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<defunkydrummer> lotuseater: no, i mean, as far as i know it's not a binding to a C library, but it implements the X protocol 100% in Lisp
<defunkydrummer> so it directly talks to the X server
<defunkydrummer> just as, for example, there's a postgres driver for clsql that implements the protocol directly, doesn't need any postgres lib installed previously
<lotuseater> ahh okay, that would be even better, but I don't know
<lotuseater> but yes that would fit to the motto "Now proudly done with 100% less C"
<defunkydrummer> exactly
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<defunkydrummer> "the stuff boring dreams are made of"
<defunkydrummer> well, gotta go
<defunkydrummer> bye bye
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<aeth> lots of things are stable from the 90s
<aeth> Windows probably has things last touched since then. Probably not entire files. They've probably run some automatic refactoring tool to change the header of the file or whatever.
<aeth> s/last touched/not touched/
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<lotuseater> thanks to the standard specification!
<lotuseater> ok I meant for CL stuff
<lotuseater> aeth: and so some exploits for Windows NT kernel or so still have worked on XP/Vista/7/10 :D
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<aeth> I mean, as I've said before fairly recently here... CL shifts the burden of quite a few things onto the implementations.
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<aeth> Most stuff doesn't ever really need updating because the implementations themselves (or, more rarely, various key libraries) handle such things instead.
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<lotuseater> :)
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<lotuseater> How do you usually start writing a binding or reimplementing something from scratch?
<thmprover> Like Johnny Cash put it, one piece at a time.
<lotuseater> yes you're right
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<aeth> Find the smallest possible thing you could implement. Write it up as an issue in an issue tracker. Try to implement it. It'll take weeks/months because you could actually have picked a smaller increment.
<aeth> But most importantly, never give up.
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<nij> Despite the celebrated intro to loop (http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/loop-for-black-belts.html), should I learn "iterate" instead?
<nij> Or should I learn both?
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<lotuseater> aeth: yes and understand more of the thing you want to (re)implement ^^
<lotuseater> nij: first learn LOOP and see how you like it
<Xach> nij: you should learn loop and iterate if you like. nobody knows *only* iterate.
<lotuseater> here is the two pages LOOP periodic table from land of lisp for you: https://trash.ctdo.de/file/e9c41bd6
<lotuseater> and in PAIP one of the last chapters guides through how basic LOOP is implemented, but I must study it more in depth myself
<nij> Thanks for the pointer to PAIP!
<nij> Ok I will learn both.
<nij> It's fun anyway.
<nij> I just feel LOOP is little bit like DSL. But I came here for lisp's elegance.
<lotuseater> yes it IS a DSL
<lotuseater> same with FORMAT
<no-defun-allowed> That is arguably part of the elegance.
<nij> :(
<nij> In a nutshell, how does iterate work?
<lotuseater> hm, like LOOP but more lispy and extensible?
<lotuseater> do a macroexpand on a simple LOOP expression and you'll see
<nij> oh i mean
<nij> does it work on first translating itself to LOOP?
<lotuseater> no I don't think so, but maybe it could be
<nij> Nvm I will look into that. Thanks :D
<lotuseater> i don't see some call to LOOP in the source
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<nij> Must be some other elegant twists.
* nij is excited.
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<Xach> elegance is not a design goal
<lotuseater> it's efficiency and expressiveness, isn't it?
<lotuseater> or am I now stucked in the LOOP? :D
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<nij> (loop (gtd (be-efficient)))
<nij> (loop (feel-good (gtd (be-efficient))))
<nij> Sorry..
<nij> Yeah I hope one can achieve elegance + efficiency + expressiveness.
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<PuercoPop> lotuseater: It says 20 years ago because that is when they where committed to version control. The some code is even older
<thmprover> Random question: where can I read more about readtables? I'm curious about understanding how it works exactly, I don't want to do anything with reader macros, just understand them deeper.
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<PuercoPop> thmprover: you could checkout vacietis, which uses readtables to parse C into CL
<thmprover> That's awesome!
<aeth> PuercoPop: sometimes version control uses fake commits to provide the real date... I mean, that's basically what it has to be to some extent since 20 years ago predates git
<thmprover> Also kind of amusing, because I'm tinkering around with implementing a toy lisp in C, and thinking about implementing a toy readtable is what prompted me to investigate this further.
<thmprover> PuercoPop: That is awesome, thanks :)
<PuercoPop> aeth: Yeah, but the first commit says something like checking in FOO's version into CVS iirc. Some code there has 1985 in the headers iirc
<lotuseater> PuercoPop: yup, with another system
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<aeth> PuercoPop: heh, cvs
<aeth> svn was quite the upgrade.
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<aeth> So I guess a lot of projects went cvs->svn->git, and that's only if they didn't pick some losing thing before git, e.g. hg
<lotuseater> PuercoPop: does f2cl also work with readtables?
<beach> Good morning everyone!
<PuercoPop> lotuseater: sorry I'm not familiar with f2cl, what is it?
<thmprover> Good morning, beach!
<lotuseater> it translates Fortran77 code
<PuercoPop> aeth: most (all?) of hu.dwim uses darcs to this day!
<aeth> we need to rewrite distributed version control in Lisp
<lotuseater> darcs is great. some guy once told me "too slow for managing things like linux kernel" blabla. but that is not what it's primarily for
<lotuseater> aeth: with patches please
<aeth> lotuseater: ah, so darcs doesn't *scale*
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<PuercoPop> aeth: fiddlerwoaroof has started working on that!
<aeth> lotuseater: you have to scale on the cloud to win
<lotuseater> hm cloud
<lotuseater> darcs has mathematical fundament
<PuercoPop> lotuseater: the problem with darcs is that their worst case for resolving merge conflicts is n² iirc.
<lotuseater> yes something like that was it
<aeth> lotuseater: I was joking when I was talking about clouds. It's all about the edge computing blockchains for XR now. :-P
<lotuseater> all this modern stuff :D
<lotuseater> "Fundamentally good ideas are that which stand the test of time."
<lotuseater> s/that/those
<aeth> PuercoPop: is the project public yet?
<lotuseater> one can also peek into pijul source
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<aeth> I'd say that the big problem with git is that it's distributed, but the issues, the wiki, and so on live in essentially just a handful of places (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, etc. And mostly just Github.)
