sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
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Well, my first exposure to C# (to port the programmer for my dev board to the command line) lulled me into a false sense of security that it would be easy to port. Spent more time debugging race conditions after turning on optimizations than I did porting the damn thing.
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[artiq] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to new-py2llvm:
artiq/new-py2llvm c89bf6f whitequark: Add support for UnaryOp.
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m-labs/artiq#204 (new-py2llvm - c89bf6f : whitequark): The build is still failing.
sb0: I think I'm missing something, but... [item for sublist in list for item in sublist], do you have a code snippet demonstrating that? It's been a while, but I thought [item for sublist in list for item in sublist] WAS correct o.0;
or whitequark... anyone who gets it can answer this XD
yes, it's correct
Okay, that's what I thought. Started second guessing myself lol.
sb0: Any known cases where Migen will generate invalid Verilog (or alternatively, valid Verilog where vendor tools won't accept it)?
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cr1901_modern: a pretty trivial one is if you give it an invalid slicing, it'll reproduce that.
just made it spit out s[64:63] earlier by getting my loop indices wrong.
er, 63:64
I made Migen generate a concatenation that was subsequently indexed in an assignment expression
e.g. assign {a, b, c, d}[0] = my_wire;, where a,b,c,d are prev. defined
cr1901_modern, can you fill in a issue on github?
I don't guarantee I'll fix it because this sort of verilog problem tends to piss me off more than anything else, but at least those are documented
Yea it's fine. I could also very well be doing something wrong.
bah, {a, b, c, d}[0] = my_wire should be a valid expression
Yea, then it's Xilinx's fault then.
I mean, it makes sense. but the verilog standard often does not.
For my dev board platform, I defined the GPIO/SRAM bus in terms of SRAM subsignals. As I'm writing the mux, I wanted to convert the SRAM record into a bus in Migen- manipulate it as an array. Migen is replacing EVERY instance of pads.raw_bits() with the concatenation of {a, b, c, d}.
yeah, so?
Well, I didn't know that was valid Verilog until 2 minutes ago >>
and I thought the "correct" thing to do would've been to do an intermediate assignment to a bus
e.g. my_bus = {a,b,c,d}; assign my_bus[0] = my_wire;
that won't work because raw_bits() is bidirectional
Oh... good point lol
and yes, if verilog cannot slice concatenations, you have to write a transform that looks at each slicing of a concatenation, figure out the direction, and inserts appropriate intermediate signals and assignments
which is annoying as hell for such a small detail
And that would make the {a,b,c,d}[0] form necessary... not all of the lines with that expression fail in my example.
And indeed: a, b, c, and d are not all the same direction
ah yeah, for those cases it's even worse, you have to break the slice yourself...
I'm making a test gist now (f***ing Tab Errors)
put it in the issue tracker
sb0: Done. Linked to relevant gist as well, as well as generated Verilog and Xilinx output, so you don't have to build it.
* cr1901_modern
is away for a bit
cr1901_modern, ok, thanks!
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sb0: do you have a log/link to florent's and your discussion about the shared L2 cache?
rjo_, hmm, it was private emails in French
but my latest email should tell you the essential points
;) ok.
so do i get this right: you want to improve the current mailbox interface and widen it + speed it up.
yeah, the current design is ugly (and I suspect, buggy)
the mailbox itself is just passing pointers, the CPUs are using shared memory
naively i would just do a ~1.5 kB sized (ethernet frame) BRAM-backed, shared, mmapped window.
for data exchange
for code exchange still the shared/independently cached dram + flushing
the CPUs have to share memory anyway for loading kernels
and using the same shared memory mechanism for comms remove any need for serialization by the kernel CPU
you can just pass any pointer to any structure
ok. that does break the layering principle a bit and the comms cpu now needs to understand the data to do the serialization.
isn't this still very much like regular DMA? how is the cache coherency thing solved in the usual DMA scenarios?
flush the caches or access them via multiported memory to dma to/from them in parallel
ack. lasmi gives you the "multiport/parallel access/arbitration". and you are saying that cache flusing is expensive and could be avoided?
ysionneau, what are cairo, cairoplot3, pycairo still doing in artiq/conda ? remove
and pygobject
rjo_, wishbone has it as well and is simpler
some of the cache flushing could be avoided, yes
all requires implementing a protocol like MSI and digging deep into the mor1kx code
sb0: are those L2 caches preserving the ordering of the writes (in time or in address) if they commit?
what do you mean?
anyway, I need to go. see you!
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if they preserve ordering could you not just do a ring buffer style thing and then the atomicity/coherence only needs to happen in the pointers?
see you.
[artiq] fallen pushed 1 new commit to master:
artiq/master 2ed81f7 Yann Sionneau: conda: remove recipes we dont need anymore since the switch to Qt