flux changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussions about the OCaml programming language | http://caml.inria.fr/ | Grab OCaml 3.10.2 from http://caml.inria.fr/ocaml/release.html (featuring new camlp4 and more!)
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<wolgo> hi
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<bluestorm> seems i just missed a big "jdh event"
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<wolgo> So a global expression in Ocaml is just a let binding defined in a non-nested context?
<bluestorm> yes
<bluestorm> we tend to say "at top level"
<wolgo> Oh okay.
<wolgo> I will use that then.
<bluestorm> (it is actually more subtle as it is a module structure item, as there is an implicit enclosing module, but if you're beginning, never mind)
<wolgo> I am beginning.
<wolgo> low programming experience too
<bluestorm> hm
<bluestorm> i'm not sure what you mean by now, but from your use of "global expression" and "nested context", i would say you have a bit of experience already
<bluestorm> s/now/low/
<wolgo> I mean little.
<wolgo> when I say low
<wolgo> I have read some books.
<wolgo> Well, I have read a shitload of programming books. I am not sure why I have chosen to never stick to and write programs in a specific language though.
<bluestorm> (that was a polite way to say : bullshit, you're using non-trivial terms the good way, i know you've been hiding a Java/C/Python/whatever book somewhere all that long, you nasty boy)
<wolgo> I am serious.
<wolgo> I am not lying. I have read a lot of programming books.
<bluestorm> OCaml is probably a good language for trying differents things (and this is #ocaml, so free ocaml advertising for all)
<wolgo> Yeah I like it.
<wolgo> There are some items that are a bit confusing but I enjoy them.
<wolgo> Does everyone here work professional with ocaml?
<bluestorm> yeah, some people at jane street mostly
<mbishop> I don't
<wolgo> Oh
<wolgo> I wonder if they to arbitrage trading or wtf ever that is called.
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<jeddhaberstro> walgo, you there?
<wolgo> yes
<wolgo> I am now
<wolgo> When is it appropriate to use ;. I have examples of when to not use it
<wolgo> I can look at the stdlib
<jeddhaberstro> Usually you use it when you're doing imperative programming in OCaml and need consecutive expressions.
<jeddhaberstro> where the each expression changes state (memory)
<jeddhaberstro> like I/O
<wolgo> like assigning a new value to a reference variable?
<mbishop> yes
<wolgo> Oh okay
<wolgo> but never after a let binding
<wolgo> I tried to search pervasives.mli for ; but just got a bunch of ; in sentences
<wolgo> I see.
<mbishop> Where is the proper (system-wide) place to put some ocaml code so that ocaml knows where it is?
<wolgo> I have another question -> I just read http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners/message/9843, and they give a several line explanation on how to return a unit after displaying a greeting (I barely know wtf that is). I did this: let greetings name = print_string "Greetings" ; print_string (((^) " ") name);; is my version is the proper way to do this?
<wolgo> barely know what a unit is, not a greeting. Sorry for my grammar.
<wolgo> mine is better, it displays how I am able to curry a function
<wolgo> that is better for me
<jeddhaberstro> let greetings name = print_string ("Greetings" ^ name ^ "\n");;
<jeddhaberstro> should work
<jeddhaberstro> oops, add a space after Greetings and then it works ;)
<wolgo> right, I want to use the features of the language though like currying
<jeddhaberstro> Why?
<wolgo> man I do not know wtf I am doing haha
<wolgo> So I understand it better
<jeddhaberstro> Makes no sense to complicate a simple concept
<jeddhaberstro> Find a better reason then printing strings to use currying :P
<wolgo> You are right but it allowed me to use somethinig simple and illustrate something that was bending my brain
<wolgo> Haha okay.
<jeddhaberstro> k, lol
<wolgo> I am mildly retarded if you haven't noticed
<wolgo> This is curried let sum_list = List.fold_left ( + ) 0
<jeddhaberstro> currying is usually very helpful when combined with higher order functions and general abstraction (which is the point of functional programming really...)
<wolgo> See, they try to sneak these things under the radar
<jeddhaberstro> yep
<wolgo> What is a HOF?
<jeddhaberstro> a function that takes a function as a parameter
<wolgo> Oh okay
<jeddhaberstro> I think it's also a function that returns a function as it's value
<jeddhaberstro> not sure though
<wolgo> I will research it
<jeddhaberstro> Good read
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<mbishop> anyone here use uintlib?
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<MelanomaSky> Question -- Is there a way I can share a single ocamllex file with two different parsers? (eg two different ocamlyacc files)?
<MelanomaSky> I see in the tutorials that one usually does an "open ParseModule" in the header section of the ocamllex file.
<MelanomaSky> But this doesn't play nicely if I want to use the same ocamllex file across more than one parser.
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<mfp> wolgo: there's a theoretically unexciting, but very convenient in practice way to do formatted printing, unique (?) to OCaml. Ask the top-level for the type of this expression: Printf.printf "Greetings %s.\n". Now try with another format string... (you said you've read many books so you doubtlessly know printf already, but OCaml's got a twist.)
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<Yoric[DT]> Yeah, actually, OCaml printf is quite nice.
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<Yoric[DT]> Now, if it only were possible to extend it easily (say, with either overloading or through Camlp4).
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<flux> I'm not sure if extending printf would be a great idea, if you mean extending the format string. wouldn't it lead to code that's more difficult to understand, even if you already understood printf and its format strings?
<flux> at present you can sortof-extend it with printf "%t .. " (print_asdf foo)
<flux> although I don't think you can pass format qualifiers that way
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<vixey> mfp: C and C++ do this too I think
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<mfp> vixey: it's not type-safe. At most, you get a warning. With gcc, no complains about printf("%d\n", 54.34); unless given -Wall.