<aeth> oh, just git :-/
<aeth> I guess it's more useful
<PuercoPop> There is a problem parsing the pack files. I've started working on in a couple of weeks ago
<PuercoPop> aeth: I mean, first we must embrace so we can extend and extinguish later ^_^
<lotuseater> PuercoPop: https://github.com/rtoy/f2cl
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<PuercoPop> aeth: git is only a version control system, not a 'project manager system'. Wiki, issues seem out of scope. But you can build those on top of the same object database. If everything is in CL it would be easier to do so, or at least nicer to write imho
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<lotuseater> îs DEFINE-SETF-EXPANDER the same as DEFINE-SETF-METHOD?
<beach> clhs define-setf-method
<specbot> Couldn't find anything for define-setf-method.
<beach> See, there is no such thing.
<lotuseater> yes I know ;) but I read about that in PAIP
<no-defun-allowed> I guess it was called DEFINE-SETF-METHOD before ANSI Common Lisp?
<beach> That's definitely possible.
<no-defun-allowed> See SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Issues/iss308_w.htm
<lotuseater> ah yes that would fit :) and it's said it is a quite tricky macro ^^
<mfiano> What is the proper way to combine features with boolean logic to control the evaluation of the next form with reader conditionals? for example feature X and not feature Y
<no-defun-allowed> "Rationale: Avoids massive terminological confusion."
<mfiano> s/evaluation/reading/
<no-defun-allowed> Well, you can write #+(and x (not y)) (something), or is there something else you're thinking of?
<mfiano> I infact did just that, but wasn't sure if the (not y) was going to behave as I'd expect.
<mfiano> Thanks for the confirmation
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<lotuseater> you can build conditionals which will never work unless you push some keywords on your own to *FEATURES* :) something like #+(and linux windows)
<mfiano> True, implementations may use any such symbols. But, we have trivial-features for that.
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<lotuseater> as I got to know #+ and #- I first thought it expands the code into WHEN and UNLESS forms but because it doesn't even produces NIL for false forms you know it's really commented out
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<lotuseater> OK you have runtime in between for checking the membership of the keyword
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<mfiano> Every phase of the evaluation model can invoke any other. That's the main reason I have stayed with Lisp for 15 years. It allows for very interesting solutions to problems in my domain.
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<lotuseater> yes I know
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<PuercoPop> Is there a way to view/treat a multi-dimensional array as a sequence/vector? II want to use COUNT-IF on the array.
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<beach> clhs make-array
<beach> PuercoPop: See the :DISPLACED-TO keyword argument.
<beach> PuercoPop: Alternatively, you can loop on the raw-major indices of the array and use the COUNT LOOP keyword.
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<PuercoPop> beach: thanks, wasn't aware of displaced-to. I'll probably go the LOOP+COUNT clause now that you bring it up
<beach> Sure. Good luck!
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<phoe> morning
<no-defun-allowed> Hello phoe.
<beach> Hey phoe.
<phoe> hi hey
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<infosec_yo> i think lisp is bloated.
<lotuseater> ok and now?
<no-defun-allowed> Too bad.
<infosec_yo> its also insecure.
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<flip214> infosec_yo: any more opinions we should know?
<flip214> you'll excuse if our experience differs.
<infosec_yo> when is lisp getting deprecated ?
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<phoe> please carry on
<flip214> not enough patience lately, phoe?
<flip214> ;)
<lotuseater> thx phoe
<no-defun-allowed> Aw, I was thinking of a retort, but "when is your big mouth getting deprecated" is a bit poor.
<phoe> flip214: I kinda recognize the person.
<phoe> they used to post the "lisp sucks" quality content from webchats multiple times before.
<lotuseater> i think phoe ran out of patience with such bloated people since recently
<phoe> and as for patience, well. I think you know everything.
<flip214> I guess you just saved me quite a bit of time
<flip214> that I'll now use for me tel conferences ;/
<phoe> ha, yes
<flip214> no, I don't know everything.... but I can guess that small detail
<phoe> flip214: so you know everything enough
<lotuseater> maybe infosec_yo is one of those self-claimed experts with unlimited knowledge too
<flip214> If you know all you see your horizon might be too near
<Nilby> I'm pretty sure that's someone who's been trolling Lisp communities for like 20 years, saying "lisp is dead", etc. It's funny that there's still something to troll then.
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<lotuseater> there's always more to learn, even for a master
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<splittist> It's so great having the Online Lisp Meetings recorded and available to watch. Thanks to all involved!
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<phoe> splittist: <3
<phoe> (if you want to talk about something yourself, I'm accepting videos all the time)
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<flip214> where can they be found?
<phoe> the videos?
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<splittist> Colleen should know this (if we want to keep the topic line clean). Perhaps she/it does...
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<phoe> minion: tell splittist about olm
<phoe> done
* splittist is happy
<phoe> me too, thanks; good idea
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<pyc> What package does Portacle use to customize the status line and ask for additional confirmation while creating new files?
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<flip214> thanks
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<luis> Hot take: UIOP is a pretty decent set of utilities. (I just wish the source was easier to navigate and read.)
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<Xach> Fewer people would use uiop if it were not tied inextricably to asdf.
<phoe> ^
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<jackdaniel> fact that it is tied to asdf is slightly problematic, because you can't bundle it properly like other libraries
<phoe> note that's not saying anything about the quality of uiop code, just about the way in which it is distributed
<luis> That is true. But I'm enjoying its pathname utilities, for instance.
<jackdaniel> for slad implementations it doesn't matter much though
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<luis> jackdaniel: uiop is available standalone (in quicklisp too), isn't it?
<jackdaniel> yes, but since it is a preloaded system, quicklisp won't download it
<phoe> luis: by the time you have loaded quicklisp, uiop is already there.
<Nilby> Somehow I usually find it easiest to investigate uiop code by looking at the catted asdf.lisp file.
<jackdaniel> you must put it manually in the registry
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<luis> jackdaniel: perhaps ASDF should bundle a copy of UIOP (or the subset it uses) under a different package name.
