<emeb> Trying to figure out how to instantiate the Lattice up5k SB_RGBA_DRV cell in a simple nmigen design. When I do so I get this: Warning: No clocks found in design
<emeb> I'll see if I can boil it down. I'm sure that part of the issue is my inexperience, and likely some bad stuff going on in my custom board definition.
is this in simulation or are you trying to program the board?
<emeb> trying to program the board
<emeb> I can drive the RGB LED outs with simple definitions of those pins as resources, but then I don't get the current control that the SB_RGBA_DRV provides and the LEDs are too bright.
can you upload your example code somewhere?
you need to request the LED pins from the platform with dir="-", then connect those pins in a comb block to the RGB0/1/2 ports of the instance
nMigen in your browser is very trivial
have you actually tried nmigen in brython?
oh, does it use emscripten?
I'm actually not sure how it works.
I will mention I saw a demo of programming an Arduino from your browser in 2012 - somebody figured out how to expose ACM CDC devices to browsers - at least for Chrome
So if you get where I'm going...
nMigen+Yosys could be completely in browser in principle - not sure about nextPNR...
has nextpnr
people *really* hate webusb
Oh wow. OK - I'm putting this on my to do list
Oh? NOt surprised
samlittlewood has joined #nmigen
But programming an FPGA entirely from your browser seriously increases the visibility of nMigen.
Sorry - his name is/was? Scheming Pony
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Well I'll give Brython a shot this week. There's always the Rust-python route too
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hm, is the default format gtkwave uses for signals of certain bit lengths set by gtkwave or by what nmigen outputs?
ah, k
<emeb> heh... the LUNA acm_serial example, tweaked to also route loopback data to the rgba_drv core on a customized up5k platform. Don't laugh too hard - it's only my 2nd day w/ nmigen.
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sounds nice!
awygle, (is your notebook online) ? send_link : please_post
[nmigen/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JJCPc
[nmigen/nmigen] github-actions[bot] pushed 1 commit to gh-pages [+0/-0/±13] https://git.io/JJCPl
[nmigen/nmigen] whitequark 2434aff - Deploying to gh-pages from @ 0899ff366b5fa7cbfb71da3e6c24bf458fae10ee 🚀
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oh, they left. well Yehowshua if you read the scrollback, it's not digital it's paper but i'll put it up somewhere when i get a chance
whitequark: do arrays not show up in VCDs?
awygle: not directly
oh wait i think i see what's going on
the used values from the array are getting added with generic names
hm. what would be the best way to be able to see the full array?
it's pretty small, only 4 rows
assign to some temporary signals
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Yeah, nMigen does not work in Brython since it lacks abc - Abstract Base Class
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abc isn't critical
we can patch it out
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Im not used to switch statements outside C/++... when some case in nmigen catches multiple things, the switch becomes a priority encoder of sorts? is that right?
I think I used the wrong term... I mean that it would take the first matching case, right?
DaKnig: it is indeed a priority decoder
jeanthom has joined #nmigen
[nmigen] The6P4C opened issue #442: Simulator with non-passive sync process and no clock added runs indefinitely without emitting a warning - https://git.io/JJCAW
whitequark you mentioned earlier that arrays in nmigen work like switch-case statements. is that the same for verilog?
[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #442: Simulator with non-passive sync process and no clock added runs indefinitely without emitting a warning - https://git.io/JJCxm
[nmigen] whitequark edited a comment on issue #442: Simulator with non-passive sync process and no clock added runs indefinitely without emitting a warning - https://git.io/JJCxm
[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #442: Simulator with non-passive sync process and no clock added runs indefinitely without emitting a warning - https://git.io/JJCxZ
DaKnig: Verilog doesn't have arrays, SystemVerilog does but I don't know how they work
I saw things likes this:`reg [7:0] y3 [0:1][0:3]; ` , is that systemverilog?
afaik yes
Yes, although I think multidimensional unpacked arrays like this are supported by Yosys
Last I checked multidimensional packed arrays (ie multiple dimensions before the variable name) aren't
I am trying to make an interactive bench for testing how different parts of the lang work, but I cant dont get it.. I am trying to "simulate" something that is not synchronous, and I dont get how to add a comb bench
I tried to follow the tut that uses pysim and assigns a bench function (generator) to Symulator().sync_process but it says that the attribute doesnt exist
I assumed that is because I dont use the sync domain
DaKnig: sim.add_process()
ah thanks Ill try this
Make sure to `yield` between writing and reading
this doesnt work with comb bench apparently
Lofty: you need to `yield Settle()`
whats that
I thought the wrapped in add_process did that?
it waits for signals to settle on their new values?
