flux changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussions about the OCaml programming language | http://caml.inria.fr/ | 3.11.0 out now! Get yours from http://caml.inria.fr/ocaml/release.html
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<palomer> search?
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<palomer> ah, gotcha
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* palomer is starting to think he's a little old to still be a student
<palomer> 26!
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<mrvn> palomer: ocaml is right to deny you to cast (ref self :> ref too) in your.
<mrvn> palomer: Consider what happens if you make the reference a instance variable (self_ref) and derive a class too2 from it. too2#self_ref would be type too2 ref but too2#teetoo := new too would assign a too to it.
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<Alpounet> hi _zack :)
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<_zack> Alpounet: heya, welcome
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<Camarade_Tux_> so, caml_page_table_lookup takes most of the cpu time. great, now I only have to figure what this function does ><
<Yoric[DT]> :/
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<mrvn> Camarade_Tux_: in what project?
<Camarade_Tux_> mrvn, it's in a weird list structure (though it's not using the weird part currently)
<Camarade_Tux_> basically it defines a list with a record, with mutable fields, and I am trying to optimize the merge sort a bit
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<mrvn> a mutable list then
<mrvn> In my list merge sort I started out with List.map (fun x -> [x]) list and then recursively merge them pairwise into larger lists till only [x] remains and then return x.
<tsuyoshi> iirc caml_page_table_lookup is mostly called by the garbage collector
<Camarade_Tux_> currently the GC takes about 45% of the time, especially caml_page_table_lookup, that's what I'm trying to optimize right now
<tsuyoshi> my guess is.. you're mutating things too much
<Camarade_Tux_> tsuyoshi, yeah, it is defined in memory.c, but I'm not sure what it does
<Camarade_Tux_> tsuyoshi, mutations is my first bet too
<tsuyoshi> well, when the gc looks at a pointer, it checks the page table to see if it is an ocaml pointer or something else that it can't collect
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<tsuyoshi> it might be worth trying a different version of ocaml to see if the performance is different, because the page table code (on amd64 at least) changed in 3.11
<Camarade_Tux_> I'm on 3.11, 64bits
<tsuyoshi> if you hit a bad case in the new code, I bet xavier would be interested to know about it
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<Camarade_Tux_> reading the mailing-list and the bug report again, it seems I'm simply making the Gc work too much and this is appears because ocaml now uses a hash table instead of a simple array
<flux> camarade_tux_, did you try to repeat the issue with an older ocaml version?
<Camarade_Tux_> unfortunately I don't have any available
<Camarade_Tux_> I guess I'll just run godi and give it another prefix
<Camarade_Tux_> but the numbers I'm seeing seem consistent with the lenght of my lists (currently 1M elements)
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<mfp> Camarade_Tux_: does caml_modify represent a substantial amount of your profile?
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<Camarade_Tux_> mfp, yes it does
<Camarade_Tux_> I've been trying to reduce the number of allocations but I don't know if that'll be possible
<mfp> then you know it's not the GC that's killing you, but mutation
<mfp> specifically foo := bar
<mfp> caml_modify updates the remembered set when you change a ref in the major heap to point to a value in the minor one
<mfp> (it thus calls caml_page_table_lookup to classify the pointer)
<Yoric[DT]> Well, Batteries Beta 1 is officially out.
<Yoric[DT]> mfp: I'm counting on your reddit expertise :)
<mfp> uh instead of using caml_page_table_lookup to search the page table, it could compare with caml_young_start/end first; would be faster when the dest is in minor
<mfp> hmm let's see
<mfp> +1 gives you 10th, +4 6th
<mfp> and the new Q goes to 8H
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* Camarade_Tux_ hates that livebox
<Camarade_Tux_> my bet was that mutating a single element in a record was faster than allocating a record with two ints and four pointers
<mfp> not a bad moment to submit
<Camarade_Tux_> well, I'll come back to that later if it happens to be a bottleneck, performance is a bit frustrating but alright
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<mrvn> Camarade_Tux_: Even if the record is in the generational heap?
