headius: Just a heads up, trying on Sequel's specs is showing failures in the threaded connection pool specs where none were failing in Looks like Travis has the same failure on jruby-head: https://travis-ci.org/jeremyevans/sequel/jobs/452469100
headius: not sure when this issue was introduced, let me check the Travis logs and see if I can get a better timeframe estimate
headius: Looks like 3 days ago was the first failure of this type, and last test before that was around 7 days ago.
headius: specs do not fail in isolation, only when grouped with other specs, and it appears to be order dependent. To reproduce in the sequel repository: jruby spec/core/connection_pool_spec.rb --seed 30056
jeremyevans: can you file an issue and point at that spec run?
enebo: OK. Before that, let me do some more testing to see if this could be a Sequel issue and not a JRuby issue
enebo: Maybe JRuby improvements has improved multithreading and I'm just now hitting failure cases that were already there
jeremyevans: yeah if you can narrow this down it will help but if I can bisect this I suspect it will align with us reverting to old hashing
jeremyevans: that is also possible I guess but if you think this was working 7 days ago then I wonder
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enebo: lol, imagine a fallback to old hashing once bad sync is discovered
lopex: we have changed some hash method and such so it is possible it is something simpler like that
enebo: from some more analysis, it looks like not a threading issue at all, but something like ensure; foo(conn) if conn; # has foo called when conn is nil
oh wow...but it was passing 7 days ago?
enebo: well, first failure was around 3 days ago on Travis with jruby-head, and commits before that were 7 days ago
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jeremyevans: ok I am bisecting and I do remember changing some branching logic but I am really surprised if that ends up being it
but I think I changed it a couple of months ago...I think this is the pain of us dragging out that release so long
we need to get mixing in a few library test suites in CI
Gotta run now, be back in about 45 minutes to continue debugging
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The underlying issue appears to be that a local variable is changing from a symbol (non-nil) to nil inside an ensure block without being reassigned
jeremyevans: I just think I figured this out
It bisected into my inlining code and I removed a method where I could not conceive of how it ever happens...I am clearly wrong
jeremyevans: although now that I let this run further I see another problem
not from the fix but just some hashing issue
enebo: OK. Would you like more debugging info/tests from me?
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jeremyevans: actualyl we may not have an issue after all my 'co master' failed so I was still way back in history
jeremyevans: I am just going to quickly run your tests with master and see if I see anything but I strongly suspect we found the issue...this also solves the other bug reported today
jeremyevans: hey, could you help us set up a CI job to run some smoke tests against Sequel?
jeremyevans: ALL GREEN on sequel with re-adding this method
obviously what we have in CI is missing some failures
I assume we just need to add some simple travis job to pull sequel and run tests
headius: I can try. I test Sequel against jruby-head on Travis, do you think there is a way it can notify you on failure of that?
must be a way
enebo: @jruby.org address we can have people point CI failure emails at maybe?
that way they could set up travis to run against jruby-head with fail emails going to us
yeah that is a possibility for sure
I am half surprised there are not org aliases for github too
headius: I'm not sure how to set a per-ruby-version failure notification email, hopefully the Travis documentation explains that
I don't know how github/travis integrate but if we can message that way it would also be nice since it has a notification system
jeremyevans: ah yeah
headius: I've never used Travis outside of the GitHub integration, so I'm not sure what is involved with running it directly
well the other advantage of us having our own sequel job is that it triggers on *our* commits
just like you want to see if sequel-head breaks on jruby-head for every commit to sequel-head, we want to see the reverse
headius: true, that is probably better
I suppose we can just copy your travis stuff but make it clone and build jruby
headius: and you can target sequel releases as opposed to sequel-head, so you won't be notified if I push something that breaks on Travis
headius: I pushed that to master and resolved against the mysql issue. Can you maybe commit your snippet as a test in jruby regressions?
right, that would probably be best
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enebo: yeah I'm not sure where it would go in specs
yeah me neither I thought jruby:regression as it is not really behavioral
enebo: I will add the spec and probably add a jit.threshold=0 run of jruby:regression too
and I'll see about getting a sequel job in place