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I have a funny question: In ocaml it is traditional to name a type that would be the same as the module it's in "t" (eg: Hashtbl.t, Int64.t, String.t). What name would you use if t were a class type rather than a type?
# module M = struct class t = object end end;;
module M : sig class t : object end end
aij: Anything wrong with using that?
# let x = new M.t;;
mrvn: nope, I was just wondering what the convention was
val x : M.t = <obj>
I think / hope M.t is quite standard.
Although I haven't seen any module that is based on a class type yet.
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# module M : sig type t end = struct class t = object end end;;
module M : sig type t end
mrvn: yeah, there are classes in /usr/lib/ocaml/3.10.2 but no modules that are really based on a type...
You can hide the class too I think.
# module M : sig type t val make : unit -> t end = struct class t = object end let make () = new t end;;
module M : sig type t val make : unit -> t end
# let x = M.make ();;
val x : M.t = <abstr>
With a hidden class type you can not use "new M.t".
mrvn: yeah, I know how to use ocaml :)
aij: Next question: What do you name the types if a module as more than one?
generally something sensible...
both or do you pick one for "t" and the other gets a full name?
if the module they're is called M, and one type would otherwise be called m, I would probably call that type t and give the other one a full name
My gut says that if one is used 90% of the time it should be t but if it is 50/50 then two destinct names are in order.
mrvn: more details?
what are your two types, and what does the module provide?
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could be anything.
if there's really two types provided by the module, splitting the module might be in order.
Say I split the Unix module putting all the file releated stuff into Unix.File then I would use Unix.File.t as file descriptor and Unix.File.open_flags and Unix.File.seek_command.
yes, there's definitely a sense of 'main type' involved in all operations there.
thelema: well, I wouldn't call that "main type" so much as "file type"
which is why I'd say that if there's no 'main type', one might want to think about your module design
but, eh, I guess either way makes sense
you could have 2 recursive types.
aij: main as in every Unix.File functions either takes or returns one.
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Hmm, is there something like but for 'a -> int?
mrvn: a unique identifier for an arbitrary type?
there's many functions with type ['a -> int] : (fun _ -> 3)
how could you unique-id two ints?
.oO( But they are not like :)
equal ints.
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Say id <int> = 0 then id 1 = 0 and id 2 = 0.
for boxed types, this is easy (although you have to bit-shift the pointer to fit ocaml ints)
I really want it for the type and not the contents.
for the type? ocaml values have no type at runtime.
thelema: yeah, that is the problem.
Doesn't have to work for all types. Just have to build something to id a small set of types.
mrvn: why do you need runtime types?
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trying something with a heterogenous container.
use python :)
mrvn: there's some ways to embed the universal type into ocaml's type system...
A simple approach would be let next_id = ref 0 let alloc_id = let id = !next_id in incr next_id; id
And then every type for the container has to alloc one.
mrvn: how would you tell when you want to allocate a different type though?
thelema: I want a "let find_all : <type id> -> <type> list" function.
aij: what do you mean?
aij: Every M.t would have an
Actually what I want is let find_all : 'a <type id> -> 'a list
The type of <type id> has to be somehow intertwined with the value it then internaly has so that it will be unique for every 'a.
Maybe something like class virtual ['a] type_id = object method virtual id : int end;; and then in the modules type t class my_id = object inherit [t] type_id method id = alloc_id () end
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does anyone know the associated cost with creating a module instance?
AxleLonghorn: like callsing String.create 10?
no, like creating a functor, then applying it all over the place
I believe functors are completly compile time constructs. They optimize right out.
so that you have `module Foo = Bar(Baz)` and `module Foo2 = Bar(Bazz)` and `module Foo3 = Bar(Bazzz)` all over the place, say 20 times
is there an increase in memory usage or binary size?
mrvn: sadly, there is a runtime overhead to functors.
mrvn: thus the defunctorization filters for earlier versions of ocaml
I remember Dr. Garrigue saying something about how functors aren't being as fast as I thought
thelema: but const for a single or 1000 invocations.
what's the overhead? a constant factor?
* thelema
doesn't know exactly the overhead, but would be surprised if it were more than a constant added to functorized function invocation
Isn't it the same overhead as for a closure call?
it could be.
Can I write a functor (Mod : MOD) -> sig <sig of Mod> val foo : something end?
Where the signature of Mod is larger than MOD.
?? Yes, you can pass as a functor argument a super-type (module-wise) than its parameter...
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thelema: but can I retain that superset of functions and values in the output of the functor?
for instance, we have an Int module in batteries that has much more than the .t and .compare needed for Set / Map, but it can be used as an argument to the functor
oh, now I see your question...