<mfp> type-safety is what distinguishes OCaml's printf
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<flux> well, but gcc sort of can do it too, as you said
<flux> what really distinguishes ocaml's printf from others is that it can check let c = format_of_string "%d" in printf c 42 in compile time
<flux> but I'm not sure how useful that is :)
<mfp> and this let prendline fmt = Printf.printf (fmt ^^ "\n")
<flux> yeah, I suppose that's already more useful
<mfp> what about this:
<mfp> let scan_timestamped fmt s = Scanf.sscanf s ("[%d-%d-%d %d:%d] " ^^ fmt)
<mfp> # scan_timestamped "%s" "[2008-08-13 12:47] sdfsfd" (fun y m d hh mm s -> Printf.printf "You said %s at %d:%d\n" s hh mm);;
<mfp> You said sdfsfd at 12:47
<mfp> - : unit = ()
<flux> btw, I never realized why scanf works that we until reading mlton.org/Printf and associated white paper
<flux> but I suppose you might already be familiar with that
<flux> (I found the white paper easier to follow)
<mfp> Danvy's and others?
<flux> yes
<flux> "Functional Unparsing"
<mfp> that's a classic
<mfp> there's a related functional pearl > "Do we need dependent types"
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<Asmadeus> BTW, since you're trying stuff on the toplevel, would you be interested in having a xavierbot here ? It ignores anything that doesn't end by ';;' so shouldn't be too much of a bother; only takes single-line of code though, but that'd work for your scantimestamped example
<flux> I think xavierbot is ok, I believe it's been more a matter of someone bothering to run in rather than it not being allowed :)
<flux> I do believe the bot originated on this channel
<mfp> I've never seen anybody object to xavierbot here; there's not that much traffic anyway
<Asmadeus> Well, I'm more asking if it interests you than if it bothers :P
<vixey> Are you able to run it ?
<Asmadeus> I don't mind running it, I'd just like to know if it'd be useful
<flux> someone(TM) should add persistent storage facilities to it ;)
<flux> I think it could be useful, perhaps even missed at times
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<mfp> :-)
<Asmadeus> I'll have it set up on a permanent shell later, I just had the thing up from a few months ago
<mfp> 42;;
<xavierbot> - : int = 42
<vixey> Printf.printf "%s%s%s";;
<xavierbot> - : string -> string -> string -> unit = <fun>
<vixey> cool
<Asmadeus> and flux, what do you mean by persistent storage ? mean it should retains the defined functions ?
<mfp> how hard would it be to add a tell "somebody" "message" extension?
<vixey> let meaning = 42;;
<xavierbot> val meaning : int = 42
<vixey> meaning;;
<xavierbot> - : int = 42
<mfp> (privmsg to somebody when (s)he comes back)
<Asmadeus> Ah
<flux> asmadeus, yes, retaining information over restarts
<flux> it could be used as a simple faq storage bot seen on many channels
<Asmadeus> mfp: I've written a bot in ocaml recently, and although that one's in perl I don't think it'd be too hard
<flux> not functions per se, though. and it might even need priviledges etc complicated stuff.
<Asmadeus> What flux said sohuldn't be too hard if you store the lines and reexec them
<mfp> That (tell) would be quite useful. Somebody asked for help with his C++ bindings and I saw a couple problems with his code, but I missed him for 3 days in a row.
<Asmadeus> the perl script isn't complicated; most of xavierbot's work was to make the toplevel secure, so I can probably add it to my own bot and make that (tell) function too. It's quite interesting
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<aeolist> hello everyone... i has a question...
<aeolist> ocaml is supposed to not have any operator overloading right?
<aeolist> for example * is strictly for ints and .* for floats
<aeolist> however
<aeolist> = can operate both on ints and strings.... how so?
<Asmadeus> = is a bit special; it also is used with lets and lots of other things
<mfp> (=) is a polymorphic function provided by the system
<aeolist> so = just breaks the rule then?
<vixey> (=);;
<xavierbot> - : 'a -> 'a -> bool = <fun>
<aeolist> oi
<mfp> same with
<mfp> Hashtbl.hash;;
<xavierbot> - : 'a -> int = <fun>
<vixey> (fun a -> a) = (fun a -> a);;
<xavierbot> Exception: Invalid_argument "equal: functional value".
<aeolist> then my issue is understanding overloading vs polymorphism ?
<vixey> I don't think you have any issue
<mfp> you've got it right already; (=) works thanks to parametric polymorphism, and there's no ad-hoc polymorphism (overloading)
<aeolist> oh cool :) thanks
<Asmadeus> Aww. xavierbot requires ocaml >= 3.10.0 to run, and I don't have control on that box's softwares (the one I planned to have xavierbot running in), they only have debian's package which is 3.09.2
<Asmadeus> (it's required for camlp4-safety-things, can't ignore it really :/)
<mfp> Asmadeus: I'll try to backport it to 3.09's camlp4
<Asmadeus> thanks
<Asmadeus> I've got your "tell" command ready though, using an hashtable and looking at join messages
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<Asmadeus> it compiles. Almost done doing the wrapping on the bot, will try it then
<bluestorm> actually, = is overloaded under the hood
<mfp> ssssh :)
<bluestorm> so while it is true that there is no ad-hoc polymorphism in OCaml, (=) is still an exception (~hack) for convenience
<bluestorm> the other solution is to enrich the type system (as SML did, and wich can be generalized into Haskell type classes) but that's probably more complicated
<flux> how is (=) exception?
<flux> it just is defined for all types, and can produce a runtime error at times..
<bluestorm> well
<flux> ocaml doesn't need to handle (=) in any special fashion
<flux> other than having it implemented in C..
<bluestorm> yes, that's what i mean
<bluestorm> of course programmers can use C or Obj. to inspect the value representation
<bluestorm> that's still exceptional imho
<bluestorm> and (in general) certainly not a good idea
<flux> you could have it work with objects
<flux> but it's difficult as an integer literal isn't an object..
