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<uvos> parazyd: tmlind:
<parazyd> hm?
<uvos> ok this is really wierd, so on d4 this allways works:
<uvos> but directfb and directfb in sdl mode ONLY works if the device is connected to usb power
<uvos> as soon as usb power is remove the screen stops refeshing
<uvos> you can try this with
<uvos> and DFBARGS="system=fbdev,no-cursor,linux-input-grab"
<uvos> or charging_sdl
<uvos> sdltest should show different colored squares
<uvos> as soon as usb power is remvoed the squares stop
<uvos> reapplicaton resumes them immidatly
<parazyd> heh
<parazyd> Is this perhaps something controlled by the kernel?
<uvos> idk it seams really wierd
<uvos> thats why tmlind ^^^ maybe he knows
<parazyd> Do you get the same on bionic btw?
<uvos> no idea its not charged atm
<parazyd> ok
<parazyd> Mine neither
<uvos> also would be knida hard to test
<tmlind> uvos: oh interesting, sounds like some regulator or vbus voltage automatically switches the lcd to video mode from command mode, otherwise manual refresh ioctl is needed. sre might have some better ideas
<uvos> tmlind: you know the manual refresh ioctl?
<uvos> the name
<tmlind> uvos: also plugging in hdmi causes that, might be the 5v line triggering it either vbus or hdmi 5v
<uvos> tmlind: ok
<tmlind> uvos: don't remember what the ioctls was, but i added that to the kexecboot sources so it should be there, sorry busy right now
<uvos> tmlind: ok np :)
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ kexecboot/fb.c at master · kexecboot/kexecboot · GitHub ]
<uvos> parazyd: ok yeah
<uvos> parazyd: we can add that to directfb
<uvos> wierd hardware feature, that it stops being a command mode display if you power vbus
<uvos> i gues that makes sense from a hw power management perspective
<parazyd> 12:50 <uvos> parazyd: we can add that to directfb
<parazyd> You mean we have to also fork directfb?
<uvos> yes :D
<parazyd> rip
<parazyd> ok, if you can, make a patch that I can just apply through debian/patches
<uvos> ok
<parazyd> You could also try to make a PR against
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ GitHub - deniskropp/DirectFB: Official DirectFB GitHub Repository ]
<parazyd> But I'm not sure Denis is maintaining it anymore
<uvos> maybe we should just custom write a fb program
<uvos> then again stuff like osk-sdl still wont work
<parazyd> That's what I suggested at first
<uvos> i know
<parazyd> The only thing is we would have to pre-make 100 bitmaps
<parazyd> I'm not sure what could be used to generate it
<uvos> charging_sdl :P
<parazyd> ah true lol
<uvos> problem is
<uvos> it dosent scale
<uvos> you would have to use the pixel format and size of the d4
<parazyd> Yeah I know
<parazyd> But in theory it doesn't have to fill up the entire screen
<uvos> i think fixing directfb is better
<parazyd> It could just be in the middle and be a tad smaller/bigger for each device
<uvos> that way fb keyboards and the like also work
<parazyd> Sure @ directfb
<parazyd> I'm fine with that, except it looks unmaintained
<uvos> well as soon as we switch to ddk1.17
<uvos> we can just switch to kms
<parazyd> True
<parazyd> This is the package repo
<parazyd> uvos, sicelo, Wizzup: btw is there any blocker to updating n900 kernel to 5.9 at least?
<Wizzup> yes. pvr
<uvos> yeah afaik no ddk1.9 blobs exist
<parazyd> ah so that appears with any later kernel
<parazyd> ok
<Wizzup> yes, we're stuck on the current one unless we port that userspace to newer kernel
<Wizzup> which is even older than the ddk 1.9
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<parazyd> Right
<parazyd> Otherwise 1.17 would work?
<uvos> yeah
<parazyd> (Disregarding those bugs)
<parazyd> ok
<uvos> 1.17 works fine on n900
<parazyd> Completely?
<uvos> wayland
<parazyd> ah that works on d4 too
<uvos> and kmsdrm yeah
<parazyd> Sure
<uvos> same boat as d4
<parazyd> *nod*
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<brabo> congrats on the ngi grant!
