I'm using AsyncFIFOBuffered on ECP5, 16b wide, 4096+1 words deep, and my design is struggling to get above 100MHz. Is this simply the harsh reality of the ECP5 BRAM or can I do something to speed up the design?
ECP5 bram is pretty slow for non 5G parts
5-6ns clock to out
i see..
daveshah: really? they put faster RAM on the ECP5G?
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whitequark: btw, is there a place to talk about things like Yumewatari/related PCIe things and things like your eeprom hacking without taking up the nMigen or similar channels?
for the former, there's ##openfpga
mm; I guess that goes unused enough to host specific-project discussions without blocking general FPGA conversation (and serdes stuff is relevant)
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ktemkin: wq has been talking about eprom hacking in ##yamahasynths, which is my channel where I really don't enforce on-topic (basically derails into any obsolete computer tech)
But the primary topic is _supposed_ to be about the old FM sound chips you'd find in the Sega Genesis or arcade boards of late 80s/early 90s (b/c FM is screwy)
<emeb> FM is fun!
Been meaning to make a discord/matrix bridge but... not enough bandwidth to focus
[nmigen] GravesJake commented on pull request #452: Convert tests to regex versions - https://git.io/JJutp
[nmigen] GravesJake deleted a comment on pull request #452: Convert tests to regex versions - https://git.io/JJutp
<emeb> a couple years ago I did an FM multivoice synth in an ice40 ultra. kinda modeled on OPL stuff, but with lots of changes to allow more crazy algorithm and operator linkage.
<emeb> basically 256 operators that could be hooked up in arbitrary ways.
256 operators cascaded together... bet that sounds like a disaster :)
emeb: Anyways, do you have an IRC nick or are you discord/matrix only?
<emeb> Well, I never bothered to hook them all up in a single algorithm.
[nmigen] GravesJake commented on pull request #452: Convert tests to regex versions - https://git.io/JJuqk
<emeb> Yeah - I should get on via IRC instead of this link
* cr1901_modern
would rather keep the FM talk in ##yamahasynths
[nmigen] GravesJake edited a comment on pull request #452: Convert tests to regex versions - https://git.io/JJuqk
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[nmigen] GravesJake edited a comment on pull request #452: Convert tests to regex versions - https://git.io/JJuqk
[nmigen] whitequark commented on pull request #452: Convert tests to regex versions - https://git.io/JJuqn
[nmigen] whitequark commented on pull request #452: Convert tests to regex versions - https://git.io/JJuqW
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am I the only one having trouble with long lines?
I try hard to avoid long lines (say 80 or 120 chars) but with HDL, including nmigen, its p hard
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with my small screen this really is catastrophic as I am forced to split the screen vertically instead of horizontally, so I see much less stuff
awygle: tbh, "tabs for nmigen code, 4 stops for people with huge displays, 2 stops for people with tiny displays" is something I could live with
I would probably not *recommend* it as it's fairly heterodox, but it doesn't seem unreasonable
the solution to "if you change the width of tabs other things will end up misaligned" is "don't align things with tabs"
decent editors should let you either configure that or use a plugin
but sadly that... doesn't seem doable, for whatever reason
i think sublime is ... somewhat capable of it?
ah right
well, if you have to break a function signature because it's too long, and you need to align the parameters with spaces, you might need lots of them
there's a linux command for expanding tabs
with given width
<TiltMeSenpai> <insert sed joke>
awygle: it works fine, but you have to let go of pressing tab as a way to align things faster
you have to either hit space a lot, or let it insert the spaces
might be configurable
whitequark: did you get to use emacs?
let's forget code indentation for a while and use justified text instead
* hell__
runs away
Degi: never tried
er, sorry, DaKnig
reminds me that in GNAT GPS, tab doesn't insert anything
in emacs, tab means "auto allign this line"
then it scrolls through other allignment options
<TiltMeSenpai> oh what
<TiltMeSenpai> that's weird
the phylosophy is "let the editor do it for you
coz you gonna screw it up eventually"
makes total sense
hell__: if you press enter inside `with foo(bar, <HERE>baz):` in sublime, it'll insert tabs up to the location of `with`, and then spaces
that seems not like what i want
yes, that works well if tabs are fixed width
you can control the configs for this... ofc
i want one or possibly two more tabs, and no spaces
I even wrote the function for indenting python stuff because the default one didnt make sense to me
awygle: oh i see, i tend to align arguments to the same column (though less in python than elsewhere)
and *there* it makes a lot of sense
lemme see
yeah, i getcha. it's just not what i'd prefer. if was gonna do that i'd also press enter between `(` and `bar`.
