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<eut> is it possible to match for (a, b) c?
<thelema> how is c connected?
<mrvn> Match (x,y) with (a,b), c)
<mrvn> +(
<eut> hmm
<eut> is there a way to match without putting c in the tuple?
<eut> is there an equivalent match for: let f (a, b) c = ...;;? something like let f = function ...;;?
<thelema> no, the function keyword only allows one argument, and let f (a,b) c = ... defines a function with two keywords
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<eut> is there another method that can be used to match more than one argument?
<mrvn> no
<mrvn> let f (a, b) c = ... also needs let f = function (a, b) -> function c ->
<eut> ah so i can just chain them together like that
<thelema> yes, functions that take multiple values are really just functions that return other functions...
<thelema> i.e. int -> int -> int == int -> (int -> int)
<eut> ok, that makes more sense
<eut> i had been told that functions only took one argument but read in some tutorial that they could take multiple ones
<mrvn> let f x y = or let f = fun x y -> is just syntactic suggar.
<mrvn> You can even do things like this: # let f = function x -> Printf.printf "x = %d\n" x; function y -> Printf.printf "y = %d\n" y; function z -> Printf.printf "z = %d, sum = %d\n" z (x+y+z);;
<mrvn> val f : int -> int -> int -> unit = <fun>
<mrvn> # let g = f 1;;
<mrvn> # let h = g 2;;
<mrvn> y = 2
<mrvn> x = 1
<mrvn> val g : int -> int -> unit = <fun>
<mrvn> val h : int -> unit = <fun>
<mrvn> # h 3;;
<mrvn> z = 3, sum = 6
<mrvn> - : unit = ()
<eut> what is the meaning of the ';' operator in your initial let statement?
<thelema> eut: it's a sequencing operator -- [x; y] means do x, throw away the result, then do y.
<thelema> (you'll get a compiler warning if x doesn't return unit)
<eut> ok that makes sense
<thelema> There's an implied (and return its value) at the end of that explanation
<eut> how can i match for a symbol list list?
<eut> [head]::tail?
<eut> erm, [head]::tail doesnt seem to work for me
<thelema> match h::t -> print_int h; foo t
* thelema unbutchers his syntax
<thelema> match lst with [] -> () | h::t -> print_int h; loop t
<eut> print_int?
<thelema> print_int prints an integer.
<thelema> ocaml is strongly typed, with no overloading. Thus print_int
<eut> what if lst = [[1;2;2];[3;3;3];[4;3;2]]?
<thelema> then you couldn't use print_int, as h would be a list itself.
<thelema> you could of course, write more code to handle h as a list.
<eut> match lst with [] -> ( | h::t -> print_int h | [h]::t -> print_int (List.nth h 0); loop t?
<thelema> no, the head of lst can't be both an int and a list
<eut> how can you match for both int and list in the same match clause?
<thelema> It could be a variant type like this: Int of int | IList of int list
<thelema> match h with Int i -> print_int i | IList [] -> () | IList (h2::_) -> print_int h2
<eut> hmm
<thelema> For me, the safety gained by this programming style more than compensates for the ability to just print anything and have it stringify.
<mrvn> It also speeds up the code a lot.
<mrvn> and saves ram
<eut> is there a way to do it without a variant type?
<thelema> have a list with mixed values in it? Yes, but variants are the simplest and usually best way.
<eut> function [] -> () | h::t -> print_int h | <something>::t print_int (List.nth h 0)?
<thelema> eut: nope. Once you have [| h::t -> print_int h], the list is definitely a list of integers.
<mrvn> thelema: actualy no you can never have a list with different values in it.
<eut> yeah i see
<eut> so my question makes no sense
<mrvn> eut: In ocaml both 0 and [] are stored as 0. How then would ocaml know if you have [1;2;0] or [1;2;[]]?
<eut> it wouldnt
<mrvn> (Although the reason 0 and [] are both stored as 0 is that that question can never happen)
<mrvn> s/are/can be/
<thelema> mrvn: well, there's a variety of embeddings of the universal type in ocaml, usually with types resembling unit -> unit, but to first approximation you're right
<thelema> mrvn: actually, they're both stored as 1. :)
<mrvn> thelema: which means you make the types the same.
<mrvn> thelema: ups. same difference.
<thelema> you kind-of have a list with different values in it. It just happens that they're stored as unit->unit closures.
<mrvn> thelema: no, you have a list of (unit -> unit) closures. All the same type. :)
<mrvn> You can (and have to) hide different types inside cosures of the same type. That is the trick.
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<mrvn> eut: What you can do is write functions that can handle lists of different types. like List.iter print_int [1;2;3] and List.iter print_float [1.1;2.2;3.3]
<thelema> we're arguing semantics - you're right that the type of all the elements in a list has to be the same. And I'm right that you can construct a list "with mixed values in it", through hiding the values from the type system.