<jackdaniel> I've suggested that once, that suggestion wasn't accepted
<jackdaniel> (back at the time when fare was still maintaining it)
<luis> Well, we could fork UIOP and give it a new name. That would achieve the goal. :D
<jackdaniel> I think that folks would still use /preloaded/ uiop assuming that it is always there
<luis> Yeah, and the world probably doesn't need another utility library. :)
<jackdaniel> that design decision (to bundle it with asdf) actively encourages bad practices
<jackdaniel> (i.e not putting uiop in depends-on clause and assuming that it is always there along asdf)
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<jackdaniel> but that ship has already sailed years ago
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<varjag> so i have a macro which has required and keyword parameters
<phoe> varjag: OK - I am imagining something like (defmacro foo ((bar &key baz quux) &body body) ...)
<varjag> but i want it to pass on exta unspecified keyword parameters (which it could use internally for make-instance)
<phoe> &allow-other-keys
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<jackdaniel> &rest args &key a b c &allow-other-keys
<phoe> or just use &rest kwargs &key ... &allow-other-kes
<phoe> yes, what jackdaniel said
<varjag> ah so it would wind up in &rest
<phoe> yes, and then you either just (apply #'make-instance ... ',args) or (make-instance ... ,@args)
<phoe> depending on how your macro is structured.
<jackdaniel> if you have some keyword arguments that you don't want in make-instance (but they are important for the macro), you may use remf on args
<varjag> thanks folks very helpful
<phoe> jackdaniel: that's actually a bit troublesome because REMF only removes the first occurrence
<phoe> alexandria:remove-from-plistf fixes this, AFAIR
<phoe> the issue is that (foo :bar 2 :bar 3 :bar 4) is a well-formed plist
<phoe> I mean, uhh, s/is/contains/
<jackdaniel> interesting, thanks for this information
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<luis> phoe: that tip seems PSA-worthy
<phoe> luis: I can blog about it sure thing
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<phoe> or, uhhhh. maybe not. I'll pass and leave it to some other person because blogging in my current state of mind is dangerous.
* Nilby has probably never been in a "not dangerous to blog" state of mind.
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<luis> phoe: I can review the blog post if you'd like or I could take the opportunity to blog for the first time in 2 years or so
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<jackdaniel> luis: do it! take the opportunity
<jackdaniel> maybe you'll warm up and then you'll write something about cffi or slime :-)
<phoe> luis: please take it
<phoe> I need to find a new blogging platform because movim screws up code blocks even years after I highlighted it to them.
<luis> I'm surprised Google hasn't killed Blogger yet.
<luis> Must still be a source of AdSense revenew.
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<devon> Howdy Lispers, how best to adapt a Scheme program to run in Common Lisp?
<phoe> devon: depends on the Scheme program
<phoe> how large is it?
<phoe> what language features does it use?
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<devon> Smallish and probably no Lisp1/2 issues.
<phoe> call/cc?
<beach> devon: It also depends on whether you want the result to just work, or whether you also want it to be maintainable as Common Lisp.
<devon> Unlikely. The result should be maintainable CL code.
<phoe> then just rewrite all DEFINEs to be DEFUNs and DEFVARs/DEFPARAMETERs and either adjust function names to CL or define your own mini-scheme-like environment.
<aeth> You can progressively rewrite it if you do the latter, i.e. running a Scheme environment inside of CL.
<devon> I'm amazed I can't find a tool for this.
<aeth> I mean.
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<phoe> a tool for automatic rewriting? I don't think there can exist one
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<phoe> mostly because of lisp-1/lisp-2 issues and because of lack of continuations in CL.
<phoe> you could get a compiler from scheme to CL, and this is what aeth will write about in a few seconds.
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<aeth> The problem is that compiling Scheme to CL in a semantics-preserving way isn't just going to MACROEXPAND-1 you idiomatic CL.
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<phoe> scheme and CL are only similar because of the parentheses and common operator name; they have different paradigms under the hood and this is what simple source translation is going to miss.
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<aeth> There's only really two runtime incompatabilities. CL doesn't guarantee tail recursion to be optimized, while Scheme does, meaning that Scheme's idiomatic iteration relies on it while in CL it's implementation-specific, and even then relying on OPTIMIZE levels.
<devon> LOL, sure. Punt in the face of call/cc, xref all the names to help resolve any Lisp1/2 issues, define ⟶ either defvar or defun, not too hairy.
<aeth> And, of course, continuations, but if the program doesn't contain call/cc, then there doesn't have to be special handling.
<aeth> And technically, both of these are "runtime-incompatabilities" only if you wanted to generate idiomatic CL.
<aeth> Since you can emulate these without an interpreter.
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<Bike> so all you need to redo is the entire macro system, local and nonlocal flow control, and call syntax
<Bike> so easy
<devon> LOL, that's why I'm asking.
<edgar-rft> In my experience the main problem is that in Scheme only the core language is specified, there exist many Scheme implementations that's code doesn't run on other Scheme implementations. This means thet you always have to look what Scheme implementation the code was written for.
<aeth> Bike: On the one hand, it's < 10,000 lines of code. On the other, it's < 10,000 lines of code of Common Lisp and Scheme, not C.
<Bike> the standard libraries are also different, scheme has its "ports" or whatever instead of streams, record types instead of structs, etc...
<Bike> oh, and scheme programs may try to distinguish the empty list and false.
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<aeth> Well, (car nil) is an error in Scheme, so even CAR needs to be different. But the standard libraries mostly just have minor incompatabilities like that. You could in theory do it all at the macro level instead of defining trivial functions, but it wouldn't really give you much.
<Bike> it's nice to be optimistic
<aeth> #f is absolutely a good point because your Scheme program will reverse every IF to look like (if* (eq condition #f) false-path true-path) instead of (if condition true-path false-path)
<devon> Perhaps the grass only looks greener an the Scheme side but I sense Scheme libraries are fewer but better, having glanced at an API or so.
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<aeth> devon: Well, the left-pads only come later. The initial libraries of any language are all important.
<devon> The original Scheme was implemented in MacLisp, very close to Common Lisp, e.g., RABBIT by GLS IIRC.
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<aeth> And, more recently, there was Pseudoscheme for, I think, r4rs
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<aeth> Although it was only pseudo because it didn't actually address all of the interesting incompatabilities, which have only grown since then.
<devon> So nobody's heard of any more recent effort, not in QL anyway. I'll start with C-M-% and see how it goes.