but i've basically given up on this discussion since it's clear spaces hold the day
I figured out an elegant solution to this problem years ago
i do wish somebody would explain to me why the CSS/HTML split is good but the spaces/tabs split is bad, though
I've just learned to accept unhappiness~
awygle: so with `"indent_to_bracket": false` it does what *you* want here
ktemkin: i have therapy in 20 minutes, i wonder what would happen if i said "i've just learned to accept unhappiness" to my shrink :p
(could go either way tbh)
awygle: anyway my point is less "sublime is cool" and more "this seems to be solved to a significant extent by the thing i happen to run"
whitequark: gotcha. it's more about the collaboration aspect though (as you know)
yeah, that's true
collaboration is intractable
awygle: it's a net-happiness thing; you get more happy overall by accepting that lots of coding styles will make you unhappy and rolling with them anyways~
~~I assume your therapist will understand if you take out a pen and paper and start solving utility calculus~~
i feel like "unhappy" is one thing and "resentful" is another
I dislike two spaces on C code because I then can't differentiate scopes
and lack of a defined style altogether
ktemkin: i genuinely think it is not unlikely that i will end up working on a GANTT chart during therapy today.
(my therapist is fairly cool)
the only thing that makes me happy after looking at binutils code is contributing to lld
anyway, this is so silly
there came a point in my life where I started enjoying eating foods I dislike, because there was a certain level of interest in experiencing the adverse flavor itself
I think I feel the same way about bad code, at this point
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as well as bad coding styles
for me it's all about choice
i too can enjoy a good eating challenge, as long as i'm allowed to walk away
same for bad coding styles
ktemkin: this is how i feel re: just about anything made by intel
nmigen, a volunteer project i enjoy contributing to, can do whatever it wants, it won't bother me. my office that i had to work in to afford food, not as much.
... yeah, probably because i don't actually *have* to use any of that stuff?
thunderbolt is pathologically bad but it's still fun
intel technologies are the 'pointlessly spicy food' of computer architecture
what about 8051
also spicy?
it does kind of hurt, but in the end of the day there's still something about the capsaicin
8051's sour
i like sour
ktemkin: on a totally other note, are you working on PCIe now?
which I mean as semantically distinct from "I'm working on PCIe"
8051's... "unique".
That leaves it up to interpretation whether it's a good or bad flavor.
awygle: I'm not doing anything with a structured end-goal with it, but I've been mentoring Degi in implementing it, and I can't look at anything sufficiently complicated without getting drawn into it
that said, I now have several PCIe analyzers and interposers, which based on past expeirence means I eventually will wind up designing my own PCIe tooling
lol i see
[nmigen/nmigen] github-actions[bot] pushed 1 commit to gh-pages [+0/-0/±13] https://git.io/JJunL
[nmigen/nmigen] whitequark 74a082c - Deploying to gh-pages from @ 20f9ab9d7a6e0040d29cc8373a4238b2bcf89808 🚀
[nmigen-boards] ktemkin commented on issue #89: [RFC] handling boards that are very similar - https://git.io/JJucB
[nmigen-boards] whitequark commented on issue #89: [RFC] handling boards that are very similar - https://git.io/JJuc1
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it looks like Array[Signal] does work..?
is that supposed to be the case?
I thought python only allows indexing with an integer
that's more or less the point of Array
if you're using nMigen Arrays, yes, that's the point
I missed that
next time I'll use Arrays for LUTs then
instead of Memory
i feel like we should rework the Array docstring, it's very opaque to me
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awygle: oh absolutely
i'll look into that as a part of the docs effort
DaKnig: also: generically, python lets you stick whatever you want to into its indexing operator [] (see e.g. __getitem__); though individual types like list impose their own meanings and thus requirements