<eut> i'm just essentially trying to do a depth first search of a tree in list form
<eut> or depth first traversal.. not search
<mrvn> for that you need to know the depth of the tree.
<mrvn> i.e. how many 'a list list ... list you have.
<eut> i was thinking its possible to keep expanding as long as the head is a list
<eut> or not an 'atom' (coming from lisp)
<mrvn> which can't be typed.
<mrvn> You can use type tree = Leaf of int list | Node of tree list
<mrvn> or type tree = Leaf of int ....
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<eut> type tree = Leaf of int | Branch of int list?
<eut> what if i wanted to make it of 'a list? would this work: type tree = Leaf of 'a | Branch of 'a list
<mrvn> let rec traverse = function Leaf x -> print_int x | Branch of list -> List.iter traverse list
<mrvn> eut: No, Branch of tree list
<eut> ah i see
<mrvn> You want to allow for Branch [Branch [Leaf 1; Leaf 2]; Leaf 3]
<mrvn> for 'a you need type 'a tree = Lead of 'a | Branch of 'a tree
<thelema> type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Branch of 'a tree list
<mrvn> list
<mrvn> yes
<eut> syntax error at 'of' in Branch of
<eut> in let rec traverse...
<thelema> no 'of' when doing matching
<mrvn> -of, sorry.
<eut> how do i create the tree to pass in?
<mrvn> Usualy you would have an empty tree and then you insert things.
<mrvn> let empty = Branch []
<mrvn> But you can give a tree verbatim like Branch [Branch [Leaf 1; Leaf 2]; Leaf 3]
<eut> ah
<eut> its starting to make more sense
<mrvn> Other people use a treetype like type 'a tree = Nil | Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree.
<mrvn> That is more like lists where you have [] as end-of-list marker.
<eut> what about: type ('a, 'b) symbol = B of 'a | L of 'b?
<eut> where B is branch and L is leaf
<thelema> what type would the following have: B [ B [ L 1; L 2]; L 3] ?
<mrvn> no recursion in the type so you end up with a specific type for every tree.
<mrvn> # B [ B [ L 1; L 2]; L 3];;
<mrvn> - : ((('a, int) symbol list, int) symbol list, 'b) symbol =
<thelema> eut: not what you expected, I think.
<mrvn> type 'a tree = B of 'a tree list | L of 'a
<mrvn> # B [ B [ L 1; L 2]; L 3];;
<mrvn> - : int tree = B [B [L 1; L 2]; L 3]
<mrvn> See the difference?
<eut> ah yeah right
<mrvn> You can have ('a, 'b) tree or ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g) whatever. But here that just isn't neded.
<mrvn> if you can code that then I want one.
<mrvn> ups.
<eut> :]
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<sOpen> is it possible to declare recursive function types? Like: 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t... I am trying: let cap = (let rec ic = (fun lst -> function Some x -> ic (x :: lst) | None -> lst) in ic []);; and I don't understand the type error.
<sOpen> I've played around without the Option monad, too. I don't think using it is the right way because it means the function signature terminates which is wrong.
<sOpen> # let cap = (let rec ic = (fun lst x -> ic (x :: lst)) in ic []);; (* is the alternative that also doesn't work *)
<mrvn> sOpen: ic is a function taking 2 arguments. If the second is Some x you return a function, if the second is None you return a list
<sOpen> mrvn, yes. :-( How about: let cap = (let rec ic lst x = ic (x :: lst) in ic []);; ?
<sOpen> repl says "This expression has type 'a -> 'b but is here used with type 'b" but 'a -> 'b == 'b
<Alpounet> Hi everybody.
<mrvn> no, 'a -> 'b is not 'b
<sOpen> mrvn, why not?
<mrvn> Because one is 'a -> 'b and the other is 'b
<sOpen> ultimately i want 'a -> 'a -> 'a ...
<mrvn> % ocaml -rectypes
<mrvn> # let rec ic lst x = ic (x :: lst);;
<mrvn> val ic : 'a list -> ('a -> 'b as 'b) = <fun>
<mrvn> why is x a function?
<mrvn> never mind, x is the 'a
<sOpen> mrvn, yeah... that works like i want!
<sOpen> What is this rectypes arg? man page is silent
<mrvn> sOpen: You have to wrap that into a type to get around the type recursion.
<mrvn> sOpen: -rectypes lets ocaml look for implicit recursive types.
<sOpen> mrvn, what's the trade-off? why isn't rectypes always on?
