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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:780f76e by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build has errored. (https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/458193168)
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<headius> funny that mri:stdlib is the flaky bit now
<headius> it seems to migrate
<headius> kares: don't know how far you got into investigating that Java 9+ jossl error "No password supplied for PKCS#11 store" but I see what triggers it
<headius> it's hard to get a decent trace because it swallows the system error (we need to fix that and include cause) and you can't easily set OpenSSL.debug from the plugins
<headius> that's the cause in jossl anyway
<headius> now the weird part is that the error message comes from BC
<headius> engineLoad in JDKPKCS12KeyStore
<headius> somewhere between load and engineLoad has changed
<headius> maybe in the handling of null password by JDK SPI for jsse
<headius> hmm
<headius> there's only a couple hops
<headius> load goes to the SPI which goes to engineLoad
<headius> the docs for the SPI even say you can pass null for password
<headius> I did force the password to char[] {} once and it went to a different error
<headius> something about the keystore not being open :-D
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<fredmorcos> hello lopex
<fredmorcos> so it seems WEBrick is better than puma "when n is small", I'm guessing as long as its request queue isn't full/blocking it works much better. but for a much larger number of requests (which potentially fill up the queue), puma is far ahead
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<bga57> Why does ruby-launcher build force gcc/g++ instead of using the system defaults of cc/c++?
<bga57> It is for funky unix systems like AIX and solaris, where you have to either install gcc or pay for a compiler?
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<travis-ci> nomadium/jruby (master:93f0df3 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build passed. (https://travis-ci.org/nomadium/jruby/builds/458544492)
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<travis-ci> nomadium/jruby (ruby-2.6-add-array-union:6acc60c by Miguel Landaeta): The build has errored. (https://travis-ci.org/nomadium/jruby/builds/458544596)
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