<aeth> For instance, #f vs nil used to just be a recommendation. Same with case-sensitivity (which you can technically do in your Scheme-in-CL, if you want to have to CAPITALIZE every foreign CL call) and even hygienic macros, which iirc were an appendix in r4rs.
<aeth> devon: I've heard of a more recent effort, but it's not going to be useful for you if you have any deadline because it's incomplete.
<devon> LOL, well, cool, no deadline, please tell me more.
<aeth> I would've linked to it earlier, but I was hoping that Bike would elaborate more on why the task was impossible rather than just calling me optimistic.
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<devon> For this particular wee chunk of code, probably easy.
<devon> Never ran into this author before but https://gitlab.com/mbabich/lisp-hello-world is hilarious.
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<phoe> mbabich, ah yes
<phoe> we know him around here
<phoe> his greatest contribution to Common Lisp library ecosystem
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<aeth> devon: If there's a Scheme library that you want to run, the best thing to do would be to run it via Airship Scheme when it's ready, so you don't have to worry about translating it. Or, if it's code, librarify it.
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<luis> phoe: "left-pad is the perfect example of the new frontier of software engineering." nice
<phoe> luis: the most important package on the Internet
<phoe> remove it, and half of the world's software stops building!
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<phoe> ;; /s
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<Nilby> t-l-p is so flawlessly executed with almost no hint of sarcasm.
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<edgar-rft> three-little-pigs ?
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<devon> Airship-Scheme looks reasonable at a glance but why do I feel an vague sense of having been rick-rolled?
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<Nilby> If it works, who cares if it's a joke?
<Nilby> but actually I think mbabich's coding is quite good
<lotuseater> First thing I found to this is "Imperial Airship Scheme" :D
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<aeth> That made me wonder if anything on Github uses it. https://github.com/search?p=1&q=trivial-left-pad&type=Code
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<devon> Hmm, incompatible syntax… (define 2p⟵Invalid numerical syntax. [Condition of type AIRSHIP-SCHEME::SCHEME-READER-ERROR]
<aeth> devon: chibi-scheme behaves the same way
<devon> My vague sense of unease was not the Airship-Scheme code but skipping breakfast.
<aeth> The issue is that R6RS specifies exactly what's an invalid number and what's a symbol. That is, 2p is invalid. Whereas R7RS leaves it up to the implementation.
<aeth> On the other hand, both Racket and CL are a lot more lenient and permit '2p
<aeth> (although it looks like SBCL prints '2p as |2P| so it escapes the output, but doesn't require it for the input)
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<lotuseater> typing '2p gives |2P|
<lotuseater> oh you were faster :)
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<devon> If R7RS affords the option, I'll make it configurable.
<aeth> Airship Scheme can't use the host CL's reader for this because its symbol-vs-number syntax is different (e.g. Scheme has complex syntax for its complex numbers, and it has a literal infnan) and because it uses a hack to get compatible symbols.
<aeth> It manually inverts the (hopefully just non-Unicode) case to read car as CAR and then print it back out again it as car (which as to be non-Unicode, or at least not fully Unicode, to be reversible).
<aeth> s/which as/which has/
<devon> We're stuck with #C(0 1) instead of 0+1i
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<jackdaniel> #i2+3 ;)
<aeth> The thing is, 2p isn't a problematic symbol. 2389748939023.0e34p is a problematic symbol.
<aeth> My guess is both CLs and Racket have to build both the symbol string and the number in parallel. Or they build a string and then read it into a number. Neither are necessary if you don't permit such things.
<aeth> jackdaniel: sorry, #i is for infix
<jackdaniel> not in my readtable ^_^
<jackdaniel> in my readtable #i is not defined
<aeth> jackdaniel: next thing you're going to tell me is that you don't have a #h reader macro for hash tables, either :o
<jackdaniel> that's correct!
<aeth> do you even reader macro?
<jackdaniel> sure, #l(list 'literal-lambda %1), but only in repl
<aeth> devon: In case you're wondering, I'm taking a week off from Airship Scheme now that the reader is standard (oh no, it has been a week now!) before attempting to fix the continuation passing style stuff (which will eventually provide if, lambda, and a hardcoded, inelegant define). The reader is R7RS standard, not CL standard.
<aeth> I guess in the long run I could make it bilingual CL/Scheme, at least as an option, with a handful of exceptions, like the custom case inversion instead of case upcasing.
<aeth> It seems like a lot of work, though, so it wouldn't be a plan for 1.0
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<aeth> Maybe I could switch symbols to using an invert readtable case instead of manually doing it. The implementation does guarantee that it must be done in pairs (and thus can't be Unicode), which might be good enough. http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/13_adcd.htm
<phoe> this part of CLHS is incompatible with unicode
<aeth> It still has the problem of when something is a number in Scheme, but not in CL.
<aeth> phoe: And it's the correct decision because it's the only thing that makes :invert possible.
<aeth> Unicode case can't apply to characters, only to strings. The various issues in one line of non-portable SBCL: (values (sb-unicode:uppercase "ß") (sb-unicode:uppercase "i") (sb-unicode:uppercase "i" :locale :tr) (sb-unicode:lowercase (sb-unicode:uppercase "ς")))
<aeth> The only issue is that sb-unicode is, well, sb-unicode. Someone needs to make it portable because the equivalents aren't as good.
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<mfiano> Did you know SBCL's reader also asciifies unicode?
<aeth> By the way, the R7RS-small version of Scheme does it the wrong way, and tries to use full Unicode case algorithms on characters, which means that #\ß cannot possibly have a good upcase.
<mfiano> (I'm not happy about that btw)
<aeth> mfiano: Well, depending on what you mean, I guess I can't just assume that I can just use the implementation's :invert when it isn't a potential number, then.
<mfiano> (char (symbol-name 'foo²) 3) => #\2
<aeth> Not like it would be that good of a solution, anyway, since +foo+ is read as a potential number thanks to the + and a slight incompatability between my manual case-invert for '+foo+ vs. the implementation's :invert for 'foo+ would be really confusing
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<aeth> or, in this case, I guess +foo²+ vs. foo²+
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<Nilby> If you want it bad enough, Lisp can read anything : ihttps://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/2189#2189 (read-from-string "0+1i") => #C(0 1)
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<lotuseater> i now think to try writing some dump readmacro with three components
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<lotuseater> Nilby: oh this is what *READ-INTERN* is for, never used it yet
<aeth> So I guess if I want a bilingual reader I'm going to have to reinvent readtable case (to implement my own :invert) and have my own, incompatible readtable concept.
