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<parazyd> uvos: Thank you. I'll check it out later
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<Wizzup> morning!
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<uvos> parazyd: sre wrote a patch to fix the mmap() problem allready
<uvos> and it works great
<Wizzup> great
<parazyd> Is this a kernel patch? (Can't open the link atm, on phone)
<uvos> parazyd: yes
<parazyd> Awesome
<uvos> parazyd: kernel now just updates the display when the fb page gets dirtied
<parazyd> I'll make sure to include it
<uvos> parazyd: this way every normal fb app works with no modyfication or custom ioctls
<uvos> so is even better than what i wanted
<parazyd> :)
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<parazyd> hildon-desktop-fb when? :p
<uvos> x11 has a fbdev backend
<uvos> so if you like....
<parazyd> btw I remember seeing some vkb for framebuffer
<parazyd> I'll try to find it
<uvos> osk-sdl?
<parazyd> It could be useful to have it in the system
<parazyd> Maybe, I don't remember the name exacyly
<uvos> we could add that to the emergency runlevel on ts only device
<uvos> s
<parazyd> Yeah exactly
<Wizzup> I don't understand why we could not go for X + him
<uvos> in rescue mode?
<uvos> you want to assume x works?
<Wizzup> with fbdev backend, sure
<uvos> and then you need a xterminal too
<uvos> sounds like a terribe idea to me tbh
<Wizzup> I am not sure why we would want to have multiple virtual keyboards, though
<Wizzup> but ok, I'm not super against, just don't get it
<uvos> the kernel console is going to be the most reliable thing possible
<Wizzup> rescue mode to me would probably be print some info and allow a laptop/computer to attach and fix things
<uvos> we could print sutch stuff too
<uvos> but a simple shell is very helpfull
<uvos> if you f**k the system up by accident
<parazyd> Yeah I'm very much pro the fb shell
<parazyd> Because X can be broken or whatever
<parazyd> That's why on bionic/pp this kind of vkb is useful
<uvos> yeah you can easly get stuck by adding a syntax error to xorg.conf for insance
<parazyd> btw there is also a ticket for it on the bugtracker iirc
<Wizzup> as long as usbnet is available
<parazyd> Also maybe it will be useful for a smaller initramfs when it comes to full disk encryption
<parazyd> Because X could be avoided
<Wizzup> I don't think that's how we wanted to approach that
<Wizzup> (a year+ ago)
<uvos> i think for fde we should wirte a fb app that just shows a pin entry or something like that
<uvos> but no strong optionion
<Wizzup> we have a pinentry X applet that uses hildon already
<Wizzup> so it will look the same, use the correct themes, and it works without hildon-desktop
<uvos> Wizzup: thats right
<Wizzup> we use this also for unlocking the sim
<Wizzup> and lockcode, etc
<uvos> Wizzup: but your not suggesting we shove x and pinenty into initramfs
<uvos> so we would need an unlocked rootfs for that to work
<Wizzup> I haven't given it too much thought, but I am not too afraid of having X in an initramfs
<uvos> and pvr userspace too?
<uvos> this gets crazy fast
<uvos> x has many dependancys
<Wizzup> I don't think we need pvr for pinentry
<uvos> yes we do
<uvos> x wont start
<Wizzup> On fbdev?
<uvos> yeah on fbdev it would
<uvos> but its to slow
<uvos> imo
<Wizzup> I know it's somewhat crazy, just not sure how crazy it is
<Wizzup> I'd like to at least investigate it some before discarding it alltogether
<uvos> i mean we could have a small unlock rootfs with just that stuff
<Wizzup> pinentry doesn't require much animations
<uvos> but iniramfs is out of the question i think
<Wizzup> oh, I see
<Wizzup> my laptop atm has a 200MB initramfs (don't ask, modules and firmware)
<Wizzup> it works fine, but my laptop has plenty of ram I suppose
<Wizzup> (I agree it's not pretty, I need to move back to my custom kernel)
<uvos> Wizzup: its slow in the sense that charing sdl takes 500ms to render a frame
<uvos> _SLOW_
<Wizzup> how does that happen
<uvos> not sure
<Wizzup> feels like that can be improved tbh
<uvos> but you can do cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb0 and see it too
<Wizzup> I've used X with fbdev in the past and it's not that terrible, so maybe something is going wrong
<Wizzup> given that directfb can also render videos at decent fps on /dev/fb0
<uvos> idk
<Wizzup> or, could, anyway :p
<uvos> yeah on pc
<Wizzup> the PCs from 10 years ago are similar to d4 and pinephone (somewhat)
<uvos> sure
<Wizzup> anyway, I just wnated to say we should not discard maybe some unlock partition or so
<Wizzup> there's something to be said for not having to reinvent theming
<Wizzup> and the other stuff
<uvos> your not wrong
<Wizzup> like, if we have unlock passwords, what if people want that to be cyrillic, it would be nice if we could re-use him and such
<uvos> valid points, but im not convinced its a good idea
<Wizzup> fair enough :)
<Wizzup> my focus now is the d4 modem problems and then I want to get pulseaudio to work like on fremantle
<Wizzup> so we'll have volume applet, alarm sounds, etc
<uvos> sonds great :)
<uvos> missing volume applet annoys me to no end
<uvos> since i mostly use my d4 as a mp3 device
<Wizzup> I was in the bus recently and during startup mpd starting playing on the spekaers
<Wizzup> plugging in headphone didn't stop it (obviously)
<Wizzup> that was annoying
<sicelo> (pmOS' fde unlock thing is not slow on N900, even handles the animations just fine ... so I share Wizzup's wonderment as to why fbdev would be/is slow on Leste)
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<uvos> yeah idk either
<uvos> i just observed that it is
<uvos> its possible that something is wating some timeout amount for vsync
<uvos> or something like that
<uvos> your not running the unlock tinggy on drm by accident are you?
