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<victori> jruby indy == invokedynamic=true ?
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<kares> victori: yes
<kares> enebo: that is good but you never can have enough external suites - its best to run them externally
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<kares> esp. if you're running against Sequel from git, eventually you will just loose time fiddling failures
<kares> ... that might not be JRuby's cause
<kares> anyhow, if by any chance you vote on doing/not-doing RCs ... my half vote goes for doing them ;)
<kares> going to merge jruby-readline today, will really miss it in the release
<kares> we shall at least push to RGs so one can try a different version no matter the JRuby release
<kares> which is what I asked headius about - he seems to be the sole owner of the gem
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<headius> enebo: I think I have a minimal fix for the date thing
<headius> I don't think it's a critical item but anyone trying to deal with nsec on dates before the epoch will see it
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<kphns> hello -- has anyone had any success running Puma+Faye-Websockets on JRuby and Java 11?
<kphns> (or java 10, for that matter)
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:d37ca71 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build has errored. (https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/454226626)
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