<aeth> Alternatively, I guess that I could use the implementation's readtable; get the readtable case from it, using the READTABLE-CASE accessor; and then manually do symbol reading based on that information.
<aeth> All of these are questions that I don't really want to deal with before I even have the basic, standards-compliant Scheme running, though.
<Nilby> Darn. I forgot you guys don't have *read-intern* yet. You could substitute a set of #\0 - #\9 number reader macros, but it's quite a bit more involved.
<lotuseater> yes now I see it's not part of the standard :D never mind
<aeth> I mean it works
<aeth> But it creates an intermediate symbol, I think?
<aeth> This can be problematic, although it's technically case-insensitive in Scheme so supporting both 4+i and 4+I wouldn't be incompatible
<Nilby> *read-intern* is a function the reader calles to intern symbols. it gets passed a string
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<Nilby> I mean you wouldn't want to do this for real, e.g. ppcre:split is a bit heavy for a reader thing.
<Nilby> I don't see where it creates an intermediate symbol.
<aeth> There's probably a bunch of reader macro magic that can do exactly what I want to do (with the major issue being the semantics of certain things like mfiano's example in SBCL), but I went down that route for the initial cl-scheme (from which only standard-procedures.lisp survives) and even just doing #t and #f was hard.
<aeth> (In that particular case, that's because they're dispatch reader macros, and that means you get to handle things like #43t. Additionally, balancing parentheses with them is a nightmare.)
<aeth> Nilby: An intermediate string is still more than what I do. I go character-by-character and don't need to build up a string at all, except for symbols and, obviously, strings.
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<Nilby> aeth: That is quite sensible. I was just seeing how to do it for fun.
<aeth> An advantage of our number system over Roman numerals is that you can just parse things character-by-character.
<aeth> Parsing "IV" vs. "III" where the "I" means two different things is something that I guess could be done, but by the time you handle all of that type of syntax, you might as well just use cl-ppcre on a string
<lotuseater> how do i catch the numarg in a dispatch macro character?
<lotuseater> aeth: yes Romans weren't as good at math, maybe just for building stuff
<aeth> The Romans had surprisingly advanced math that they stole from the Greeks, including a proto-calculus. This sort of thing didn't go away until centuries after the start of the empire. Everything's much harder with the wrong notation, though. Everything.
<beach> lotuseater: It's the argument of the dispatch function.
<lotuseater> ah hm alright
<lotuseater> normally i do (lambda (stream char1 char2) ...) or something
<beach> Let me see if I can find the information...
<beach> clhs
<aeth> There are three things in notation that really changed everything in a simplifying way that really could have come up at any time in history. Arabic numerals (with positional digits), algebra (using a bunch of letters instead of prose), and s-expressions (perfectly regular syntax instead of a mix of prefix/postfix/infix/etc. in the two-dimensional (because of e.g. fractions) language of written mathematics).
<beach> lotuseater: Last sentence of next-to-last paragraph.
<lotuseater> ah so it's written that the reader after reading the dispatch char reads in an integer as long as the second char shows up?
<beach> "The reader macro function associated with the sub-character C2 is invoked with three arguments: the stream, the sub-character C2, and the infix parameter P.
<beach> lotuseater: Something like that, yes.
<beach> Either way, the infix parameter is passed as the last argument to the dispatch function.
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<Nilby> But Babylonian numbers are positional and almost homoiconic. But I love that I can do this (format t "~36r" #36rfizzle)
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<lotuseater> Nilby: i once did (setq *read-base* 36) and then i everything got messy :D
<Nilby> lotuseater: Nice. That should be in a "code your way out of this" challenge.
<Nilby> Another fun "code your way out of this" is (delete-package :cl).
<lotuseater> yes a friend was over, we got laughing very much but didn't achieve it
<lotuseater> he is not a lisper but recognizes and respects the power of it
<Nilby> I wonder if there's any other language where you can do something like set *read-base*
<lotuseater> hm sparely i think
<Nilby> It seems like it's use is for reading data.
<lotuseater> i have a package with functions to transform integers to base i-1 (#c(-1 1)), in default *READ-BASE* is limited to bases 2-36 but that's good so
<lotuseater> yes you should change read-base just in lexical scopes
<lotuseater> beach: ah yes now i recognize again, lambda lists for dispatch readmacros in Let over Lambda have (stream sub-char numarg)
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<Alfr_> lotuseater, (|SETF| |*READ-BASE*| a) will do the trick.
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<lotuseater> thx Alfr_ :)
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<lotuseater> hm if i do normal stuff after that it's stuck in base 36 o_O
<Nilby> or #10r10 in case someone did (setf *read-base* (random 37))
<jasom> Nilby: or just 10.
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<Nilby> jasom: That doesn't seem to work.
<Alfr_> jasom, in read-base > 10, "10" would be read to an integer with value read-base, not decimal 10.
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<jasom> Not "10" "10."
<beach> lotuseater: So it works?
<Alfr_> That should work. Nice to be reminded of the one notation I really dislike. :D
<Nilby> Sorry, I read . as period not decimal_point
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<jasom> reasonable confuse
<jasom> *confusion
<Nilby> I strive for reasonableness in my confusion. :)
<jasom> I assume the "." suffix is why there is #b #x #o but not #d
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<lotuseater> beach: no not entirely the way expected or hoped to :)
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<dbotton> Is there a way to have a non dynamic defvar? (Ie a true global in the c sense)
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<phoe> dbotton: yes
<phoe> (ql:quickload :global-vars)
<phoe> this defines a global lexical variable
<dbotton> Usable between threads?
<phoe> AFAIK yes
<dbotton> Great thanks
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<nij> Does anyone here have extensive experiences with both cl and clojure?
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<nij> Uh internet got cut out. Not sure if my message went out..
<jackdaniel> I can denounce a few people, but I'm not sure if they are willing to be denounced ,)
<jackdaniel> it went
<nij> Oh
<defunkydrummer> nij: Uh oh, the clojure versus common lisp debate again...
<nij> Ok.. I just hope to get some comparison between them.
