is there a generally preferred tool for generating ocaml bindings to c libraries?
There is camlidl
Yeah, I've found camlidl, swig-ocaml, c2caml, and ocamlffi, and was trying to see if the ocaml community preferred one. I'll look into camlidl first.
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francisc: I was using camlidl before, but I realized that writing C binding without tools is not a big deal, using only OCaml documentatio
Yeah, from what I've seen so far of the available tools I might end up just doing that. I'm trying to produce ocaml bindings to the tokyo-cabinet db and writing it from scratch seems cleaner, too.
I looked into camlidl and found it a bit confusing and the resulting code elaborate. Writing my own code was like 10% the size.
camlidl seems to always copy all the data around in a first stub and then call a second stub with the copied data.
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well, the variation of that that typechecks
urgs. That looks rather hackish.
I assumed your problem was the possible inefficiency of a sequence of nested ifs, because otherwise there is no problem with your initial version.
would have liked match kind with x -> ... | y -> ... | z -> ...
But that would require x when x = idDirKey ->
would ocaml optimize that into a simple jump table?
type id = AllocKey | InodeKey | ...
let kind : id = Obj.obj (Obj.repr (Aio.get_uint 8 ... ))
no, having I doubt a sequence of x when x = y would be optimised into a compact table, even if all the ys were constants
I think nested ifs are faster than a jump table in general
or binary search
Certainly nested ifs are faster in bytecode because every jump table has 250 some entries. But in native code, jump tables are generally both faster and more compact.
I'm wary of anything with Obj.magic. But that seems to be the most readable.
I am pretty sure that binary search are favored over jump tables when n is small
Well, it's not how they're implemented. For normal constructors it's always a straight jump table, and for tagged variants it's chunked binary search with straight jumps inside each chunk.
Cool, Freenode supports IPV6 now.
I remember it didn't some years back.
Hmm, I think ocaml inferes the wrong type:
if kind = idAllocKey then new allocKey (Int64.to_int major) minor
else if kind = idInodeKey then new inodeKey major
else raise (DataError("Key type unknown"))
val parse_key : Aio.buffer -> allocKey
inodeKey is not an allocKey. They both are #key_base though.
what happens at runtime for kind = idInodeKey?
No idea
Hmm, maybe they actualy are the same type. They only differ in the internal variables they have. Not in their methods.
File "key.ml", line 84, characters 9-100:
Error: This expression has type inodeKey but is here used with type allocKey The second object type has no method bar
Yeah. identical interfaces.
Btw, I was under the impression that GCC uses binary search for switch statements when n is small because it is more efficient.
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you can't mutate self, right?
of course objects can modify their own instance variables
I mean do something like class foo = object method bar = self <- new foo end
self isn't mutable
That syntax is for mutable record fields.
right, I meant "something like"
what would you gain from creating a new object and replacing self with it that you couldn't gain by resetting instance variables to default values?
all references that point to my old object would point to my new object, for one
do you just want to change the memory location of the object?
because you can change the instance variables already, and you can't change the vtable... I don't think.
I'd like to overwrite that location with the new object
hrmph, just wondering
sounds dangerous, anyhoo
again, what would you gain by creating a new object as opposed to resetting instance variables of the old one?
again, the references would now point to the new object
if you're overwriting the location of the old object with the new one, there's no change in references.
outside references to the old object
err, not the location of the object
oh, I see your argument
try visualizing objects as records with values for their instance variables and an extra vtable field to a magical structure that handles method dispatch
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Actualy I wanted to replace self but for the opposite effect. To not have references to the old object point to the new one.
Anyone want to help me test the new Ur/Web release? If so, go to this URL and then follow the "Chat" link in the left frame. http://www.impredicative.com/ur/demo/
mrvn: that just sounds like the existing object cloning
Say you have method foo = self#bar; i <- i + 1; self#baz; i <- i + 1; self#buzz; i <- i + 1 and the class is functional.
s/functional/supposed to be functional/
method foo = self#bar#foo2 method foo2 = {< i = i + 1 >}#baz#foo3 method foo3 = {< i = i + 1 >}#buzz#foo4 method foo4 = {< i = i + 1 >}
that's what you have to do.
