lgierth changed the topic of #ipfs to: go-ipfs v0.4.7 is out! https://dist.ipfs.io/go-ipfs | Week 11+12: Documentation https://git.io/vyHgk | Roadmap: https://waffle.io/ipfs/roadmaps | IPFS, the InterPlanetary FileSystem: https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs | FAQ: https://git.io/voEh8 | Logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/ipfs/ | Code of Conduct: https://git.io/vVBS0
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<melvster> someone just suggested to me using the multihash of a file as its etag -- anyone have thoughts on this?
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<Kubuxu> melvster: we are doing that on our gateway
<melvster> brilliant!
<melvster> :)
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<lgierth> also note Cache-Control: immutable
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<Rusty78> Hi there is anyone here that is working on the js-ipfs repo?
<Rusty78> I have a few questions (kinda noobie) :p
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<melvster> archive.org got back to me
<melvster> they already host an ipfs node ...
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<alu> not surprised
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<melvster> can I get the multihash of a file without adding it?
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<andrejc> Does anyone know if this issue has been resolved yet? And if not, an ETA would be awesome
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<melvster> why does ipfs chunk files?
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<r0kk3rz> same reason bittorrent chunks files
<warbo> hello, if there are a bunch of large files/directories already in IPFS, and I want to add a directory containing them, I can create the directory on disk, get/copy all of the contents into it, then `ipfs add -r ...`. Is there a faster way, since I already know the hashes?
<r0kk3rz> makes it easier to distribute
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<warbo> ah, `ipfs object` seems to be what I'm after (until `ipfs dag` becomes non-experimental, at least)
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<victorbjelkholm> !pin QmSsxFwv86GQeBptoKB8qxNkfD1Jb23H3u9s6HNTejBGpy bcnjs-march-2017-slides
<pinbot> now pinning on 8 nodes
<pinbot> pinned on 8 of 8 nodes (0 failures) -- https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSsxFwv86GQeBptoKB8qxNkfD1Jb23H3u9s6HNTejBGpy
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<lgierth> sprint calls in 1h (4p UTC)
<haad> thank you lgierth, was just about to ask! :)
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<haad> it's always confusing for couple of weeks 2x per year
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<lgierth> yeah :)
<lgierth> next week it's gonna be regular 6p in .de again (CEST = UTC+2=
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<lgierth> well i was lucky to look into my little calendar book before leaving the house
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<sprint-helper> The next event "IPFS All Hands Call" is in 15 minutes.
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<dyce[m]> is pinbot using pin cluster?
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<JayCarpenter> Is the sprint happening at the top of the hour? If so, will you post or send me the connection? Jay
<victorbjelkholm> dyce[m]: no, it's planned for the future though
<victorbjelkholm> sprint-helper: announce
<sprint-helper> Error: Not enough arguments!
<sprint-helper> Correct usage: sprint-helper: announce <topic name> <sprint issue> <notes> <zoom> <stream url or message>
<sprint-helper> ========================= IPFS Sprint: All Hands Call =========================
<sprint-helper> Join Call: https://zoom.us/j/779351365
<sprint-helper> Sprint Issue: https://github.com/ipfs/pm/issues/435
<sprint-helper> Topic: All Hands Call
<sprint-helper> Watch Stream: no-stream
<sprint-helper> ===========================================================================
<lgierth> thanks
<victorbjelkholm> JayCarpenter: link for joining is above
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<dryajov> victorbjelkholm: is there anyone in the call?
<dryajov> I joined and only see myself
<dryajov> ah, I guess thats over already :)
<lgierth> dryajov: 4p UTC :)
<lgierth> yeah
<dryajov> missed it :P
<dryajov> :)
<lgierth> matt is uploading the recording and i'll be posting the notes right after
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<whyrusleeping> Happy persian new year
<dryajov> cool
<dryajov> whyrusleeping: how would you selebrate that?
<whyrusleeping> Eat persian food i'm thinking
<whyrusleeping> Got a bunch of pictures of tasty things from my iranian friends
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<noffle> victorbjelkholm: super cool work on tree-talk
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<dryajov> whyrusleeping> ha, sounds good. I might have some myself too, havent had middle eastern in a while… not sure about persian tho… maybe one of the food carts here in portland would have it
<whyrusleeping> dryajov: if you can, try to find some kebab kubide
<whyrusleeping> its quite good
<dryajov> noted :)
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<dryajov> if anyone wants to jump in on this one - https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/127#issuecomment-287831889
<dryajov> basically, taling about security of IPFS in serviceworkers…
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<victorbjelkholm> noffle: thanks! It's fairly simple and not very good performance, but it works which is cool :)
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<noffle> victorbjelkholm: the top bar that shows sync status would be a nice ui module for plugging into other p2p apps
<victorbjelkholm> noffle: hm, you mean the one telling you about ipfs status or the general state of the forum like the amount of posts etc etc?