<jackdaniel> not really versus, just overlapping experience
<nij> defunkydrummer: no I had not experience with clojure.
<defunkydrummer> nij: you can search the r/Lisp reddit, because the comparisons between CL and clojure have been done many times over and over again
<nij> defunkydrummer: that sounds like a legit approach.
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<nij> Ok! Then I won't toxic this place xD
<defunkydrummer> nij: suffice to say, i don't like benevolent dictators in my language, i like having many fully-featured implementations, and Java libs should be optional, not entangled within the language. Thus, i choose Common Lisp
<defunkydrummer> nij: and if you need to interact between lisp and java libraries, there's a common lisp implementation called "Armed Bear Common Lisp" (ABCL) that lets you call java libs very easily; a piece of cake. So this isn't an advantage that is exclusive to Clojure.
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<defunkydrummer> nij: additionally, most or all the clever constructs for functional programming/etc are also available on common lisp by simply importing libraries, so no big deal either
<jackdaniel> that resembles comparison I've heard in the past: clojure is an opinionated language (it helps the programmer to do the right thing, while the right thing is defiend by the clojure designer opinion), while common lisp gives you a large toolbox and lets you hang yourself
<jackdaniel> (so it is up to the programmer to execute their opinions)
<defunkydrummer> jackdaniel: Hooray for euthanasia!
<jackdaniel> that's not what I meant of course :_)
<nij> Yeah I get cl is great and minimal in that sense.
<nij> But on the other hand, I also worry the size of the community.
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<nij> jackdaniel: How about Scheme?
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<nij> I've heard that Scheme is more minimal than common lisp.
<jackdaniel> if you like lego it shoudl be fine
<nij> Does it make Scheme even less opinionated?
<jackdaniel> I need to spend now some time with my family, so I'm going afk
<defunkydrummer> nij: size of the community is a plus. We know each other and we support each other in brotherly love, infinte kindness, and expansive wisdom.
<nij> xD
<jackdaniel> I'd say that scheme is opinionated: functional programming, purity, sterile macros etc
<defunkydrummer> nij: scheme is a great language. Used to be small but with the latest scheme spec it might not be so small today
<jackdaniel> that said, it is offtopic here :)
<jackdaniel> have a good evening \o
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<defunkydrummer> nij: common lisp used to be known as a very "big" language but only because it included a standard library within the language. When you compare it to the standard libraries of Python (which are part of the language as well), CL isn't big anymore. Yet its essentials provide more than what Python brings to the table, just to pick a lanugage for comparison.
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<nij> I see.
<defunkydrummer> nij: in 1984, when CL was defined in a book, languages didn't come with any big standard library, only minimal stuff. CL was one of the first "battery-included" languages
<nij> I find myself caring less and less about minimalism as I grow :(((((
<defunkydrummer> nij: good growth
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<defunkydrummer> nij: sometimes languages are designed minimal because this makes the implementation/compiler be easy to write. Those lazy compiler writers!!
<nij> Then shouldn't I choose clojure then? I like lisp for its expressiveness.. and clojure has that too.
<phoe> nij: that's good
<defunkydrummer> nij: so the lazyness of compiler writers become extra effort for the everyday developer, the common man
<phoe> clojure, compared to CL, is paradigmatically challenged
<phoe> mostly because it has a pretty strict functional paradigm
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<nij> phoe: would you elaborate?
<defunkydrummer> nij: Common Lisp is a very hard language to implement. Because it has a lot of powerful features. E
<phoe> that's what makes it troublesome for me to write Clojure, I can't bend the language to my needs very easily. I can force myself to write functional code, it's just that I can't do it in the "mostly functional" style that I'm used to - where most of the code is functional and I use HOFs but I also have imperative logic, either in OO-like core or in mostly-functional but internally imperative functions
<nij> phoe: it forces your code to be very functional?
<phoe> nij: clojure? yes
<nij> What are some bread and butter in cl that's not allowed in clojure, as an example?
<phoe> CLOS
<phoe> SETF
<nij> Jeez.
<phoe> reader macros ain't bread and butter but still
<defunkydrummer> nij: and, some useful features for interactive programming. That are absent in clojure.
<phoe> did clojure backtraces become any good now?
<ck_> phoe: no
<defunkydrummer> phoe: well, clojure has reader macros, but you're very limited in your choice of characters you can bind a reader macro to... The reader macro character has to start with #, if i recall correctly. Which is a big limitation!
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<phoe> defunkydrummer: TIL! I thought they were completely erased from the language, I think I mentioned Rich saying that sometime
<phoe> oh right
<phoe> a condition system!
<defunkydrummer> lol
<ck_> phoe: but you just implemented that in Java
<phoe> it doesn't have a condition system, just dumb Java exceptions
<defunkydrummer> nah, but nobody needs a condition system...
<phoe> ck_: yes, but not in Clojure
<phoe> I didn't say it's impossible to implement
<phoe> I said that Clojure considered it unnecessary
<ck_> "not allowed in Clojure" was, I thought, the question you were asking
<defunkydrummer> nij: the CL condition system is an awesome feature of CL. So awesome, some people even write books about it. And publish them on Apres.
<ck_> since Clojure is a Java library technically, your implementation allows it
<phoe> ck_: no, more like, which features of CL are not present in Clojure
<phoe> there is a condition system available as a library for Clojure but that's still kinda eh
<ck_> phoe: s/asking/answering/ sorry
<phoe> but yes, it's possible to get a condition system in Clojure as a Java library; clojure macros would even make the syntax bearable!
<phoe> .....I actually need to do that sometime
<ck_> anyway I'd like to add to the list: the Clojure printer doesn't resolve circular structure
<nij> ok......... how about JVM? I know little about it. My impression is that JVM is inevitable to deal with in "practical jobs". Can CL deal with it nicely?
<ck_> nij: there's ABCL
<varjag> jvm is legacy now
<Nilby> JVM is by no means inevitable.
<ck_> I don't know about 'nicely' though.. and also what you mean by "practical jobs"
<defunkydrummer> nij: tons of practical jobs outside the jvm. The JVM is just a virtual machine. A big part of the computer servers and programs right now on the internet are NOT running on the jvm.
