ip4/
* MikeFair
is +1 on /dns (it's what I expected to see based on /ipfs /ipns)
basically, formatting the dns multiaddr to a correct ws/http url
this is intentionally minimal and only what we needed right now
/dns is a larger issue and we weren't looking to solve it all
(A) that typically means 'open the first'; (B) Why not open them all if you're connecting to a node that can deal with multipathing (some connections will fail); and (C) if not all, then the first 4 and the first 6
diasdavid lgierth the tests in webrtc-star are failing because the dns multiaddrs are /ws/ not /wss/... just though i mentioned here... will push a PR shortly
MikeFair: resolve() returns an array of multiaddrs
what you pick is up to the caller
dryajov: nice, thanks :)
lgierth: oh; I thought you were talking about that you are the caller and figuring out what to do about the array of multiaddrs
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oh ok. usually applications nowadays do round robin if it's multiple A records
and some things do round robin for AAAA too
lgierth: but the applications can't make that decision so the resolvers round robin the requests
the ones that don't do AAAA round robin, always pick the first response, claiming something about backward compat
(i can look it up if you want to know)
it might make sense to have a resolveOne() function too, not sure
i wasn't ready to make that call without implementing and playing with it first :)
what do you think?
can you think of other resolution schemes apart from round robin and always-first?
oh and the multipath thing you said
lgierth: I can think of an option "one" that isn't "always first"; there's also priority weightings
lgierth: but from a users API perspective; give me all and give me all/0/
lgierth: give me all/1/
if you're just talking about responses to a query
give me all, word
with priority weightings it's like round round, but not all answers are equal (typically the weight different because they aren't the same bandwidth)
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but to make sure I understand this right; this about looking up addresses of a DAG entry based on the DNS name as content?
no, purely about addressing things on the network
doesn't even have to be ipfs nodes
dnslink isn't affected
Oh so data has a multiaddr
(all the nodes that provide it)
no this is about addressing processes :) /dns4/ addresses an ipfs process on the internet
then you can connect to it and see which multistream protocols it speaks
I'd expect that to expand into multiple ipv4 addresses
the /ipfs space there is confusing because it's *not* the same as in fs:/ipfs/* paths (we'll be switching it to /p2p because of this confusion, and because it's really addressing libp2p nodes, not ipfs nodes)
MikeFair: yeah cool :)
/dns4.resolve() => [/dns4, /dns4, ...], and same for /dns6
like /dns4/
you'd keep the unresolved multiaddr around to keep the dns context, i think
lgierth: humans are going to type names; keep the addrs grouped or the programmer will go nuts trying to keep things efficient
because what you proposes means the /dns4 part can now have 1, or 2, or 3 segments, and that makes it hard to work with
lgierth: and embedded array works to
lgierth: I was more just pointing out that resolve should reply with "what was asked" and "all you need"
I guess dns4 == A and dns6 == AAAA
i'm more wondering about why to keep the domain name in the resolve() result multiaddrs
but it makes it hard to query SRV records if you don't keep the record type
ah. yeah this all doesn't cover any other dns records
lgierth: Think of it as "cluster name" or "authority context"
and is intentionally minimal in order to not make unneccessary decisions now which will bite us later ;)
later = when people come up with the need for SRV or MX records
lgierth: if you remove the name that was used to look it up; it will be less useful to cache
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yes this will very likely work differently than /dns4 and /dns6
i haven't looked into SRV in the context of multiaddr, to be honest
purely A and AAAA
lgierth: So just that I'm clear about; what/when is this resolve expected to be called?
when you want to dial the address
lgierth: SRV records reply with PORT and ADDRESS
lgierth: they look different _service._proto._srv.domain.dom iirc
just saying nobody has brought up an interest in SRV+multiaddr so far, so nobody has looked into it either i guess :)
lgierth: So if I'm the code; my user has just typed "get me /ipfs/someCID"
lgierth: hehe; which is why I'm kind of pointing out, keeping the record types around; even if their usually ignored; won't bite you
ok but you haven't told me yet why it's *useful* for the case of dns4 and dns6 :)
lgierth: Me being the code then say "Hey Daemon! Resolve /ipfs/someCID" to which I'm expected to open connections
i have one case in mind where it might be useful, but is probably not worth the added complexity
lgierth: Oh because applications (like bonjour and zeroconf) use SRV records for service registration and announcement
it's how resolution works in those systems; A records aren't used
that's cool, i need to resolve A and AAAA records though ;)
it's includes the 443 part that's been blindly hardcoded into the response above
lgierth: Not exactly; if someone types the properly formatted DNS name of an SRV record; you're supposed to use that reply
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which is why they look different to say "Don't use an A!"
and if you just want the DNS resolved address/why not just use the local systems DNS resolver?
