sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
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<nic30> Hello, i have problem with migen, i would like to create handshake interface and i basic examples it works but when i try something more complicated migen puts reg at component outputs. Is there way to force migen to use multiplexor output rather than output with reg ?
<nic30> from migen.fhdl.std import * from migen.fhdl.specials import SynthesisDirective from migen.fhdl import verilog from migen.genlib.cdc import * from migen.genlib.record import * from migen.sim.generic import run_simulation
<nic30> # i will copy rather line by line....
<nic30> from migen.fhdl.std import *
<nic30> from migen.fhdl.specials import SynthesisDirective
<nic30> from migen.fhdl import verilog
<nic30> from migen.genlib.cdc import *
<nic30> from migen.genlib.record import *
<nic30> from migen.sim.generic import run_simulation
<nic30> layout_axis = [
<nic30> ("data", DATA_WIDTH, DIR_M_TO_S),
<nic30> ("strb", DATA_WIDTH // 8, DIR_M_TO_S),
<nic30> ("last", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
<nic30> ("valid", 1, DIR_M_TO_S),
<nic30> ("ready", 1, DIR_S_TO_M)
<nic30> ]
<nic30> class hs_conection:
<nic30> def __init__(self, src, dst):
<nic30> self.src = src
<nic30> sory for code fragment now it is on github
<nic30> my problem is that slave_valid and master_ready have reg, i need them to by just combinational. What iam doing wrong?
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<GitHub161> [artiq] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to new-py2llvm:
<GitHub161> artiq/new-py2llvm 7cd6011 whitequark: Add typechecking for most builtin.
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<GitHub122> [misoc] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub122> misoc/master a1e3fb1 Joe Britton: use serial_for_url
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<sb0> hi cr1901_modern
<sb0> did you get my last email about your patch?
<cr1901_modern> sb0: I haven't had power for the past 3 days, so I haven't read it
* cr1901_modern doesn't have smart devices and a shitty national electric grid
<sb0> what country is that?
<cr1901_modern> Good ol' USA, New Jersey specifically
<sb0> lol
<cr1901_modern> New Jersey got hit with a storm that took out 200,000+ resident's power on Tuesday (for perspective, this is more homes without than the last hurricane to reach land). I was one of them.
<cr1901_modern> In any case, I read your email. I ran the source file through an online PEP checker, which apparently sucks, since you still had issues with it.
<sb0> ime flake8 works pretty well and isn't a pain to install
<cr1901_modern> Will fix. In the meantime, this whole experience makes me realize I take power for granted. Need to find a way to generate my own power. At least enough to power a small fridge :/
<sb0> rjo, I cannot flash any of the pipistrello boards with xc3sprog. have you used other tools successfully?
<sb0> ah, it works with fpgaprog
<sb0> xc3sprog is remarkably buggy ...
<sb0> blergh, and you cannot flash an arbitrary binary with fpgaprog without flashing the main bitstream as well
<sb0> also, they _had_ to use a different communication protocol with the proxy bitstream, of course
<sb0> why makes things simple
<sb0> *make
<sb0> next in today's lovely bugs: accessing the pipistrello sdram too fast makes my laptop drop the USB power
<sb0> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
<GitHub51> [artiq] whitequark pushed 2 new commits to new-py2llvm:
<GitHub51> artiq/new-py2llvm 71256a7 whitequark: Assignment rhs is typed before lhs.
<GitHub51> artiq/new-py2llvm e07057c whitequark: Add range types.
<GitHub181> [artiq] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to new-py2llvm:
<GitHub181> artiq/new-py2llvm ea0d11b whitequark: Allow also passing iterables to lists.
<GitHub123> [artiq] fallen pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub123> artiq/master c381102 Yann Sionneau: manual: fix faq item title about determining pyserial URL by serial number
<ysionneau> rjo: (artiq_flash) set -v seems very very verbose :o
<ysionneau> maybe you meant set -x
<ysionneau> ?
<ysionneau> this kind of feature seems to output way too much, I fear it can get the user lost
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#254 (master - c381102 : Yann Sionneau): The build passed.
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<whitequark> ha, nist finally retracted Dual_EC_DRBG
<rjo> sb0: yeah. my jtag-spi-proxy works with two tools, there are some comments in the code.
<rjo> sb0: xc3sprog and pipistrello works fine here. it is entirely possible that my jtag-spi-proxy does not re-implement all the bugs that xc3sprog relies on.
<rjo> ;)
<rjo> ysionneau: ack. i will make it set -x
<rjo> ysionneau: i was getting annoyed by the fact that if xc3sprog fails to find the bitstream/proxy/bitstream it simply exits cleanly.
<rjo> ysionneau: the verbosity is similar for -x and -v just that one has pluses.
<GitHub101> [artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub101> artiq/master 07ceed9 Robert Jordens: back down on verbosity
<ysionneau> rjo: -x only prints lines which are executed
<ysionneau> -v prints everything afaik
<ysionneau> but yes -x is also very verbose :/
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<ysionneau> maybe I can add an error message for the situation you reported
<rjo> ysionneau: imho fixing at least that case in xc3sprog would be nice.
<ysionneau> "in xc3sprog" ?
<ysionneau> can't I just do if [ -f ] to test for file existence in the shell script?
<ysionneau> proxy existence is already tested btw, and should print an error message in case file does not exist
<rjo> yes. but that does not solve the bug in xc3sprog that it should not exit cleanly if it fails.
<rjo> it is actually more and fragile code in than in xc3sprog.
<ysionneau> sure, xc3sprog has many defects
<ysionneau> but it's easier for us to patch our own code, than patching an external tool
<rjo> xc3sprog seems to be accepting patches afaict. it seems cleaner to fix bugs in code than to work around them. even if the code is broken in other places.
<rjo> sb0: i would like to make experiments have "from artiq.language import *" instead of "from artiq ...". with the later it is not clear that the "*" are exclusively language elements used to write experiments and not things like worker/master/ui etc.
<sb0> rjo, does the runtime boot on your pipistrello?
<sb0> it crashes at startup here, but that could be related to the USB power issues
<rjo> boots here
<rjo> using the binaries from conda.
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