I think no.
your functor output has a particular signature, I can't see how it can have more functions in it if you pass a more complex argument.
I think functor is just the wrong keyword. How can I include one module in another?
*patsch* 'include M' does the trick.
module Y = struct include Foo end
Was thinking way to complex.
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module rec M : sig type t val type_id : t C.type_id end = struct type t module Id = TypeId(M) include Id
Error: Cannot safely evaluate the definition of the recursively-defined module M
mrvn: is that any better than: let r = ref 0 module TypeId = functor (M : sig type t end) -> struct let type_id = let id = !r in r := id+1; id end
(ie: incrementing a counter for each instantiation of the functor)
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aij: The 'a type_id intertwines the 'a with the id.
aij: You can write let find_all : 'a type_id -> 'a list
mrvn: wow, trying to add the type_id type to mine causes: This expression has type int but is here used with type M.t type_id = int
mrvn: for some reason, if I ascribe the type in the module signature it is ok though...
type 'a type_id = int
let r = ref 0
module TypeId = functor (M : sig type t end) -> (
let type_id = let id = !r in r := id+1; id
end : sig val type_id : M.t type_id end)
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aij: The difference is that you can find_all. The Universal type thelema pointed to can't do that as the "embed" is specific to a single value and not its type.
well, embed() could return (id,put,get)
aij: nope.
(for some of the implementations)
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aij: one could combine my TypeID with the (put, get) to get both working though.
actually, even without exposing the id, couldn't you use prj as an id to pass to find_all (assuming you didn't require it to be a concrete type)
err, same as the get function
(the second function in the pair returned by embed() )
The get function is bound to one specific ref value.
yes, which is why you could use it as a sort of id
aij: But every value you store has its unique get function. I have an ID that is identical for all values of a given type.
no, you only need to call embed() once for each type
(much like you call C.TypeId for each type)
aij: let (put, get) = embed () in put 1; put 2; get ()?
no, get takes one of the values that put returned
basically, get is the same as your decode, and put is the same as your encode
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let (put, get) = embed () in let a = put 1 and b = put 2 in (get a, get b) should evaluate to (1,2)
I see what you mean
err (Some 1, Some 2)
* aij
needs to catch up on sleep :P
# let a = put 1;;
# let b = put 2;;
# get [a;b];;
- : int option list = [Some 1; Some 2]
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i'm still learning ocaml... is there a way to write point-free functions?
mrvn: yes, it would be more interesting if you call embed() twice so you can use the two sets of functions on different types
sOpen: do you mean like let f x = x*x ?
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aij, I mean like (Haskell) f = 2 *
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aij, let f = ( * ) 2 works fine... trying to define right associativity now
aij: The difficult part is to get embed () to always return the same pair of functions for the same type.
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are match's patterns special cases? is it possible to use a bound variable as a pattern?
match with x when x = variable ->
mrvn, ! guards... i didn't realize they could be used, thanks
mrvn, sorry to ask a stupid question... i now see it in the manual
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it is also on Google Code and SF, but no file anywhere, nor doc.
Why does "loop left; fn (k, v); loop right" give (fn : ('a * 'b -> 'c))? Shouldn't it say 'c = unit or give a warning that fn returns 'c instead of unit?
You can write : loop left; fn (k, v) : unit; loop right
BTW : # let rec f (a,b) = () ; f (a-1, b-1) ; () ;;
val f : int * int -> unit = <fun>
sure. But normaly ocaml warns if one drops a return type != unit.
Alpounet: Because the last () sets the return type of f
that's the same for you
loop returns 'c
Nope, loop returns Nil -> ()
but OCaml should warn here yep.
loop and fn are 2 functions.
yes, but as loop right is the last instruction, it normally determines the return type.
Even if having fn (k,v) at the middle seems to indicate it should be unit.
it determines the return type of loop, not of fn.
let iter tree (fn : ('c * 'd) -> unit) = let rec loop = function Nil -> () | Node(left, k, v, _, right) -> loop left; fn (k, v); loop right in loop tree
val iter : ('a, 'b) t -> ('a * 'b -> unit) -> unit
FYI, loop left; fn (k, v) : unit; loop right doesn't work. Has to be ((fn (k, v)) : unit); which is rather ugly.
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) type_id = { encoder : 'a * 'b -> 'c * 'd; decoder : 'c * 'd -> 'a * 'b;
I think I never had a quadrupel polmorphic type before.
And I still don't. type ('a, 'b) type_id = { encoder : 'a -> 'b; decoder : 'b -> 'a; } works just as well.
