k, thanks ktemkin.when I was poking lambdasoc there were some categories that didn't map
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tannewt: I'm trying out your systemonchip stuff. It tries to build but I get this error: TypeError: 'DecoderWindow' object is not subscriptable
emeb_mac: only the timer will work at the moment
ah, so other stuff is enabled in basic.py which needs to be turned off?
Ya. I haven’t fixed that up fully. You can run timer directly with ‘python -m systemonachip.peripheral.timer’
I haven’t tested it with a cpu yet
ok, makes sense. thx
Though I’m probably not that far off
I was going to try and get an i2c to csr bridge going so I could test peripherals over i2c
cool - sounds like it could be useful.
Ya I hope so. Maybe I’ll look at basic though since you are interested
I think I know how to change the decoder stuff
no rush - I've got an nmigen-based functional block that I'd like to put under CPU control at some point but I've got a lot of learning / thrashing to do to prepare.
Kk. That’s good for me to know. Would the i2c bridge help?
I do have some use for I2C in the future, but not immediately.
I’m thinking as a way to test your block. What board are you testing on?
<emeb> I'm on an orangecrab
kk, I have one of those. I'm poking at the basic example now
<emeb> FWIW lambdasoc will build for orangecrab if you add a uart resource
<emeb> (the sram_soc.py example)
emeb_mac: well, I have the basic file not crashing. no idea if it works
tannewt: oh fun. I'll take a look next time you push
* tannewt
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got it. for some reason it doesn't see the new bus_bridge. Do I need to rerun the setup?
ah fantastic. i spotted that the newsyncdomain_rst would have been a totally separate signal
ah - and it still is :)
at line 29 you can do "sync_adc.rst.eq(ResetSignal())
and that will merge the reset from "standard sync domain" into the sync_adc domain
or you can connect it up externally, but this is "top", which means that when you convert to verilog / ilang you should find that a seemingly-random (floating, unconnected) signal called "sync_adc_rst" appears on the list of ports
lkcl: yes - I tried that
But for some reason it seems like the OrangeCrab platform definition has the top-level resetless.
so it complained that ResetSignal() wasn't a valid signal to connect
good word, "oink". got it from Tom Holt's books :)
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the sync_adc_rst signal isn't random
if you run convert() without ports= specified, all signals not explicitly driven become toplevel inputs, including clock domain clk/rst signals
if you use a platform, however, it always takes care of setting ports= for you
ah thank you for clarifying, i used the word "random" to (ambiguously) mean/imply that.
* lkcl
currently trying to upload a litex versa_ecp5 build of libre-soc
blinky works from nmigen-boards after some modification due to the wrong JTAG ID
0x01112043 rather than 0x81112043
<TiltMeSenpai> lkcl: is this on an ecp5-12F?
LiteX definitely has the 5Gbps variant too
Then you have a mismatch
I think nmigen has a board file for that variant too, not sure about litex
There is the Versa ECP5 and the Versa ECP5-5G for the different serdes speed grades
You have the former
<TiltMeSenpai> are the ecp5 bitstreams pretty interchangeable (provided you don't use a nonexistent resource)
As they run at different Vcore the logic timings are different too
<TiltMeSenpai> ah, ok
So a bitstream that works on the 5G might not on the regular even if it doesn't use the serdes above 3Gbps
i've changed the litex openocd "searching for" string to 0x01112043
yeah i'm not using the serdes (yet)
starting off small, just want to get uart tx/rx operational
litex sim of libresoc.v works perfectly fine
i may however have to track down a litex uart "echo" example or something
although trying the "led chaser" example i just found might be even simpler and eliminate any possibility of "untested" code getting in the way
Changing the openocd string isn't enough
The idcode is also in the bitstream itself
daveshah: yes i grepped and found that it was there, modified the versa_ecp5.svf file by hand... of course if it's checksummed that won't work
Yes it is CRC16d
The data inside the svf is also reversed
you just need to get your top level part selection right, you shouldn't be grepping through and replacing it at random spots
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miek: i _love_ doing things like that when i don't know what i'm doing - sometimes they work :)
ok hmmm so how do i select the correct top level part?