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<noffle> # peers, amount of data units synced (posts, threads, whatever makes sense for that app)
<noffle> zeronet has something similar that appears at the top corner of all pages; helpful for users, since it's both consistent and informative
<noffle> long async waits for p2p loads can be frustrating without any feedback
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<A124> What resources should I go at, including source or examples for implementing pubsub the most efficient way? (RAM, CPU, Bandwidth)
<whyrusleeping> A124: not entirely sure what youre asking
<whyrusleeping> A124: are you wanting to implement the ipfs floodsub code in another language?
<A124> whyrusleeping no, application on top of pubsub and ipfs in go.
<A124> But I am still concerned about memory, a lot.
<whyrusleeping> Ah, if youre worried about memory, turn off the dht code
<whyrusleeping> though the consequence of this is that you'll have to manually perform connections
<whyrusleeping> Ipfs runs pretty trim without the dht
<whyrusleeping> `ipfs daemon --routing=none`
<A124> Hm, thanks.
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<A124> If I have even a single connection it would work as expected, correct?
<A124> If you could point me to any resources like code, issues or anything, woudl be welcome.
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: removed all the lock files
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<lgierth> whyrusleeping Kubuxu: do you know of a simple queue lib for go with filesystem persistence?
<whyrusleeping> lgierth: i do not
<lgierth> or wait, i think i can do it all in ipfs
<whyrusleeping> A124: yeah, even if you have a single connection to someone in the pubsub swarm it will work
<lgierth> and link to the result dag in the status api update
<whyrusleeping> A124: heres the go-ipfs-api calls you'll want to use: https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-api/blob/master/shell.go#L727
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<victorbjelkholm> noffle: yeah, that's a really cool idea. Like a little activity icon in the top right/left, clicking on it could bring forward more information
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<lidel> If anyone is interested in beta-testing Firefox WebExtension, feel free to subscribe to https://github.com/lidel/ipfs-firefox-addon/issues/20#issuecomment-287901065 (I will be posting updates about dev releases there)
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<kevina> Kubuxu: so how do you handle dependency propagation?
<Kubuxu> you take a look at what packages depend on given package `gx deps --tree --highlight X` and update theirs package.json :|
<Rusty78> Hey quick question (new to IPFS), I am uploading a file, receiving a multihash for it but when I go to retrieve the file from a different computer it is never found
<Rusty78> Not sure if I am doing something wrong.. From the docs/video it seemed like those were the only two steps required
<Kubuxu> Rusty78: do you have a deamon running? In IPFS you are not uploading file, you are adding it to your local repo for others to download.
<kevina> Kubuxu: so you basically do it manually with the help of "gx deps"?
<Kubuxu> there is tool called gx-workspace but it is early alpha
<Rusty78> Kubuxu: Right (I apologize for mixing up the downloading/uploading). I am using ipfs-js using this example - https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/blob/master/examples/basics/index.js
<kevina> Kubuxu: do you undo the rewrite of all the deps so everything is checked out via git (instead of using the gx version)?
<Kubuxu> Rusty78: sorry no idea about js
<kevina> Kubuxu: just did 'gx deps --tree' and it looks like go-multihash is used nearly everywhere, nasty one to update :(
<Rusty78> Kubuxu: Dam, it works and I can find it when running my local daemon but when I try and find it from another network it never finds the file from the hash
<Kubuxu> kevina: you don't have to, like for example "go-ipfs-util` depends on go-multihash, so you update the dependency, commit, publish, commit, push, PR and then you the same for all packages that depend on go-multihash + go-ipfs-util
<Kubuxu> yeah, I know, that is why I was putting it off
<Kubuxu> especially that we have some more PRs to go-multihash
<kevina> okay, I think we should wait on go-multihash since it has open PRs
<kevina> Kubuxu: ^
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<kevina> left a comment on the issue
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<A124> lidel: The pin/unpin pop-in. It would be better if there was greyed out placeholder instead of popping in.
<A124> Also rightclick upload seems not to work, FF53
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<A124> The auto ticking redirect if automatic is checked is confusing also
<lidel> A124, thanks, placeholder sounds good indeed. rightclick works only on images, audio, video, are you clicking on one of those?
<A124> lidel Yes, image upload did not do anything.
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<lidel> A124, is go-ipfs up? I think I do not check it yet
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* timthelion[m] sent a long message: timthelion[m]_2017-03-20_22:40:37.txt - https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/pUSneEpzPaYEZRngPmeFOYYB
<lgierth> timthelion[m]: matrix kicked you, says so right there: @appservice-irc:matrix.org
<lgierth> we're happy about idlers here
<lgierth> idlers are generally the least trouble :)
<A124> lidel not sure of you mean by up? gateway is and quick upload works correctly.
