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<enkoder> I am having troubles getting the ethernet (rtl8211) to be recognized on mainline u-boot on the radxa rock 2. Has anyone gotten netboot workong on a rock2?
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<topi`> I bet there's already a new Asus chromebook in the pipe based on the RK3399 ... *if* they were happy with the sales of the C201, of course
<topi`> unfortunately no longer features the "best sellers" ranking in Laptops
<topi`> but the 3399 will face competition from the similar chip from Mediatek, the mt8173 I believe
<topi`> at least Rockchip is actively submitting patches to linux, something that Mediatek seems to ignore
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<mac_l1> "?'''''
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<hipboi> hi, mac_l1 :)
<zhecka_> :)
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<sjoerd> enkoder: my patches to enable the networking on rock2 aren't in mainline yet
<ganbold> enkoder: last time (November) when I checked it didn't work for me
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<sjoerd> enkoder: But i'm using it on a daily basis and so are a bunch of automated testing things (e.g kernelci) so it does work ;)
<sjoerd> though rperier discovered there were some isseus with using cross-links
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<rperier> sjoerd: in fact, it had nothing to do with it
<rperier> the fix is very simple
<sjoerd> oh did i do something silly
<rperier> in fact the id for GMAC_CLK_SEL_25M in the num was simply wrong
<rperier> I just compared it with the TRM and the driver in the linux kernel
<sjoerd> curious
* sjoerd still swears it worked at 100mbit/s for him at some point
<rperier> it really fixes the issue this time (with or without cross-link)
<sjoerd> nice catch!
<rperier> ;)
* sjoerd checks the trm
<sjoerd> indeed
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<rperier> sjoerd: btw, which kind of image do you use to boot u-boot mainline from proprietary rockchip spl ?
<rperier> I am pratty sure that you said me that it was possible to start mainline uboot from there..., no?
<sjoerd> rperier: I only did it via the maskrom mode, but hten it's the normal one (just encrypted)
<rperier> with rkcrc or mkbootimg?
<sjoerd> just openssl rc4 -K 7c4e0304550509072d2c7b38170d1711
<rperier> ah !
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<rperier> I will test it, thanks
<sjoerd> I have not tried it with the proprietary spl on flash though only through maskrom mode
<sjoerd> mmind00: what wifi/bt chip is on the veryons ? one of the broadcom ones or ?
<mmind00> sjoerd: differs ... some use broadcom, some marvell (mwifiex)
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<xming_> does anyone here has a rk3288 with 4GB RAM?
<xming_> I am not getting anywhere to get 4GB initialized :/
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<mmind00> xming_: yep ... recent mainline on some 4gb veyron devices works fine ... what issue do you have?
<xming_> mmind00: oh recent u-boot?
<mmind00> xming_: nope coreboot
<mmind00> veyron are the chromebooks
<xming_> yeah I figured that out
<xming_> saw some models have 4GB, but it was coreboot
<xming_> mmind00: my issue is that uboot only sees 2GB
<xming_> is it possible to use core boot on firefly?
<mmind00> xming_: don't think so ... also mainline uboot, or the Rockchip one? [hopefully mainline uboot shouldn't have issues with 4gb]
<xming_> mainline and sjoerd's git
<sjoerd> mmind00: mainline u-boot only sets up 2G atm
<xming_> mmind00: remember that you helped me with the SD card issue byt increasing drive voltage?
<sjoerd> mmind00: It doesn't have code to detect the ram setup atm, just takes it from the DTS
<sjoerd> thoruhg reareading the TRM the other day it seems the ROM has a generic init sequence so i wonder why it's not using that
* sjoerd should look in the chromeos coreboot code to see what it's doing in that respect
<sjoerd> (unless they use the rockchip spl part)
<xming_> sjoerd: pretty please :D
<sjoerd> xming_: got a bunch of other stuffon my queue first though so will take a while if nobody beats me to it
<sjoerd> maskrom stuff & networkign first
<mmind00> maz_ mrutland: lookie here what I found :-)
<xming_> ah so they could be using rk's SPL?
<xming_> I tried to find the difference between 2 and 4GB, but couldn't find anything obvious
<sjoerd> xming_: I wouldn't expect so, but they could
<xming_> just a KConfig to set the amount and later changed to run-time dectection
<sjoerd> though afiak the u-boot code is moslty copied from coreboot so...
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<xming_> sjoerd: do you take bribe? :D
<sjoerd> Well i do work for a consultancy, so in a way :)
<xming_> consultants are expensive :p I am not rich
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<maz_> mmind00: cool! hopefully they have fixed the "enter in NS-EL1" silliness...
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<rperier> ah ah ! I free-electrons has a ton of goodies with its tux logo (pen, gum, etc), I have received a letter from them , they even have an ink pad with the tux logo, it's on the back of the letter :D
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<naobsd> oh atf repo!
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