<bluestorm> btw, i think there are some exceptional cases of type specializations of comparisons in the compilers, still :-'
<flux> optimizations?
<bluestorm> yes
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<bluestorm> that was a bad way to support my point of exceptionality, no relation to the current topic
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<Asmadeus> mfp: When starting the ocamlbotwrapper program, I get this :
<Asmadeus> File "init", line 175, characters 7-59:
<Asmadeus> Unbound type constructor format6
<Asmadeus> Know what else to change ?
<Asmadeus> nvm, found out
<Camarade_Tux> would someone happen to have an implementation of a patricia tree over strings ?
<Camarade_Tux> Reins and the one by JCF are over integers
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<Asmadeus> 5;;
<Asmadeus> Guess it doesn't work just yet :p
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<rwmjones> Asmadeus, you're trying to backport xavierbot?
<Asmadeus> rwmjones: mfp did the camlp4 part actually, the rest was just scanf's type which changed
<Asmadeus> (meaning the "ocamlbotwrapper" part is done, and I've already integrated it in my own bot, but I've got some problem somewhere I can't quite figure :P)
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<rwmjones> xavierbot hello
<rwmjones> xavierbot, help
<xavierbot> hello rwmjones, I am xavierbot 0.8, an OCaml toplevel
<xavierbot> expr ;; evaluate expr in toplevel and print result
<xavierbot> help help message
<xavierbot> restart restart the toplevel
<xavierbot> sleep go to sleep
<xavierbot> wake wake me up from sleep
<bluestorm> hm
<rwmjones> everyone complained about xavierbot last time ...
<flux> really?
<flux> I don't recall :)
<bluestorm> i just write a medium-sized post comparing Haskell and OCaml to answer the question on the mailing-list
<bluestorm> s/i/o/
<bluestorm> fail
<bluestorm> in the same time, Brian Hurt basically closed the discussion by saying "no flamewar here"
<bluestorm> do you think i could post that anyway ?
<flux> there's no website dedicated to the subject?
<flux> posting an url for such a thing would hardly be a flamewar.
<bluestorm> (and i'm actually not uninterested in a discussion on the subjet)
<bluestorm> +c
<flux> the caml-list is not a very high-volume list anyway. but who I'm to judge, I've never posted there :)
<tsuyoshi> let s = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 10 do s.[i] <- '/'; s.[i + 1] <- '\' done; s;;
<xavierbot> Characters 74-77:
<xavierbot> let s = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 10 do s.[i] <- '/'; s.[i + 1] <- '\' done; s;;
<xavierbot> ^^^
<xavierbot> Illegal backslash escape in string or character (')
<tsuyoshi> oops
<tsuyoshi> I guess that is the problem with writing one-liners...
<tsuyoshi> oh it should be 0 to 9, too
<bluestorm> my might-be-answer : http://rafb.net/p/pjAknk50.html
<flux> perhaps an alternative would be sending the error messages back to the writer
<tsuyoshi> er.. and
<flux> unless a special suffix was provided :)
<tsuyoshi> i * 2, i * 2 + 1
<tsuyoshi> I just suck at this
<bluestorm> hehe
<bluestorm> one time i tried to write a tiny OCaml program (prime factors) with the eyes closed
<bluestorm> that's quite fun actually
<Asmadeus> :P
<bluestorm> the inside-brain emacs buffer is not so poor
<bluestorm> (and probably much better at syntax highlighting)
<tsuyoshi> let s = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 9 do s.[i * 2] <- '/'; s.[i * 2 + 1] <- '\\' done; s;;
<xavierbot> - : string = "/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\"
<tsuyoshi> oh the backslashes are escaped, lame =^P
<flux> you can use print, you know
<tsuyoshi> oh can I?
<flux> (you can, right?-))
<flux> print_endline "hello world";;
<xavierbot> hello world
<xavierbot> - : unit = ()
<tsuyoshi> it won't show up right for me anyway, I have this stupid japanese font that shows a yen sign instead of a backslash
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<vixey> let t = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 9 do s.[i * 2] <- '%'; s.[i * 2 + 1] <- 's' done; t;;
<xavierbot> Characters 47-48:
<xavierbot> let t = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 9 do s.[i * 2] <- '%'; s.[i * 2 + 1] <- 's' done; t;;
<xavierbot> ^
<xavierbot> Unbound value s
<vixey> let t = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 9 do t.[i * 2] <- '%'; t.[i * 2 + 1] <- 's' done; t;;
<xavierbot> - : string = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"
<vixey> Printf.printf t;;
<xavierbot> Characters 15-16:
<xavierbot> Printf.printf t;;
<xavierbot> ^
<xavierbot> Unbound value t
<flux> that ; t;; is redundant
<flux> and I suppose it breaks it
<vixey> let t = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 9 do t.[i * 2] <- '%'; t.[i * 2 + 1] <- 's' done;;
<xavierbot> - : unit = ()
<vixey> Printf.printf t;;
<xavierbot> Characters 15-16:
<xavierbot> Printf.printf t;;
<xavierbot> ^
<xavierbot> Unbound value t
<flux> hmm
<vixey> let t = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 9 do t.[i * 2] <- '%'; t.[i * 2 + 1] <- 's' done in Printf.printf t;;
<xavierbot> Characters 86-90:
<xavierbot> let t = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 9 do t.[i * 2] <- '%'; t.[i * 2 + 1] <- 's' done in Printf.printf t;;
<xavierbot> ^^^^
<xavierbot> Parse error: [str_item] or ";;" expected (in [top_phrase])
<flux> let a = 42;;
<xavierbot> val a : int = 42
<flux> Printf.printf "%d" a;;
<xavierbot> 42- : unit = ()
<flux> argh
<flux> you had an "in" there
<flux> oh, neve rmind
<flux> figure it out ;)
<vixey> I think it's impossible!
