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<kares> hey headius, if you get a change for a review on:
<kares> would need some kind of improvements in that front in a release (ideally in next 9.1 as well)
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<kares> meh ... JRuby gets a flu?
<enebo> kares: yeah I ran with defender locally and whatever MS provides does not see this as a virus
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<kares> enebo: but why would so many tag it as a virus ... amazing :)
<enebo> kares: yeah majority did not but quite a few did...not sure how long the fingerprint is they look for
<enebo> we do have a new launcher release so maybe we can use this service to test the newer exes
<enebo> it is also weird that it was only jrubyw.exe and not jruby.exe
<kares> nope it was for both
<kares> see File Names
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<havenwood> Any plans for a snap package? I saw CRuby released one:
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<enebo> kares: yeah I did check these independently later but jruby.exe only hits 3 and jrubyw.exe has 19 (not sure I trust the cylance result for both)
<enebo> will be coming with new executables but I am going to try a second virus app on my local box to make sure my machine is actually safe since I was testing against that jruby.exe (not sure why we have jrubyw.exe)
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<travis-ci> nomadium/jruby (ruby-2.6:396a0bf by Thomas E Enebo): The build passed. (
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<travis-ci> nomadium/jruby (ruby-2.6-add-enum-to-hash-block:76e90bf by Miguel Landaeta): The build failed. (
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby ( by Piotrek Zygielo): The build passed. (
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:98a87c0 by Thomas E. Enebo): The build passed. (
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<travis-ci> nomadium/jruby (ruby-2.6-add-hash-to-hash-block:7441035 by Miguel Landaeta): The build failed. (
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