Title: GitHub - skiphansen/panog2_linux: Prebuilt images for Linux for the Pano Logic G2 (at github.com)
the VexRISCV SMP email is exciting
is there info anywhere on how to use buildroot to compile the kernel / rootfs for linux-on-litex-vexriscv?
I tried the typical buildroot `make BR2_EXTERNAL=/home/dev/Code/linux-on-litex-vexriscv/buildroot/ menuconfig` but it doesn't pick anything up, I see BR2_EXTERNAL_LITEX_VEXRISCV_PATH mentioned in external.mk but it's not obvious where that should point to as `package` directory doesn't exist in the linux-on-litex-vexriscv dir
ah setting it also to the same dir and then manually loading the vexriscv defconfig works, needed to also manually create a .config symlink after the menuconfig
if someone could sanity check how I'm invoking that, i'll issue a PR to the readme
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mithro: No I hadn't noticed Charle's VexRISCV SMP ... my mind was blown enough with one processor!
shuffle2 has joined #litex
john_k[m]: Sending a PR to the readme would be great!
Skip: With how huge the panologic FPGA is, the issue is almost certainly going to be memory bandwidth
i'd like to use liteEth on lattice, and uart, whereever that lives. but i'm on windows, and dont really want to run the litex_setup.py script...is there a less hueg/gross way to use this subset? i've already used migen for other stuff, just not litex
We could probably do like a 32 way complex pretty easily
mithro: and 1/2 of the SDRAM isn't be used yet...
Skip: kgugala was working on that
shuffle2: You can just use them like any other Python module, but you need to make sure to update everything when you do
mithro: oh? interesting!
shuffle2: A virtualenv and litex_setup.py works pretty well
Title: Linux · timvideos/litex-buildenv Wiki · GitHub (at github.com)
I'll have to hook my Pano2 back up once I'm done with some ULX3s work
looks like some great progress has been mad
* looks like some great progress has been made
shuffle2, you could also just add them to pythonpath and import them as is
I have a deps/ directory with migen, litex and the other lite* repos checked out as git submodules and an __init__.py that reads like this: https://paste.jvnv.net/view/Fp5KI
@sajattack[m] : I do not have any experience with vexriscv. Once I boot up Linux on FPGA, I will try to compare BP with Rocket and potentially Vex.
I also printed the opcode (msr_read(mbadaddr)) which is adba2acf. Not sure where this opcode comes from. I printed the memory starting from 0x8000_0000 until end of bbl in trap function. It seems legit (i.e. matches with bbl dump and does not contain weird opcode)
missing a fence.i somewhere and reading garbage from the i$?
This guy had a similar issue. He noticed that bss area was not clear before the boot-up. bss size looks 0 byte in my case so I do not think this is the problem. However, it tells me that illegal instruction trap may be misleading here.
Does it fail exactly the same way each time?
@daveshah yes it is deterministic
@sorear would not it cause issues on Simulation too?
you mean spike/etc or verilator/etc?
Deterministic is good, that significantly reduces the likelihood that its something like marginal DDR3 or timing
maybe change something unrelated in a lower-address function to perturb the addresses, and see what changes?
will give it a shot
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