<flux> let t = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 9 do t.[i * 2] <- '%'; t.[i * 2 + 1] <- 's';;
<xavierbot> Characters 82-85:
<xavierbot> let t = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 9 do t.[i * 2] <- '%'; t.[i * 2 + 1] <- 's';;
<xavierbot> ^^^
<xavierbot> Parse error: "done" expected after [sequence] (in [do_sequence])
<flux> now I'm doing it
<flux> let t = let t = String.create 20 in for i = 0 to 9 do t.[i * 2] <- '%'; t.[i * 2 + 1] <- 's' done; t;;
<xavierbot> val t : string = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"
<flux> :P
<vixey> Printf.printf t;;
<xavierbot> Characters 15-16:
<xavierbot> Printf.printf t;;
<xavierbot> ^
<xavierbot> This expression has type string but is here used with type
<xavierbot> ('a, out_channel, unit) format =
<xavierbot> ('a, out_channel, unit, unit, unit, unit) format6
<vixey> oh now I understand
<flux> yeah, figured it still wouldn't work. and there isn't a way it's going to, really.
<twobitwork> I wish either a) ocaml had haskell like type classes and stdlib, or b) haskell was naturally strict and less pure
<twobitwork> anyone else find themselves feeling that way?
<vixey> twobitwork: No
<vixey> twobitwork: Ever wrote a type checker?
<twobitwork> you don't think ocaml could benifit from type classes or a more complete standard library?
<twobitwork> vixey: no...
<twobitwork> why?
<vixey> I probably wont bother suggesting you write something that reads in haskell, resolves typeclasses and outputs ocaml code then
<twobitwork> ohh :)
<twobitwork> but, I could probably find a way to factor out the type-checking in ghc if I really wanted to :)
<bluestorm> twobitwork:
<twobitwork> bluestorm:
<bluestorm> i think you should explore the module way more
<flux> ocaml type system implementation in camlp4 would be cool
<bluestorm> module and functors are powerful
<flux> it would annotate all expressions
<twobitwork> bluestorm: hmm... I always forget about modules in ocaml, I really should learn more about it
<bluestorm> you can do a lot of type classes things with them
<twobitwork> can you recommend a good starting point for learning modules in ocaml?
<bluestorm> well
<vixey> (repeating someone nick like that is annoying)
<bluestorm> most complete ocaml books/tutorials have a module sections
<twobitwork> vixey: like this?
<vixey> not like thta
<twobitwork> what do you mean then?
<bluestorm> (he probably refers to the fact that you repeated my nick after my tentative of HL-plus-interesting-sentence)
<bluestorm> flux: that sounds like a monstruousity to me
<bluestorm> camlp4 is a syntaxic tool
<bluestorm> if you want semantic-level metaprogramming capacities, try MetaOCaml
<bluestorm> (the problem with MetaOcaml is that iirc you can't reflect on the expressions, eg. with pattern matching. But we could probably fix that)
<vixey> you don't have access to the entire program?
<vixey> with MetaOCaml
<vixey> oh actually, I was thinking you must topological group the functions but that's not the case
<vixey> since in ocaml, that is done by the programmer
<vixey> that's fine then
<twobitwork> hmm... in the ocaml-tutorial.org discussion of modules they have "module String_set = Set.Make (String)
<twobitwork> "
<twobitwork> and they say the parens are necessary but don't explain why
<vixey> twobitwork: the BNF in ocaml manual should say
<flux> does it say more than "it's part of the syntax", though?
<flux> perhaps they are needed for disambiguation or simplicity
<twobitwork> ok, so it is just part of the syntax...
<flux> the relevant syntax description is here: http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/manual019.html
<flux> if one just removed parens from there, it would certainly be ambigious..
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<flux> sadly there's apparently been no work on ocamldefun
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<mfp> flux: I'm running a small experiment; I submitted both the "do we need dependent types" and the functional unparsing paper to reddit
<flux> :)
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<flux> I upmodded the first one already ;)
<mfp> the former uses Haskell in the text, the latter SML
<mfp> let's see what happens :-P
<flux> hah :)
<flux> perhaps you shouldn't have told about the experiment beforehand
<flux> you could have even written a whitepaper on it! ;-)
<mfp> ah well, the influence of #ocaml is negligible :-)
<twobitwork> can you parameterize a module by more than one module?
<flux> in a similar way you do it with functions but without syntactic sugar: let a = fun b -> fun c -> fun d -> b + c + d
<twobitwork> flux: ahh... so modules are curried, essentially
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<twobitwork> anyone got a link to a non-pdf version of "why functional programming matters"?
<flux> google cache?-)
<twobitwork> hmm
<twobitwork> why do people insist on using pdf on the web?
<vixey> ugh
<bluestorm> twobitwork: because they're beautiful and compatible with virtually everything ?
<bluestorm> (everybody knows printers support pdf these days, but they haven't tried on their toasters yet !)
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<flux> pdfs are a pain to read from the screen
<flux> atleast with xpdf, evince or gv
<flux> unless your display happens to be a4
<flux> (and accurate too to read so that it fits all in once)
<bluestorm> hm
<bluestorm> i'm not sure
<twobitwork> there's also the fact the PDFs are anarchonistic, they try to emulate pages in an age where documents can be arbitrarily lengthed
<bluestorm> text is easier to read when it's not too wide
<twobitwork> and of course the restriction to A4 sizes
<bluestorm> so the 4/3 screen is fundamentally worse than a vertical A4 screen
<bluestorm> pdf or not
<flux> pdfs with two columns especially are painful
<bluestorm> twobitwork: use xpdf -cont , dude
<flux> does that de-columnize the data and remove page breaks?
