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<mrjay> mmind00: Hi! i found a BUG i sar adc driver for rk3066 variant ... i think
<mrjay> mmind00: i mean for tsadc variant in rk3066
<mrjay> mmind00: there is a diffrence in reg TSADC_CTRL bit 4. In rk3066 tsadc it is start_convert bit and in saradc it is reserved
<mrjay> mmind00: rk3066 has internal temp sensor which needs conversion to get proper temp i think
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<mrjay> mmind00: also in adc_input_src_sel your driver selecting channel as (chan->channel & SARADC_CTRL_CHN_MASK)
<rperier> mmind00,sjoerd: my flight for ELC is booked ;D
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<mrjay> mmind00: this is wrong because channels should be selected as folows for SARADC and TSADC:
<mrjay> mmind00: channel 0 :(SARADC_AIN[0]) value should be 7 (BITS 111)
<mrjay> mmind00: channel 1 :(SARADC_AIN[1]) value should be 6 (BITS 110)
<mrjay> channel 2 :(SARADC_AIN[2]) value should be 5 (BITS 101)
<mrjay> channel 3 :(SARADC_AIN[3]) value should be 4 (BITS 100)
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<mrjay> mmind00: for channel selection fix should be simple: ((7 - chan->channel ) & SARADC_CTRL_CHN_MASK)
<mrjay> mmind00: i'm not sure what start_conversion fix should look like ... maybe additional filed in rockchip_saradc_data structs for each variant with start conversion bit, used later in line 77 ?)
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<mmind00> and now he is gone
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<mrjay> mmind00: me?
<mmind00> mrjay: yep :-)
<mmind00> mrjay: I think when doing the core saradc driver, I based on the vendor-driver ... not sure how far the manual can be trusted
<mrjay> mmind00: hmm ... in current state saradc driver for tsadc in rk3066 does not get any readings just stall ... i'll recompile and test
<mmind00> mrjay: I guess that one additional bit might be interesting, although I did get sane values at the time
<mmind00> mrjay: at least concerning the channels, I'm pretty sure they should be somewhat correct (at least stuff like the saradc keys seemed to always come form the correct channel)
<mrjay> mmind00: weird ... now it is not working for tsadc variant ... saradc variant works ok.
<mrjay> i do some testing ... enable all 4 channels and see what hapens :)
<mrjay> mmind00: you think that datasheet might be wrong than?
<mmind00> mrjay: it might be ... as you can see amount of channels in the register description doesn't match channels in he description and I guess the whole chapter just gets copy-pasted to every new manual
<mmind00> mrjay: but who nows ... TRM might even be correct
<mrjay> mmind00: ok testing all variants than
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<mrjay> mmind00: i have a question for this line Should there be "COMPOSITE_NOMUX(SCLK_TSADC, "sclk_tsadc", "xin24m, ..." ?
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<mrjay> mmind00: your driver is ok :) lack of SCLK_TSADC in clk driver was the problem ... got it working now both saradc and tsadc on rk3066
<mrjay> mmind00: sorry for raising alarm
<mrjay> mmind00: thanks anyway
<mrjay> now i only need to figure out how to setup thermal protection with tsadc temp values
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<mmind00> mrjay: \o/
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<mrjay> does anyone can send patch to rockchip mailing list?
<sjoerd> yes
<mrjay> cool
<mrjay> thanks
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<mrjay> is there a way to convert iio adc input value to temperature in device tree and then setup overheating protection for cpu for example by changing cpu clock rate?
<mmind00> mrjay: there was an iio-thermal driver for that
<mrjay> mmind00: was?
<mmind00> but the relevant developer seems to have lost interest
<mrjay> mmind00: too bad ... so no way then?
<mmind00> mrjay: yes-way ... simply resurrect the patch and try to find out what is needed to get it accepted ;-)
<mrjay> mmind00: anyone can do that? or is it restricted to author of the patch?
<mmind00> mrjay: of course anyone can do that ... you just keep the original author, adapt the patch as needed and add your own signed off by ;-)
<mmind00> mrjay: people pickung up discarded patches of others is pretty common
<mmind00> mrjay: patch in question should be:
<mmind00> mrjay: and here as patchwork link to get a working patch-mbox:
<mrjay> mmind00: well ... i'll start with smaller patches :) for example adding tsadc for rk3066 :)
<mmind00> hehe
<mrjay> mmind00: i have one question should i divide it to two patches 1. adding SCLK_TSADC clock id 2. Introduce tsadc to rk3066.dtsi?
<mrjay> mrjay: or just one?
<mmind00> mrjay: separate patches
<mmind00> mrjay: you can see in the log a lot of those as example
<mrjay> mmind00: ok thanks
<mmind00> mrjay: i.e. (1) clock-id to dt-binding header (2) set clock id in clk-rk3188.c (3) add dts stuff
<mrjay> mmind00: so three patches then ... ok
<mrjay> reading about patchwork now
<mmind00> mrjay: you'll probably need scripts/ and scripts/ more ;-)
<mrjay> mmind00: ok i found some newbie guide ... i'll read it first
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