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It seems that what you're really expressing isn't dns4 / dns6 but ipv4 and ipv6
you're trying to open an IP connection to that address
s/address/content id
the user provided
but what you're seeking is a way to actually open a link to; and so gets transformed to its "DNS Reply"/port/servicename/ipfs/Qm...
yeah, connect to, over ipv4
what would "DNS Reply"/port/servicename/ look like?
So -> [/ipv4/x.y.w.z/tcp/443/wss, ...]
(multiaddrs are supposed to mirror how the protocols encapsulate each other)
and contain *all* information neccessary to make the connection
then it's: [/dns/, ...]
that's why they're explicit about ip, ipv4, tcp, the port, etc.
i see what you mean, mhhh
then it's: [/dns/, ...]
i think we can keep A out of that. it's an implementation detail of dns
might be different with SRV or other types, but A and AAAA are directly coupled to ipv4 and v6
It's the record type of teh dns object; but ok
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then i need to know that A means ipv4, and i need to know it *outside* of the resolver, so that's added complexity
but i think /dns4/ might be useful
i.e. keeping the whole /dns4 part
and if there's an /ip4 part encapsulated in that, the resolver knows it's already resolved, which simple enough
it's not dns4
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This is getting borderline ridiculous but here I am.
it's dns returning an array of results, some ipv4 and some ipv6
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right -- just walked away from directly using the /dns protocol name because i wanted to keep it minimal
like udp versus tcp ports
why /dns4 and not /dns again?
because /dns means thinking about *all of dns*
and i wanted just dns for ipv4, and dns for ipv6
this handles all of dns /dns/
You just call an A record ipv4
has anyone ever uploaded ipfs to ipfs?
my impression of that idea ^ was that you'd resolve /dns/ to /dns/
SchrodingersScat Sure, gx :)
we can't *require* to have the ip address in there, because that'd defeat most of the purpose of using dns names
lgierth: I get your point
not that's not what I was thinking
but now that I see it you're way it starts /ipv4/
err your way
it's a very abstract and complicated topic and i tried to take only on a very small chunk of that problem space
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So yeah /dns/ -> [/ipv4/w.x.y.z/tcp/N/...
I'd personally rather see /dns/ -> [/ipfs/CID1, /ipfs/CID2]
and then those resolve to peer links
yeah that'd be for example /dnslink/ => [/ipfs/CID1, ...]
right now it's mashed into /ipns :/
should be cleanly separated
CID in this case could pointto a service hosted by a peer
ah, a peerid
/dnsaddr :)
but it's a specific thing that peer is providing
same concept as dnslink, but for looking up multiaddrs in TXT records
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I'm just trying to stick with ipfs as ipfs for addressing -- peer ids are the moral equivalent of ip addresses
my ipfs API should "open a link to this ContentAddress"
hsanjuan I don't even know how to put this... I've literally refactored the entire ipfs-cluster codebase.
and that because a link to peer address providing that content
which involves some magic in the daemon to figure "how" to connect me
some magic = peer routnig
you can ipfs swarm connect /ipfs/Qmfoo
right but I'm just saying from a programmer's API; my resolver never gives me anything but an ipfs content address
in fact it'll ignore the address if you do ipfs swarm connect /ip4/..., and just unconditionally do peer routing
MikeFair: oh yeah <3 got it
ANd what I like about that is /ipfs/ContentAddressOfMultiPartyConference
And there's a bunch of peer ids that are announcing they provide that
and then everybody just listens for pubsub messages with that path as its topic
(that's how orbit works i think)
you have an object being the channel metadata, and then nodes publishing pubsub message with their latest data for that channel
In this case; the connector code would query "who provides: Qm..." and that would return PeerIds; which could have links established :)
lgierth: I was thinking stream oriented connections
lgierth: ipfs session Qm....
i think ipfs already does everything you just said
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pubsub, content routing, peer routing
the routing is exposed as `ipfs dht findprovs` and `ipfs dht findpeer`
ok going to bed
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thanks for the discussion!
lgierth: yes, exactly what I'm saying; this is ipfs native type material; I don't think they allow me to provide a bidirectional comm link to those endpoints
lgierth: that's the new thing
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aah, exposing the streams on the cli/api
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lgierth: my local ipfs based app opens a pipe/connection to the daemon and the daemon replies "ok you're now CID Qm..."