<bluestorm> doesn't
<twobitwork> bluestorm: ohh, never knew of that... but still, we're talking about why people choose to use PDF as opposed to just publishing it in HTML... I mean, your hosting it on the web already, why not just make it HTML?
<twobitwork> you're*
<bluestorm> well
<bluestorm> maths or everything related on HTML is sooo painful
<bluestorm> we're in 2008 and the UTF-8 support is still hazardous
<twobitwork> that is true
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<bluestorm> MathML is clearly unthinkable
<landonf> Howdy
<twobitwork> I'm not really a proponent of HTML for authoring...
<twobitwork> but from the users perspective its much simpler than pdf
<twobitwork> I like how wikipedia allows for embedded TeX
<bluestorm> that's not bad but a pdf is actually much better
<bluestorm> for example you can zoom in and out easily
<twobitwork> you can increase font sizes of web pages in most modern browsers, which is usually what you want anyways
<bluestorm> well
<twobitwork> at least, usually what I want
<bluestorm> you'll have the font size increased, but not the pnged formulas
<bluestorm> that kind of sucks
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<wolgo_> hi
<bluestorm> it could be possible to adapt pdf readers to have a more continuous (pageless) presentation of PDF
<twobitwork> true... which is why web technology needs to adopt SVG
<bluestorm> coupled with a good integration of the reader inside the web browser (konquer + kpdf/okular are really decent), you can have something pretty good actually
<twobitwork> er... actually, most browsers support SVG, but the authoring community hasn't adopted it yet
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<twobitwork> neither are great solutions, but from a user perspective I prefer HTML
<twobitwork> at least for documents... however I despise how web technology is being stretched beyond its intended limits and used for applications, etc
<twobitwork> I mean, things like gmail were never intended when HTML/HTTP/etc where developped
<twobitwork> it all needs to be thrown out the window
<wolgo_> If anyone has a second to look at this: http://www.pastebin.ca/1169962 I am trying to untie the knots of eval/apply order in ocaml and this is a good exercise for me. I think I have it.
<twobitwork> sorry... </rant>
<vixey> wolgo: eval/apply as in SICP?
<landonf> twobitwork: I'd be interested to know where web applications can go with canvas + javascript
<wolgo_> no as in how is this evaluated and how is it applied haha
<wolgo_> wait
<twobitwork> landonf: I think js is part of the problem... we need something more like a standardized virtual machine for web apps to run on, then we can target more then one language to this vm... kind of java intended (but never worked out)
<vixey> wolgo: Where did you hear about eval/apply ?
<wolgo_> this is evaluated at the very last second because it is lazy
<landonf> As languages go JS could be a lot worse, but sure.
<bluestorm> twobitwork: bonus question : without checking in the toplevel, what is the type of nest ?
<bluestorm> err
<twobitwork> bluestorm: ?
<bluestorm> that was addressed to wolgo_ , sorry
<wolgo_> vixey: I dunno, it just seems to make some sense in that an expression is evaluated for errors then applied if there are none found. Is that incorrect?
<twobitwork> heh, ok :)
<vixey> wolgo: it is correct, I just found it strange
<wolgo_> Is there something more accurate?
<vixey> no it is perfectly accurate
<vixey> wolgo: Usually people who are starting to program don't use correct terms ...
<bluestorm> wolgo_: line 23 is wrong i think
<wolgo_> Oh
<wolgo_> well that is the only way to do it no?
<bluestorm> it's not ... ((^) ("Testing" ^ "Testing") "123") but ((^) "Testing") "Testing 123"
<wolgo_> I also have this: ((^) (((^) "testing ") "testing ")) "123";;
<xavierbot> Characters 3-7:
<xavierbot> I also have this: ((^) (((^) "testing ") "testing ")) "123";;
<xavierbot> ^^^^
<xavierbot> Parse error: currified constructor
<vixey> :/
<wolgo_> what the hell?
<wolgo_> haha
<vixey> xavierbot should be silent on parse errros
<wolgo_> that evaluates successfully in the top level
<bluestorm> vixey: not sure, feedback is good
<landonf> twobitwork: Hmm, I think adobe might start arguing that Flash (9) is that common VM runtime =)
<bluestorm> wolgo_: probably not with the "I also have this :" prefix
<wolgo_> oh yeah
<twobitwork> landonf: that's great, but it's proprietary :)
<mfp> maybe lambdabot's > whatever is better than the curr phrase terminator
<twobitwork> landonf: and we still have the javascript (activescript) problem :)
<landonf> Indeed. Also remarkably bad code to treat as a core VM.
<landonf> twobitwork: Well to be fair, you can compile most anything to AS bytecode
<twobitwork> landonf: this question has actually plagued me for years... I've had dozens of false-start attempts at trying to come up with a good solution
<twobitwork> landonf: true...
<twobitwork> landonf: there are several open source abstract virtual machines... like parrot and llvm
<twobitwork> there's also .net, but I refuse to allow MS to be the ones who replace the web :P
<landonf> heh
<landonf> I've been toying with the idea of toying with F# + Mono
<twobitwork> and there are a multitude of problems with .net still... it doesn't provide a standard "client" from which I can point to a url to access a web app
<bluestorm> well landonf
<bluestorm> haven't you heard last jdh backward-flamewar ?
<bluestorm> seems F# is not so hot anymore
<twobitwork> bluestorm: how/why's that?
<bluestorm> yesterday, on this chan, he came and complained about lots of things, including F# and Mono
<landonf> Is JDH that Flying Frog Guy?
<mfp> bluestorm: ? did he troll some F# list?
<bluestorm> (as always, it's john harrop, so quite interesting actually, but to be used with great care)
<landonf> Ah right.
<landonf> He's prolific in his writing, I've come across his posts when searching on almost any subject related to OCaml.