<mfp> Camarade_Tux_: mutation is often slower than allocation in fact
<mfp> esp. if the block will not be promoted to the major heap
Camarade_Tux_ is now known as Camarade_Tux
<Camarade_Tux> ocaml 3.11 : 8.97s ; ocaml 3.10 : 6.38s
* Camarade_Tux tries allocation instead of mutation
<mfp> Camarade_Tux: here's an example where a functional set (encoded using lists) is faster than one with mutable lists http://eigenclass.org/misc/beust.ml
<Yoric[DT]> mfp: thanks
<Yoric[DT]> I'm now waiting for the official announcement of the Debian package.
<mfp> Yoric[DT]: > The interpreter may now be called as a library -> what's this?
<Yoric[DT]> We have a function [Compiler.ocaml], which can be used to launch the interpreter.
<Yoric[DT]> It's quite rough for the moment, and used only for testing, but it's a start.
<mfp> just runs as an external process, no real in-process compilation, I suppose?
<Yoric[DT]> Indeed.
<mfp> k, thought for a second you'd merged the bytecode interpreter written in OCaml
<Yoric[DT]> Nah.
<Yoric[DT]> Do you think I should reformulate?
<kaustuv> If I want to traverse a cyclic web of blocks from C and don't trigger the GC with any caml_alloc_*, is there an efficient way to mark the blocks to detect loops?
<tsuyoshi> kaustuv: yeah, mark them with the color blue
<mrvn> kaustuv: mutable color : bool
<mfp> Yoric[DT]: hmm "call the toplevel programmatically"?
<kaustuv> tsuyoshi: where is blue defined?
<tsuyoshi> kaustuv: the marshalling code does this.. I also patched ancient to do the same thing
<mrvn> tsuyoshi: color as in the color bis in the header of blocks?
<mfp> Yoric[DT]: toplevel evoques the REPL, interpreter makes me think of huh [let eval env t = ...]
<mrvn> s/bis/bits/
<tsuyoshi> yeah in the header, there's 4 bits for a color
<mrvn> Is that specified anywhere that one may do that?
<tsuyoshi> it is used by the gc.. the "blue" color is for free blocks
<tsuyoshi> no, I just noticed that the marshal code did it
<tsuyoshi> so maybe some day this will break
<kaustuv> according to caml/mlvalues.h there are only two bits for the colour
<mrvn> or when one thread marshals while you collor.
<tsuyoshi> oh right.. 2 bits, 4 colors
<Alpounet> Yoric[DT], ocamlfind batteries/ocamlc is ocamlc with batteries libraries linked, right ?
<kaustuv> I take it blue is 0b10 because that's the only one I haven't seen so far in experiments
<tsuyoshi> mrvn: well, there's a lock somewhere, isn't there? to make sure only one threads runs at a time?
<mrvn> tsuyoshi: so? Somewhere in the middle of the marshaling the task can switch.
<tsuyoshi> I don't think so
<mrvn> Doesn't it have codepoints where it switches if a task has run for too long, like when the GC gets invoked or something?
<tsuyoshi> I mean if you are doing this completely independently of ocaml in a separate thread, sure you can screw things up
<kaustuv> mrvn: the GC is only called on allocation
<mrvn> kaustuv: which happens often enough
<kaustuv> but not from marshal, poly compare, etc. which are outside the GC's control
<mfp> oh noes, make all opt top syntax install does generate the docs
<tsuyoshi> if you're writing an ocaml primitive in c and you don't allocate, fooling with the headers will work
<tsuyoshi> I was about to say it's safe.. but not really.. it's pretty hard to debug
<mfp> Yoric[DT]: even though, according to README, [If you do not want the documentation generation, remove "install-doc" from the previous commands.], they are being generated
<mrvn> I was assuming the graph traversal would be in ocaml and not c.
<Yoric[DT]> Alpounet: well, it's ocamlc with the appropriate options to use batteries libraries & syntax.
<tsuyoshi> oh yeah.. keeping ocaml code from allocating is impossible
<kaustuv> tsuyoshi: thanks, that seems to work.
<Yoric[DT]> mfp: what is being generated?
<Yoric[DT]> Ah, ok.
<mfp> the docs
<Yoric[DT]> Sounds like an error in Makefile.in .
<mfp> the Makefile is regenerated when I ./configure, right? Or did I have to do something else before rebuilding?