Magik6k has a pull request exposing corenet to the cli
and do e.g. ip tunnels over it
MikeFair: i think you could that with just a bit of glue, and that corenet PR
lgierth: great! because that's what the programmer's API should resolve to; so when I want to do a video conference over ipfs; I don't think about webSockets
lgierth: My ipfs library could; but not me :)
I think I saw it earlier; but I look again
well check out how e.g. openbazaar or mediachain are implementing their protocols on top of libp2p
the interface that you get is a stream
lgierth: I agree to your point about the resolution; if the query is for dns then only a CNAME record would include /dns in the responce
(unrelated to the corenet PR)
I'm also hoping to "authenticate" to ipfs and get some context of a "user session" that apps can store data into
kind of like "localStorage" on a browser but is really "ipfsStorage" so my session "lives in the cloud" :)
lgierth: Thanks for being open to the chat! :)
lgierth So I have a gigantic refactor of ipfs-cluster. What are the chances it gets merged?
hsanjuan isn't around for a few days
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great -- you'll have to wait for hsanjuan with that though
AniSkywalker: what's it do?
good night!
lgierth: g'night!
MikeFair completely reorganizes ipfs-cluster, changes aspects of it to be more Go-like.
Go likes beating me to a pulp before yielding to me will ;)
err my
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Oh, also swapped the logger with logrus
MikeFair it's actually ridiculous how much refactoring has taken place
I don't even know if it will compile at first--ciclic dependencies :(
AniSkywalker: on a git branch I assume?
passes all tests :)
Fork + branch + local right now :P
push to fork; what's it like to compile
I'd be willing to try clone / build
I haven't installed much Go related packages yet so I'd like run afoul of any dependency problems; I have run into the sistuation where a dependency used an older version of a vendor provided package that caused method resolution to fail on the newer functions
(that i was using)
(I was modifying their module at the time)
Not done yet :P
Once I'm getting close to 95% or so I'll push it
I'm going through and making error messages useful MikeFair (as I switch them to logrus)
Especially for RPC; one of the reasons logrus is great is because it exports to data-friendly if needed.
* MikeFair
relaxes in a sigh of contentment; "meaningful messages" ahhhh. :)
Thus, making RPC error debugging useful can provide us with valuable insight into the protocol.
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Does 'logrus.WithError(err).WithFields(logrus.Fields{"peerId": pid, "svcName": "Cluster", "svcMethod": "PeerManagerRmPeerShutdown", "clusterId":}).Error("error calling RPC")' count as meaningful?
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AniSkywalker: Only if you can also append whatever it was that caused it to decide it had a problem ;)
Yeah, that's the 'WithError' part
AniSkywalker: oh, yeah;
"Failed to establish RPC connection"
(the concept of the message "What was I doing" and "What happened when I did"
Yeah, hold on got an updated version of that
that ipfs cluster link page is a pretty dens read for a newcomer
Wouldn't that be "Error shutting down Peer Link" or something like taht
AniSkywalker: Do you know the results of the cluster as a virtual peer node conversation?
What I'm going for is, search for RPC errors, filter by type.
MikeFair that's what the format's about
Since we're basically also debugging the protocol, it's useful to know these things.
I.e. "what's the most frequent RPC error?"
AniSkywalker: ahh "RPC Error: Failed to execute Remote Procedure"
Oh I dunno, sure
AniSkywalker: ahh "RPC Error: Failed to execute Peer Shutdown"
Oh is that what it says?