And yes, DaKnig
Basically it's a signal to the Simulator to combinatorially propagate values
Settle is not defined
import it from back.pysim
ah yeah
I should import *
* zignig
discovers that actual is significantly more complicated than theory.
DaKnig: "import *" is, if you search on the internet, discouraged. in particular, when there are teams of people communicating (such as on the internet) when "import *" is used multiple times, the only person who knows what was imported from where is the original author.
that's if they can remember
explicit imports give an audit / tracking trail that allows even the developer to debug the program.
there are several other reasons: you can find them by searching "python import wildcard considered harmful"
this doesn't generally apply to `from nmigen import *` though
I know all those reason
if it's the only place it's used, then the only thing that it stops is lintian tools from being able to check errors in the use of the nmigen package
Im fine with all those "scary things"
nmigen does all the stuff to ensure that only the relevant parts are exported
however as it's been "accepted practice" in nmigen (and migen), all nmigen developers now, very unfortunately, believe that it can be done on nmigen_soc, nmigen_boards, everything.
linters should just deal with glob imports, it's not actually very hard
which in complex projects makes it impossible to track.
"best practices" or however you wanna call them are not rules.
they are suggestions.
first, DaKnig is right
follow them when it makes sense to you
DaKnig: it just depends if the intention is to collaborate or not.
"best practices" is just how programmers call things they like when they want to sound authoritative
if the code being developed is not intended to be used by anyone else, doing whatever you like and whatever suits you is perfectly fine
the biggest problems come when you have many libs that all export way too much stuff for one person to thnk about
however when it comes to collaboration, and other people have to use the code, these "rules" start to make sense and become much more important.
this is not as bad as , say, `delete this` in C++
lkcl_: do not make absolute statements like that
just state it like it is: it is your personal preference
whitequark: ok...
no, it's not my "personal preference", let me think how to put it
I think that there should be no absolute rules for code formatting
I think what you are trying to say is "common sense" or "cult practice"
however when it comes to collaboration, and other people have to use the code, *i have observed and experienced over the past 20 years of working with python* that these "rules" start to make sense and become much more important.
yes. it is your personal preference based on your observation
DaKnig: yyeah that would be a good way to put it.
whitequark: is there a reason nmigen-boards is not running tests for PRs?
vup: yes. for one, it doesn't have any tests
I dont wanna bother with all this for a small testing script
is wat I am saying...
DaKnig: that absolutely makes sense.
vup: we should probably at least make sure all of the boards do import
I do use namespaces and all that usually.
when code gets large enough
whitequark: ah correct, but "setup.py test" seems to do something along these lines?
that's true, but it's deprecated
(thats how I am catching these typos currently)
how can you test board platforms?
if you dont have the hardware
DaKnig: well, for the ones with FOSS toolchains, you can at least run synthesis
for blinky
this doesn't test all that much more
what does this test? that it spits out some bitstream?
vup: i guess we can add that in the meantime
and figure it out later
i've seen many cross-platform projects run into this one. the developers don't necessarily have all hardware needed to run all tests.
whitequark: sounds good to me, I am not really an expert in python packaging / testing, if "setup.py test" is deprecated, what is supposed to replace it?
DaKnig: yes, that tests a few more things
vup: just use setup.py test for now
in debian they actually refuse to add ports for which they do not have native hardware!
i've observed that trying to stick to these "rules" has hurt collaboration. spending a page or two ranting about an unrelated glob import when someone's just asking for some debugging help wasn't great..
i very much agree with miek
enforce your coding standard in *your own projects*, sure
and keep it there
miek: interesting.
whitequark, miek: as i said - the problem comes when the practice propagates throughout an entire community, and large projects try to use that code.
this *is* causing our project huge inconvenience.
deal with it
you do not get to have your arbitrary preferences enforced on everyone you talk to
whitequark: i have to say, that's very rude of you.
i find your insistence on ranting about glob imports every damn time it comes up extremely rude
* zignig
observes release < 1.0 , things will break , but WQ is taking the _proper_ road.
slow and steady...
i appreciate you being honest with me in saying that.
whitequark: I have almost got my tinybx with ktempkin's usb and a Boneless-v3 running at 12Mhz.