<mrvn> because normaly one doesn't want to write code like that
<sOpen> fair enough. I'm glad it's possible, though. :-)
<mrvn> sOpen: What would you do with a type like that? You could never do anything sensible with it.
<sOpen> mrvn, i'm trying to figure that out... just exploring
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<mrvn> With rectypes you can do a nice continuation style based cooperative multitasking in ~3 lines.
<sOpen> mrvn, :-)
<mrvn> defining an actual type thread = ... and doing it without rectypes adds a few lines but is so much more readable.
<sOpen> mrvn, yes... i certainly don't have a use that /cannot/ be done with normal types. I'm thinking about state machine DSLs.
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<Camarade_Tux> is it possible to call the array pretty-printer function from another one in the toplevel : I have a hash table which holds an array per-element and would like to display it gracefully
<Alpounet> why wouldn't it be possible ?
<Camarade_Tux> because I have beautiful eyes ? :)
<Camarade_Tux> or simply because it can be handy ;)
<Alpounet> If you have an array pretty printer function, I think there's no problem with calling it, as long as you've loaded your function's module.
<Camarade_Tux> no, I mean, not mine but ocaml's built-in
<Camarade_Tux> another solution would be to make a hashtbl pretty-printer so ocaml would automatically calls the array one
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<Camarade_Tux> except that ocaml does not want to use because Hashtbl.t is abstract =/ (well, I'll see that later on)
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<babalu> hi, does someone know how to do a sleep in microseconds in ocaml ?
<babalu> or at least miliseconds
<babalu> milli*
<Camarade_Tux> last time I needed one, I wrote a C-binding (was about one line, two at most)
<Camarade_Tux> iirc the problem is there is no cross-platform way to do one
<Camarade_Tux> babalu, well, actually : see "Short sleeps" at http://pleac.sourceforge.net/pleac_ocaml/datesandtimes.html
<babalu> yeah it uses select
<Camarade_Tux> works if you're not on windows, and if you use lablgtk, it has a Glib.usleep
* Camarade_Tux doesn't understand why suddenly ocaml displays his hash table using the pretty-printer although he changed *nothing*
<Alpounet> Haha.
<Alpounet> nice :-)
<Alpounet> brb
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<babalu> thanks
<sOpen> I get a syntax error in http://paste.debian.net/33032/ on line 5, characters 30-32 ("as"). Perhaps I am misreading http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/types.html Why is the compiler unhappy?
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<sOpen> and yes, this code is abusive
<mfp> sOpen: the 'b type variable is unbound
<mfp> you can solve that an get rid of the syntax error by turning the type into type ('a, 'b) action
<sOpen> mfp, http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/types.html#@manual.kwd4 doesn't bind 'b?
<sOpen> i'm running with -rectypes
<mfp> misread the code
<mfp> try | Load of (('a action -> 'b) as 'b)
<mfp> (works for me, then syntax error on l17: you have let rec iisf = ... without ... in xxx)
<sOpen> yep
<sOpen> that is actually a problem... I will throw parens at everything from now on
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<sOpen> mfp, thanks for your help
<mfp> np
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<Alpounet> Error: Files errors.cmo and lexer.cmo
<Alpounet> make inconsistent assumptions over interface Lexer
<Alpounet> o_O
<Alpounet> sounds weird.
<sOpen> Alpounet, compiled with different versions of lexer.mli?
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<sOpen> http://caml.inria.fr/pub/ml-archives/caml-list/2002/11/64c14acb90cb14bedb2cacb73338fb15.en.html seems a little short-sighted. Manycore machines may move away from shmem, though, I suppose.
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<mrvn> "Of course, all this SMP support stuff slows down the runtime system
<mrvn> even if there is only one processor, which is the case for almost all
<mrvn> our users..." is just plain wrong nowadays
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<sOpen> yeah... multicore is everywhere. ocaml and python seem to be fighting the same demons
<flux> while it may be (and I think it is) true that shared memory approach won't scale beyond 8 cores, it'd be nice to have support for it while we're still in that space :)
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<flux> but I wonder how to architect software if you have, say, 64 cores, and for best performance you just can't just share everything. does it make sense to have multiple clusters of 8 cores with shared-everything while the clusters don't share between each other?
<flux> in the end, message passing might just turn out to be more feasible
<flux> too bad I haven't heard much of the project that was supposed to bring multicore-gc to ocaml
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<sOpen> flux, i've programmed on the Tile64 and message passing between cores was 1-4 cycles depending on what bus you use
<flux> sopen, too bad such primitives don't seem to exist in the intel/amd world
<sOpen> it may not be the winning design but it scales a hell of a lot better than crossbars
<sOpen> flux, intel has an 80-core chip in r&d... i don't know how it handles shmem
<flux> well, Sun released (?) their 64-core offering
<flux> supposedly people run Java on those machines. I wonder how it works, then. Running a single jvm in 64 cores would basically be a shared-everything environment.
