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<naobsd> hm, rk3229 has 3 ehci/ohci?
<mmind00> naobsd: yep one otg and 3 host controllers it seems
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<naobsd> probably it's better...
<naobsd> or will dwc2 host be better too by recent big patchset? ;)
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<Brian__> Hello! linux-rockchip!
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<Brian__> Hey everyone!
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<Brian__> Hello! Is anyone here?
<Brian__> Hi, is anyone here?
<maz_> Brian__: in space, no one can hear you scream...
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<Brian__> So, how can I do?
<Brian__> maz_:So, how can I do?
<naobsd> just talk anything
<maz_> Brian__: if you have a particular question, just ask your question. we're not exactly here just to have a chat.
<Brian__> maz_:I see. Thanks!
<Brian__> Every linux-rockchip's git servers are closed
<Brian__> Included us/jp/nl
<naobsd> us should be online now
<naobsd> git protocol is not supported, only http is supported now
<Brian__> naobsd: my system say
<Brian__> error: Unable to get pack file transfer closed with 1782614500 bytes remaining to read
<naobsd> hmm
<Brian__> I used "git clone -b master" to download the sdk
<naobsd> that file is 2864946172 bytes
<Brian__> It's failed to download.
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<Brian__> This is my full log from the "git" on ubuntu:
<Brian__> Cloning into 'rk3066_r-box_android4.2.2_sdk'...
<Brian__> error: Unable to get pack file transfer closed with 1782614500 bytes remaining to read
<Brian__> error: Unable to find 976ce365f1a0cdb8d4e6ffc44546ca35c6f0f6cf under
<naobsd> when you did it?
<Brian__> now
<Brian__> Cannot obtain needed object 976ce365f1a0cdb8d4e6ffc44546ca35c6f0f6cf
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<Brian__> error: fetch failed.
<Brian__> ------------------------------log end-----------------------------
<Brian__> naobsd: can you help me?
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<naobsd> Brian__: sorry, it works for me. I confirmed it just now. if you tried it some hours ago, it might be caused by maintenance. but maintenance was finished some hours ago.
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<Brian__> naobsd: No, it's not work for me now.
<naobsd> Brian__: sorry, no idea.
<Brian__> It's run failed again
<Brian__> Please fix it, thanks
<Brian__> please again
<Brian__> git app: error: fetch failed.
<naobsd> hmm
<naobsd> ah
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<naobsd> Brian__: server config is changed. please try again
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<Brian__> naobsa: It is failed again for me
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<naobsd> Brian__: very strange...
<Brian__> What's happened on the server?
<naobsd> well?
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<Brian__> why I can't to download the sdk? (It's failed again and again)
<naobsd> no idea for now
<Brian__> what is your means?
<naobsd> well, I don't know why.
<Brian__> so, how can I do now?
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<naobsd> sorry, I have no answer for now
<Brian__> naobsd: is you a admin of linux-rockchip?
<naobsd> yes
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> not all "linux-rockchip" thing
<naobsd> but at least * is mine
<Brian__> by the way, is the linux-rockchip in "Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd."?
<naobsd> no, of course.
<Brian__> this isn't managed by Fuzhou Rockchip
<naobsd> yes
<Brian__> but, they says:
<naobsd> ?
<Brian__> by Rockchip:
<Brian__> "肯定是我们公司管理的呀 我们公司的资料不可能让别人管理的"
<Brian__> Translations is "sure, that is managed by us, our datas isn't managed by others."
<naobsd> what is "that"
<Brian__> correct: "sure, that is managed by us, our datas aren't managed by others."
<Brian__> "that" is means "linux-rockchip"
<naobsd> "linux-rockchip" and "" are not equal
<naobsd> which "linux-rockchip" are you/they talking?
<naobsd> and I'm sure that source code on my git mirror are made by Rockchip
<Brian__> we are talked for ""
<naobsd> they made source code. I got it, then made mirror.
<naobsd> data(source code) is managed(made) by Rockchip, not by me.
<Brian__> Now, I'm still can't to download the sdk.
<naobsd> please read carefully. it says "this site is maintained by linux-rockchip community."
<Brian__> I have a question, why you can to got the sdks from Rockchip?
<naobsd> there is nothing about "what's the community", but at least it's not Rockchip
<naobsd> ah sorry, I got source code from radxa and firefly. not from Rockchip.
<Brian__> Their git server is "", it is needed a password to access.
<naobsd> I don't have any information about Rockchip server.
<Brian__> how about "master Rockchip SDK"?
<naobsd> again, I got source code from radxa and firefly.
<Brian__> in the "Branches" area
<naobsd> with permission for redistribution
<Brian__> there are three branches ( Rockchip SDK, Radxa Rock SDK, Firefly SDK)
<naobsd> master is just a branch name
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<naobsd> it doesn't mean I'm master(president) of Rockchip
<naobsd> I named it "master" because it doesn't contain any modification from radxa/firefly.
<Brian__> is it for the general rockchip devices?
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<naobsd> what's the "general"? if it's "universal", no
<naobsd> as I said, it's just "no modification"
<Brian__> i see.
<Brian__> by the way, some projects is old on your mirror
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<naobsd> I'm not Rockchip, I cannot guarantee I offer up-to-date source tree
<naobsd> which one is old?
<Brian__> the "rk3066_r-box_android4.2.2_sdk"
<naobsd> do you have "new" one?
<Brian__> I'm not have new source code, but I have a new image from RKM
<naobsd> is it surely built from "newer" source?
<naobsd> if you can get newer source from RKM, there is no reason to use my mirror
<Brian__> no, it is a builded image
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> why do you know mine is "old"?
<naobsd> how
<naobsd> btw I remembered rk3066 4.2 sdk is from minix x5 sdk
<naobsd> not from radxa/firefly
<Brian__> in the rk3066_r-box_android4.2.2_sdk/packages/apps/Settings/res/xml/
<Brian__> There isn't a "screenshot.xml" (it's a ScreenshotManager) .
<Brian__> the RKM and hotack's images have it.
<Brian__> the ScreenshotManager is made by Rockchip
<naobsd> I see.
<Brian__> and the "device/rockchip/rk30sdk/apk/eHomeMediaCenter_box.apk" 's version is old than RKM's image.
<Brian__> the RKM version: rk30sdk-eng 4.2.2 JDQ39 eng.zs.20140313.120040 test-keys
<naobsd> I see
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<naobsd> I don't surprise if it's old
<naobsd> but if you don't need old source, just ignore it
<Brian__> i see.
<Brian__> as for the "minix x5"
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<naobsd> I guess so, but I cannot guarantee anything. at least my mirror doesn't contain changes for x5
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<naobsd> sorry, I don't have so much time for chatting
<Brian__> ok, sorry.
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