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<naobsd> Darkarnium: that's usb protocol, that's all.
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<Darkarnium> naobsd: cheers :)
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<yueting> I'm trying to erase my IDBlocks with rkflashtool; how can I find the offset and sectors I need to erase?
<yueting> That was back in 2013 though, and I see rkflashtool now has IDB
<yueting> gah, can't get the stupid thing to boot.
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<Darkarnium> Hey all, another silly question from me :) There was mention that the NAND implementation on the RK31xx is propriatary and binary only. Is there any documentation as to the specifics however? As in, I have a number of references here to both DRM keys and bootloader locking / unlocking that I'm trying to understand :)
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<mmind00> Darkarnium: rockchip is using a "magic" flash-translation-layer on top of the nand controller, that creates the partition structure that always gets referenced ... both the nand-controller-driver + the ftl Rockchip provides as one binary blob
<Darkarnium> Looking through the little sources which have been released - non working from what I understand - that's the role of the rknand_info struct that's built on module_init (via rknand_info_init) ?
<Darkarnium> I found some IRC logs on the subject from you mmind00 from back in August 2015, I'll have more of a read and see what I can work out :)
<mmind00> Darkarnium: I never cared for and thus never looked into the proprietary stuff ... the nand-controller can work fine without the FTL, if someone writes a driver for it ... which is prevented by the lack of public docs
<Darkarnium> Ah :(
<Darkarnium> I'm banging my head against a wall right now with this RK31xx. It boots into a system without issue (on NAND), I can get it into recovery and use rkflashtool which is able to pull NAND Flash IDs and execute the RK READCHIPINFO command, but all read operations against the NANF fail :/
<Darkarnium> Well, it doesn't fail, but reading the entire addressable range from NAND yields nothing but 'empty' data. I'm trying to ascertain what magic has been implemented, and whether it has something to do with the RK NAND DRM or lock / unlock. The doucmentation for which, as you touched on, doesn't appear to be public :(
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