<flux> but perhaps they run multiple jvms then.
<sOpen> the sun chip is 8 cores with 8-way in-core threading
<flux> hm, right
<flux> mixed that up
<flux> well, it's the same issue still
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<sOpen> yeah... i wonder how the mm works
<sOpen> it looks like it's all shared from http://blogs.sun.com/deniss/entry/memory_and_coherency_on_the
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<sOpen> "The current implementation accepts identifiers up to 16000000 characters in length."
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<Nucleos> Hello.
<Nucleos> Here is my current problem : http://paste.tgl0be.org/?id=9469
<mrvn> Nucleos: no it doesn't.
<mrvn> Both the begin and the match are superflous by the way.
<Camarade_Tux> works for me too
<Nucleos> i didn't say the right thing
<Nucleos> it works, ok, but you didn't define est_interdit_triplet with that
<Nucleos> you defined est_interdit
<mrvn> val est_interdit : int * int -> bool = <fun>
<mrvn> val est_interdit_triplet : (int * int) * (int * int) * (int * int) -> bool =
<mrvn> <fun>
<mrvn> Looks right to me. Might not be what you want but that is what you wrote.
<Nucleos> ...
<Nucleos> i'm going to test another version of ocaml's implementation then. weird.
<mrvn> # est_interdit_triplet ((1,1), (2,1), (1,2));;
<mrvn> - : bool = true
<Camarade_Tux> Nucleos, how do you test ?
<Camarade_Tux> (which command(s) do you run)
<Nucleos> this is what i see : http://paste.tgl0be.org/index.php
<Nucleos> o sorry
<mrvn> because the "in" is wrong there
<mrvn> or the ";;"
<Nucleos> that's what i thought ; tell me more
<thelema> let est_interdit_triplet (a,b,c) = est_interdit a && est_interdit b && est_interdit c
<mrvn> with "in" the est_interdit_triplet is a subfunction of est_interdit so you would have to end with "in something;;"
<Nucleos> arf
<Nucleos> yes of course.
<mrvn> thelema: any idea how goo ocaml is at seeing that linterdits is a constant?
<Nucleos> Thanks for the help! I was really staring at the code... couldn't find anything
<mrvn> -l
<thelema> in ocaml, you can have a bunch of toplevel phrases: [let v = val;; let v2 = val2;; let v3 = val3;;] (with or without the ;;s)
<Nucleos> (thelema, you're right, my code if obfuscated.)
<Nucleos> :)
<thelema> or you can have one toplevel phrase: [let v = val in let v2 = val2 in let v3 = val3 in val4;;] (with or without the ;;s
<thelema> once you have 'in', you have to have a final expression for which your binding is defined 'in'.
<thelema> (i.e val4)
<thelema> the scope is no longer the rest of your source file.
<thelema> one could use the phrases 'local binding' vs. global binding, but that's not quite right
<thelema> mrvn: what would you want ocaml to do with linterdits as a constant? I don't see any easy way to propogate it.
* Nucleos has finally understood [ ] are no actual part of ocaml coding
<Nucleos> thelema, the thing is, when you use the "promptline" that you may want to define first a, then define a function f of a. With Ocaml, you must specify you are actually declaring a function, then you can declare a, then you can use it in the body of the function.
<Nucleos> only a question of syntax... doesn't matter.
<thelema> "promptline" = "toplevel"
<thelema> as to compiled vs. toplevel, the same code works - the rules are exactly the same.
<thelema> I guess there's an implied ;; at the end of code to be compiled
<Nucleos> thelema, I did think that way : i want to define foobar, then use it.
<Nucleos> I understood that you may define foobar globally then use it.
<thelema> but if you take any sequence of "commands" at the toplevel and put them into a file, you'll get the same result (except for the toplevel's nice printing of return values)
<Nucleos> I understood also you may define it locally.
<thelema> both work, yes.
<Nucleos> I wanted to "press Enter" (= evaluate) and have my function.
<Nucleos> In the toplevel, you have to press Enter twice if you use the first method.
<Nucleos> I know it makes quite no sense to talk about that.
<thelema> huh? enter twice?
<Nucleos> never mind.
<thelema> the toplevel knows to start evaluating by ";;"
<thelema> you can give it as much code as you want, and it'll evaluate it all once it sees ;;
<Nucleos> see that : [let test var = let b = 5 in var = 5;;] You may want to do that : [let b = 5;; let test var = var = 5;;]
<Nucleos> In the toplevel you can't write it at once, then press Enter.