<parazyd> Thanks :)
<tmlind> parazyd: yeah so getting ddk-1.17 to work with xorg would allow using mainline kernel with some extra patches for n900/n9(50)/d4/bionic
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ Maemo Leste – DAPSI ]
<parazyd> tmlind: Yeah. We currently have glamor issues though, IIUC
<parazyd> Unsure if freemangordon and uvos documented what they did so far
<tmlind> oh right that glamor issue, no idea about those unfortunately
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<buZz> heheh that photo of Wizzup
<buZz> how old is that :D
<parazyd> Mine is 6 or 7
<parazyd> His is from a few weeks ago I think :D
<parazyd> (6/7 years)
<Wizzup> buZz: actually it's from 2019-12 or so
<parazyd> ah
<buZz> oh wow
<buZz> :)
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<brabo> and the top picture must be februari snow
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<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (HE: A33 tablets: enable CPU frequency scaling)
<kek> parazyd demilestoned an issue: (HE: A33 tablets: enable CPU frequency scaling)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Support Wireguard)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Support Tor (as applet, or as icd2 layer))
<parazyd> Sorry, some spam incoming
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<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (N900: Integrate xprot PulseAudio module)
<kek> parazyd demilestoned an issue: (Finish qt5 port)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Finish qt5 port)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (N900 audio blobs)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (N900: Tools to Profile Power Consumption)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Sometimes wireless scans fail)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Nokia N900: battery continues to drain after device is powered off)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (A33 Twister: look at wireless issues)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (N900 will not power down when battery is empty)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (gtk3 port)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Import/update PyMaemo)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (connui-cellular: port to (libg)ofono)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Disable wireless interface in certain conditions)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (droid4 wifi: disable auto scanning)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (libicd-network-wpasupplicant: scan results seem to return before we expect them)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Look at tsc200x-core power management)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (libicd-network-wpasupplicant: look at flight mode handling, similar to libicd-network-ofono)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Provide telepathy call UI)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Operator name seems to be cached)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (WPA network connections only work through saved connections)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (ofonod should not run as root)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Create Qt5 porting guide)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (qt5 maemo5/ defines debug by default)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Qt5 port: port all examples from qt4)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Import qt-mobile-hotspot and add WPA+Infrastructure)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Remove input focus workaround from qt5 platform plugin now that we fixed it in hildon-desktop)
<Wizzup> we could also silence kek temporarily
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (wifi applet keeps blinking after resume from suspend)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (wifi applet tries to connect after cancelling password input)
<kek> parazyd milestoned an issue: (Cannot connect to hidden wireless network)
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<parazyd> ok
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<parazyd> freemangordon: Let's try to have a chat soon about TpAccount
<uvos> til we milestones
<uvos> *til we have milestones
<uvos> maybe add one for removing all traces of act-dead
<Wizzup> I think the plan is to support actdead
<parazyd> We should have an implementation of actdead
<parazyd> As a runlevel like charge-mode
<uvos> ugh
<uvos> what for?
<parazyd> Alarm
<uvos> no i mean act-dead
<uvos> the implementation
<Wizzup> It could perhaps build on charge-mode somehow
<Wizzup> Maybe we're talking about different things
<parazyd> Yeah no, it doesn't have to be the actdead code we have
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<parazyd> Just the functionality
<parazyd> freemangordon knows most of what it's supposed to do I think
<uvos> arg
<uvos> mostly its to allow devices that cant power down to look "off"
<uvos> and then they tacked on alarm state
<uvos> and charge state
<uvos> that share some code
<uvos> so btw rn charge-mode provides alarm support by swiching to whatever runlevel you like when the hw alarm fires
<uvos> rn thats default where the alarm will then display correctly.
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ - Talk - View Single Post - Maemo5 boot process ]
<parazyd> If you set an alarm on your Fremantle N900 and power it off, then you'll see what happens
<uvos> yeah i know what it dose
<uvos> but it can go in all of the deamons dsme mce etc
<parazyd> As I said, if possible, it'd be best to have it as a runlevel
<parazyd> And probably as Wizzup says, built on top of charge-mode, e.g. switching to an alarm fire runlevel
<uvos> that is all well and good
<uvos> but rn there is a huge amount of code that uses the old mode swiching machinery that is not required for anything and i was suggesting a milestone to remove it
<uvos> this machenery is what the code internaly calls act-dead
<parazyd> I think it's best if you can make a ticket
<parazyd> And list these programs/locations
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<sicelo> :-)
* sicelo goes into act-dead mode
<uvos> btw someone should look at ke-recv
<uvos> it mostly dosent work right on mainline
<uvos> its also a bit redundant with mce in large parts.