The problem is that you can not clone+alter anything but self. Would be nice to write something like method foo = self := self#bar; self := {< i = i + 1 >} ... or method foo = let o = self#bar in let o = o#{< i = i + 1 >} in ...
where o would have to be #'self.
well, for your example, if the intermediate objects aren't exposed to the user, you could use mutability to do kinda that, with only one copy.
thelema: and use phantom types to turn the object inmutable when returing it to the user?
or only have private methods that use the mutable things
You would still need method private foo_mutable = ... method foo = self#mutable_copy#foo_mutable. But I guess that is better than X submethods.
I sometimes miss that you can not access instance variable of another class of the same type.
like method compare x = Persvasis.compare value x#value
Do you mean "another object of the same type"?
On the topic of objects: Can I make an instance variable private?
# class foo = object val private i = 0 end;;
Error: Syntax error
aren't instance variable private by nature ?
# class foo = object val i = 0 end;;
class foo : object val i : int end
# class bar = object inherit foo method get_i = i end;;
class bar : object val i : int method get_i : int end
they are protected (to used a C++ term)
so by private you mean unreachable even from the subclasses ?
you should try
class foo = let i = ref 0 in object ... end
that's what i wanted to suggest
hmm, method private is reachable from subclasses too. Good point.
thelema: doesn't clone well
but he might want an instance-specific variable thelema
mrvn: you're right.
(so you need a dynamic array and more machinery)
bluestorm: then you just need [class foo () = ...]
class type foo_type = object end class foo : foo_type = object val i = 0 end;;
That works.
mrvn: I dunno if that'll prevent subclass access.
but it might.
# class bar = object inherit foo method get_i = i end;;
Error: Unbound value i
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good job. I'll file that trick away in my bag.
The other problem I ran into yesterday was that I wanted a set of classes all based on a common class that fullfill class type comparable = object('self) method compare : 'self -> int end
The base class has the compare method but then the other classes are no longer subtypes of the base class.
Something caused by compare in the inherited classes no longer taking a 'self but a #base_class.
"Similarly, the type money2 below is not a subtype of type money."
The problem being "as the self type appears in contravariant position"
Any idea how to write the money2 example so it is a subtype of money again?
doesn't it explain why you can't do that?
Yes. The question is how do I get around that? money2 doesn't have to be comparable for me but (money2 :> money) does.
mrvn, I'm not sure what kind of type system would be able to solve that.. say you put a bunch of money2 with types (but subtypes of money) into one list. what is the code to execute to compare two elements of the list?
because if some value has val amount = 42. and another has val count = 42 and they also have corresponding comparison functions.. well, it just cannot work.
You can't really write a comparable class. You need something like functors or type classes to do this right.
flux: money2 can't have "count = 42" it inherits money.
mrvn, do you (in this example problem) have multiple different kinds of money you would like to compare with each other?
flux: yes, but only after they are coerced to the base class.
mrvn, and if their comparison function works only with the same type, how would it ever work with other classes?
det: same problem with a type class.
I think with a type class you could have n^2 comparison functions
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you can do similar solution even without type classes
the problem is that I can't write (money2 :> money)
yes, because the comparison function isn't really suitable
you can simply fix that with method compare : parentclass -> int
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The thing is that cmp : 'self -> int is a more strict type than cmp : #'self -> int. It should see that #'self -> int still is good enough to fullfill the 'self -> int interface but does not pass it on to inheriting classes.
flux: nope.
flux: I can't change the comparesignature from 'self -> int to parentlass -> int. the typesystem doesn't let me.
mrvn, surely you can. you never write that compare : 'self -> int-thingy. each subclass needs to implement that interface.
flux: you inherit that.
mrvn: can a meaningful compare be implemented with methods present in the base class?
mfp: yes.
class virtual base = object method virtual as_base : base method compare : 'a. (<as_base : base; ..> as 'a) -> int = fun x -> (ignore x#as_base); 1 end;;
w/ the actual comparison building on extra (virtual) methods defined in base, for the x#as_base object
mfp: 'a. (<as_base : base; ..> as 'a) has no method compare so it doesn't match the comparable interface.
class foo = object(self) method as_foo = (self :> foo) method cmp : 'a. (<as_foo : foo; cmp : 'a -> int; ..> as 'a) -> int = function x -> 0 end;;
This expression has type foo = < as_foo : foo; cmp : 'a. (< as_foo : foo; cmp : 'a -> int; .. > as 'a) -> int > but is here used with type #comparable as 'b = < cmp : 'b -> int; .. >
Type 'a is not compatible with type foo = < as_foo : foo; cmp : 'a. (< as_foo : foo; cmp : 'a -> int; .. > as 'a) -> int > Types for method cmp are incompatible
And even then I don't get it quite right yet.
why do you want a compare method in that type to define compare itself?
