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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (ci-jdk-11:dea94c2 by kares): The build is still failing. (
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<kares> enebo: hey, how's it going?
<enebo> kares: heya
<enebo> kares: thinking about this week. Any thoughts on issues or anything too important which needs to go in?
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<kares> well, actually yes I am trying to upgrade an app for US folks (they're stuck on 1.7.4)
<enebo> kares: ah from 1.7.4 to 9.2.x?
<kares> well hopefully
<kares> for now
<kares> and I stumbled upon fiber threads being likely quite slower and some locking came up
<kares> so I would need you guys to review - whether a patch would be acceptable:
<enebo> kares: well that sounds like an icky but good find .... just keep me in the loop.
<kares> enebo: up in a PR already ^^ ... actually just opened
<kares> was about to ask on how you're planning with 9.1
<enebo> kares: we talked about one more 9.1.x but of course maybe 2 if something is wrong with
<kares> thought there isn't going to be another release but the 9.1 branch and some comments suggest otherwise
<enebo> kares: it has always been grudging in the sense that if people move to 9.2 we do not need more point releases
<kares> enebo: that sounds good ...
<enebo> kares: but we know we took too long with 9.2.1+
<enebo> kares: so it is only fair to put in any critical things for another 9.1.x
<enebo> ultimately 2.6 is out on Xmas so we need to consider when we go for that
<enebo> none of us want to support three branches
<kares> yeah
<enebo> kares: I am requesting headius look at that PR. I will also but fiber impl has been his backyard
<enebo> kares: he is in your timezone more or less right now too
<headius> yo
<headius> zenspider: yo
<headius> claudiuinberlin: the biggest limiting factor for us using graalvm AOT would be its limited support for method handles
<headius> there's zero support for invokedynamic, last time I checked, except for the very limited use cases that exist within OpenJDK (lambda initialization, string concatenation)
<headius> even if we don't use invokedynamic, we use method handles many places in JRuby proper: binding instance variables to the right object slots, caching constants, making Ruby methods callable objects from Java...
<headius> once they support invokedynamic and method handles fully I don't see any major reason we wouldn't work, though java integration becomes the next tricky bit (lots of unspecified reflection; this affects TR as well)
<headius> bga57: hey cool, I'll look for the PRs
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<headius> bga57: I thought we fixed jruby-launcher to use cc
<headius> oh you know what, I bet that was jnr-constants
<headius> it also had a hardcoded gcc, someone added the use of CC env var, and then I discovered most linuxes don't set CC env var :-P
<enebo> headius: I nuked CC/CCC/CXX from our make files
<enebo> no system should not have CC/CXX not defined by make
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<enebo> If there is one we should add logic only for that case
<headius> is that true? I find that surprising but I don't know unix make practices
<headius> jnr-constants defaults to ENV['CC] || 'cc'
<enebo> gnu make for sure does
<headius> after we found that linuxes *do* define a cc alias
<enebo> but linux and win10 mingw both were fine for me
<kares> okay good
<headius> yeah I'm just confused where the make tool gets it if the env doesn't define it
<enebo> but it is not typically a unix thing but make itself somehow
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (ruby-2.6:396a0bf by Thomas E Enebo): The build has errored. (
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<headius> someone has to be setting CC if make can use CC, and if make it setting it it must have a way to determine it
<enebo> gnu make will define something but in FreeBSD they have some wild versioned scheme and I have no doubt envs do come into play there
<enebo> So I predict they env[CC] || 'cc' in gnu make itself
<enebo> non-gnu-make may not default but as I don't have any env which is not gnu make I cannot try that
<enebo> headius: if you pull does it work for macos?
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<lopex> o/
<lopex> headius: so, immediate 2.6 compat release after mri release ?
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<bga57> In FreeBSD gnu make sets CC to cc unless it's overridden. I think that's a standard make thing, and the FreeBSD port doesn't change it.
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<enebo> bga57: gnu make on all systems will define it. so only non-gnu would be a concern
<enebo> bga57: I pre-date gnu make and I swear CC was always defined in BSD make too
<enebo> bga57: but I happily no longer write C if I can help it
<bga57> FreeBSD's make is actually incompatible with gnu make, it builds jruby-launcher with gmake.
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<bga57> I think FreeBSD's make may be more compatible with the original AT&T make.
<enebo> oh was make originally from sysv legacy?
<enebo> I don't recall
<enebo> but I am not too surprised that makefile is using gnu make stuff in it
<bga57> I'm not sure, and I really haven't programmed in C since the 90s.
<enebo> bga57: yeah I stopped in the 90s largely other than having to use it for stuff like JNI
<bga57> or early 2000s
<enebo> C is impossible to totally avoid even if solving basic compiler problems
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<bga57> I presume you'll update the jruby-launcher gem by the time you release
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<headius> enebo: yes appears to work fine with jruby-launcher HEAD on macos
<headius> bga57: we can update that any time
<headius> if this works enebo can push a new gem now
<headius> lopex: hey, if we can get it all done by then :-)
<headius> generally we let them sort out their last few months of feature tweaks before we jump in since it's a big leap to pull their tests and start running them
<headius> less of a leap if we don't have to do it multiple types as they refine new features
<bga57> I was thinking that if this fails anywhere, it's probably on AIX or Solaris, where you have to pay for a C compiler, and a lot of places might be using gcc.
<headius> times not types
<lopex> headius: yeah, so we dont waste time
<headius> bga57: we did confirm gmake uses CC || 'cc'
<headius> as long as we're in a makefile CC is probably ok
<headius> the jnr-constants case was expecting it to be in the non-make env
<bga57> I also needed the bug fix that enebo merged this morning.
<bga57> then I can install jruby with rbenv without going through hoops.
<headius> yup yup
<headius> we'll get something out quickly for jruby-launcher
<bga57> Thank you.
<enebo> lopex: it is not too early to commit to ruby-2.6 though
<enebo> headius: ^ made that branch yesterday
<headius> woot
<lopex> enebo: yeah, String#split will be my first one I guess
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<headius> bga57: pushed
<headius> dinner!
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