Where are you looking MikeFair?
from your hastepin link
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MikeFair are you suggesting an error message or saying that's the result? :P
AniSkywalker: Oh I was suggesting the error message so that when I search filter for "RPC Error" I'd easily the service name on the same line
Well, it's more about machine consumption.
it's rough but it's the general idea
switching logging to logrus from what?
whyrusleeping because we need to be able to analyze the log messages, especially RPC drops, etc
Which logrus is especially good at--log analysis
plus it looks cool, but mostly the former ^.^
AniSkywalker: please ask before getting into big endevours. cluster uses ipfs/go-log not by chance, but because that is why the whole libp2p stack uses
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Is there a reason for that?
also small incremental PRs will have better chances for a merge than huge refactors
s/why/what the whole libp2p stack uses
hsanjuan according to the 'go-log' repo, "It currently uses a modified version of go-logging to implement the standard printf-style log output."
Yeah, we use the logging package we use because it more cleanly separates 'event' type logs from 'trace' type logs
We spent a lot of time using various logging packages (including logrus) and ended up where we are
whyrusleeping logrus does that IMHO better, allowing you to specify the levels and also different fields, etc.
whyrusleeping was there a specific reason to reject logrus?
Because it makes analyzing protocol failures very good. I.E. noticing RPC drops
MikeFair: it's true the ipfs-cluster README is dense. Would you help me by explaining how it would look best for you as a newcomer (best if you put it in an issue)
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unecessary complexity, a lack of nice logging features that i wanted (primarily, the lack of filename/line numbers in log messages)
our current logging library can do what you want just fine, and if you have specific cases where it could be better, i would be open to improving that package
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whyrusleeping that's entirely possible IIRC, but the main reason I like logrus is because ipfs-cluster will likely be running not on local nodes but on production machines, where being able to categorize and aggregate logs is a huge plus.
what i said stands.
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That's fine. I respect the decision. In that case, I'd like these features: the ability to add fields/errors attached separate from the message, to make aggregation easy and feasible
The ability to parse the log easily and query it in logstash etc. is uniquely critical to ipfs-cluster, given the target environment.
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AniSkywalker: Could you aggregate go-logger with the "WithFields" concept?
(or whatever it is the project is using?)
with logrus, you would set the output formatter to JSON or similar and load it into logstash
AniSkywalker: And more to your point of production machines; tapping into the stream exposed by a remote PeerIDs to its logs would be really useful
AniSkywalker: It also says it's "completely compatible" with something; could that mean you could submit the logrus output through the ipfs project's logger
AniSkywalker: also, avoid comitting your editor config files
Oh my bad
thought I put that in gitignore
AniSkywalker: It sounds like you're advocated for a particular text message format and calling API; both which could sent to a PrintF style logger
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Greetings. I'm doing some research into ipfs, and I wondered whether there are any estimates as to the number of active users of ipfs?
I understand that accurate measurements are tricky if not impossible, of course.
there are dozens of us, dozens!
whyrusleeping could you follow the dht to figure out a user count?
redlizard: there are roughly 500 nodes online at any given moment (consistently throughout the day) on the main network
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redlizard: But every given day I see 5,000 or more nodes come online and offline
whyrusleeping: Alright, thanks! That's an excellent indication to start with.
whyrusleeping my last "complaint" was that in the logging that I did see, there was a lot of "fmt.Sprintf("something something something: %s, %s" , foo, bar)" when there would be no context for what the replacements are.
Whether or not that's the logging library's fault I don't know, but I do know logrus forces the developer to think about each log message.
whyrusleeping: So maybe 20,000 users using it regularly, perhaps?
redlizard that's not unreasonable if a bit conservative
There's a lot of us :)
AniSkywalker: I would sort of expect users running ipfs at all to mostly have it running whenever their computer is awake and internet connected.
When I'm trying to run a cluster on Google cloud platform and I want to feed the log data into logrus to figure out where the RPC bottlenecks are, that's logrus. Also, the events you show are essentially what I showed in the hastebin, if not the primary purpose.
It's usually ran as a daemon that is there whether you are actively using it or not, right?
redlizard Well ipfs yes, but we're working on ipfs-cluster
Which is a bunch of nodes coming together to act like one node in the network.
