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<Gues18> Hello maemo leste devs & users,  this is the first time I use irc.
<Gues18> I updated my d4 today and it does not pass the bootloader, I always try to have it updated, I saw that there was an update for the kernel, turn off and turn on the phone and nothing, it does not pass the bootloader :(
<Gues18> What can it be? Thanks
<Gues18> Maybe it was just a bad update (︶︹︺).
<Gues18> I did the usual
<Gues18> sudo apt update
<Gues18> sudo apt dist-upgrade
<t_rex> I'd check towards the end of /var/log/boot
<Gues18> Ok I will see the log :)
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<Gues18> Nothing sus, my cell phone turned off due to low battery just in that update, maybe the micro sd was damaged or some files were damaged.
<Gues18> I can wait a few weeks, thanks for the help (⌒_⌒;)
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<kek> IMbackK edited a repository:
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<uvos> parazyd: where is "gbp:error: upstream/0.7-363-59fc250d41 is not a valid treeish" coming from on Trojita?
<uvos> (Trojita-source)
<parazyd> Missing gbp.conf
<parazyd> Set it up like we use it everywhere
<uvos> thx
<uvos> debian packaging....
<parazyd> :)
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<uvos> parazyd: dosent appear to have changed anything
<Entitlement> uvos - [ add gbp.conf · maemo-leste-extras/Trojita@d5ed4bd · GitHub ]
<parazyd> Now push the tag
<parazyd> 0.7.1
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<uvos> id rather use a hash how to i get it accept 5e360a11?
<parazyd> Maybe tru upstream-tag=<sha1> in gbp.conf
<parazyd> Not sure if it'll work
<parazyd> But you can simply tag 0.7.1 on that commit
<uvos> sure but id rather not mangle the upstream version
<uvos> a real 0.7.1 might be released
<uvos> anyhow ill build it as 0.7.1
<uvos> for now
<uvos> W: GPG error: beowulf InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 545FEC4E0927F6FD
<Entitlement> uvos - [ Directory Index - Maemo Leste ]
<uvos> wee
<uvos> thats at least not my fault :P
<Wizzup> yikes, did it really expire again?
<Wizzup> didn't we set it to last much longer?
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<parazyd> uvos: It's a glitch that happens sometime in the chroot. I don't know why. Just rebuild.
<parazyd> Wizzup: Yeah, until 2023
<sicelo> how convenient! just when i have a bit of time to work on linux/arm, my card reader develops a fault :p
<Wizzup> :/
<sicelo> ah, i mean sd card reader on laptop - at least.
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<sicelo> at least managed to boot 5.12-rc7 now :)
<Wizzup> :)
<sicelo> i think i won't be playing with off mode for now, until i can get serial. if it takes too long, might try working with `init=/bin/sh`, but i guess that would be quite tricky
<sicelo> tmlind: i did built with the gpio patch included. but i don't really have much to report, since i haven't got things ready enough for off mode
<Entitlement> uvos - [ Trojita/control at maemo/beowulf · maemo-leste-extras/Trojita · GitHub ]
<uvos> any idea why it dosent appear in ham?
<uvos> anyhow trojita modifyed with kinetic scrolling (except the webview - it cant do that atm) is now in extra
<sicelo> section is invalid, that's why
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<sicelo> should be user/office
<uvos> uff thats dumb
<Entitlement> sicelo - [ Documentation/Maemo 5 Developer Guide/Packaging, Deploying and Distributing - ma... ]
<uvos> hildon should just put it in all if it cant identify the string
<uvos> *ham
<sicelo> theres no such 'all' section though
<uvos> there is all (wich is an aggregate) and other
<sicelo> ok
<uvos> puting it nowere because it cant recongize the string is daft
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<sicelo> i'm not saying it shouldn't be changed ... but it does what it was meant to do, at least back then :p
<sicelo> this is interesting ... that off-mode patch Wizzup - when i look at it, it should apply as is. wonder why it doesn't though. i changed the starting line number from 136 to 131, but git apply reports "error while searching for" ...