Set the nmigen device correctly
platform.device = "LFE5UM5G-45F"
<TiltMeSenpai> yeah, you actually have a different part. I think the only place where replacing IDCODE was the right approach is on the 12F, you used to build bitstreams for a 25F and swap out the 12F IDCODE at some point, but that's because the 12F is a 25F with a different IDCODE lol
daveshah: it's migen, not nmigen.
Ah right, should still be the same thing
whitequark: thank you - when i'm using nmigen-boards i'll remember that.
you can pass the FPGA type as an argument to the LiteX build, IIRC
the blinky lights litex example works when selecting LFE5UM
the company i work at bought some LFE5UM-85F-5Gs and got a tray of LFE5U-45Fs instead
not related to versas tho
scammed lol
awygle: urrrr
gods, this board I'm working on has no I/O at all, so I'm currently getting my I/O through a DDR2 sodimm
ktemkin: lol
some idiot (me) designed this board with no general purpose I/O or test points too
there was a modular computer design that used sodimms to put the processor+memory+nand on it
misusing sodimms for that seems common
dang the libresoc design's big. an unavoidable side-effect of planning to do out-of-order and multi-issue, the register files are unary-addressed and can't use FPGA SRAMs.
the connectors are mass-produced, and cheap, and the pins small and proven to run at high speed.
I ordered one of these things that'll be here in a couple of weeks so I can have so gods-damned LEDs >.>
i designed 3/4s of an ecp5 sodimm compute module before realizing it wasn't actually useful in its intended application
Signal integrity, hold my beer
might finish it someday
ha! uploaded, and it already has blinky-lights incorporated. nothing from the UART yet though
whitequark: it's LEDs tied to SODIMM pins for ambiguous testing
I wonder if those are integrated resistor LEDs or whether they just rely on the current limits/controlled impedance drive
ambiguous testing
i love it
Oh, I thought it was a pass through
daveshah: I'm assuming they rely on the forward voltage of the LEDs being a bit higher than the signaling voltages
why does it have a battery holder
Makes slightly more sense as just a thing
whitequark: I have _no idea_
possibly the signaling forward voltage isn't enough for the LEDs and they use a coin cell to power the LEDs and then rely on the coin cell voltage to 0 being enough to turn the LEDs on, but the coin cell to 1 not being
the best part is that you can convince yourself it was whomever made the thing that sinned, and not you -- you only plugged it in to the sodimm you're abusing, after all
yeah, who needs gamer RGB RAM
just put lights on the DDR lines themselves
who called it "a CCD with a Bayer filter" and not "RGB memory"
well, this conversation's invoked in me... well, whatever the opposite of inspiration is
there's an old spanish proverb that says "take what you want and pay for it"
I wanted an LED, and I can only assume it'll cost me my soul
(and I didn't want to modify the base board)
is that actually a spanish proverb? i think i heard it first in a wheel of time book lol
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apparently it's also in at least one agatha christie novel
yep; it's not just Siuan~
while i mostly find discord et al to be an unnecessary increase in complexity over irc, i admit i do miss the emoji-react convention for indicating "heh, yes, good, we are having a shared cultural moment, i enjoy this" without having to type it out
(the other good thing about them is moderation tools)
I was all prepared to be old and hate discord, but I actually appreciate a bunch of what it adds over IRC
the main reason i hate discord is that it gives me a new inbox that constantly fills unless i actively mute everything
so i just refuse to check it regularly
which in practice means that i don't use it at all
i was all prepared to not be old, because i usually don't hate new things, but discord insists on eating all of my RAM for some reason
the web app must be leaky or something, idk
that's the second reason i don't like discord
the "desktop app" (electron) doesn't leak but i don't have it installed on e.g. my work laptop
the attention-sink nature of it is a problem. gotta manage those mutes
i refuse to manage the mutes
i already have enough make-work without that
I just ignore everything
i kinda roam from one unmuted discord to another over time
yes, i mean, i ignore everything, by not running discord
I mean, I ignore IRC, too, most of the time
if people want to contact me? well, that's their problem now
currently i have one unmuted channel in an n64 homebrew discord, and then the digital design discord, and that's all i pay attention to
irc is easy to ignore because it doesn't have desktop notifications or red unread counters
oh yeah i turned both of those off immediately
talk about user-hostile designs
wait, you can turn off unread counters?
that would make discord almost usable
i think so? i only get them for DMs now, which i actually want
hm, i actually don't know. you can turn off the red unread badge entirely in Notifications under App Settings
but i have that on....