(and you, miek, for your honesty)
we know you think that. we already figured out that your preference is not shared by a significant proportion of people, including myself
it's not necessary to rehash that over and over again each time it comes up
my feeling is, here, that when there is another large project that also encounters problems with this, it will be listened to.
the way you come off in these conversations is that you try to enforce your preference on everyone you see not sharing it
nmigen development is "root level" (if you know what i mean). as in: because it's young, and because it's usually the first time that hardware engineers use python...
ah. yes. this is an issue that i have: self-deprecation and leaving out "the way that i see it" (and other such phrases)
>and because it's usually the first time that hardware engineers use python...
lack of use of personal pronouns.
yeah that part is pretty condescending too
* lkcl_
waves to jeanthom
whitequark: it's part Asperger's, part subconscious self-deprecation
it's not deliberate
what matters is the result
indeed. most unfortunate
isnt everything we people say just "what we think"?
"I think ... (gravity) ... works like so"
there are no facts, just things we are very convinced about... and math is a way to convince others of things
ok that is offtopic
I would stop.
DaKnig: there are also requests and demands
DaKnig: well, the way that i'm saying things, by lacking personal pronouns, is being taken as "fact" when it's not that black and white
which people find annoying (like jeanthom just did)
anyway. yes. back to nmigen :)
imo we should treat what people say as what they think/want to convey, not as facts, and therefore saying "... I think" all the time is redundant. its just words that make statements sound softer. like Im doing here.
ok I should really stop. it has nothing to do with this project.
what is the most compact way to share a Memory block between to Elaboratables?
zignig: you can just use it from those two, but you'll get a warning about hierarchy flattening
I'm trying to have a ROM in one that can be rewritten by another.
zignig: is it being accessed (read, written) by both blocks?
you can also add all of the ports in some module, but use signals of those ports in another
whitequark: I'm trying to get LUNA's descriptors for usb as a semi-rom that the boneless can rewrite and re-enumerate.
oh, hm
for a proof of concept you can directly access that ROM, i think
what would be a nice clean way to do this i can't say, as i'm not familiar with LUNA
currently it is a case list that enumerates as addresses.
in general, if you try to access things in nmigen in a way that cannot be expressed hierarchically, it will flatten the hierarchy and do what you want
(with a warning)
interestingly, Yosys has to be somewhat retrofit to support that, since SystemVerilog requires it
zignig: the pattern i've used is to pass in the Memory as an argument to the constructor, where i added the Memory to the *parent*
constructor of both submodules
lkcl_: it's not a parent as such , but one has veto. I think a phat mux and an interlock FSM will work.
why not use that as a Module outside both parts
and just connect them to it at the level above in the hierarchy?
zignig: ah yes, that would work.
i have a CPU (a really nifty one BTW), that will drop the usb interface , open a semi-rom , rewrite it and then open again.
we're doing something similar in LibreSOC, using a PriorityPicker and ready/valid signalling.
it is not a bilateral interface.
anything that wants access to the (one) port sets a "Request" bit high.
those "Request" bits are grouped together with Cat()
they're pushed into a back-to-back Encoder-Decoder (or maybe the other way round)
and in that way only one of them is ever "hot".
the technique was first seen in the CDC 6600, from 1965 :)
I was going to transit through CSR as I can bind them a Peripheral subclass (munted strip of lambda-soc).
we could definitely have PriorityPicker in lib.coding
whitequark: as an arbiter ?
whitequark: i remember, we discussed this... a year ago? back-to-back Encoder-Decoder creates a pmux, which doesn't get optimised out
i ran a laarrrrge PriorityPicker through yosys: it was *really* well-optimised
1 sec..
[nmigen-boards] rroohhh opened pull request #88: Travis: set up CI builds - https://git.io/JJWeh
I am going to stop before I enter crazy mode.
zignig: lol
lkcl_: GMT+8
perth au.
my partner is just calling someone in TW (GMT+8)
TW !!? , watch out for swirly things !! ( in la nina )
anyway , crazy mode active, gnite all.
zignig: night
I am translating some VHDL code, and theres a big case (equivalent of switch) statement, that only assigns to one signal and has a "default" case. what would be the way to do this in nmigen? I dont think switch would be ideal- for one, its very long (in the original too)
is there something like the rust swithc, that returns a value?
ah wait its called Memory lol
nevermind me
DaKnig: :)
DaKnig, you could use an Array
I think Memory would be more efficient- wouldnt you agree?
whitequark mentioned yesterday that Array is equivalent to a sort-of Switch statement
I am p sure he means a Mux
because thats what Switch statements are
one thing that Mitch Alsup taught me is the gate-level efficiency of using unary-encoding vs binary-encoding.
