[nmigen] programmerjake commented on issue #429: values in vcd are zero despite simulation's nonzero values - https://git.io/JJYZB
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[nmigen] programmerjake commented on issue #429: values in vcd are zero despite simulation's nonzero values - https://git.io/JJYWU
[nmigen] programmerjake commented on issue #429: values in vcd are zero despite simulation's nonzero values - https://git.io/JJYWG
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[nmigen] programmerjake edited a comment on issue #429: values in vcd are zero despite simulation's nonzero values - https://git.io/JJYWG
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tpw_rules: yeah it's related
i just haven't really had the time to work on something except for nmigen for months
[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #429: values in vcd are zero despite simulation's nonzero values - https://git.io/JJYlM
i mean i'm not expecting or waiting for an implementation from you
tpw_rules: i kinda wanted a regalloc from the start
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would the regalloc be mandatory, opt in, or opt out?
this installs the python bits, which was actually the least annoying part of the process
I need to document this...
It's near impossible to build this toolchain in only one try
trabucayre: anyway, lemme know when you update it and i'll mention it as something less painful and actually working
less painful than conda
First I need to fix issues, second document and third avoid conda in build time...
sounds great!
I've spent my last weekend to build a toolchain!
to find howto build to be more precise
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whitequark: script failure is no only my fault, with symbiflow-arch-defs repository hash used last week the build is success, with the current HEAD the build fail
maybe checkout a specific commit?
I'll try first with the good commit to have a script working. After that, I'll trying to fix script with HEAD
but It's usually better to use a specific commit instead of branch
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trabucayre, whitequark: my friend phil asked a friendly ISP to set the MTU to 500 and they actually did it (gosh).
he told me that one of the reasons why ISPs set MTUs so large is so that they can "win" the "speed wars" by reducing UDP/TCP packet overhead... sigh
trabucayre: i'm on a mobile 3G/LTE connection, using three mobile. it's... ok. better than 128k/s ADSL. if you're in the UK, smarty are doing a deal: unlimited data for GBP 20/month. they're a 3rd party ISP on Hutchinson Lab's network.
of course if you're _really_ out in the middle of nowhere, 3G/LTE might not work :) to compensate for that, we got a high gain antenna for the 3G/LTE hotspot and it does well. except when it rains :)
lkcl_: thanks but I live in France and I'm quite near the middle of nowhere :)
whitequark: i successfully built nextpnr-ecp5 (and its dependency) without GUI, python *or* boost, and it was successful, worked, and is one heeelll of a lot smaller.
Usually to sent big files I use my laboratory connection :)
trabucayre: :) ah, then if you get any kind of mobile phone signal _at all_, try a Hong-Kong-based PokeFI. they are international roaming yet only charge USD $3 per gigabyte and they *don't* steal your money after only one month. we have two, for emergencies.
trabucayre: directional antennae to the lab? Mikrotic's equipment can do 50 km :)
you got line of sight to the lab? teehee
lkcl_: pretty sure you can't build nextpnr without boost
* lkcl_
double-checking the config.log on the builds, 1 sec
the actual code is less than a megabyte iirc
whitequark: i investigated the vcd symbols issue that jacob raised. nmigen is actually outputting zeros into the vcd file, which is legally and correctly formatted
sure. can you produce an MCVE?
I've checked some of the designs I use to test (Minerva mostly) and they're ok
so it's some combination of what nmigen does and what you're doing
interestingly, where (from alan's commit, 303ea18) the vcd file will contain Enum names / string info, there's not even those enum names. i checked a diff
whitequark: oof. that's a lot of work. the DIV unit is... massive for a reason. i'll see if there's a smaller example to start from, that would be far less work.
you could also bisect nmigen
give me some time to check some of the other code and some of the examples we have (ones that also do pipelining)
i don't think there are any breaking changes between 303ea18 and current master
i did (manually).
i'm not sure why jacob wasn't able to bisect it
oh. which commit is the issue, then?
i found that the commit immediately before alan's one broke things, the one with pysim.back. after 10 minutes i stopped the simulation, it was just locked up 100% CPU
then the one that got things "working" again (simulation-wise, not vcd wise) was back.pysim: only extract signal names if VCD is requested.
give me a mo to check if there's any simpler examples that also have (validly-written) zeros in the vcd file
lkcl_: ahhh i see
ehn. odd/obtuse. the multiply pipeline works perfectly fine.
right so i think i can give you a patch you can apply on top of 2606ee33a that fixes it
i know what the "lockup" is (it's not a lockup, i just pessimized it by a very high constant factor)
I noticed that litex has a wishbown down/upconverter
would it be acceptable to port that to nmigen-soc
hmm it's actually really tricky to create a MCVE, here, because this is pipelines. each stage's input and output data format critically define the relationships to the previous and next stages... *and* to the "manager" of the pipeline.
Lofty: yep
TD-Linux: there's already a PR
ah thanks. I guess I can review it
and maybe add the downconverter if the original author doesn't want to
whitequark: btw, we have a POWER9 simulator of the div instructions (in python of course). the nmigen HDL simulation *still gives correct values* compared to the python-based POWER9 ISA simulator, even when the vcd file's output is incorrect.
TD-Linux: we'd appreciate it (and be interested).
whitequark: i just wanted to emphasise that, that it appears only to be the output to the vcd file, rather than the alternative error: "actual nmigen Simulation producing zeros" which it definitely isn't. strangely, glancing through the (17,000!!!) vcd signals, _some_ signals are non-zero.
ah that's pretty simple :)
yes, which is why i overlooked it
it causes minerva VCDs to blow up 20x
so what happens there is instead of placing the traces for a signal on every hierarchy level where the signal is used,
it places the traces for every signal on every hierarchy level
so if you have a heavily hierarchical design the constant factor will be extremely high
worse, until recently pyvcd did not have aliases
so if a signal was used in 20 modules, i would actually have to dump it 20 times
speaking of which
yeah we're looking at 872k vcd files for running a single instruction.
the MUL pipeline, running 100 simulated instructions, is 1.7 mbytes.
it looks like that was it - give me a moment to check a more complex operation
whitequark: yeah that's good.
yeah it's a 5-level-deep class hierarchy for the DIV pipeline. that's not even embedded in a core: it's the *pipeline* unit test!
