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<Entitlement> parazyd - [ libsdl2/rules at maemo/beowulf-devel · maemo-leste-upstream-forks/libsdl2 · GitH... ]
<parazyd> (Upstream too)
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<uvos> parazyd: yeah so the card0 card1 thing is a bug in sdl thats fixed later
<uvos> parazyd: but there is another problem
<uvos> parazyd: fixing that sdl will still segfault on ddk1.9 most of the time
<parazyd> :o
<uvos> parazyd: on ddk1.17 it works
<uvos> so im just gona pivot and start an xserver for it
<uvos> for now
<parazyd> That works?
<uvos> parazyd: yeah sure
<parazyd> ok
<parazyd> So we'd maintain another nested minimal rootfs?
<uvos> parazyd: no why
<parazyd> ah nvm, I was thinking you wanted to do some separate root. But yeah, ok, it's possible to just do it from a runlevel.
<parazyd> (I'm understanding "pivot" as pivot_root)
<uvos> parazyd: ah ok
<uvos> yeah
<parazyd> Is the working sdl2 version tagged in their scm?
<parazyd> I can ideally just merge it
<uvos> parazyd: idk what commit is is exactly
<uvos> parazyd: they refactored the kms code
<uvos> parazyd: inbetween
<parazyd> Let me see what's the latet
<uvos> parazyd: so rn i have a runlevel checks if the device is charging that starts a kmsdrm application that displays the charging animation. when that quits (due to user input or an alarm or charging being discconected) the device will switch to default or power down depending
<uvos> and this works on my ddk1.17 install
<parazyd> hm, no tag
<uvos> on leste i can just start an xserver and display the animation there
<parazyd> Sounds good
<parazyd> btw can we have coexisting pvr blobs?
<parazyd> Both 1.9 and 1.17?
<uvos> no
<uvos> or maybe
<parazyd> This might be a good time to package something
<uvos> we dont know what pvsrinit dose
<parazyd> At least to have both on the system
<uvos> i have ddk1.17 packaged btw
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ GitHub - maemo-leste/pvr-omap4: mirror of PowerVR OMAP4 libraries ]
<uvos> with mesa pvr
<uvos> i think that can co exist with ddk1.9
<uvos> because its just a mesa drm driver module
<uvos> (but not run at the same time)
<parazyd> Yeah I'm just thinking it's the best approach to have pvr-omap4 install both versions
<uvos> sure but you have to use the correct pvrsrvinit somehow based on the pvr kernel module that is loaded
<parazyd> Symlinks
<uvos> and pvr-omap4 goes away mostly because most of the stuff is in mesa now
<parazyd> For now we default to 1.9, and when we're ready to switch, we just update the package and change it
<parazyd> ah
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ pvr-omap4/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf at master · maemo-leste/pvr-omap4 · GitHub ]
<uvos> just the shadercompiler and dri mesa is still a blob
<uvos> 1 sec ill get you the pacakge
<parazyd> ok thanks
<parazyd> For SDL I'll rework our repo and pull the latest upstream
<uvos> parazyd: ok sure
<uvos> parazyd: but rn that dosent help us on ddk1.9
<parazyd> AIUI, for you the latest git (or newer than 2.0.14) works, right?
<uvos> yes
<uvos> on .17
<parazyd> ok
<parazyd> And current sdl with 1.9 works well or no?
<uvos> parazyd: on x11 yeah
<parazyd> hmm now I'm thinking of some other solution
<parazyd> Could we just have some separate sdl lib to use with this runlevel?
<parazyd> uvos: Maybe a bit radical, but what about just running the animation on framebuffer?
<parazyd> You could loop a few bitmaps
<uvos> parazyd: sure
<uvos> parazyd: but i started with charging_sdl from postmarketos
<uvos> parazyd: sdl dose have a framebuffer backend i think
<uvos> maybe it works
<uvos> idk
<uvos> it sure dosent on my desktop machine
<parazyd> I meant without sdl
<uvos> sure
<parazyd> In theory I think you can open /dev/fb0, mmap, and work from there
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> i know
<uvos> but this requires rewriting it :P
<parazyd> ah here SDL is also internally aware of the battery state
<parazyd> TIL
<uvos> yeah i just took that and expanded it by a bounch of features
<uvos> parazyd: so here is mesa with pvr patches
<Entitlement> uvos - [ GitHub - IMbackK/mesa at mesa-pvr-meamo ]
<uvos> we could merge this rn to no ill efect for anything
<uvos> and this is what remains of ovr-omap4
<uvos> after all the stuff nolonger needed is removed
<Entitlement> uvos - [ GitHub - IMbackK/pvr-omap4: mirror of PowerVR OMAP4 libraries ]
<parazyd> ok, can you just make a PR against Leste mesa so I can simply merge it?