<Yoric[DT]> No, nothing else.
<mfp> ah the problem is in README, all includes doc
<mfp> well, or in Makefile.in, depending on how you look at it
<mfp> ifeq ($(HAS_GODI),yes)
<mfp> all: config.ml install-doc
<mfp> if not HAS_GODI, all: config.ml seems that should be the case for both?
<kaustuv> If I'm looking at a custom block, is there any way to tell that it was created for an Int32, an Int64 or a Nativeint?
<Yoric[DT]> mfp: there are good reasons to make it different between HAS_GODI and not HAS_GODI.
<mfp> k
<Yoric[DT]> Although the criterium should perhaps be ifeq($(INSTALLATION), "GODI") or something such.
<Yoric[DT]> Essentially, it's the only way we have found of forcing the construction of documentation with GODI.
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<Camarade_Tux> muhahaha, I had Gc parameters lost in my source code and they made the code twice slower
<Alpounet> is it that funny for you ? :-p
<Camarade_Tux> well, yes since I've been beaten to my own game playing with the GC parameters ;)
<flux> camarade_tux, so I guess the amount spent in gc was dropped dramatically?
<flux> from 40% to 10%?-o
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<Camarade_Tux> not really, still about 40%
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<Alpounet> flux, ping
<Alpounet> If I have a class c defined in a module M, and I link m.cmo/a when building the program, I shouldn't get "Unbound class M.c" right ?
<mrvn> Alpounet: the order is important
<Alpounet> I think the order is ok, but will do some tests. Thanks.
<thelema> If anything that depends on M gets linked before M, you'll get that error
<Alpounet> nothing but my main .ml file depends on it
<Alpounet> and I've put m.cmo/a just before my main .ml file on the compilation line
<thelema> I guess it's possible that in M, there's references to an M module...
<thelema> but within M, the module M doesn't exist
<mrvn> thelema: too bad you can't write something like module M : sig ... end = SELF
<thelema> mrvn: what would that do?
<mrvn> Give the .ml file that signature and make M. available.
<thelema> within M?
<mrvn> Probably would give rise to some interesting recursions.
<Alpounet> thelema, don't think so...
<Alpounet> Moreover, the problem is "Unbound class M.c"
<mrvn> Using M.c in m.ml certainly does that.
<mrvn> or the dreaded m.* and m.* have different interfaces
* mrvn wants record subtyping. *whine*
<_zack> is ocamlbuild unable to generate .cmxs files?
<_zack> I can't find the "usual" magic tag for that ...
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<kaustuv> A quick summary of what's different in batteries/ocamlbuild and vanilla ocamlbuild?
<kaustuv> For any Debian OCaml maintainers reading, libbatteries-ocaml-dev is apparently missing a dependency on libocamlnet-ocaml-dev (or whichever package provides netstring).
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<palomer> batteries is huge!
<Camarade_Tux> he, there's a bug report about that
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<mrvn> palomer: And still missing things
<mrvn> Can one use a functor expecting a type t with an 'a t?
<hcarty> rwmjones: What is the URL for the Fedora OCaml packaging repository? (.spec files and patches)
<rwmjones> hcarty, sorry, that's wrong, I misunderstood what you wanted
<rwmjones> the one you're looking for is:
<rwmjones> look at the ocaml-* packages and a few others
<hcarty> rwmjones: Thanks!
<rwmjones> obviously there's an actual cvs repo that goes with that, but it's enormous, no one downloads all of it
<hcarty> I'm working under F11/rawhide and trying to build Batteries with the GODI package, but binprot fails with a C preprocessor error
<mrvn> ONE cvs with all packages in it?
<hcarty> But there is apparently no binprot package for Fedora, so I can't get away with an easy fix of "someone else did the work for me" :-)
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<palomer> hrmph
<palomer> if i do class foo = object val (a : [`Foo] as 'a) = .. I've bound a type to 'a
<palomer> is there any way of binding a type to 'a without using val ?
<flux> well, with a let
<flux> I guess your real case is more sophisticated in a way you don't want to use 'type foo = [`Foo]' and use that?
<palomer> is it possible to use type inside a class?