<uvos> we should fix what isent redundant and deduplicate what is somehow
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<Wizzup> uvos: what doesn't work in it (I guess I know some of it doesn't work well)
<Wizzup> I think I did the initial udev port
<uvos> the memory management interface it uses plain dosent exist and the camera stuff is a very n900 sepcific hack,
<uvos> keyboard slide monitoring works fine but mce dose that too and is device configurabel so we should do this only once
<uvos> the usb stuff looks sane enough
<uvos> idk about all the little tools that share the repo
<uvos> some of these seam rather unfortionat
<uvos> stuff like mmc-format.c reimplementing mkfs.vfat
<uvos> seams silly
<Pali> fyi, you should update dosfstools (mkfs.fat, fsck.fat, fatlabel) to latest version
<Pali> maemo fremantle used mlabel from mtools project due to bugs in fatlabel in dosfstools project
<Pali> but now last version of dosfstools should have fixed all these issues
<kek> freemangordon assigned an issue: (Cannot connect to hidden wireless network)
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<sicelo> why did we have a fork of iio-proxy btw?
<uvos> sicelo: i forked it because then current version was systemd only, while current git is init system agnostic
<sicelo> I'm noticing something that seems weird - iio proxy in pmOS reads total opposite rotation, with the same matrix applied via udev
<uvos> so i had to change the debain packaging
<sicelo> What about the version in devuan?
<uvos> sicelo same kernel
<uvos> there is (maybe was) no version in devuan
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<sicelo> Okay.
<sicelo> On pmos I have 5.125.12-rc2 kernel
<uvos> slow down future man :P
<sicelo> *5.12-rc2
<uvos> okay
<uvos> and you are using the same kernel driver
<uvos> and kernel rotation matrix in dts?
<sicelo> Yes
<uvos> if exists
<sicelo> No, I think rotation matrix isnt in dts
<uvos> ok
<sicelo> I copied the udev rule
<uvos> then if udev is the same idk how that could happen
<sicelo> I'm clueless myself, tbh
<uvos> is the rule applying?
<uvos> check uvdev info
<sicelo> Yes, udevadm info -e shows rule applies
<uvos> hmm
<uvos> ok no clue
<sicelo> Nice that on N900 I didn't need to make rotation matrix :p
<uvos> the other devices follow google oritentation rules
<uvos> z is toward screen and y is up i think
<uvos> n900 is wierd
<sicelo> N900 iio driver is exactly the same as what d4 uses , lol
<uvos> yeah but the physical orentation of the cip
<uvos> chip
<uvos> there is a spec for that
<uvos> its "wrong" on n900
<sicelo> So what's weird? If it comes up correct without needing a rotation matrix, sounds like someone did the right thing
<uvos> well iio-sensor-proxy is made for laptops
<uvos> the spec dosent apply there
<uvos> oh well its pretty insignificant
<uvos> :P
<sicelo> Lol, you always have to find fault with N900. Did you even use it with the driver I'm talking about?
<uvos> no
<uvos> but the driver should be irrelivant
<uvos> it should not swap physical axis
<sicelo> Anyway, pmos people recommend we should be adding rotation matrices to dts. Is that something we would consider?
<uvos> yes
<uvos> and the mapphones have them
<uvos> but they are again to spec
<uvos> and so for portrait
<sicelo> So why did you make the udev rule then?
<uvos> because we want landscape to be normal
<uvos> so we have to break it on devices that have natural porait orientation
<uvos> i dont think introducing that quirk to the kernel is a good idea
<uvos> so in leste-config/udev is stays
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<sicelo> So the matrix in kernel might be wrong :-/
<uvos> hmm what device?