<uvos> (pvrsrvinit.c still needs packaging)
<uvos> also some cleanup
<uvos> parazyd: sure
<uvos> but idk if thats so wise
<uvos> so rn
<uvos> glamor fails at different points depending on if mesa or full pvr is used
<uvos> so in the end we might end up with all blobs
<uvos> parazyd: another thing
<uvos> parazyd: regardless of how we do the animation
<uvos> parazyd: if kms or x is used, we must pvrsrvinit first
<uvos> parazyd: so we must move it to sysinit or somewhere before the charging runlevel
<uvos> (i moved it to sysinit on my device
<uvos> )
<parazyd> That's fine @ pvrsrvinit
<uvos> not sure how to do that in the package
<parazyd> Just postinst
<uvos> what package?
<uvos> pvr-omap4?
<uvos> can you stop apt from adding the .init file in the debian directoty to the default runlevel?
<uvos> also stop it from trying to start it...
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ pvr-omap4/pvr-omap4.init at master · maemo-leste/pvr-omap4 · GitHub ]
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ pvr-omap4/rules at master · maemo-leste/pvr-omap4 · GitHub ]
<parazyd> --no-start is the no-start obviously
<parazyd> But currently they always end up in the default runlevel due to the internals of insserv & friends
<parazyd> So in postinst you remove it from the default runlevel and add it to another one
<uvos> ok
<parazyd> What would you then prefer for the animation? Some kind of SDL + 1.17 or direct FB + 1.9 ?
<uvos> parazyd: also directfb + sdl could be tryed
<uvos> that might be best
<uvos> as we can switch to kms with 1.17
<uvos> with ease
<parazyd> Provided new sdl breaks on 1.9, this is not super-trivial to solve, but I think we could just compile an additional sdl2 to just be used by the animation
<parazyd> And basically we could only compile the kms backend
<uvos> parazyd: i dont get it
<uvos> parazyd: compiling sdl2 with the directfb backend should be enough
<uvos> if it works
<uvos> on 1.9
<parazyd> You said newest SDL2 segfaults generally on 1.9
<uvos> parazyd: no the kms backend dose
<parazyd> You didn't mean system-wide?
<parazyd> ahhh
<uvos> no
<uvos> x11 backend
<uvos> and works fine
<uvos> and fb idk
<parazyd> Ok that's different than what I understood
<uvos> sorry
<uvos> so on 1.9 we can just use x11 or fb
<parazyd> np
<parazyd> So
<parazyd> What I can do: Compile latest libsdl as-is, plus enable video-directfb
<parazyd> Would that be enough?
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> yeah
<parazyd> And can kmsdrm stay or should it be disabled?
<uvos> disable is better for now
<parazyd> ok
<uvos> but we can select a backend with an envvar
<uvos> so it can stay if you prefer
<uvos> otherwise sdl will use kms first
<uvos> (and segfault)
<parazyd> Let's see if it builds...
<parazyd> I disabled kmsdrm for now
<parazyd> (It'll take some minutes to build)
<parazyd> uvos: btw you mentioned pvrsrvinit should go to sysinit. Does your runlevel inherit sysinit then?
<parazyd> uvos: I don't understand why it would be necessary to make the change, if pvrsrvinit can just be part of your new runlevel
<uvos> parazyd: well pvrsrvinit must not run twice
<uvos> parazyd: and we cant ensure that the new runlevel runs at all
<uvos> parazyd: since we cant change boot.conf
<uvos> parazyd: my runlevel dosent inheret sysinit
<uvos> parazyd: but afaik it allways runs anyhow
<uvos> parazyd: at least thats what happens rn on my device
<parazyd> ok, I guess we can try
<parazyd> well, X might depend on it
<parazyd> So perhaps that's why
<uvos> not
<parazyd> ANyway, ok. I'll move it to sysinit as that won't hurt
<uvos> no
<uvos> pvrsrvinit runs before the default runlevel
<uvos> its allready fired when my charging runlevel gets started
<uvos> (by changing the kernel command line to to start that runlevel)
<uvos> parazyd: you dont by any chance know why this bash -c "/bin/false; /bin/echo $?" outputs 0 do you?