<Nucleos> Syntax error : in the toplevel you can't "chain" 2 <;;>
<thelema> # let b = 5;; let test var = var = 5;;
<thelema> val b : int = 5
<thelema> on my computer, it seems to have skipped everything after the first ;;
<Nucleos> right.
<Camarade_Tux> btw, has mlbot appeared on the channel yet ?
<Nucleos> thelema, thus you have to either first know what you're doing, either "press twice the button"
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<mrvn> thelema: create the data for interdits once and don't call a bunch of cons at runtime.
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<Alpounet> http://ocaml.pastebin.com/d649f0fd <<< anyone has an idea about why I get the error ? :/
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<Yoric[DT]> Alpounet: you need begin/end or parenthesis around your imperative block.
<Yoric[DT]> The grammar is [if expression_1 then expression_2 else expression_3]
<Alpounet> (I'll put something in else, that's just for having something)
<Alpounet> okay, thanks. !
<Yoric[DT]> here, the ; in the middle of your expression_2 confuses the parser.
<Yoric[DT]> np
<Alpounet> I should get used to imperative programming a little more... heh :-)
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<Ariens_Hyperion> you meant functional
<Alpounet> No, I meant imperative programming in OCaml.
<vuln> May anyone introduce me to an example of parametric polimorfism in Ocaml?
<Alpounet> type 'a mylist = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a mylist ;;
<vuln> hum
<vuln> That's my problem
<vuln> ok.
<vuln> I just misunderstood some stuff haha
<vuln> thanks :)
<Alpounet> 'a is an arbitrary name chosen to give a name to a type paramer.
<Alpounet> It's a kind of "type variable"
<Alpounet> you can then reuse it at the right of "="
<Alpounet> brb
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<flux> interesting news, on caml-list. apparently the parallel gc I just today, yesterday? mentioned, is going well!
<mbishop> link?
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<aij> wow, a Stack_overflow that is actually indicative of a real error
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<Alpounet> heh
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<aij> I'm sometimes tempted to write my own Hashtbl and make it tail recursive
<aij> but in this particular case, the Stack_overflow caused by Hashtbl.resize was indicative of a problem...
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<flux> I suppose it happens when there are too many values with the same key?
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<Nucleos> How can I do something like this ? [type trou = Neant | { gauche: trou; droite: trou; }]
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<vuln> Alpounet: hey
<vuln> I'm sorry, last time when I noticed, you have already gone so I couldn't thank you :)
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<flux> nucleos, type trou = Neant | Gauche of gauche and gauche = { gauche : trou; droite : trou }
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<Alpounet> vuln, you're welcome. I don't remember your problem, though. (I've got too many in here to remember others')
<vuln> Alpounet: parametric polimorfism
<vuln> :)
<Alpounet> Oh, yep :-)
<Nucleos> flux, syntax error :(
<Alpounet> (polymorPHism)
<vuln> thanks :)
<vuln> and I have a new question about it haha
<flux> nucleos, nope, I copy pasted that to my ocaml and it works fine
<vuln> I would like to create a function to sum a number. It might be float OR int
<aij> == flux
<vuln> I tried just type them, and hope that through its arguments both will work, but the last overwrite the first
<vuln> :)
<vuln> and so I figured out I might do it with classes, but I couldn't find an article or book that tells exactly what I want.
<vuln> :(
<Alpounet> You want to sum ... a number ?
<vuln> Alpounet: I want to make a function that sum two numbers, but they might be FLOAT or INT
<vuln> I will try to write it here in codepad.. one sec.
<Alpounet> ocaml.pastebin.com
<aij> vuln: what type do you expect your function to have?
<Nucleos> flux, well it works here too. Thanks a lot!
<vuln> something like this Alpounet
<Nucleos> flux, how can i know when i'm allowed to use "and"?
<bluestorm> Nucleos: type trou = Trou of (trou * trou) option
<vuln> aij: it can't be 'a, 'cause there's no overload of operators in Ocaml
<vuln> :(
<flux> nucleos, well, you could read the language specification from the manual
<Alpounet> vuln, neither for functions
<aij> vuln: you just tried to write an overloaded function
<Nucleos> flux, i see.
<vuln> aij: yes
<vuln> That's my goal :P
<vuln> Can't I ?
<bluestorm> you can't
<aij> no, there's no overloading in ocaml
<Nucleos> flux, anyway i'm glad. :)
<vuln> :(
<aij> operators are just functions that happen to be inline
<Alpounet> infix ?
<flux> nucleos, in addition to bluestorm's suggestion you could do: type 'a gauche = { gauchy : 'a; droite : 'a } type trou = Neant | Gauche of trou gauche
<aij> Alpounet: ack, yes
<vuln> I thought parametric polimorphism extended including to allow a function behaves differently given different args
<flux> but and is a better match here
<vuln> aij: Alpounet
<flux> or actually, bluestorm's suggestion ;)
<Alpounet> vuln, are you coming from Haskell ?