<sicelo> Droid 4
<uvos> no its correct iirc
<uvos> per spec
<uvos> spec say something like z is towards screen from back y is up and x is right when compeard to natural device orientation
<uvos> (or something to that effect)
<uvos> we (leste) want "up" to be on the long side of the display
<sicelo> Okay just checked. Definitely wrong
<uvos> ok
<uvos> well we should fix it then
<sicelo> Please test
<uvos> could you open a issue?
<sicelo> Looks like it should be 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1
<uvos> ok
<uvos> hmm no that cant be
<uvos> no way the chip outputs a non cardian coordinate system
<uvos> maybe the driver has a bug
<sicelo> Or the values I'm getting are biased by the wrong one in kernel
<sicelo> The driver does have bugs actually ... those bugs are the reason why N900 accelerometer hasn't been working with iio
<sicelo> Let me switch back to pmOS
<uvos> ok btw what i wrote above was wrong
<uvos> z is towards screen from back y is up and x is RIGHT
<uvos> based on natural device orientation
<sicelo> Yes, a lot of what you're saying is wrong :D
<uvos> ?
<Wizzup> let's stay civil now
<uvos> ofc the spec dosent say x is left
<uvos> that again would be non cartesian
<uvos> or left handed or whatever
<sicelo> It stands to reason that what's correct is what we actually observe.
<sicelo> So with the udev rule deleted, iio proxy reads normal when keyboard is upside down
<sicelo> And right-up when the device is in portrait
<uvos> thats wrong if iio-sensor-proxy is to spec
<uvos> check sysfs
<uvos> y should be negative in portrait
<uvos> and xz should be about 0
<sicelo> That's what I'm saying ... the matrix in dts seems to be wrong according to these tests
<uvos> yes x an y are fliped
<uvos> looks like maybe the matrix should just be removed
<uvos> or set to identiy
<sicelo> Thanks for checking
<uvos> your welcome
<sicelo> I wonder how this will be fixed ... if we change dts, we potentially break this for other users
<uvos> sicelo: ah no
<uvos> sicelo: its fine
<sicelo> what's fine?
<uvos> the matrix is correct
<uvos> its just not appling for some reason
<uvos> so its 0 -1 0 | 1 0 0 | 0 0 1
<uvos> and in portrait x is postive and yz are 0
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<uvos> if you run that though the matrix
<uvos> you get nagative y and xz zero
<uvos> as per spec
<uvos> so its not being picked up
* sicelo also boots n900 ... I bet it's in spec :-p
<uvos> quite possible
<sicelo> Why wouldn't it be picked up ... the dts looks ok
<uvos> while seting up the matrixes for leste
<uvos> i was quite certin the maphones were correct
<uvos> and then the n900 was different so i thought it was out of spec
<uvos> sicelo: idk
<uvos> ill check it out later
<uvos> im out of time rn
<sicelo> Where's the spec btw
<uvos> kernel source ABI/testing/sysfs-bus-iio
<uvos> * Y is in the plane of the screen and is positive towards the
<uvos> top of the screen ;
<uvos> * X is in the plane of the screen, perpendicular to Y axis, and
<uvos> positive towards the right hand side of the screen ;
<uvos> * Z is perpendicular to the screen plane and positive out of the
<uvos> screen.
<uvos> An implementor might consider that for a hand-held device, a
<uvos> 'natural' orientation would be 'front facing camera at the top'.
<uvos> The main hardware reference frame could then be described as :
<uvos> this is mostly copyed from googels spec for android
<uvos> anyhow ttyl
<uvos> sysfs is fine
<uvos> just somehow the matrix gets lost on the way to iio-s-p
<cockroach> hmn, I'm trying to build an image but I keep getting "[E] error in: bootstrap_complete_base". how do I find the actual error message?
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<sicelo> uvos, I have figured it out.
<sicelo> 1. There spec doesn't care how the sensor is mounted. So there's no 'ansolutely' right and wrong way. That's precisely why there's provision for a mount matrix
<sicelo> 2. Even though the mapphones have a correct, or wrong matrix defined in dts, it doesn't get used, because the driver doesn't support that :-)
<sicelo> You can see the absence of mount-matrix property in the device tree binding for this sensor/driver
<sicelo> So that's why the mount matrix in dts never gets picked up by iio-sensor-proxy
<sicelo> So either someone updates the driver to understand dts, or, we're stuck to udev way (which does work fine)
<sicelo> *to understand matrix