<uvos> it can run on drm too
<uvos> iirc
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<uvos> sicelo: if you have the time you could after removing the sleep() in both useWrite = false and useWrite = true
<uvos> and tell me if it updates "fast"
<uvos> as in 10fps at least
<uvos> on n900 ddk1.17
<sicelo> I don't know if I'll have time for it, sorry :-)
<uvos> np
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<sicelo> parazyd: there's also fbkeyboard. Someone has nice demo of it running on Nokia N9
<uvos> fbkeyboard wont work for us
<uvos> it uses /dev/input/event* directly and dosent callibrate anything
<uvos> so it will only work on pp
<uvos> osk-sdl uses libinput
<uvos> so it should be callibrated righout out of the gate
<uvos> (except n900)
<parazyd> uvos, Wizzup: Keep in mind cryptsetup needs a shitload of ram to unlock
<parazyd> (fast)
<Wizzup> How much ram?
<parazyd> uvos: I can try out that stuff tomorrow
<parazyd> Wizzup: I'm not sure, but a Raspberry Pi zero takes about 2 minutes to decrypt the microsd (with some env var I need to look up).
<parazyd> Without the env it simply fails
<Wizzup> weird, I don't have those problems on my lime2, it unlocks in a second
<Wizzup> maybe bad microsd?
<parazyd> Maybe 1G is a lot better
<parazyd> Pi0 has 512M
<parazyd> And 1GHz single core
<parazyd> Though yeah, perhaps on the Pi the sd bus is weird, much all of its hardware
<parazyd> *much like
<sicelo> Definitely something up with that h/w :-)
<sicelo> Just try pmOS on N900 with fde. No unusual slowness
<sicelo> I don't think they (or musl) do anything special
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<tmlind> uvos: nice to hear sre fixed it already and you got things working :)
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<duskull> Just got a second hand N900, is leste kind of stable enough for daily use?
<duskull> Excluding SMS and calls
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<enyc> duskull: good question, I'd be more asking how 'functional' and in any case, stable enoguh at doing *what*
<enyc> think also power consumption
<uvos> duskull: its stable & functional if you want to use it a a gernal shell or as mp3 player maybe (but n900 audio state is tricky). pm on n900 is really bad atm so the battery lasts very short couple of hours at most.
<uvos> duskull: idk what options you have, but for now the droid4 is the most usable as it has working power managment that can last several days and more fully working audio
<duskull> Well photo shooting but that's not possible at the moment as well. Mine came with some neat apps preinstalled, I wonder how many of these will I find in leste.
<uvos> no
<uvos> the kernel dosent have drivers for the camera
<uvos> iirc the n900 camera is pretty close to working so might work soon
<uvos> on the other devices its farther away
<uvos> except pinephone i think it might work allready there in theory
<duskull> What about offline maps? (without GPS)
<uvos> not sure
<uvos> duskull: gps works fine you can install navit and use it as a full navigation system (i think i only do this on droid 4 n900 might be to slow/not enough ram)
<uvos> parazyd: what is the state of the pp camera (just curious)
<duskull> Well I guess trying it will give me the best answers to my questions
<duskull> Adn yes I'm aware that the PinePhone is coming :)
<duskull> With it's new HW keyboard that is
<uvos> hw keyboard PinePhone certenly nice and i want one :P but the hw will never have good power management.
<uvos> *is
<duskull> Probably...
<uvos> the chip just lacks the hw features and the modem is pretty bad.
<duskull> Do I have some swap enabled by default on the N900?
<uvos> zram
<duskull> Alright
<Wizzup> uvos: modem bad? pm wise you mean?
<uvos> yes
<uvos> 20mA is really bad
<duskull> Is hildon-desktop using gtk3 now?
<uvos> the modem will consume about 500mAh a day
<uvos> duskull: no
<uvos> then again hildon-desktop dosent use gtk2 mutch either
<uvos> it mostly just renders stuff with clutter tiself
<uvos> and uses gtk2 for misc stuff
<uvos> (like input)
<uvos> also we are moing into the direction of qt5 more than gtk3 atm, all the apps we forward ported/added have been qt for now
<duskull> Oh I thought it relies mostly on gtk2
<duskull> Yes moving to qt5 seems natural
<duskull> What about UI themes? Are some ported from original fremantle?
<uvos> yes
<duskull> In the repos or preinstalled?
<Wizzup> parayzd is working on the gtk3 port
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<duskull> Stock maemo detects my SD card as corrupted but I cannot boot leste from it
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<sicelo> We're going Qt?
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<duskull> Fixed, leste runs faster than stock maemo but my battery died...
<sicelo> :-)
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