<parazyd> hah no
<parazyd> But bash -c "/bin/false || /bin/echo $?" gives 1
<parazyd> oh no
<parazyd> wtf
<uvos> yeah
<parazyd> I run it multiple times and it's random
<uvos> uh-oh
<uvos> allways 0 for me
<parazyd> ah
<parazyd> It's because of the parent shell it seems
<parazyd> Use single quotes: '
<parazyd> $? expands in ""
<parazyd> So: bash -c '/bin/false ; /bin/echo $?'
<uvos> ah
<uvos> makes sense
<uvos> thanks
<parazyd> yw
<parazyd> note-to-self: pvrsrvinit also for N900
<parazyd> Setting up pvr-omap4 ( ...
<parazyd> * service pvr-omap4 removed from runlevel default
<parazyd> * service pvr-omap4 added to runlevel sysinit
<parazyd> This is done
<parazyd> uvos: SDL with directfb built in -devel
<uvos> great
<Wizzup> directfb still exists?
<Wizzup> brings back memories
<parazyd> Wizzup: Yeah, though Debian disabled it in their SDL package
<parazyd> I suppose to the benefit/choice of kmsdrm
<uvos> parazyd: sdltest says SDL_VIDEODRIVER available: x11 wayland dummy
<uvos> so it dident compile the backend
<uvos> (maybe disabled in configure for some reason)
<parazyd> uhh
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ Enable directdb and disable kmsdrm. · maemo-leste-upstream-forks/libsdl2@e9a4e2a... ]
<parazyd> Literally did this
<parazyd> Let me check
<parazyd> uvos:
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ Charging-sdl - postmarketOS ]
<parazyd> Also this worries me
<parazyd> ah
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ Osk-sdl - postmarketOS ]
<parazyd> I suppose we can leste-config this
<uvos> but SDL_GetNumVideoDrivers / SDL_GetVideoDriver should include directfb
<uvos> even if it dosent work
<uvos> if its compiled in afaik
<uvos> (tests backends)
<parazyd> Yeah something's amiss. I'm on it.
<uvos> parazyd: Wizzup: in the mean time
<Entitlement> uvos - [ GitHub - IMbackK/charge-mode ]
<uvos> works fine now on leste/ddk1.9
<uvos> by using the x11 backend
<parazyd> Wait so I can stop building directfb?
<parazyd> s,can,should,
<uvos> parazyd: well directfb would be nicer than starting an xserver just to display that
<parazyd> ok
<parazyd> I'm close, it's just that their test autoconf doesn't properly include directfb headers
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ add the ability to exit on rtc alarm · IMbackK/charge-mode@dc2a797 · GitHub ]
<uvos> parazyd: oh that was just my debuging the kms crash
<uvos> parazyd: it changes resolution dynamicly
<uvos> parazyd: should work everywhere
<parazyd> ah :)
<parazyd> ok I fixed the build it seems. arm should finish soon
<uvos> its thats just the default if the backend dosent care
<parazyd> ACK
<parazyd> uvos: Remind me please, how is this runlevel supposed to be triggered?
<uvos> parazyd: softlevel=charge-mode in boot.cfg
<uvos> the runlevel then passes to default if the device is not charging during boot
<parazyd> mm so this should be our default?
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> but i would allways leave a way to bypass it
<uvos> as in have an entry to boot to default in boot.cfg
<parazyd> Yeah makes sens
<parazyd> e
<parazyd> uvos: btw I would appreciate if you used /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash. It's a smaller binary and it makes sense to use it for speed as well.
<uvos> parazyd: ok
<parazyd> (If you look, on Debian/Devuan /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/dash)
<uvos> tmlind: the d4 still ends up in a wierd state sometimes when booting via usb
<uvos> tmlind: even with the patch
<parazyd> uvos: Built, seems it gets loaded with sdltest.cpp
<parazyd> uvos: Try updating from devel
<parazyd> I'll be back in an hour or so
<uvos> (!) System/DevMem: Please supply 'video-phys = 0xXXXXXXXX' and 'video-length = XXXX' options!
<uvos> i presume this is the afore mentioned video mode stuff
<uvos> here is a (shaky) video of the boot process
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<parazyd> uvos: Nice vid!