GPUs are... yeah :)
[nmigen/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JJY2D
[nmigen/nmigen] whitequark 0a90aa1 - sim.pysim: use VCD aliases to reduce space and time overhead.
this should make VCD dumps somewhat faster and a lot smaller
[nmigen/nmigen] github-actions[bot] pushed 1 commit to gh-pages [+0/-0/±13] https://git.io/JJY2y
[nmigen/nmigen] whitequark 9ed648a - Deploying to gh-pages from @ 0a90aa1b1709fcfce48751c345b4b466ac09fc1e 🚀
whitequark: interestingly, div_simulator.vcd increased in size. 1.1mb (up from 872k)
but, i had to use master (not 2606ee33a) so it's not a fair comparison
increased in size between what and what?
ahh against HEAD-1, yes absolutely. HEAD-1 (previous commit) was 1.5mb
ah yep
so i think there actually were some signals that weren't dumped before at all
oh nice the author of that pr also made a ao68000 nmigen-soc wrapper
time to compare mine and see what I did wrong
but the vcd file from 2606ee33a was only... ah yes most likely
TD-Linux: oh! that'll be Staf Verhaegen, am i right? :)
yes. in a rare turn of events I've met him irl but don't know what his irc handle is
Staf's doing a retro-controller project and also he's acting as the bridge between Foundries and Libre/Open Silicon projects
he signs NDAs so that you don't have to
Staf made a pretty significant contribution to nMigen's architecture through our discussions of better ASIC support
he's working with Jean-Paul from Sorbonne University on a version of nsxlib and some Cell Libraries (including GPIO pads) so that you can create a *full chip layout*, then give him the scripts to run it, and he will substitute the "real" Foundry Cell Libraries
well, none of the ideas we worked out are implemented yet, but he provided some major insights that will come in useful
whitequark: yeah he's extremely knowledgeable. as a community in general we're damn lucky to have him
he worked in the silicon industry and got fed up of the NDAs, the duplication that comes from that, and the artificially-high cost of silicon as a result
* lkcl_
still hasn't had that coffee. kettle boiled 10 mins ago though :)
Staf will be doing the "final completion phase" for us of the Oct 2020 tape-out. as it's funded by NLNet, and is only 180nm, it doesn't "matter" so much, acting more of a test case for the entire concept, more than anything
he's already done one test ASIC back in... april (testing the Libre Cell Libraries)
we have no established convention for this
"danger pins"
Sort of want the platform definition to hardcode them to output 0 or 1 and not allow reassignment, wonder if you could have a special pin type or something
either that or a flag to prevent you from acquiring the subsignal
without api changes I think Pins/PinsN, dir="o" plus a scary name would be ok
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what does the F in nMigen FHDL stand for?
there's already a board definition file for the arty z7
so all you need to do is, in your nmigen script, from nmigen_boards.arty_z7 include ArtyZ7Platform
that's what I mentioned earlier
DaKnig is here at the behest of me
then instantiate it with platform = ArtyZ7Platform(top_module)
and build it with platform.build()
aweygle thanks.
DaKnig: "FHDL" as a whole is a legacy name we should just get rid of to reduce confusion
technically "F" means "Fragment" but it's no longer important
I see
Back when nmigen was new, I tried writing down notes between the differences of an "omigen" fragment and "nmigen" fragment. Well, that didn't happen. And probably won't happen now :(.
so I've decided to make an AST of sorts in my assembler
...but only for expressions
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expressions can only be integers
32-bit ones, to be specific
any use of an immediate value produces either a 32-bit immediate or a smaller one
32-bit immediates end up getting encoded into a `pre` instruction containing the top bits and then the actual instruction
so `pre; add` for example would allow add immediate to use a 32-bit immediate
`pre` is an actual instruction that exists
my preference would be to keep improving nmigen-stdio and nmigen-soc to the point where litex would be much "thinner"
nmigen-soc specifically considers e.g. building linux out of scope
so litex (or something like it) would *always* have a place in the nmigen ecosystem
but i'm hoping we don't duplicate basic cores
right now my focus is on docs and then on streams, which are foundational for any kind of SoC or really any serious FPGA project
What is in nmigen-stdio?
right now? a slightly broken UART
what should be? all sorts of I/O that *isn't* inherently tied to SoC buses
so there is a separate UART, Ethernet, SPI etc cores that just use streams (similar to AXI4 Stream)
and then in nmigen-soc there are wrappers that expose them to a SoC
my thoughts are that SoCs are fun, but building things without needing a SoC can be far more powerful
so the split is ideal
of course some things can't really be split
what would be an example of such?
I was thinking of memory controllers, but the more I consider it, the more I wonder if it's a failure of imagination
(also don't forget cxxsim when enumerating your focuses :)
yeah i was thinking about that too, i think i can imagine e.g. a DDR2 controller where much of it is in nmigen-stdio
cxxsim is nearly done
there's maybe a day or two of work left?
i'm just having like... a weekend
first in a long time
whitequark: Is there a split between "interfaces for IO / connection" and cores that use those interfaces at all?
whitequark: I was wondering if there was a way we could merge litex-boards and nmigen-boards -- I like a lot of how nmigen-boards works better....