<vuln> Alpounet: no.
<vuln> coming from C
<bluestorm> flux: or -rectypes :-'
<vuln> :)
<Alpounet> ok
<vuln> I've never studied other functional programming language
<bluestorm> flux: Gauche of trou gauche is a bad naming
<vuln> I'm studying Ocaml at university.
<flux> bluestorm, quite possibly, I have no idea what they mean
<bluestorm> (but if you don't know french you couldn't get that)
<vuln> The teacher talked about parametric and ad-hoc polimorfism and I just got curious.
<bluestorm> gauche => left, droite => right
<Nucleos> bluestorm, i don't know "option". Trying to figure it out. Thanks !
<aij> vuln: you could do the equivalent of what's in the last link you pasted
<bluestorm> Nucleos: type 'a option = None | Some of 'a
<bluestorm> (predefined by caml standard lib)
<vuln> aij: That's what I want :)
<vuln> Using classes, right?
<Nucleos> bluestorm, even better !
<Nucleos> flux, i don't understand your code, but i'll thing about it. I need some time to comprehend type definition. I thought I knew... :)
<aij> vuln: you could do it as classes or as functions
<bluestorm> it's a mutually recursive type definition
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<vuln> aij: as functions, it wouldn't be using 'a, right?
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<vuln> aij: May you tell me the two ways, please?
<Nucleos> bluestorm, ok.
<aij> vuln: eg, let soma = (+.) and subtracao = (-.)
<vuln> aij: but I want equal names :D
<bluestorm> vuln: you don't always get what you want
<vuln> bluestorm: hahah
<vuln> true
<aij> vuln: the thing you pasted used different names
<bluestorm> why would you want that anyway ? integer addition and float addition are very different beasts
<flux> vuln, well, there's no way to make it so that add 4 5 and add 4.0 5.0 will work
<bluestorm> float operation incur precision concerns, etc.
<vuln> Ok, so let's go straightly to my question.
<vuln> May you define how far 'parametric polimorphism' goes in Ocaml?
<flux> vuln, what could work would be: add (int 4) (int 5) and add (float 4) (float 5), given proper definitions
<aij> vuln: you could also define classes with methods of the same name doing different things
<vuln> aij: THIS!
<vuln> How?
<vuln> :D
<bluestorm> vuln: there is no ad-hoc polymorphism, except for late-binding in object-oriented OCaml
<aij> vuln: but the class names would be different, just as the function names would be different if you do it with functons
<vuln> bluestorm: late-binding?
<Nucleos> vuln, to me, it looks like a perfect case for [ type nombre = Float of float | Int of int ]
<bluestorm> vuln: if you're learning OCaml, you shouldn't try OOP first
<bluestorm> that's the lazy and bad way, "i'll try to reproduce my Java knowledge in this new language"
<bluestorm> you should try OCaml the ocaml way
<aij> vuln: class soma = object method calcular = (+.) end class subtracao = object method calcular = (-.) end
<bluestorm> no ad-hoc polymorphism, no overloading, and as little OOP as possible
<vuln> bluestorm: Ok
<vuln> I will follow your suggestions so :)
<aij> vuln: but, ocaml isn't java, so there's no need to wrap your functions inside a class
<vuln> Alpounet, aij, bluestorm, flux thank all of you
<vuln> :)
<vuln> aij: I don't know Java
<vuln> I just pasted the code I saw on Wikipedia about Polimorphism :)
<aij> vuln: ah, you're looking at the wrong wikipedia article then. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_polymorphism instead
<vuln> aij: thanks :)
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<vuln> At first, Ocaml looked awkward to me. No reason to learn it
<vuln> But my point of view has changed a lot lately.
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<flux> vuln, what affected it the most?
<vuln> flux: I'm sorry?
<vuln> What made me think like that?
<flux> you changed your point of view changed a lot lately. what made it change?
<vuln> flux: Ocaml Learning :)
<vuln> It's too easy talk bad about something when you don't know it
<vuln> My major is Computer Engineering. However, I go some classes in other departaments like Computer Sciense. And CC departament is who wanna teach us Ocaml
<vuln> So everybody says: It's a language to go ahead at the univ, but you will throw it away after 6 months
<vuln> All students say the same, that it's horrible and stupid and stuff like that
<vuln> Maybe 'cause some teachers say the same, OR 'cause they're too dumb to recognize a good programming language
<olegfink> I wish they'd teach us ocaml here.
<Alpounet> +1.
<olegfink> you know, java isn't exactly my definition of 'fun'
<vuln> olegfink: 70% of the classes EVERY period get reproved.
