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<sjoerd> mmind00: ooi did you try having your u-boot loaded from the rockchip loader ?
<mmind00> sjoerd: as with all matters uboot nope ;-)
<sjoerd> speaking of u-boot looks like simon has been busy again
<rperier> mmind00: oh I see nice ! at the beginning, that's not possible to disable this spl part ?
<rperier> using the proprietary first stage bootloader with mainline uboot for example...
<rperier> (does it make sense ?)
<sjoerd> mmind00, rperier: btw there is some code in the 3036/3288 u-boot support to eanble the early debug uart which works before dram init
<sjoerd> should be able to give you quite early feedback if any of the code gets to run
<sjoerd> rperier: It is possible to do that, i've used that for testing on 3288 once or twice
<sjoerd> though upstream u-boot got quite confused abou tthe memory settings ;)
<mmind00> yep, I did set the necessary stuff for early uart, but either I made a mistake somewhere or the spl really did not run
<sjoerd> maybe the load address is different on 3188?
<sjoerd> that or it has less sram space
<mmind00> I do believe I set that as well ... but of course there may very well be mistakes in what I did
<sjoerd> nod
<sjoerd> that's the fun with the SPL any tiny mistake may cause it to get to the poiint where it starts outputting stuff
<rperier> mmind00: you don't have a rk3188 eval board at work with a debugger ?
<mmind00> rperier: nope, only a radxarock + olimex-board, both without jtag ... but of course I also never really worked with jtag (except starting and stopping a s3c2416 cpu, at the time my jtag adapter was new)
<sjoerd> I happen to have a 3188 evb as a result of a project from ages ago, but i've never worked with jtag either
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<sjoerd> rperier: oh 3036 is also emac, might get some attention to the issues of that driver then
<rperier> there are two types of issues: random packet lost and skb throws an assert when the rx fifo is full... I am interested if you have some ideas about the problem
<rperier> :)
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<sjoerd> nothing offhand
<sjoerd> mmind00: do you happen to know if there is upstream lvds support for 3288?
<sjoerd> doesn't look like it from a quick skim
<mmind00> which is way overdue
<sjoerd> hihi
<sjoerd> cool
<sjoerd> right lunch o'clock
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<naobsd> oh rk3288 vop is supported in rkd-working on u-boot-rockchip
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<enkoder> Happy new years guys!
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