literally the first result doing web search for "libreelec downgrade" btw
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then why do you provide IRC if users should use web search :)
hmm, downgrade option is not available in update menu
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RaphGro that's a great attitude if you're trying to make sure no one else tries to help you
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RaphGro: change the Updates from Automatic to Manual. Then choose the version channel
remember, for best results you still need that settings restore from backup while still on Krypton after the downgrade.
mack-: yeah, this helps. channel needs to get rechosen, otherwise there are no updates available. I assumed the settings are persistent but there are obviously not
settings are persistent.. But not necessarily compatible between major version changes.
then no idea what happened
now it's in "migration progress" for add ons
does it reinstall every addon?
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RaphGro: LE backup includes the addons, yes
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