<vuln> I have veterans of veterans of mine studying in my class haha
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<vuln> But, IMHO, is not the case about Ocaml be good or not. I think it's perfect in the course 'cause: It has several new implementations (modern ones) and a lot of concepts and techniques to program
* Nucleos never understood why people are so contemptful with bad students.
<Alpounet> doesn't Unix.close_process "kill" the process ?
<vuln> The name of the matter is: Concepts and Tecnics of Programming
<vuln> So, Ocaml is the most perfect programming language for it
<Ariens_Hyperion> contemptful??
<vuln> And it's too easy as first language (at least its base)
<vuln> I always studied imperative languages, so it was hard at first time to me. It was my first reason to 'hate' Ocaml
<vuln> But today, I have a new part of my brain thinking how I can solve problems differently
<vuln> and sometimes even better than I could before know Ocaml.
<vuln> I think I'm the only person in my class that say: I like Ocaml.
<vuln> Just to you know how 'strong' the influence of the olders are :)
<vuln> But I have to say I'm ansious for C in the next period haha
<olegfink> after my first year or so studying ocaml in high school, my friends would give me strange looks looking at my C code full of recursive functions and stuff.
<vuln> God, I talk too much ;x
<vuln> olegfink: I couldn't solve my first exercise list without change states or iterations haha
<Ariens_Hyperion> that has to change!!
<vuln> The teacher was writing a question to list numbers and before he finish it, I was already writing some code with while
<vuln> haha
<vuln> Ariens_Hyperion: It already changed :)
<vuln> thanks Lord
<vuln> hehe
<vuln> But the 'course' is really hard. I mean, I didn't get as well as I wanted in the exam..
<vuln> I can imagine how people who have never studied language programming were..
<vuln> I wanted 10 of course :P
<vuln> haha
* Nucleos 's just learned the word 'contemptful' doesn't exist in a dictionary. One says 'to hold sb in contempt'. / to be scornful
<vuln> But things are getting better now. Recursivity, Pattern-Matching and all the good stuff are starting now :D
<olegfink> I have a small students project: get used to apl/j/k/q and then try going back to java classes. bwahaha!
<vuln> hahaha
<vuln> I want to do something AWESOME in Ocaml before finishs the matter.
<vuln> In each specific matter. I'm going to project a bomb in Digital Circuitos
<vuln> XD
<vuln> Circuits*
<hsuh> vuln: q estado?
<Ariens_Hyperion> I wish I could use ocaml with cocoa to do something awesome
<Alpounet> Damned. How can I kill a process ?
<vuln> hsuh: RN
<vuln> Alpounet: in Ocaml?
<Alpounet> yeah
<Alpounet> Unix.close_process waits for the process to terminate
<bluestorm> Alpounet: Unix.signal ?
<olegfink> Alpounet: Unix.system ("kill "^(string_of_int pid))? :-)
<flux> alpounet, a process you usually run with open_process should usually get rid of itself when stdin closes
<olegfink> yeah, Unix.signal pid 11 or something.
<flux> while Unix.kill works, it can be difficult to find the process id..
<Alpounet> I created it with open_process
<Alpounet> I just have the associated channels
<Alpounet> no PID
<olegfink> wait, there's kill. oops.
<vuln> hsuh: e você?
<hsuh> vuln: RS
<vuln> hsuh: extremos hehe
<hsuh> vuln: hehe
<vuln> Vai para o FISL?
<hsuh> vuln: n... fui soh uma vez qdo foi na puc-rs
<vuln> :)
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<flux> alpounet, in that kind of cases I would just drop the use of open_process and do it by hand
<flux> which means using pipe and fork
<Alpounet> oh wait
<flux> (possibly multiple pipes)
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<flux> it works nicely with select also
<Alpounet> create_process returns the pid
<flux> oh, it does, indeed
<Alpounet> then I can call Unix.kill pid [the correct signal]
<flux> well that should be enough then :)
<Alpounet> and it should be okay
<flux> Sys.sigterm or Sys.sigkill if you feel violent
<Alpounet> sigkill
<Alpounet> hahahahah
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<Alpounet> figood night
<Alpounet> -fi
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<kaustuv_> I finally figured out how to prevent the GC from moving stuff around, so here's the ocaml->svg renderer packaged up. Comments welcome. http://www.msr-inria.inria.fr/~kaustuv/misc/ocaml_show.html
<Nucleos> I have a last problem for today : http://pastebin.com/m18efbffe
<vuln> kaustuv_: GC?
<Nucleos> vuln, Garbage Collector.
<vuln> oh
<vuln> thanks :D
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<vuln> What does 'type t = E | N of t * int * t ;;
<vuln> ' it do?