<sicelo> oh well. i'll just put it in manually, because i can see where it needs to go
<sicelo> yay, that built,
<sicelo> 000017ff 48005020 (89032443) cm_idlest_per blocking bits: 0007e800
<sicelo> f7df7fbd 48004a20 (2dc0dcf3) cm_idlest1_core blocking bits: 00208042
<sicelo> 00000009 48004a28 (6a1e610e) cm_idlest3_core blocking bits: 00000004
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<sicelo> so blockers (with wifi, touchscreen, and rgb led drivers unloaded) appear to be ST_SDRC, ST_OMAPCTRL and ST_I2C1
<sicelo> RET/OFF not changing one bit :p
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<parazyd> Soon :p
<freemangordon> (tm) :p
<parazyd> hehe
<tmlind> maybe it's an announcement of an n900 adapter for vintage mini cars? :)
<sicelo> heh
<tmlind> sicelo: build a kernel with that debug patch, will dump you out the same regs from my system that is idling in few mins
<sicelo> thanks. would be nice to compare - i already did build with the debug patch - that last output was from there - but i am yet to investigate more deeply to find out what it is on ST_SDRC, OMAPCTRL or I2C1 which is responsible for this failure to get to OFF mode
<tmlind> # sleep 5; tail -n3 /sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/count
<tmlind> 00019fff 48005020 (811c68e6) cm_idlest_per blocking bits: 00066000
<tmlind> f7ffffbd 48004a20 (7f306d12) cm_idlest1_core blocking bits: 00000042
<tmlind> 0000000d 48004a28 (5bb6c554) cm_idlest3_core
<sicelo> and you're hitting off mode?
<tmlind> this with v5.12-rc6 and omap2plus_defconfig, no modules loaded
<tmlind> should it off about once a minute or so, very rarely
<tmlind> core_pwrdm (ON),OFF:2,RET:310,INA:0,ON:313,RET-LOGIC-OFF:0,RET-MEMBANK1-OFF:0,RET-MEMBANK2-OFF:0
<sicelo> nice - i don't even need it to get to off mode a lot, but once in a while, at least :)
<sicelo> maybe my userspace is part of the problem - debian/systemd
<tmlind> lsmod shows: rtc_twl twl4030_wdt watchdog
<tmlind> could be, but you do have several extra blocking bits
<tmlind> did you idle the uarts?
<tmlind> detach kernel console and idle uarts i mean
<sicelo> yes, i ran the idle uarts function from droid4-pm as is
<sicelo> for my config, i do have wl1251 and lp5523 enabled as modules, but i've unloaded both of them
<sicelo> those are the only config changes i have
<tmlind> siceloa: at least usb is blocking, see your cm_idlest3_core bit[2]
<sicelo> maybe i should unload the twl_battery something ... but it's part of omap2plus
<sicelo> ah, gnokia maybe
<tmlind> in cm_idlest1_core, it shows i2c1 and mcspi4 blocking, the 0x42 part is ok to have
<tmlind> also cm_idlest_per has some extra bits listed
<tmlind> mcspi seems to be the tsc2005 touchscreen module
<sicelo> i unloaded tsc2005
<tmlind> well then that bit should stop blocking
<Wizzup> sicelo: how do you interface with the n900?
<sicelo> at first was using wifi, now i just use it directly
<tmlind> sicelo: lcd needs to be blanked, so you need to blank and wait then read
<sicelo> yes i do blank it.
<tmlind> ok
<sicelo> cat 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
<tmlind> ok
<sicelo> s/cat/echo/ :)
<tmlind> heh
<sicelo> so i blank the device, and wait a bit, then i check count (screen on for the checking). maybe i should try with screen off? in that case, would running `sleep` prevent off mode?