<parazyd> uvos: Yeah it seems it's the modes. We can provide these per-device with leste-config.
<parazyd> uvos: So fbset gives me this:
<parazyd> The 32 should be changed to 16 per pmOS wiki
<parazyd> Can you test it?
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<uvos> parazyd: hmm almost works
<uvos> parazyd: with DFBARGS=system=fbdev
<uvos> parazyd: /etc/fb.modes makes no difference
<parazyd> What's "almost" ? :D
<uvos> parazyd: it starts and displays black screen, program is running
<uvos> then exits back to console with sucess
<parazyd> The sdltest?
<parazyd> Happens to me too, without any env
<uvos> charging_sdl
<parazyd> ah
<parazyd> I'm just compiling that now
<uvos> accutally i have seen it
<uvos> sometimes when it exits
<uvos> you get a glimpse of the battery graphic
<uvos> before the console apears
<uvos> maybe the self refeshing display
<uvos> is not refeshing
<uvos> doing graphics on the d4 is certenly fun stuff
<parazyd> :)
<Entitlement> parazyd - [ Tweaks by parazyd · Pull Request #1 · IMbackK/charge-mode · GitHub ]
<parazyd> Some cleanups
<uvos> thanks
<parazyd> The current repo works for me here
<parazyd> I do see a tty first, and then it shows the animation
<parazyd> But this is X, yeah
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> starting x to display than
<uvos> *that
<uvos> and then shuting it down again only to start it again for hildon is pretty silly
<parazyd> Yes
<parazyd> But what also bothers me is that it runs a bunch of other initscripts too
<parazyd> I'm not sure why this is
<uvos> what dose?
<parazyd> Sec let me reboot again to remember them
<parazyd> swap, alsa, and networking at least
<uvos> parazyd: those are in sysinit
<uvos> parazyd: iiuc those will allways run
<parazyd> Yeah but I don't understand why sysinit runs
<uvos> iiuc thats how openrc works
<parazyd> ah that's right it seems
<parazyd> In this case I think we should have less stuff there
<uvos> yes
<parazyd> Let me see what could be moved
<uvos> alsa-utils hildon-env x110common
<uvos> at least
<uvos> i think only hw init stuff should be there
<uvos> and realy base stuff
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<parazyd> This seems to me like the minimum
<parazyd> The nfs stuff could just be removed from all runlevels
<uvos> why do we need the hildon-env-setup envvars at this point?
<uvos> why do we need fake-hwclock at all?
<uvos> all of our targest have real hwclocks no?
<parazyd> RaspberryPi and similar don't
<uvos> ok but fake-hwclock is damaging on the devices that do no?
<uvos> since system time will be wrong for a while
<uvos> causeing some warps
<parazyd> Perhaps, yeah
<parazyd> hildon-env-setup can be moved to default too
<parazyd> I just need to see which initscripts should be in "before"
<parazyd> uvos: btw charge-mode should somehow first check if charging is happening before doing any other stuff. The xinit is too cumbersome, and I assume the same is with directfb.
<parazyd> uvos: There should be a check first and then act either to default runlevel or start the animation
<uvos> parazyd: it checks first and then inits the video mode
<uvos> parazyd: in kms or directfb this works perfectly
<uvos> parazyd: obviously x needs to be started before it executes
<uvos> parazyd: so works fine everywhere except x
<parazyd> ok, yeah
<parazyd> Then let's definitely drop X here
<uvos> sure as soon as something else works ;0
<uvos> *;)
<parazyd> ok, updating hildon-base for the initscript that can live in default
<parazyd> Skipping a few of these initscript should make it faster in theory
<parazyd> Seems a tad better
<parazyd> Funny to see X start->stop->start
<uvos> /boot/boot/boot.cfg not being in a package bites us here too
<uvos> (not sure how you intend to deploy this)
<parazyd> Will think about it
<parazyd> We could go barbarian and just overwrite it
<parazyd> (And make a backup)
<uvos> break any device where leste is installed to internal storage
<uvos> idk if anyone but me dose that
<parazyd> Probably not
<tmlind> uvos: hey cool charge mode, nice :)
<tmlind> uvos: i too had one failure booting with charger connected, i wonder if it's because of sysrq is enabled until sysctl.conf loads
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<uvos> tmlind: good idea
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