<bluestorm> Nucleos:
<bluestorm> type NewSetInt = struct include SetInt ... end
<bluestorm> s/type/module/, sorry
<Nucleos> (trying...)
<Smerdyakov> vuln, what source are you using to learn OCaml? That seems like a pretty basic example.
<Nucleos> bluestorm, thank you.
<vuln> Smerdyakov: I have a lot of books I got in internet. But I've been following the files university gives me
<vuln> and we just finished records
<vuln> :)
<Smerdyakov> vuln, I suggest ignoring all course materials, when it comes to learning a programming language.
<vuln> We started pattern-matching last week
<Smerdyakov> vuln, just reading the tutorial in the OCaml manual should be sufficient.
<Smerdyakov> vuln, and it's not very long.
<vuln> Smerdyakov: Well, May you let me know what it does?
<Smerdyakov> vuln, no.
<Smerdyakov> vuln, it has no counterpart in mainstream languages, and so no one-liner explanation.
<m3ga> Smerdyakov, viln : it is a little like a C union
<Smerdyakov> m3ga, I think you're doing more harm than good. You can't possibly explain it better than the best tutorials and books.
<m3ga> true
<vuln> m3ga: thanks
<vuln> :)
<olegfink> honestly I've never seen that data structure implemented as a C union.
<Smerdyakov> vuln, I believe you can't go wrong with this book: http://files.metaprl.org/doc/ocaml-book.pdf
<vuln> Smerdyakov: I have it
<vuln> I read the first 70 pages
<Smerdyakov> vuln, good. Pick a book, and don't let yourself use _any_ feature you haven't read about it.
<Smerdyakov> s/about it/about yet
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<vuln> Smerdyakov: Well, thanks :)
<vuln> I'm glad you're thinking beyond just help me now
<vuln> but I also thank you m3ga hehe
<olegfink> m3ga, if you insist on unions, you should probably add that they have a 'type tag' associated.
<m3ga> to be honest i have never read more than about 5 contiguous pages of any ocaml book :-)
<kaustuv_> I've never read even a single page of any OCaml book.
<Smerdyakov> Some people get it easily. Some don't.
<m3ga> olegfink: i don't mention the type tag but do mention that the compiler won't let you get it wrong.
<Smerdyakov> But everyone should read instead of asking what a language feature is.
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<oof> hello
<m3ga> sometimes its useful to ask what it is. for vuln, the answer should have been "go to you book and read about variant types'.
<olegfink> I've found out that calling them 'algebraic' instead of 'variant' greatly helps understanding.
<Nucleos> Smerdyakov, i agree with m3ga : there's no question you should not ask.
<Smerdyakov> m3ga, I disagree. Authors of books put lots of effort into choosing the right order in which to introduce material. Asking what a language feature is shows that you aren't following an expert's chosen order, and your order is probably inferior pedagogically.
<m3ga> 'alegbraic' always confused me while 'variant' was immediately obvious
<vuln> =[
<vuln> :)
<kaustuv_> The problem is there are at least two distinguishable interpretation for "variant", and even the manual is not 100% on either side.
<olegfink> might be; at least it might help that some of the type operators have a familiar algebraic nature, such as '|' and '*'
<Smerdyakov> olegfink, those operators don't have the meanings you have in mind, for a large fraction of the people who want to learn OCaml.
<Smerdyakov> Anyone who learns best by analogies to higher math isn't going to have any trouble learning OCaml, and thus it's pointless to think about how to help them learn.
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<Nucleos> Smerdyakov, my math teacher doesn't agree with you. Anyway, you seem to live in a perfect world where everyone follows the rule, where everyone sticks to the advance of a book, etc. Happily, people tend to be less attracted to rigidity. I know it has some backwards, but that's the way it is.
<Smerdyakov> Nucleos, it's not so happy that people impede their own learning.
<Smerdyakov> Nucleos, people can do whatever they want. People who don't like to read rarely end up using ML.
<olegfink> well, I see your point.
<vuln> Smerdyakov: Can you give me a line which will return a' -> b' -> c' ?
<Smerdyakov> vuln, are you asking me to do your homework?
<vuln> Smerdyakov: no
<vuln> I don't think would be a question like that
<Smerdyakov> vuln, here is a definition of a function with that type: let rec f x y = f x y
<vuln> thanks Smerdyakov
<vuln> I'm just reading ocaml book and I remebered about an example like this that the professor show in class
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<Symmetry-> hello
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<vuln> hello :)
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<hsuh> another day this guy asked why aren't all functions implicitly "let rec"s ... what would be the answer to that?
<Nucleos> i think the valid one: yes we could do that, but it has drawbacks, so we thought it was best that way.
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