<defunkydrummer> nij: for example the two most popular programming languages right now are Python and Javascript, and both have zero thing to do with the JVM
<varjag> containerization killed vms
<defunkydrummer> nij: That being said, the JVM is a virtual machine that runs Java bytecode and in this task it is extremely efficient. So it is a very good virtual machine, with very good garbage collectors, optimizations, etc. Good stuff.
<phoe> defunkydrummer: "some people even write books about it"
<phoe> touche
<ck_> phoe: you should check it out
<phoe> OK, I will.
<defunkydrummer> phoe: and some people even buy those books!!
<phoe> defunkydrummer: madmen
<defunkydrummer> phoe: oh please don't get me started on my doctoral thesis: "Insanity in the Common Lisp Ecosystem"
<Nilby> lol
<phoe> defunkydrummer: I am both curious and scared of this thesis
<phoe> let's discuss it, but on #lispcafe
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<defunkydrummer> nij: But clojure isn't a bad language when you compare with other popular languages like Python. Compared to most popular languages, it's good stuff. Very good stuff. However when compared with common lisp, there are things that are missed.
<nij> lol
<phoe> no, that's serious
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<Nilby> "10 signs you may have caught a Lisp related mental illness"
<defunkydrummer> LOL
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<defunkydrummer> nij: I think it's very good that Clojure exists, because it has been a source of some ideas that then were implemented afterwards into Common Lisp.
<ck_> I agree, arrows are good for example
<nij> Arrows? As the arrows in haskell?
<defunkydrummer> nij: also, it gives companies where using Common Lisp scares the managers, an alternative to use some of the power of lisp without shocking anybody
<nij> defunkydrummer: this is uplifting.
<defunkydrummer> nij: i'd leave the arrow work to the indians. They know how to use them well.
<ck_> nij: Clojure calls them "threading macros", -> and ->> are thread-first and thread-last
* nij wants LISP TO SPREAD!
<defunkydrummer> nij: lisp isn't butter or margarine
<ck_> nij: it is spreading and has for a long time. The influences are far and wide
<ck_> defunkydrummer: I can't believe it's not butter!
<nij> ck_: I want parenthesis to spread!
<defunkydrummer> nik: yeah, lisp influences are very very strong into Python, javascript... the most popular languages right now
<phoe> nij: arrows as in Clojure
<phoe> arrow macros, also known as threading macros.
<phoe> I have a tutorial for my variant of them at https://github.com/phoe/binding-arrows/blob/main/doc/TUTORIAL.md
<defunkydrummer> phoe: i'd leave the threading work to the tailors. They know how to thread those tiny threads well.
<phoe> you should be able to understand the basic mechanism of how they are supposed to work from that.
<defunkydrummer> phoe: and by the way let's leave the channel work to the civil engineers
<phoe> defunkydrummer: channel work? what do you mean
<defunkydrummer> phoe: i'm doing a pun on threads, channels and other concurrent constructs
<phoe> :D
<defunkydrummer> :/
<phoe> I understand now
<nij> Besides threadings, are there other inspiring notions?
<curiouscain> :^)
<phoe> sorry, I'm still a bit tired
<defunkydrummer> phoe: i see...
<nij> reducers and transducers? (I'm still reading about them)
<defunkydrummer> leave the transducers to the electronic engineers
<defunkydrummer> nij: the problem is, Clojure introduces some slang for things that are better known by other names. I'd say this adds unnecessary difficulty
<nij> oh oh ok.
<ck_> oh yes .. in a way it is a good thing that Common Lisp has no single figure at the head of the organization
<defunkydrummer> nij: to put a simple example, on ALL lisps except Clojure, the ATOM is exactly the same concept in all those lisps. Not in Clojure. :S
<nij> I'm just curious. This is not particular about clojure.
<nij> I would like to collect many powerful "utilities".
<nij> (Like monads.)
<nij> (in mathematics.)
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<defunkydrummer> ooohh we have a HASKELLER here!!
<harlchen> >>=
* defunkydrummer presses the red button
* nij kicks himself out!
<phoe> monads in CL don't really work
<nij> no no no no no
<nij> I don't mean monad in haskell sense.
<phoe> ooooh
<nij> I mean the mathematical concept.. is really great.
<nij> (well at the end they are the same thing)
<nij> It's a notion that captures lots of thoughts in a slick way.
<defunkydrummer> nij: and now that we're at it, let's also leave the purity for the chemists
<nij> If you know about cohomology.. you'd appreciate more.
<nij> ok so besides threading.. what can I learn more?
<defunkydrummer> nij: and let's leave the "lazy evaluation" to careless teachers
<defunkydrummer> nij: i'm just joking while I wait for my food to arrive
<nij> loll
<defunkydrummer> nij: a nice introductory book to Common Lisp is "Practical Common Lisp" which can be read for free online. Which is a proof that Lispers are nice people.
<nij> haha
<phoe> defunkydrummer: hah
<nij> defunkydrummer: plz. Are there more slick notions that are nice to learn?
<phoe> slick notions, you mean syntax tricks?
<nij> Those that help you express yourself in a slicker way.
<defunkydrummer> Common Lisp: The language for Nice People (Trademark)
<ck_> paip is online now as well, isn't it
<phoe> Gentle is online, too
<defunkydrummer> ck_: i don't know... but that's a GREAT book
<phoe> it's good especially for people who have not programmed much
<phoe> and it starts from the very very beginning, so, hmmmmm
<defunkydrummer> nij: Take note: Paradigms In Artificial Programming: Case studies in Common Lisp, by Peter Seibel
<phoe> nij: if you're a mathematician, and you want to get to the bottom of all things, I wonder if you could benefit from gentle
<defunkydrummer> minion: tell nij about PAIP
<minion> nij: PAIP: Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming. More about Common Lisp than Artificial Intelligence. Now freely available at https://github.com/norvig/paip-lisp
<phoe> minion: tell nij about gentle
<minion> nij: please look at gentle: "Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation" is a smoother introduction to lisp programming. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/
<defunkydrummer> minion: tell nij about life, the universe and everything
<nij> PAIP yes the huge book
<minion> nij: you speak nonsense
<defunkydrummer> lol
<ck_> :o
<phoe> minion: wait what
<minion> watch out, you'll make krystof angry
<phoe> oh shit I never thought I'd see the way when minion gets aggressive
<phoe> s/way/day/
<defunkydrummer> nij: PAIP may be huge but it's rich in content, great book. Peter seibel is the director of AI research at Google!