in each server you can right-click and hit "notification settings" to turn off notifications
the "unread badge" is for the whole-app badge, like the win10/mac/iOS red dot on the app icon
it doesn't affect the badges on servers
i have all of mine set to "@mentions only", but i definitely didn't do that one-by-one so i don't know why it defaults to that (though it's nice)
dear god who would ever turn on "text-to-speech notifications", that sounds like a nightmare
i've set them one-by-one and then i just never opened discord again
awygle: deaf people?
even then i'd expect they'd want more control. talk about "tool for other people to give you intrusive thoughts"
yeah i don't really know
it's just my guess
but ok, fair, that was definitely ablist of me
ableist? probably ableist
great. someone dm'd me on discord but it doesn't load
I mean, the service was originally gamer-centric; I wouldn't be surprised if people used it with controllers in their hands and text-to-speech on
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discord's... *sigh*. some friends of mine formed a group on it (business related).
the web interface is... not exactly functional (on an android smartphone chrome browser)
That's because they expect you to use the app, really.
Not saying that's necessarily a good thing
i'm impressed with the plugin system
i've never been one of the anti-smartphone types, but in the last few years i lean towards using smartphones as anything *other* than a personal communication device
it's a perfectly fine camera, map, etc
but everything communication-related seems to be full of evil
whitequark: yeah. after 9 smartphones back in 2003-4 doing xda-developers research, i got fed up with them. i like dumb-phones :)
the donated Asia Samsung N9005 i have, *all* google services i disabled, and side-loaded an adb browser package.
i don't like dumbphones at all
the only reason they are useful to me at all is awful services that require 2FA (mostly banks), and the only thing i get from them is frustration
the reason: it was downloading "updates" to google play / store / everything, which got to *12 gigabytes* of the 16GB eMMC
ahh yehh despite the warnings about SMS being hackable / fakeable
no i don't even care about the security of SMS
the only result of 2FA being required, in my case, is that when it for some reason doesn't work, i can't use the service
and SMS delivery is anything but reliable
yeah we have a UK bank account and when in TW that's an absolute frickin nuisance
<TiltMeSenpai> sms is evil, mms is worse somehow
<TiltMeSenpai> like as a protocol, do not like
last time we happened to be back in the UK we had to get a three.co.uk UK SIM just to receive 2FA SMSes
in order to get access to the internet banking.
does mms still... work?
i don't think i ever managed to send or receive one, but i stopped trying a decade ago
<TiltMeSenpai> I think "work" was always a definition that was stretched
ok let me rephrase
does mms still exist?
beyond a technical standard on paper?
ya, I think it's used by android and mixed os group texts
Yes, I received one recently
<TiltMeSenpai> I can send/recieve mms in the US I think
in the us it's used heavily
Older people in the UK definitely use it still
it's WAP based therefore cursed
Despite the fact it is usually pretty expensive
50p/message level
<TiltMeSenpai> why do telcom companies (ok I'm done complaining about how cell phones are fundamentally fucked for now)
* lkcl
has litex picorv32 running up to the litex bios
which is another good sign
(UART works)
Very good
hmmm ahh i have a 37.7ns "routing" delay reported by nextpnr-ecp5
mms is multimedia message (a form of texting)
which works out at around a 27mhz clock (1/37.7e-9/1e6)
just to "get things working initially" how would i drop the clock down to say.... mmm... 16 mhz in litex?
<TiltMeSenpai> and mms works by essentially sticking a url in an sms (normally unencrypted http, and relying on network traffic never leaving carrier controlled space) and telling your phone to go fetch it
i'm not entirely expecting it to be as simple as "--sys-clk-freq=16e6" :)
there's a #litex channel, right?
whitequark: oh! duh, good point :)
#litex or #timvideos are good for Litex discussion
lkcl: you need to add logic delay too
But even simpler, look at the maximum frequency nextpnr prints :)
daveshah: logic delay?
daveshah: :)
show me the timing report
22.61 MHz
Warning: Max frequency for clock '$glbnet$sys_clk': 22.61 MHz (FAIL at 75.01 MHz)
Yeah, that's your max freq
ok cool. i can sort that later
Sounds very typical for an ASIC core on an FPGA :)
<TiltMeSenpai> ok I might have a hyperfocus round 2 on the USB HID stuff, if I were to write a generic HID builder, what would be preferable: a python dict of metadata, builder pattern, or context managers everywhere
<TiltMeSenpai> or something I'm not thinking of
TiltMeSenpai: what are you doing with USB HID?