The use-case is for companies trying to offer hosted IPFS pinning, or groups of people with similar concerns (federal climate data, etc) redlizard
AniSkywalker: Hm... I expect that raises the (number of users occasionally pulling data off ipfs) / (number of connected nodes on a daily basis) ratio considerably.
redlizard: Yes; if you want to count "using it" as serving/participating; but if you extend that definition to include "consumers of content" then you include all people who see
Well, they act like one node. It certainly increases the commercial possibilities.
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redlizard what if I told you that Dropbox already uses something similar to IPFS for their backend storage?
They chunk data into blocks, much like us, and store those blocks.
AniSkywalker: That's kinda cheating given that ipfs is largely a "collect a bunch of well-proven techniques into one awesome whole" project, no? ;-)
Naturally the backing techniques are in common use!
Obviously not well known if FTP is still popular.
However, you're correct.
IPFS is an assemblage of the best parts of all the great technologies.
(*At least for it's intended use cases; it doesn't do anonymity or privacy exceptionally well)
MikeFair: Clearly y'all should focus on libeverything instead :-)
redlizard: of course! despite there's mathematical proofs that define such a thing to be impossible!
Bah. Excuses.
We have libp2p for libeverything
and multiformats
redlizard: Like I can't authenticate you are so-and-so with any level of assurances and keep your identity hidden from myself at the same time :)
MikeFair: Next you're gonna tell me that ipfs doesn't do full CAP either!
redlizard: of course it does! I'm just going to redefine the parameters of success for what full CAP means in any given situation! :)
problem was already solved! :)
Caddyserver might be able to warn people about compromised TLS
* MikeFair
thinks he should file a PR request to redefine/declare all problems by adopting a change the definition of succes to whatever it did at the time. :)
MikeFair: I'm a fan of the "write TRIVIAL in increasingly large fonts until you successfully intimidate the audience" technique.
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redlizard: I'm curious if you're thinking of readers of the website as "active users"
(it's likely not the only one; just the only one I know of)
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MikeFair: The webserver serves an ipfs mount?
Why of course it does.
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Anyway, I'm only counting people running the actual software :)
[One of them, anyway.]
That's the best thing... you can have IPFS and most people don't even know it.
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* MikeFair
redlizard: Beyond a mount; it's a gateway
redlizard: So[fn]s/Qm... will serving anything from ipfs
redlizard: Handy for "Could other people on the planet really see that thing I out out there?
substack: I should probably clarify, as from my understanding, in order to actually render anything using these tiles you have to parse recursively all the way down. Is that correct?
I meant more like vector tiles
Mateon1: you have to read the meta.json files to figure out your extents
or you can use the peermaps command
npm i -g peermaps
for example you can run this command to print out all the o5m files for hawaii: peermaps files -156.064270 18.9136925 -154.8093872 20.2712955
substack: Right, but in order to render an area, you have to parse all o5m tiles intersecting that area. Sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology here, not a mapping addict :)
I'm working on a tile format
I'm asking if it's possible to get "rough" tiles at different scales, like is useful for a map viewer
there's nothing to do that right now
I mean there are tools to do this in osm land but there's a lot of shit to wade through
and when you find something it's generally pretty hard to stand it up correctly
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it was already quite a feat to get ad-hoc extracts working, but there's lots more to be done
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Huh, why does 'ipfs pin' only request one hash at a time? That seems incredibly inefficient.
I can probably do it faster with some parallel xargs
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Is there a flag to opt-in to CIDv1, e.g. for `ipfs add`?
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JustinDrake: not yet. I can probably add that quickly though
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Hi. I have a folder with some movies from the Blender foundations open project, Sintel or Big Buck Bunny might be the ones most people know of. The movies are creative commons licensed. Is it ok to paste the link here?
grusr: yes sure
i think sintel is already somewhere out there
Yep, I have seen Sintel out there, I have some more copies with higher resolution.
grusr: what kind of connection is your node on? just wondering if it's bitswap not behaving very stable or whether it's the connection
kyledrake: cool i'm back
K one minute, need to get laptop
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lgierth : I am on a fibre connection. I have 3 nodes, one of them is sitting outside of my firewall and all the files should be on that node with 100Mbit/s up.
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lgierth: The other 2 nodes have some of the data, on different ips but on the same connection one of those is behind a firewall and a VPN but should have an open port and the other one is behind a VPN but without the firewall.
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cool .)
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lgierth: Are you putting all data from that hash onto the storage node?