<palomer> I want to reference the class
<palomer> right now I'm making my types nedlessly parametric
<palomer> needlessly
<flux> hmm.. I though this would work, but it doesn't: class foo = let module M = struct type t = [`Foo] end in object end
<mrvn> It is listed under extensions
<palomer> in batteries?
<mrvn> in ocaml
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<palomer> whoa, ocaml has assert
* palomer wish he knew
<palomer> 7.7
<flux> palomer, it is a very good idea to read the manual through atleast once :)
<flux> mrvn, it is an extension of let, but it doesn't appear to work in a class definition
<palomer> that's a bummer
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<palomer> yeah, change "class" to "let" and it works
<mrvn> let Module M = struct type t = [`Foo] end in class foo = object end?
<flux> that would be an expression returning a class, no?
<mrvn> flux: that is either an error or what you want.
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<flux> expressions can return only values, so that wouldn't work
<palomer> I sent an email to the list
<palomer> hopefull we'll get an answer shortly
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<flux> I'm pretty sure there's no alternative to simply defining the types before the class
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<palomer> yeah, that's what I'll continue doing
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<palomer> ok, I'm going nuts
<palomer> let test = let x = 5 and y = x in x+y <--why the blazes won't it find x?
<palomer> oh, forgot the rec
<palomer> oh my, that's really confusing
<palomer> and serves two purposes
<mrvn> # let test = let rec x = 5 and y = x in x+y ;;
<mrvn> Error: This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of `let rec'
<mrvn> let !rec + and makes no sense.
<mrvn> # let test = let x = 5 in let y = x in x+y ;;
<mrvn> val test : int = 10
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<mrvn> is "let x = f () and y = g () in" the same as "let (x,y) = (f (), g ()) in"? i.e. is the execution order unspecified?
<mrvn> .oO( or was that only for a;b;c? )
<kaustuv> mrvn: echo '(print_endline "a", print_endline "b") ;;' | ocaml
<Alpounet> I should bring mlbot here soon, the need is here :-p
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<mbishop> whatever happened to rwmjones' xavierbot?
<rwmjones> I think Alpounet wrote a pure ocaml one
<mbishop> wasn't yours some perl monstrosity? :P
<Alpounet> rwmjones, yes.
<Alpounet> 1/ it is an interesting project for getting more and more familiar with OCaml and 2/ having an OCaml bot entirely written in OCaml sounded good to me and 3/ xavierbot hasn't come here for long, right ?
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<Alpounet> If I use "use_file" function from the Toploop module, over the "batteries.ml" file... Will Batteries be available through mlbot ?
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<Alpounet> I mean, there is everything in batteries.ml, right ?
<hcarty> Alpounet: I think you'd want to use the Batteries toplevel init file
<hcarty> Or something similar to that
<Alpounet> ok
<Alpounet> I'll take a look at it
* palomer thinks it would be pretty cool if you could be polymorphic in type constructors!
<mrvn> kaustuv: That only prooves that in that case the execution order is such.
<mrvn> palomer: like type 'a t = Foo of 'a?
<palomer> I was thinking something like 'b . 'c . 'b 'c
<palomer> or 'c. int 'c
<mattam> palomer: Oh yes.
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<palomer> hullo yoric!
<hcarty> rwmjones: I don't know if you have plans to package Jane St.'s bin-prot, but gcc 4.4 chokes on some C macros under F11/rawhide
<hcarty> rwmjones: Removing the -pedantic gcc flag gets around it -- 12:48 < rwmjones> I think Alpounet wrote a pure ocaml one
<hcarty> whoops
<rwmjones> ok ... I think I packaged it, but possibly not uploaded it
<hcarty> rwmjones: http://ocaml.pastebin.com/m76e6c9db -- this is the patch I used to get it to build under godi
<rwmjones> ok thanks
<kaustuv> palomer: you want higher kinded types? Haskell has them.
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<palomer> haskell has all kinds of craziness
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<kaustuv> not all kinds, just the good kinds
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<hardcoding> Hello I would like to transform a char list such as : ['1';'2';'3';' ';' ';'3';'2';' ';'3'] to ['123';'32';'3'], can somebody help me please?
<hardcoding> sorry, I meant [['123'];['32'];['3']] ..