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<timthelion[m]> lgierth: it's not so insane, lots of blah channels on freenode have policies against idling, to prevent logging bots
<timthelion[m]> As a kind of low tech privacy mechanism
ralphthe1inja is now known as ralphtheninja
<lidel> A124, is there anything in Browser Console ? (Ctrl+Shift+J)
<lgierth> timthelion[m]: yeah makes sense
<lgierth> we have a logging bot up in the /topic
<lidel> A124, maybe the object you are clicking on has some kind of transparent div on top of it? twitter and instagram does it sometimes
<A124> lidel Successfully stored.
<A124> And ext-tab.js errors.
<A124> It seems it works after restarting the browser.
<lidel> Hm.. odd, but good to know it helped :)
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<A124> Thanks. And thanks for the addon.
<hoenir> why I'm getting this error in circle ci
<hoenir> testing: open /home/ubuntu/.go_workspace/src/github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/coverage/unitcover/github.com_ipfs_go-ipfs_cmd_ipfs.coverprofile: too many open files
<lgierth> we fixed something about the dht in 0.4.7 and now it dials too many other nodes :)
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<lgierth> whyrusleeping: i think that issue ^ is actually hurting connectivity once you start hitting ulimit. i had this case with matt and the sprint calls video earlier
<whyrusleeping> lgierth: the CI tests should not be hitting the external network
<whyrusleeping> thats a different issue
<lgierth> ah ok
<whyrusleeping> lgierth: yeah, i'm gonna bump the default limit to 2048, then we can plan a couple sprints on addressing the issue
<hoenir> other than go test -v runing on each directory it's ok to run all the sharness tests on your laptop or should I make a docker build and re-run tests there?
<Kubuxu> hoenir: it is ok
<Kubuxu> you can use makefile targets for that
<Kubuxu> also run them with TEST_NO_FUSE=1 env var
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<hoenir> TEST_NO_FUSE=1 make test I'm running this now
<whyrusleeping> Kubuxu: any idea on the coverprofiles too many open files?
<Kubuxu> it opens one file no idea why it would fail
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<Kubuxu> or two
<hoenir> Did you know that there's a test that is failing on the tip of master?
<hoenir> FAILgithub.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/commands/files0.002s
<Kubuxu> yes with Go 1.8
<Kubuxu> 1.7 it didn't fail, we haven't got to fixing it.
<hoenir> Yeah, I have the latest go compiler installed
<whyrusleeping> Yeah, they changed the return values of some stuff in the http lib in go1.8
<hoenir> I could investigate.
<whyrusleeping> its returning an EOF when we previously werent expecting
<whyrusleeping> hoenir: sure, feel free to take a stab at it
<lgierth> whyrusleeping: another thought about coreapi, we could have it support full paths first-class. e.g. if i object-path /ipfs/$foo/a/b/c it'll return /ipfs/$bar/a/b/c instead of /ipfs/$hashOfNewC
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<lgierth> *object-patch
<whyrusleeping> hrm... and have it do the bubbling?
<lgierth> or add-link, or PUT to /ipfs/$foo/a/b (i.e. object-put + object-add-link)
<lgierth> yeah
<lgierth> that make patching stuff into directories super easy
<whyrusleeping> lgierth: i think it does that already
<lgierth> backward-compatibility-wise it'd work in cases where we previously only printed the hash without a trailing path
<lgierth> no it gives you just the hash of the resulting object down there
<lgierth> at least add-link does
<whyrusleeping> oh, i see. referencing the root by a path
<lgierth> yeah
<whyrusleeping> That might be cool
<whyrusleeping> PRs accepted ;)
<lgierth> the root is the dag i'm generally working on, and then i do certain operations within it
<lgierth> awesome
<whyrusleeping> Yeah
<whyrusleeping> that makes sense to me
<lgierth> great because that's the justification for coreapi.Path.Root() :)
<lgierth> daviddias: ^
<lgierth> i think the coreapi spec currently isn't even aware of paths...
<lgierth> the dag api is, like halfway: cid - can be one of the following: 1. a CID instance. 2. a CID in its String format (i.e: zdpuAkxd9KzGwJFGhymCZRkPCXtBmBW7mB2tTuEH11HLbES9Y). 3. a CID in its String format concatenated with the path to be resolved
<lgierth> a cid func that parses from a string or []byte and returns the cid and the rest, would be useful for "cid in string format concatenated with the path to be resolved", i.e. a path without the leading /ipfs/
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<hoenir> why continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge it keeps failing?
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<hoenir> Error response from daemon: Unable to remove filesystem for 83d4da73cfe89f1b27efe984d9b847487964d790d84ec20daa8210c172273c68: remove /var/lib/docker/containers/83d4da73cfe89f1b27efe984d9b847487964d790d84ec20daa8210c172273c68/shm: device or resource busy
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