I should probably start using the channel I made for LUNA instead of letting it fill up #nmigen, huh? >.>
<TiltMeSenpai> I've been working on adding USB HID to ktemkin's LUNA project
<TiltMeSenpai> oh, there's a LUNA channel?
daveshah, yeah. you heard about the IBM A21?
i don't mind LUNA chat here fwiw
TiltMeSenpai: mostly on the usb-tools discord, but it's bridged to #luna-usb
I haven't told people about it because I'm hiding from everyone~
<TiltMeSenpai> ah, didn't know there's a discord. Should I move convo over there?
anywhere's fine
TiltMeSenpai: for a generic HID IN endpoint, I was thinking of a builder around SignalInEndpoint
urrr i miss Makefiles. intermediary files get built and don't need rebuilding
one mistake on "integrated" build tool command-line options and it's a 10-60 minute rebuild
TiltMeSenpai: in the same style that many of the LUNA modules are builders
makefiles don't have many advantages for FPGAs since (esp with FOSS tools) you do an equivalent of a software LTO build
sure, you don't have to resynthesize if you only change p&r options. but this is rare
whitequark: yeah i totally get it, repeatability is important apart from anything.
<TiltMeSenpai> hmm maybe I should just open a RFC issue on LUNA or something like that. Would you be opposed?
TiltMeSenpai: off the top of my head, I can imagine that as having a function like .add_report_item(), which takes both metadata that describes the type of the report item, and the signal that carries the relevant report chunk -- and then the module might Cat together the various report chunks appropriately and squish 'em in a SignalInEndpoint
and yes, RFCs are Very Good
and yeah now i think about it, the PnR would change completely even for the smallest change in the "source"
<TiltMeSenpai> ok, also did you see my comment about the HID descriptor/HID Report descriptor stuff? no rush if not, don't want to stress you
new experience, different paradigm
Incremental builds are _theoretically_ possibl
particularly for small design changes
but the tooling for them is not really there, even in the vendor toolchains
conversely, all the dependency tracking adds complexity and potential issues
migen's makefiles did not work well on windows, for example
daveshah: yeh thinking it through after wq mentioned about pnr it doesn't make sense
so i just ditched them
Oh incremental PnR is definitely doable
I do like ninja for managing dependencies and what to rebuild
yeah but... it's even more obscure than make
doing it while getting both a decent build speedup and limited QoR cost is a lot harder
you and i have it, but i don't think that everyone should
I was considering trying to take an nmigen build plan and convert it to ninja
I liked ninja because it solves the problems I don't want to and not much more
I'm happy to have python generate the ninja file and not need to hand edit it
i don't see what problems ninja would solve here
it handles the problem of what to rebuild
like i said, i don't think this is a problem that exists
that's a fair
my main interest is the other end of system level nmigen apis :-)
it would be technically simple to support generating make or ninja files or such. it just won't do anything useful beyond getting people to stop suggesting this
* lkcl
ngggggh 3rd time rebuilding changing the sys_clk_freq parameter in libresoc_versa_ecp5.py nggggh
i'd bang my head against the keyboard of the laptop if it wasn't so insanely expensive :)
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lkcl, sounds like you have time to add ninja support to litex :-P
tannewt, don't tempt me lol
sys_clk_freq changes the design too slightly
The UART baud rate default value
And the PLL setting is in the Verilog, not passed straight to the PnR
daveshah: figures
So I don't see how ninja would directly help
If it's a hack and you want to save time, you could change the PLL divider in the JSON manually
And use something flexible for the UART
appreciated the hint on that one
holy cow it worked
ok, well, the memory test/initialisation failed probably because i have the clock too low (8mhz)
Oh yeah, I think 48MHz or so is the lowest that has been tested
(also, we should probably continue and discussion of that in #litex :)
good idea.
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[nmigen-boards] whitequark commented on pull request #103: Add GPDI pins to ulx3s.py - https://git.io/JJy9g
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[nmigen-boards] GuzTech commented on pull request #103: Add GPDI pins to ulx3s.py - https://git.io/JJy5b