<Camarade_Tux> Str.split (Str.regexp " ") (String.concat "" (List.map (String.make 1) l))
<Camarade_Tux> ><
<Camarade_Tux> well, it creates a string list but the idea is there :p
<hardcoding> Str.split or String.split Camarade_Tux ?
<Camarade_Tux> there's no String.split !
<hardcoding> isn't there a way to write an simpler function with recursivity?? I thought about doing it with a condition expression such as : e::r -> if e <> ' ' then e::[]@[] else function(r) or something like that
<hardcoding> conditionnal*
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<mrvn> hardcoding: let conv list = let rec loop res acc = function [] -> List.rev ([acc]::res) | x when (x >= '0') && (x <= '9') -> loop res (acc ^ (String.make 1 x)) | ';'::xs -> loop ([acc]::res) "" xs | _::xs -> loos res acc xs in loop [] "" list
<mrvn> Sorry, let conv list = let rec loop res acc = function [] -> List.rev ([acc]::res) | x::xs when (x >= '0') && (x <= '9') -> loop res (acc ^ (String.make 1 x)) xs | ';'::xs -> loop ([acc]::res) "" xs | _::xs -> loop res acc xs in loop [] "" list
<mrvn> ups, still not right. s/;/ /
<mrvn> # conv ['1';'2';'3';' ';' ';'3';'2';' ';'3'];;
<mrvn> - : string list list = [["123"]; [""]; ["32"]; ["3"]]
<mrvn> If you don't want the "" then you need to test for acc = "" in the ' ' case.
<hardcoding> conv ['1';'2';'3';' ';' ';'5';'3'];;- : string list list = [["12353"]]
<mrvn> hardcoding: s/;/ /
<mrvn> hardcoding: I used the wrong seperator.
<hardcoding> I can't see where, and there are several things I don't understand in your code, like how can you compare characters like if x <= '9' for example?
<hardcoding> when*
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<Camarade_Tux> hardcoding, it relates to their ascii code
<hardcoding> I thought you had to compare their int_of_char then ^^
<Camarade_Tux> this is the definition of Char.code (which is the same as int_of_char) : external code: char -> int = "%identity"
<Camarade_Tux> it basically means it is made to satisfy the type checker (well, basically)
<Camarade_Tux> and the conversion between the two is completely straight-forward so <= gives the order you'd expect from ints
<mrvn> hardcoding: <= compares the bit pattern of the structure of any type. In case of chars if gives a nice order a<b<c<...<z, 0<1<2<..<9, A<B<...<Z.
<hardcoding> I'm starting to understand your code! I'm surprised that there is no recursivity!
<mrvn> Camarade_Tux: What does <= give for chars on a non ascii system? Does ocaml support any?
<mrvn> hardcoding: there is. loop is recursive
<hardcoding> how come it works with no rec at the beginning?
<mrvn> hardcoding: I don't get why you want a string list list though? A string list would suffice.
<mrvn> hardcoding: because conv is not recursive, only loop.
<Camarade_Tux> mrvn, the question would be "on non-iso-8859-1" systems ;)
* Camarade_Tux tries again because he has forgotten the exact answer
<hardcoding> I wanted a string list list because I've made a function to convert strings into char lists
<hardcoding> Camarade_Tux, I'm not on an iso-8859-1 system and it works
<mrvn> hardcoding: let explode str = Array.to_list (Array.of_string str)
<hardcoding> doesn't work
<mrvn> hmm, didn't the std lib have a string -> char array function?
<flux> no
<mrvn> let explode str = Array.to_list (Array.init (String.length str) (fun i -> str.[i]))
<mrvn> Or use batteries.
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<hardcoding> well my function to convert strings into char lists works ^^
<mrvn> or let explode str = let rec loop acc = function -1 -> acc | x -> loop (str.[x]::acc) (x-1) in loop [] (String.length str - 1)
<mrvn> Still don't see why you want a string list list though.
<flux> sometimes lists are nice
<hardcoding> yeah you're right I realize it's blocking me haha I thought it'd be easier like that
<Camarade_Tux> mrvn, I've found ocaml's simplicity wrt strings (and not looking at the content at the string) makes it work with different encodings without problem in my experience
<flux> (lists of characters that is)
<Camarade_Tux> it works for me too
<mrvn> flux: I'm missing Sring.fold_*. A lot of cases where you convert to char list would be covered by that.