Because without ocaml says "The first object type has no method cmp"
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erm, you're calling x#compare when you do obj#compare x ?
mfp: x#compare y
class type comparable = object('self) method cmp : 'self -> int end;;
let cmp (x : #comparable) y = x#cmp y;;
so in order to compare self with another object, what you do is compare that object with yet something else?
# let cmp (x: #base) y = x#compare y;;
val cmp : #base -> < as_base : base; .. > -> int = <fun>
with the above def, using a self-coercion
mfp: That would defeat the purpose. The #comparable is in a different module.
your #base isn't a #comparable.
#base replaces #comparable there
you cannot get it to work with self-types, obviously subclasses are never going to be subtypes
can't. The point is to have a virtual comparable class, then derive a base class that is comparable and then individual classes that have extra stuff.
and you cannot unify comparable and base exactly because...?
note that with structural typing whether you inherit the virtual class or not doesn't really matter
because the Tree module should work on any comparable object and not depend on the specific implementation of base.
functorize over the base class?
This should work with virtual methods.
I don't see why ocaml couldn't let me coerce (#'self -> int) to ('self -> int).
the problem there is self, not #a -> x :> a -> x
let f (x : <a : int; ..>) = x#a;; # (f :> (<a:int> -> int));;
- : < a : int > -> int = <fun>
Seems to me the only way out is to functorize over the base class. There's no way to coerce to "a nameless base class, no matter what it is": you either have compare : 'self -> int (compare with things of same type) or compare : < as_base : base; ..> -> int (with things that can be coerced to base)
mfp: The problem is that I can't stop the 'self type from being inherited further down the line. I should be able to say that the 'self stops here and goes no further.
but what you want goes beyond that actually, you want 'self to stop in the 1st subclass of compare (base) and go no further
mfp: yes. In base I want to say the 'self stops here.
If I wanted to stop the 'self in compare I just wouldn't use 'self.
right, but then there's no way to write a generic compare : comparable -> int and we're back to a functor taking the base class with compare : base -> int
if you find some other sol, do tell
class type ['a] comparable = object('self) method value : 'a end
Why don't they have an RCS that I can browse?
wth is that?
Is this an April's Fool?
what ?
Poesia ?
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erf, obviously not
Why this reaction ? :-p
Seems like a huge and complicated overhead to get __FILE__ and __LINE__
You can do a feature request on OCaml's standard distribution's tracker, can't you ?
never tried.
It would be *much more* easier.
there's probably a "current_line_nb" value somewhere, the trick would be done quite easily.
Args, the pa_trace.ml opens the input file, reads it in linewise and stores LOC infos in an array.
mrvn: You can get __FILE__ and __LINE__ trivially with camlp4
kaustuv: can you give me an example?
Yeah, but it screws your comments.
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if a is a polymorphic variant type of the form ([`C1 of t1 | `C2 of t2 | .. | `Cn of tn] as 'a) and b is a variant type of the form ([`C1 of t1['b/'a] | `C2 of t2['b/'a] | ... | `Cn of tn['b/'a]] as 'b) where ['b/'a] represents substitution, is b a subtype of a?
this question has been bothering me for a while
or, rather, is a a subtype of b
actually, make that
if a is a polymorphic variant type of the form ([`C1 of t1 | `C2 of t2 | .. | `Cn of tn] as 'a) and b is a variant type of the form ([`C1 of t1['b/'a] | `C2 of t2['b/'a] | ... | `Cn of tn['b/'a] | `Cp of tp] as 'b) where ['b/'a] represents substitution, is a a subtype of b?
'b for 'a
palomer: do you mean that 'b t1 :> 'a t1 for each?
type a = C1 of int | C2 of float type b = C1 of int * int | C2 of float * float. Like this?
more like type a = C1 of a | C2 of float
type b = C1 of b | C2 of float | C3 of int
the answer, unfortunately, is no :(
type a = (`C1 of [> `C1 of 'a | `C2 of float ] | `C2 of float) as 'a ?