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<cr1901> whitequark: In nmigen, what is the purpose of BuildPlan.extract compared to nmigen? Doing a quick grep of nmigen, I can't find it used anywhere (but I know it was used b/c there was a Windows bug tickled in that function)
<cr1901> crap... I meant BuildProducts.extract
<cr1901> compared to BuildProducts.get
<whitequark> it's used in nmigen_boards
<cr1901> Oh, and I even wrote code that USED it
<cr1901> go figure
<zignig> whitequark, cr1901 greetings.
<zignig> managed to get a big win on my Boneless set up last night. Serial echo.
<cr1901> I heard, nice work :)
<cr1901> Got the logic ported, but... the counter is counting
<zignig> nice , it that going to be for the PMOD dual 7seg ?
<cr1901> yes
<cr1901> the counter is NOT counting8
<cr1901> *
<whitequark> zignig: cool!
<zignig> it was so exciting actually getting a ascii char back...
<zignig> I have not written much assembly , but having a compare immediate (CMPI) would save a lot of register shuffling.
<zignig> and the Extened jumps ( flag on the C class ) is not exposed in the ISA.
<whitequark> zignig: there IS a CMPI instruction
<whitequark> is it missing somewhere?
<whitequark> page 15 of the manual mentions it
<whitequark> zignig: oh, I see the problem
<whitequark> I never actually pushed the "v3" core
<whitequark> that has quite a few changes since "v2", which is what you're working with
<whitequark> I'm going to return to that soon
<zignig> whitequark: looking forward to it. Luckily the assembler gets is commands straight out of the arch/
<zignig> the assembler works at the moment but it still needs lots of TLC , it's not very friendly.
<whitequark> zignig: yup sure. feel free to poke me once a week or two if i don't get around to it
<whitequark> i have a lot of the code to do it locally, it's just not in very good shape yet
<whitequark> and it would be more compact to boot
<zignig> should be able to fit 16 bonelesses on a tinyBX , boneless tesseract.
* zignig Mwhahaha
<whitequark> if I get it down to 350 LUTs then it could be more like 24 of them
<whitequark> not sure if I could
<zignig> the uart I ported is pretty fat ( 200 luts ) , i need to do some reading , but I recall you saying that it could be simplified down to shiftregisters and some flags.
<whitequark> I think an UART can be done in something like 50 LUTs.
<whitequark> could probably try it now?
<whitequark> well, it depends on how fast you're clocking it, of course
<zignig> 9600 8n1 , it's the LAW !
<whitequark> no, I mean, what is your system clock
<whitequark> since the size of the divider will depend on that
<zignig> 16Mhz default clock on the tinybx.
<whitequark> if your system clock is 100 MHz and you need 9600, you will spend 28 LUTs just on the divider
<whitequark> if I'm counting correctly
<zignig> speaking of which , is nMigen going to have PLL and WARMBOOT primatives ?
<whitequark> you can use them as instances right now
<zignig> I've not tried it, but an Instance should work.
<cr1901> whitequark: Are you supposed to pass the clk down to submodules explicitly?
<zignig> do you have code for said uart ? or is it speculative at this point ?
<whitequark> zignig: I'm writing it right now
<whitequark> hence "I think"
<cr1901> m = Module()
<cr1901> = ClockDomain()
<cr1901> doesnt seem to be enough
<cr1901> in the output verilog I get the clock for that module tied to 0
<whitequark> cr1901: the domain propagation in nmigen works the same as in migen, other than domains are not created implicitly
<whitequark> in general, you need to create one sync domain at the top, and drive it there
* zignig is not sure if whitequark is a team of clones or an individual ;)
<whitequark> this really needs to happen as a part of platform, similar to the default_clk thing... but it's not done yet
<cr1901> I did, and the children don't receive a working clock
<cr1901> I'll post the code hang on
<whitequark> zignig: you have -no idea-
<zignig> hehe
<zignig> cr1901: m.d.comb += ClockSignal().eq(clk12) needs to be ---.eq(clk12.i)
<zignig> otherwise you are not getting a wiggling signal.
<whitequark> zignig: that actually should work
<whitequark> because a record of one field behaves exactly like that same field
<zignig> oh ok, good to know.
<cr1901> not to mention the top module's sync logic is firing
<cr1901> confirmed on LED breakout
<whitequark> gimme a sec
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<whitequark> cr1901: so the problem is that you're not using clock domains correctly.
<whitequark> two ClockDomain() objects means two clock domains.
<whitequark> and you are only driving the clock for one of them (in Top, but not in DigitToSegments)
<cr1901> 1. what should the code look like?
<cr1901> 2. DigitsToSegments was developed first. So I put the clock domain object in deliberate to debug it separately and check that the RTLIL looked kosher >>
<cr1901> I understand normally users don't need to do that, but is the correct solution to always remove the clock domain from submodules once you're done testing them in isolation?