<mrvn> Camarade_Tux: just like C
<mrvn> The string type is more a byte array anyway.
<Camarade_Tux> mrvn, \00 is really problematic for C and unicode
<mrvn> Does batteries have localized string functions? Things like isalpha, isnumeric, ... that honor the locales?
<mrvn> Camarade_Tux: That is the one big difference to C strings. :)
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<mrvn> The other is that String.length is O(1)
<mrvn> anyway, gotta go. *wave*
<Camarade_Tux> see you mrvn
<hardcoding> me too! bye!
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<Alpounet> good night all
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<bjorkintosh> is ocaml used much in embedded systems?
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<kaustuv> Are garbage-collected languages used at all in embedded systems?
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<bjorkintosh> i have no idea.
<bjorkintosh> but i imagined there might be a scheme where the language spat out the necessary asm code...
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<palomer> do you guys also feel iffy about using (=) ?
<hcarty> bjorkintosh: There has been noise about such things on the mailing list, but I don't have any specific examples
<bjorkintosh> ah okay.
<hcarty> palomer: I feel fully justified in using ( = ), as long as it's appropriate!
<hcarty> The definition of appropriate may not always be clear, of course
<palomer> even when appropriate, I still feel iffy
<palomer> here's an example
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<palomer> I want to write a function g that takes an (a,a) either list and returns a function f : 'b list -> ('b,'b) either list and an a list lst such that g x x = x
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<palomer> my first reflex is to use ( = )
<palomer> err, make that : (let (f,lst) = g x in f lst) equals x
<palomer> note that f is polymorphic
<thelema> palomer: isn't [('a, 'a) either] == ['a * bool]?
<palomer> yeah, I guess it is
<palomer> which is equivalent to 'a * [`Left | `Right]
<thelema> now what's this about returning f: 'b list -> ('b * bool) list?
<thelema> I follow up to that point, but "and a list lst such that g x x = x"?
<palomer> g x x = x was false
<palomer> the invariant is :
<palomer> (let (f,lst) = g x in f lst) equals x
<thelema> [g x] returns a function and a value, and you want that function applied to that value to be x?
<palomer> it returns a function and a list of values
<palomer> example:
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<palomer> let (f,lst) = g [`Left 1; `Right 2; `Right 5]
<palomer> then lst = [1;2;3]
<thelema> [1;2;5]?
<palomer> and f ["a","b","c"] is [`Left "a";`Right "b"; `Left "c"]
<palomer> yeah, make that [1;2;5]
* thelema is curious about how g produces f
<thelema> is the idea to put the tags into f, and the values into lst?
<thelema> and rejoin them later?
<palomer> tags?
<palomer> I'll put up my solution in a bit
<palomer> but it's a little ugly
<thelema> yes, ocaml's variants are all tagged unions.
<palomer> oh, well I could put the tags in `F and just iterate through it
verte is now known as verte-work
<palomer> the only problem is that (a,a) either list is a simplification
<palomer> my actual datatype is a little bit more complicated
<palomer> what I'm doing is collecting the leaves, numbering them, and then creating the function with that
<thelema> you're dividing the 'information content' of your data structure into two pieces, a function and some values, and want the function to rebuild your original structure when applied to those values
<kaustuv> why not map over the values, incrementing a ref cell as you go?
<kaustuv> or use zippers or delimited continuations or whatever masturbatory fantasy you subscribe to
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<palomer> http://pastebin.com/m12d72f0d <--here's a sketch of my solution
<palomer> the only problem I have with it is the use of (=)
<thelema> palomer: isn't there already some associative list lookup functions in stdlib?
<palomer> wait, that doesn't work
<palomer> let a = `Right 5 in [a;a]
<palomer> there's find
<thelema> where's [from_some]? and check out [List.assoc]
<palomer> ah yes, assoc
<palomer> but lookup is slightly safer than assoc
<thelema> because no exception?
<palomer> lookup fails if there are multiple possibilities
<palomer> I put from_some in there
<palomer> but the solution is false
<thelema> you have an odd coding style.
<palomer> really?
<palomer> (odd as in bad?)