[artiq] jordens commented on issue #1149: I think I have seen the window reduce from about +-5 to about +-4 to systematically +-3 around the time of each of the two frequency changes. I didn't narrow it down. https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/1149#issuecomment-419718863
[artiq] cjbe commented on issue #1149: I see this on 4 out of 4 boards I tested (2x hw-rev 1.1, 2x hw-rev 1.0). On all boards this error occurred on every reboot. Moving back to a build just before the CPU frequency changes (i.e. just before ea71a0491bf91a415ef4aa1cbabc479cd419d9ad) this problem is not present.... https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/1149#issuecomment-419726098