DaKnig: how big a vhdl switch statement is it? 30 entries? 300?
and are the case statements single-bit (one-hot)?
case ("0b0001") case ("0b0010")
and I am not sure that would help much here
one hot is great when you have to do some kinda logic "if (somehting)"
if you _can_ make them single-bit, then the test-logic is.. well... one AND gate. or because it's 32 entries, that would be 32 AND gates
it would have been useful here if I could use 3rd state stuff
but nah
however if you use a Switch statement or Memory, it'll be 5 XOR gates times 32
it is not a single AND gate. given that you cant do huge AND gates efficiently...
this matters for ASICs: for FPGAs, not so much
the value assigned is 30 bits long
but the *test* is just one bit on each. yes you can't do much about the assignment
wait why 5 xors?
DaKnig: you're targetting an FPGA?
5 XORs is what's needed for an "==" comparison of two 5-bit binary values
plus a 5-input AND gate.
Memory would use BRAM probably
that's what I'd assume at least
that's why I dont see the 5 xors being useful
DaKnig: yes. which means that (in FPGA) it would be less LUTs blah blah :)
in an ASIC, it's a totally different story.
thinking in terms of LUTs vs gates
those XORs (and the multi-input AND) are all part of the BRAM decoding logic, "for free". no LUTs needed / taken
bottom line, a Memory looks like the sensible option, doesn't it? :)
IBM released the source code for the A21 recently. it was i believe what went into the Blackbird? (something like that)
actually I should find a way that's beter than memory. since the code basically encodes a state machine as a counter with en+memory
it is very light on resources thanks to that, but there might be a better way
DaKnig: you know it's possible to check (using yosys) how much in the way of resources a design takes up?
for ecp5, the yosys command is "synth_ecp5"
and after a whooole bunch of console logs, it gives a report on the number of ANDs, ORs, NOTs, LUTs, SRAMs etc. needed for the design
I might do this later
it'll tell you in *concrete* terms (rather than guessing) which implementation is more resource-efficient
this would mean firing up Vivado GUI which is not something I wanna do now :) would take some time to load everything and such
nggggh :)
DaKnig: There's synth_xilinx
Why would you use Vivado?
Lofty: good point. it's not necessary to use Vivado's LUT/resource estimation, synth_xilinx would give the same information
that's assuming that they're the same level of efficiency.
not really
-abc9 helps a bit
thats the project that aims to RE Series 7 FPGAs, no?
or rather the outcome of that
bunnie huang did a really good article which pointed out that that's not actually true :)
Well, it's called "synth_xilinx" because it handles more than just xc7
e.g. mwk has done a lot for earlier families
I heard that there are some missing features in that. also I really should focus on coding instead of on the tools.
tools are important but not as much as the things you make with them.
I spent way too much time to set up what I have now, I'd probably try yosys and such later this year (or next year)
... technically synth_xilinx doesn't rely on reverse engineering anything, the information needed to write a synthesis tool is publically available (well except timings)
it's P&R and lower where you need to reverse things
whitequark I noticed the nmigen-boards scripts use webpack version of vivado, even though I have the license. why does it happen? any plans on changing that?
mwk: aha.
DaKnig: i don't do anything to make that happen
it's how vivado works iirc
webpack parts use webpack. don't ask me why
* whitequark
is going to sleep now
from my understanding , when the GUI boots up, it checks and validates the license file, but I noticed that here it doesnt
* zignig
is still awake and in deep conflict with a register allocator.
zignig: the FSM you mentioned earlier?
no this is above that , writing Boneless-V3 ASM and I need more than 6 regsiters.
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awygle: what will it take to switch from `Record` to that?
I'm using `Record` largely like a packed struct already
FL4SHK: no way to answer that definitively til we work through the design. Probably find+replace will be close to all that's needed if you're really using it like a packed struct currently.
I'm not using it like an interface
I'm using classes for that
Also remember we won't remove Record until 0.5 at the earliest so you'll have plenty of time to transition
I like to future proof my stuff
And if possible we'll give a DepreciationWarning that tells you exactly what to change
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wait, Memory counts as two Modules?
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or rather, a Module for each port?
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<314> Is there a simple enough way to have a "next next state" kinda deal in nmigen FSM??
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<314> like if i want to have a "wait for condition" state, but i want to be able to do m.next = "WAIT" ; m.next_next = "whatever_state_comes_after" and have the code for my "WAIT" state be able to call the "whatever_state_comes_after"
<314> without having to manually enumerate all the states and create a numerical register to hold the next-next state
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not currently, no
"make the FSM DSL better" is on the list of Things To Do
but as you can imagine that list is quite long
you have to do it manually for the moment
<TiltMeSenpai> is there a tracking issue for that somewhere?
<TiltMeSenpai> I don't know if it's currently possible, but I'd eventually like to extract FSM's into some type of data structure so I can plot them in graphviz or something