<whitequark> you can test them without creating a domain explicitly
<whitequark> consider examples/basic/
* cr1901 nods
<cr1901> Awesome, the example is now working
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<cr1901> decent example of most nmigen features
<zignig> nice work.
<cr1901> in 150 lines
<cr1901> Missing If Else Elif, but blinky takes care of that
<zignig> one of the things that I have been playing with is the 'gizmo' that will automatically bind a device to boneless ext_io
<whitequark> that's basically misoc
<zignig> having pmod gizmos would be cool , with the seven segment you just say d = DualSevenSegment(pmod=2) and tada it's attached.
<zignig> whitequark: indeed, I like rewriting things from scratch so I understand it better...
<whitequark> zignig: finished the uart. 57 LUT
<zignig> wow ! , keen to try.
<whitequark> ok, 59 with frame and overflow error support
<whitequark> that's pretty close
<cr1901> I haven't found a use for the pmod ext yet, even for gpio. I should've written down my feelings when they were fresh. Making my own custom pmods that have subsignal names more closely matching the PMODs purpose feels more ergonomic
* zignig yoinks
<zignig> whitequark: can I add it to the gizmotron ? what lic. are you using ?
<whitequark> zignig: that will probably be another nmigen example
<whitequark> so same as nmigen
<zignig> coolies.
* zignig will test when I get home.
<whitequark> zignig: actually there's a bug
<zignig> uh oh
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<whitequark> line 60 shouldn't have +1
<whitequark> let me just fix it and commit it to nmigen
<whitequark> done
<zignig> nice, amazing work.
<_whitenotifier-3> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<_whitenotifier-3> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark 2b92f12 - examples: add concise UART example.
<zignig> my long term plan with my Boneless work is to have an interactive console running in the FPGA that can call out the host PC and request new gateware.
<zignig> save state, upload new image , boot , return to state with new hardware attached.
<whitequark> sure
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] Success. 80.77% remains the same compared to 6f4e315 -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] Success. Coverage not affected when comparing 6f4e315...2b92f12 -
<zignig> whitequark: if you are so inclined, can you post/commit the dirty version of the v3 Boneless core, would really like to bash my tiny brain against it.
<whitequark> zignig: maybe.
<whitequark> i don't remember what state it's in though
<zignig> will try my luck :)
<whitequark> also need opcode_v3
<zignig> ok
* zignig should plan REM sleep in advance, reaches for the rectangle of evil.
<whitequark> zignig: oh yeah, it looks like the decoder only has ALSR instructions hooked up at all
<zignig> still , from a quick glance you have made it significantly more compact , the arbiter can squidge it better than the i_<stuff> signal collection.
<whitequark> yes.
<whitequark> actually, the cost estimate I have in the spreadsheet is 263 LCs
<whitequark> but that's a bit too low
<zignig> +UART and a tethered serial monitor in less that 600 luts for any board in nmigen_boards repo , smells like a stilleto to me.
<zignig> whitequark: one other thing that struck me a few weeks ago; is making Elaboratable so it can be observed and all the state changes get funneled into a formalzing interface.
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<zignig> that way debugging state maps becomes a python decorator.
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<whitequark> zignig: i have absolutely no idea what any of that menas
<whitequark> *means
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<zignig> whitequark: ok , just know that I'm enjoying building stuff.
<whitequark> alright
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<mtrbot-ml_> [mattermost] <sb10q> got my homebuilt SFPI to work :) unfortunately it seems the piezo broke after a few minutes...
<mtrbot-ml_> [mattermost] <sb10q> there's voltage on the electrodes, and tapping on the cavity produces bursts of pulses on the photodiode so it looks like there's something damaged in the ceramic
<mtrbot-ml_> [mattermost] <sb10q> i'm using a piezo ring that is normally used in ultrasonic cleaners
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<Astro-> zynq eth rx/tx works with loopback_local; I wonder if it would emit packets on the zc706 instead of the cora. @sb0: is ethernet plugged in? can I tshark/tcpdump on it?
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<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] peteut opened issue #110: IO Buffer Instantiation Override -
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<sb00000> Yes it's plugged to the lan switch
<cr1901> sb00000 sounds like a new CPU arch that's only related to the previous variant "sb0" by name only
<cr1901> and it's ten thousand times better
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<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] peteut opened pull request #111: build.plat: fix dedent overrides. -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] codecov[bot] commented on pull request #111: build.plat: fix dedent overrides. -
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<cr1901> sb10q: It's nothing urgent, but would you mind logging into IRC later so I could privmsg you?
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #110: IO Buffer Instantiation Override -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark commented on pull request #111: build.plat: fix dedent overrides. -
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