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<defunkydrummer> minion: will you help me in spearheading the nascent movement to make Common Lisp a top 5 programming language by 2040? I believe this is eminently achievable given proper approaches.
<minion> will you help me in spearheading the nascent movement to make Common Lisp a top 5 programming language by 2040? I believe this is eminently achievable given proper approaches: An error was encountered in lookup: Parse error:URI "https://www.cliki.net/will%20you%20help%20me%20in%20spearheading%20the%20nascent%20movement%20to%20make%20Common%20Lisp%20a%20top%205%20programming%20language%20by%202040?%20I%20believe%20this%20is%20eminently%20achievable%20given%20p
<nij> lol
<phoe> okay defunkydrummer I think it might be time to calm down a bit
<defunkydrummer> sorry dad
<phoe> no problem son
<nij> loll
<phoe> let's just not abuse minion too much. it might be sentient.
<defunkydrummer> i got carried away by the emotion of trolling minion
<defunkydrummer> well back at clojure
<phoe> and the last thing you want is a sentient bot who knows who you are and what is your IP address.
<ck_> are you (eval-when '(:compile-toplevel))'ing yet, son?
<defunkydrummer> i congratulate every developer that chooses clojure over many other languages. It's a step forward. A stepping stone for the Real Deal, the Uncut Lisp
<defunkydrummer> ck_: wait, i'm your son too as well?
<phoe> defunkydrummer: well, Java was originally a stepping stone for Lisp... it kinda worked
* defunkydrummer is atreyu -- son of the people
* phoe gently nudges the familial relationships to #lispcafe
* defunkydrummer goes away to the lisp coffeeshop
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<defunkydrummer> bij: I hope you can read PAIP or PCL and get a good idea of how to use the language. I'd say PCL is an easier read
<defunkydrummer> nij; sorry, NIJ not BIJ
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<defunkydrummer> nij: there are many books of course.
<lotuseater> but not just so many all of them are very good
<lotuseater> sry, without NOT
<lotuseater> look at how much dozens of bad books for other stuff is out there
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<scymtym> mfiano: i don't whether this was said already, but after (setf (sb-ext:readtable-normalization *readtable*) nil) you get (char (symbol-name 'foo²) 3) => #\SUPERSCRIPT_TWO
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<scymtym> *don't know
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<roelj> Any recommendations for a HTML serializer for Common Lisp?
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<jcd> howdy yall, can someone tell me what the "in" function/operator does?
<Bike> there is no standard operator by that name. what context are you seeing it in?
<Bike> do you mean the loop keyword?
<jcd> yes!
<jcd> I just wanna know what exactly it does
<Bike> clhs
<Bike> basically it lets you iterate over a list.
<Bike> (loop for x in y do (print x)) prints the elements of the list y in order.
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<jcd> gotcha! thank you!
<Bike> glad to be of assistance
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<lotuseater> jcd: and across is the same for vectors
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<lotuseater> könnte jetzt auch schonmal das weltkompendium lesen
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<lotuseater> oh sry wrong window o_O
<ane> don't worry, a little bit of german every day keeps the doctor away
<lotuseater> yes German can be weird :D I'm waiting currently for a big download to finish
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<phoe> pëöplë cän wrïtë gërmän ïn änÿ längüägë thöügh
<lotuseater> hehe i like that. i remember that's one of the first exercises in "The TeXbook" by Don Knuth, finding an English word with äöü
<ane> hungarians eating pörkölt
<lotuseater> yes ane but every time i see Paul Erdös written via Tex with normal ö i'm mad
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<defunkydrummer> lotuseater: you're hungarian then?
<lotuseater> no, I'm German, but mathematicians names must be written correct :)
<ane> heh, did you know it should be written Erdős, not Erdös
<defunkydrummer> according to the lisp demographics, german might as well be the #2 official language of the Lisp community
<lotuseater> yes I meant that but don't have it in my layout. in TeX you can do \def\erdos{Erd\H os}
<ane> ö is a letter in its own right, by adding the acute accent to a hungarian vowel like á makes it a loong vowel. so, ö has its long variant, ő
<lotuseater> defunkydrummer: oh cool, but not in companies using it
<lotuseater> yes it's something like plural for status, i think in latin it's u declination, so becomes u with bar on top
<ane> but I agree with you, Erdös is good, Erdos is not
<lotuseater> for here it's totally ok
<lotuseater> but sorry i didn't want to go offtopic, have no lisp question atm
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<lotuseater> I wonder how complex it would be writing a game engine like that for Cyberpunk 2077 in CL :)
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<White_Flame> lotuseater: I don't know how much metaprogramming goes into one of those, as it appears it's a custom engine from cdpr, but lisp could be relatively simpler to write
<White_Flame> but of course, much of the work would be getting a smooth frame rate and foiling garbage collection being triggered
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<lotuseater> White_Flame: yes it's custom
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<lotuseater> John Carmack once has rewritten the wolfenstein3d engine in haskell, but I don't know how to do that stuff in lisp :( maybe combined with CEPL?
<no-defun-allowed> It would have used some 2d library to be a "faithful" port, as it did its own rasterization/raycasting, no?
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<lotuseater> ehm you ask questions :D
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<White_Flame> wolf3d was just a simple 8-bit framebuffer
<White_Flame> software renderer
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<lotuseater> the prototype for DOOM ^^ "Mein Leben!"
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<aeth> They didn't have hardware rendering on PC until Quake 1, and even then they couldn't assume that everyone would have it so they had to ship parallel software renderers for some time, e.g. Half-Life 1 in late 1998 iirc.
<aeth> (HL1 isn't an Id game, it's a Valve game, but it's based on Id's Quake engine)
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<lotuseater> ah cool to know
<saturn2> if you were going to write game engine that elaborate in lisp it would probably be worth your time to extend your lisp implementation with arena-based memory management
<Xach> quake 3 arena memory management?
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<lotuseater> saturn2: can you explain a little further plz?
<saturn2> similar to dynamic-extent except not as limited
<lotuseater> ah didn't know about that. but at writing games so much comes together, from higher maths to AI
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<no-defun-allowed> Do games do much allocation at runtime?
<lotuseater> now with SSD on PS5 (which I don't have) reloading is quite instant