<bluestorm> (i may have the irc logs around, but i'm not sure this a polite way to quote people)
<bluestorm> in substance it seems that MS got interested in F# finally, and it is not so quite quite-open anymore
<mfp> landonf: I think he spends more time on c.l.lisp than in caml-list... ;)
<bluestorm> (i didn't understand correctly but he wanted to do something a bit near of the F# internals and was answered they're gonna close that)
<mfp> ah yesterday's conversation
<bluestorm> so he got frustrated and began to let some of the criticism of F#/.NET/Mono we would never have heard in the "F# all the way" time go
<mfp> yeah he essentially said MS decided to hide some stuff that used to be open so that nothing can compete against their devel tools
<bluestorm> seems the lack of module/signatures/functors in F# is not so unimportant anymore, and people actually buy OCaml fork-parallelism
<wolgo_> line 23 is "testing 123" because ((^) "testing") returns a partially applied function with testing as its 1st arg and 123 as its second arg
<wolgo_> I understand now
<bluestorm> (and Mono is slow and hell the JVM should support tail-recursion and Visual Studio is flawed and what not)
<wolgo_> assignment is immutable
<wolgo_> this is insane
<bluestorm> wolgo_: i'm not sure why you want to see partially applied function everywhere
<wolgo_> probably because I don't know what the hell I am doing or talking about
<wolgo_> haha
<bluestorm> there are two point of view : either you consider f x y z to be a call with 3 parameters (higher-level view), and none of your calls are partially-applied
<bluestorm> or you consider f = fun x -> fun y -> fun z -> .., one argument each time
<bluestorm> and then there is no partial application : an parameter is applied or not, never partially
<bluestorm> this is the lower-level view, wich is sometimes interesting (when you build closures for example) but probably not the simpler for the beginner
<bluestorm> ocamlers tend to mix the two quite often, but if you define let rec nest n f x, and call nest (n-1) f (f x), you shouldn't bother with partial application
<bluestorm> you have total application of the parameters in both senses
<wolgo_> so the type of nest is int -> fun -> string?
<wolgo_> lets check
<wolgo_> wow that was wrong
<mfp> let rec nest n f x = if n=0 then x else nest (n-1) f (f x);;
<xavierbot> val nest : int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
<bluestorm> mfp: hey, you just gave the solution, wich is bad
<bluestorm> wolgo_: "fun" doesn't exist and string isn't generic enough
<mfp> bluestorm: I suppose he checked in his top-level already, just meant to show him there's xavierbot
<bluestorm> do you understand the type given by ocaml ? why can't f be ('a -> 'b) (wich is the more general type for a function) ?
<wolgo_> because 'b is not the same type as 'a?
<bluestorm> of course
<bluestorm> but for example
<bluestorm> let app f x = f x
<bluestorm> is ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
<bluestorm> why is the function f of nest inferred to be ('a -> 'a) ?
<wolgo_> because f needs to be applied to terms of the same type?
<bluestorm> yes
<wolgo_> Oh
<wolgo_> Okay.
<Asmadeus> bluestorm's gonna be hell of a good computer sciences teacher :P
<bluestorm> (i'm so lame at that socratic things, i should just keep answering question)
<wolgo_> this is awesome
<wolgo_> Sorry, please do not feel obligated to teach me the basics of ocaml
<wolgo_> I do not want to take your time.
<wolgo_> I appreciate the schooling though.
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<bluestorm> those intuitionistic mathematics posts on the planet are so cool
<vixey> I would like to write a parallel gc for ocaml
<bluestorm> that does not seems so reasonable for a start
<flux> how's the parallel gc project for ocaml going, btw? or is it going at all?
<vixey> should it be written in ocaml or ?
<mfp> the last news we got was the msg to the google group bluestorm found > http://groups.google.com/group/ocamlsummerproject/browse_thread/thread/ad38f69c92db131d
<vixey> parallel gc is a good summer project?
<vixey> google*
<bluestorm> last year iirc there was a meeting at the top with everybody presenting his work
<bluestorm> that might explain the lack of communication in the last week
<mfp> vixey: it's a "OCaml Summer Project" from Jane St.
<mfp> not google's summer of code
<vixey> :/
<vixey> I wish I had got on that boat
<mfp> yep, next meeting on Sept 11-12th
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<landonf> Anyone used OCaml with SWIG?
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<wolgo> hi
<hcarty> mfp: I did briefly, but didn't like the generated interface
<hcarty> Sorry, that was meant for landonf
<twobitwork> is there a built-in way to do function composition in ocaml?
<twobitwork> (other than "fun x -> f (g x)"
<twobitwork> )
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<hcarty> twobitwork: There is no built in syntax or operator
<hcarty> Beyond f (g x)
<vixey> can you use 'o' as an infix operator like in SML?
<hcarty> vixey: The Jane St. OSP Delimited Overloading project has a pa_infix module which is supposed to allow that. But vanilla OCaml does not.
<mbishop> hcarty: was it you who talked about uintlib yesterday?
<hcarty> mbishop: Possibly? I think I mentioned that it exists
<mbishop> hcarty: have you used it? I don't know how to properly install it (I have the cmx/cma/o files built, just not sure where to put them to get ocaml to recognize it)
<mbishop> I tried moving them into /usr/lib/ocaml/3.10.0/ myself, but that didn't work
<bluestorm> hcarty: moreover, this is bad style imho
<bluestorm> how is a reader supposed to understand f o g ?