<sicelo> cm_idletest_per = 0x7e000, cm_idletest1_core = 0x18042, cm_idletest3_core = 0x4
<tmlind> rmmod omap2430 should clear the cm_idletest3_core bit
<tmlind> yeah screen on will show the lcd related bits
<tmlind> well actually omapdrm related bits
<tmlind> well actually dss related bits in hardware terms
<sicelo> unloaded twl_madc and twl_charger. now cm_idletest1_core=0x8042. will rmmod oma2430 now
<sicelo> no change. still cm_idletest_per = 0x7e000, cm_idletest1_core = 0x8042, cm_idletest3_core = 0x4
<tmlind> any *hci modules loaded?
<siceloa> no. i didn't even build the driver, plus it's in blacklist
<siceloa> let me load wifi so i can get an lsmod
<sicelo> here's my long lsmod,
<Entitlement> sicelo - [ debian Pastezone ]
<sicelo> i see i should unload tsc.._core :)
<Wizzup> I'd try to have it not load anything and then just load the required stuff from busybox as init
<Wizzup> drm also requires more sophisticated methods of blanking if I recall correctly
<tmlind> at least rmmod ohci_platform and ehci-omap3
<tmlind> sorry echi_omap
<sicelo> thanks. that cleared cm_idletest3_core
<sicelo> :)
<sicelo> parazyd: could just be me, but 'Explore' is somewhat non-obvious at , making it look like there's no way to see the git repos without registering
<Entitlement> sicelo - [ Devuan Git Store ]
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<uvos> sicelo: maybe you have to blank via drm
<uvos> sicelo: not sure it makes a difference
<uvos> sicelo: i wrote a program that blanks via drm in console
<uvos> sec
<Entitlement> uvos - [ drm_blankscreen/main.c at master · IMbackK/drm_blankscreen · GitHub ]
<uvos> at least on d4 i have to do that to get it to sleep in console
<uvos> altho cat 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank might work just a well
<uvos> idk
<sicelo> yes i was using /sys for now
<uvos> ok
<uvos> well fb0 is a different kernel subsystem thats emulated by drm more or less
<uvos> so idk if it works the same
<sicelo> will look at your program
<parazyd> sicelo: Yeah it's a caveat of the design unfortunately. I think it's not trivial to change it, but I can ask
<siceloa> At the least, the ' sign in' and 'explore' in that sentence could be made hyperlinks. No further adjustments necessary
<parazyd> Yeah
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<parazyd> I think it's all embedded into the binary
<parazyd> But I'll let the maintainers know
<parazyd> Maybe they can change it
<siceloa> Sure:-)
<uvos> btw parazyd did you try the hildon shortcuts on pp?
<uvos> i just guest that the volume buttons are that
<uvos> or wizzup
<uvos> vol up should be vkb and vol down should be the left hildon button
<parazyd> No, I sidetracked with some project
<parazyd> But I will, this weekend
<uvos> thanks
<parazyd> (Provided my pinephone turns on)
<parazyd> I might've fried it recently
<uvos> why wouldent it?
<uvos> \watt\per\meter\per\kelvin
<uvos> ups
<parazyd> I shorted it by accident on a lab psu
<uvos> oh ok
<uvos> we should have a repo/wiki page where we put some information about the devices we support
<uvos> would be helpfull for me with mce and udev stuff
<uvos> things like tree /sys
<uvos> and udevadm info -x
<parazyd> Each device has its page
<uvos> i know
<parazyd> Could just be added there
<uvos> to long
<uvos> is the thing
<uvos> udevadm info -x is \killo\meters long
<parazyd> We can attach files I think
* parazyd bbl, not home atm
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<Entitlement> uvos - [ Proper fullscreen support · Issue #18 · maemo-leste/bugtracker · GitHub ]
<uvos> more information on the fullscreen bug
<uvos> in case someone wants to pick this up
<uvos> (hint hint :P)
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