It's more general.
val insert : ('a, 'b) t -> ('c * 'd, 'a * 'b) type_id -> 'c * 'd -> ('a, 'b) t
val find : ('a, 'b) t -> ('c, 'a * 'b) type_id -> 'a -> 'c
val find_le : ('a, 'b) t -> ('c, 'a * 'b) type_id -> 'a -> 'c
Not much.
Heh :-)
Wouldn't it be better to put the "pair type" constraint in type_id directly, rather than on everything that uses it ?
val insert : ('a, 'b) t -> ('c, 'a * 'b) type_id -> 'c -> ('a, 'b) t
There. all better now.
It is 'a * 'b because the tree stores key value pairs. Doesn't have to be for the type_id. maybe I will reuse that somewhere else too.
Ok :-)
by the way, how would I put the pair constraint in the type?
type (('a * 'b), ('c * 'd) type_id doesn't work
type ('a, 'b) type_id constraint 'a = 'e * 'f constraint 'b = 'c * 'd. Now that is ever worse than ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) type_id
If one could I would write type ('a, 'b) kv = ('a 'b * 'a).
You can write the latter by functorizing 'b
But it might not be what you're looking for
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) type_id = { encoder : 'a * 'b -> 'c * 'd; decoder : 'c * 'd -> 'a * 'b } is fien IMO
if it is the behavior you're looking for, of course.
I just call it as type t type kv_here = (t key, t) kv
Spiwack: functors would just make more work.
Well it definitely depends on the application you have in mind
The code works for any ('a * 'b). It is just my use case that uses 'a key where 'a is a phantom type for the value part.
I could encode that as a closure into the key/value pairs but that would eat 32 bytes per entry or so.
How many entries does it aim at supporting, on average ?
One entry per inode, one per directory entry, one per x 4k blocks and one per ~1G or disk space probably.
But they are in a BTree so only the needed parts will be loaded.
Are small functors inside a module inlined and optimized away?
i've installed godi and mikmatch_pcre with godi_console but i don't understand how i can use mikmatch in my program, when i type "#require "mikmatch_pcre";;" in toplevel it says : "No such package: mikmatch_pcre"
you probably want to use findlib
(though I don't know how it interacts with the toplevel)
but the simplest (not necessarily most robust) solution would be to use #directory "directory/where/mikmatch/is" before your require
how findlib know to look in the godi directory ?
I don't know, but it does look there for certain
but mikmatch is not on the list "ocamlfind list"
i'm lost :p
never used godi before
I've never used mikmatch :)
You need someone more experienced than I am, I guess
does godi make a new install of all ocaml files (compilers, std libs, etc) ?
so i should remove the system one ? (debian)
it does
mixing the two is not a good idea
ok, now i understand =)
what system do you use ?
debian sid
The Debian OCaml team does a very good job. You can get ocaml 3.11 and other recent packages easily
e.g, aptitude install ocaml on testing or unstable will install ocaml 3.11 :-)
(Alpounet: I use it mainly when building parser with Genlex, don't know when you can use it otherwise)
(I use it only for parsing stuffs too, but that's the "official name", heh)
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anyone know the complexity of buffer#get_text?
# ?
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I mean, where is this from ?
palomer, likely O(n)?
that's a bummer
isn't it O(1) in gtk?
Camarade_Tux, lablgtk
palomer, I imagine it would need to copy a gtk string for it to be usable in ocaml
also, gc issues..
what are you doing if the time buffer#get_text takes matters?
I plan to do something like buffer#changed ~callback:(fun _ -> foo := buffer#get_text)
buffer#connect#changed, that is
I'm writing a domain specific language to encapsulate a very small portion of the capabilities of lablgtk
palomer, you could look at lablgtk's source or create a 16MB buffer in lablgtk, check the memory usage, use #get_text and then check again the memory usage
if it hasn't changed, it's O(1), otherwise...
perhaps you can have your own buffer widget that would not have the problem
flux, what's the darcs command to fetch?
darcs get
hah, it's the same as what I'm doing
..there's always a but..
I'm constantly reorganizing and redrawing my widgets
and I have (lots) of code to make sure I make as few changes as possible to the actual widgets
furthermore, my widgets are never destroyed
I only see one demo...
I wish I could get a better understanding of frgui
through documentation
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it does appear the project has been abandoned
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"Wow, I'm glad OCamlRT was useful for someone. I gave up working on it about a year ago at the behest of my advisor ("who uses OCaml?"). FWIW I've moved the sources (along with myself) to, since at least a few people seem to miss it."