<Asmadeus> Well, like in maths I'd say; g then f
<Asmadeus> You can't make letters infix though, anyway
<bluestorm> such kind of semantic interpretation should not be context-dependent
<bluestorm> Asmadeus: the problem is, that extension can
<bluestorm> and there are already some alphabetic infixes
<bluestorm> ( mod, and the bitwise operators )
<Asmadeus> Ah. Well, I wouldn't understand it if I didn't know then, I'd think the function f takes o and g as arguments
<bluestorm> a more sensible thing to do would be an ugly hack to allow for a "gone-infix" notation
<bluestorm> comparable to haskell `foo`
<vixey> yucky
<bluestorm> it is possible by pure syntaxic means ( yoric's evil /* .. .*/ ), but a bit heavy
<bluestorm> and infix notations should not be abused anyway
<hcarty> bluestorm: How difficult would it be to make an extension to translate "f $ g x" or "x |> g |> fto "f (g x)" to avoid the function overhead? I've read complaints about the overhead, but have not tested its impact..
<twobitwork> wouldn't that be "syntactic"?
<bluestorm> hcarty: pa_infix can probably already do that
<mbishop> bluestorm: do you know how to install some ocaml code "by hand", so that I can open it using OPEN?
<bluestorm> what do you mean ?
<bluestorm> (OPEN ?)
<hcarty> mbishop: You can #load the .cmo directly in the toplevel
<bluestorm> twobitwork: sorry, i meant "using the unmodified OCaml syntax"
<mbishop> bluestorm: as in, open Pervasives, etc
<bluestorm> ah
<hcarty> mbishop: Or you can use compiler directives to tell ocaml(c|opt) where the library files are
<bluestorm> mbishop: those are modules
<bluestorm> and every ocaml file you write is implicitly a module
<twobitwork> mbishop is in #scheme, and lispers like to refer to functions in conversation with all caps, like MAP refers to (map ...)
<bluestorm> eg. if you have a file "foo.ml" with declarations inside
<bluestorm> you can use them (eg. a value "bar") from the outside : Foo.bar
<bluestorm> then "open Foo" and voila
<hcarty> bluestorm: pa_infix probably can... I think that may be one of the more useful applications of the extension.
<mbishop> bluestorm: right, I tried to place the cmxa/cma files into /usr/lib/ocaml/3.10.0/ but ocaml couldn't find them
<bluestorm> aah
<bluestorm> you want to put it in the stdlib ?
<mbishop> and I tried to include them when compiling, but it still complained
<bluestorm> hcarty: yeah
<bluestorm> we should put Yoric[DT] on the subject :-'
<bluestorm> mbishop: you probably did something wrong
<mbishop> bluestorm: I just want them somewhere that ocaml knows to look (like other modules)
<bluestorm> you can tell him were to look with -I ...
<bluestorm> and you can create your own toplevel wich embed some -I ...
<twobitwork> do the ocaml compilers read an environment variable for extra libs? I think some compilers do that kind of stuff
<bluestorm> i think ocamlfind is a more flexible way though
<hcarty> twobitwork: ocamlfind does
<bluestorm> (you use a META file, install it in the ocamlfind repository, then ocamlfind ocamlopt -package your_lib ....)
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<bluestorm> hcarty: did you suggest them the "open in" behavior ?
<wolgo> I wonder how you would do that, write a function that composes functions.
<wolgo> it is built in though so I guess I shouldnt care
<bluestorm> it is not
<vixey> wolgo: see above
<vixey> (people were just talking about that)
<wolgo> Oh okay.
<mbishop> bluestorm: I tried ocamlopt -I /foo/ code.ml but ocamlopt complains about a "syntax error" on line one (trying to open the module)
<hcarty> bluestorm: I did, and it has been added, at least in some form
<bluestorm> mbishop: it probably means you did a syntax error
<bluestorm> hcarty: good
<hcarty> bluestorm: I think it is on a module-by-module basis though. I may ask for a way to turn it on globally.
<mbishop> bluestorm: don't think so, the "error" it claims to find is the name of the module
<mbishop> it doesn't know the module so claims it's an error
<bluestorm> was that really a syntax error ?
<hcarty> wolgo: let ( & ) f x = f x in print_endline & string_of_int 1;; or something along those lines
<bluestorm> (this is maybe the time to show your code ( http://pastebin.be or anywhere you like) and/or paste the full error)
<bluestorm> let comp f g = fun x -> f (g x)
<wolgo> let compose f g x = ((f) g x);; like this?
<bluestorm> your parenthesis are wrong
<wolgo> Oh I see
<wolgo> I think
<hcarty> bluestorm: Do you think it is worth requesting the ability to enable openin globally? I think having it set on a module-by-module basis may become difficult to follow.
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<bluestorm> hcarty: yes i do
<hcarty> bluestorm: Ok, I'll submit another feature request for that
<bluestorm> the Foo.(...) syntax is really the embodiment of the "open in" idea, it would be a shame to miss it
<bluestorm> (it is so natural imho that it could even become a surprise to the user that it does not behave this way)
<bluestorm> Foo.bar and Foo.(bar) should be equivalent when they both make sense
<hcarty> I agree
<bluestorm> hm
<hcarty> Foo.(bar) -- what is the proper term for "bar"? An expression?
<hcarty> s/term/name/
<hcarty> Or, perhaps term is reasonable there
<mbishop> # #load "/home/martin/uintlib/uInt32.cmo";;
<mbishop> The external function `to_string16' is not available
<Asmadeus> term is fine, but I don't know
<landonf> Is OCaml-Java getting any traction? I could see how it would be a bit of an odd duck in the ocaml world, but access to so many libraries ...
<bluestorm> the ocaml manual use the term "value path"
<bluestorm> « Expressions consisting in an access path evaluate to the value bound to this path in the current evaluation environment. The path can be either a value name or an access path to a value component of a module. »
<bluestorm> landonf: if you want so you have to give it traction yourself : use it, talk about it, blog about it
<rwmjones> landonf, I've played with it a bit, had a go at packaging it for fedora, and it does what it says on the tin
<mbishop> rwmjones: any chance you've used Shaw's uintlib? I can't get it to work
<rwmjones> mbishop, hey ... saw your posting on caml-list today & nearly replies
<rwmjones> replied
<landonf> bluestorm: Indeed
<rwmjones> erm, no I haven't used it, but it's on my list of things to try "at some point in the future"
<mbishop> I'm about to just email the man himself to ask :P
<hcarty> mbishop: That looks like it is a problem with linking/loading the C portion of the library
<rwmjones> mbishop, my reply was going to say along the lines of use "ocamlfind install <packagename> *.cmo *.cma ..." to install it
<mbishop> hcarty: yeah, I don't know why, the C code for that function looks ok to me
<hcarty> mbishop: Can you #load the .cma?
<mbishop> hcarty: well, it didn't error
<hcarty> I think the .cma has extra information in it to help with such things
<mbishop> but now how do I use it? heh
<hcarty> mbishop: It should be ready to use now
<mbishop> well uInt32.foo says uInt32 is a syntax error, and open uInt32 is also a syntax error
<mbishop> I'm spoiled by easily installable code, never done this myself before
<rwmjones> mbishop, all module names must start with a capital letter
<mbishop> rwmjones: ah, well these have lowercase names...does it uppercase by default or something?
<mbishop> looks like it does
<rwmjones> mbishop, aiui it won't even parse correctly
<rwmjones> I mean,
<rwmjones> open abc
<rwmjones> isn't valid ocaml
<mbishop> the filenames all use uInt32 or uInt64, but open UInt32 worked
<rwmjones> mbishop, ah I understand
<rwmjones> mbishop, ocaml turns a file called abc.ml into a module called Abc
<rwmjones> so the modules are UInt32
<rwmjones> et
<rwmjones> etc
<mbishop> ah, that's somewhat confusing, he should probably rename them :P
<mbishop> rwmjones: (and everyone else) thanks, seems to be working now
<Asmadeus> mbishop: actually, I don't like to have filenames begining by a capital letter; like lablgtk stuff are called gEdit or the likes, I find it good enough this way. Too bad it caused you trouble, though
<rwmjones> it confused the heck out of me at first .. there's a section in the ocaml-tutorial.org specifically about this
<Yoric[DT]> bluestorm: sorry, I was afk.
<Yoric[DT]> What were you talking about?
<bluestorm> hm
<bluestorm> about the pa_do project
<bluestorm> wich is remotely related to your camlp4+monad work
<bluestorm> hcarty was asking about using camlp4 to inline simple operators (in his case function composition)
<bluestorm> and we think that pa_do may provide a general framework to do that kind of thing
<bluestorm> (possibly with a bit of feature pushing from our side)
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<Yoric[DT]> Sounds familiar.
<bluestorm> hm
<bluestorm> i just thought you were about to say "Actually, i am the project mentor of pa_do"
<mbishop> Hmm, what makes "123l" know that "123" is of type int32? and is it possible to add my own?
<bluestorm> mbishop: it is lexer-level knowledge
<bluestorm> and it is not really easy to add your own
<bluestorm> though an intricated camlp4 solution is imaginable
<mbishop> hmm
<mbishop> I think I should just ask Jeff Shaw for a proper usage of uInt32
<rwmjones> mbishop, it's in the compiler, and no .. I wanted to add a syntax for "int63" (if you search on caml-list) but n ojoy
<rwmjones> no joy
<Yoric[DT]> bluestorm: nope, I'm not.
<mbishop> I think they should seriously consider adding a number of datatypes to ocaml, it's one of the nicest parts of F# (having all the .Net types with "abbreviations")
<rwmjones> https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/pa-do/ ... ah you're working with christophe?
<bluestorm> (the "mentor" thing was just pure elaboration on my part)
<Yoric[DT]> Anyway, sorry, these days, I'm way too tired to work on anything OCaml.
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* Yoric[DT] hopes things will get quieter next week.
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<hcarty> bluestorm: I may have posted a feature request too soon... http://pa-do.forge.ocamlcore.org/api/Delimited_overloading.html#2_Miscellaneous
<hcarty> bluestorm: Does that mean that openin is enabled by default?
<hcarty> I think it may just be the default for modules with overloading enabled
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<bluestorm> h
<bluestorm> hcarty: i guess that mean it is the default
<bluestorm> the best is still to look at the code
<bluestorm> (btw, the responsiveness to suggestions is impressive)
<bluestorm> (and also : it is never bad to show interest too soon)
<hcarty> Yes, I was amazed at how quickly they responded with an implementation
<hcarty> A brief, though possibly inaccurate, test in the toplevel indicates that using Foo.(bar) under pa-do when no overloading is defined for the module Foo will give an error
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<bluestorm> hcarty: my brief and probably innacurate tests showed that trying to use pa_do in the topfind-enhanced toplevel with no further indication inevitably lead to an error
<bluestorm> so your side does not look so bad :p
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<hcarty> I had errors, ignored them, and then got what looked like a legitimate pa-do generated error :-)
<hcarty> I emailed the developers to ask if "x |> g |> f" --> "f (g x)" is outside of the scope of pa-do. If not, then I will submit a feature request for that as well.
<bluestorm> might be even better to submit a patch
<bluestorm> (if i'm given working source example with working compilation command, i could even help)
<hcarty> bluestorm: I'm heading out for now, but assuming I have time I will take you up on your offer for help
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code17 has quit [Client Quit]
code17 has joined #ocaml
code17 has quit [Client Quit]
code17 has joined #ocaml
code17 has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
code17 has joined #ocaml
Asmadeus has quit ["nighters"]
vixey has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
Morphous has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
munga_ has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
Morphous has joined #ocaml
dibblego has quit ["Leaving"]
comglz_ has quit [Client Quit]
dibblego has joined #ocaml
code17 has quit ["Leaving."]
dibblego has quit ["Leaving"]
guillem_ has quit [Remote closed the connection]