hcarty: ok, I’ll notify the author, it’s probably not normal :)
This project was sponsored by Jane Street Capital during their OCaml Summer Project 2008. <= great :)
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djcoin: It's one of the few OSP projects I've seen which continued beyond the initial summer.
hcarty: thanks for the link. And is 'pa' initial of something or ?
djcoin: Pretty much all syntax extensions are pa_something, but I don’t know what pa stands for
I was wondering too, are camlp extension "composable" (not sure what I mean there)
djcoin: I don't know the origin of 'pa' - it's common in syntax extensions
ok :)
vbmithr: Beat me to it :-)
djcoin: Some are
djcoin: In that some can be used together
Some can be used to build other extensions, including pa_do
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I saw there was some work on AST manipulation, I guess the goal is to make it easier and more composable ?
(for syntax extension)
And is there a list of all camlp and other type of syntax extension ?
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djcoin: I think you're correct on the AST manipulation additions. They look like they could make it into 4.01.
As far as I know there is no universal list of syntax extensions, but the Caml Hump likely has the biggest ones
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All right, thanks
composable syntax extension would be awesome I guess
I was wondering if Module.(foo…) would not conflict with local open…
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vbmithr: It did initially, but IIRC pa_do was modified to get around that
Yeah it looks like it
pa means parser
there are pr_ camlp4 modules - those are printers
oh ok
thanks fx_ :)
fx_: Thanks indeed!
hi. i'm trying to use camlp4 to generate a module implementation from an mli file. i started using filters, but there are only sig -> sig or struct -> struct filters. is what i'm trying to do possible?
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what was that IDE for ocaml again?
emacs :P
(sorry, obligatory)
someone mentioned an actual IDE lately
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ousado: typerex is an ocaml-ide in emacs
camelia is a standalone one
typerex it was
there's also a plugin for ocaml in eclipse
finally, there's cameleon
heh I'm always puzzled how eclipse manages to consume all resources you throw at it, even in 20012
afaik it's not really maintained
It's a Feature(TM)
vim also does
when you load 4GB files, it takes 4GB memory
thanks again, I'll relay that information :)
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camlp4o says: Quotation not terminated
because of this comment: (* [726] AssignmentOperator -> <<= *)
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that's not cool.. why does it even consider comments?
orbitz: so this is more of an async question?
thelema: problem seems to be around line 77
thelema: yes perhaps. The problem I see is my stdin isn't closing
If I usethis to run a program that reads input, it never gets EOF
orbitz: ah, maybe not an async problem, maybe a "communicating over pipes" problem
orbitz: are you doing line-oriented reading on the other end?
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i.e. the problem may be that the other end is doing a blocking read that doesn't fail because of EOF
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thelema: hrm it should, I tested with cat
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cat of the exact same data that you're outputting with this program?
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thelema: I did ~text:"foo" ~prog:"cat" ~args:[]
and it jus twaits
orbitz: ah, you used cat as the reader....
That should be equivalent to echo foo | cat, which prints "foo" on my shell
yes, maybe it's not closing immediately.
Wiats for a long time..
the ; after Writer.write looks suspicious to me
Writer.write is string -> unit
but close isn't... hmmm
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although close should do that...
I feel like this is some weird unixism I'm not aware of
ah... close ?force_close t waits for the writer to be flushed
hmm, no; close should be doing the flush
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my kind is wrong
I have it for File
but File returns a deferred that never realizes
I think
Maybe not
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avsm: you there?
thelema: I'm happy with BatBounded staying in Incubator for a release or two. I'd rather have it right later than wrong now and be stuck with it.
hcarty: great. Now I just wish I could make the time to fix up batteries for a 2.0 release
there's not really that much work left to do before the next beta; I just have failed to do it anytime in the last 7 months
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and noone else has stepped up to the plate (note: this isn't a not-so-subtle push for you to do so, just me saying what's on my mind)
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thelema_: Understood :-)
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No per-module ord in the 2.0 release, is that correct?
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no, the other way; everything comparable should be
but I can't see how to apply them to, for example, List
Ah, ok. So BatOrd may stay in Incubator, but every comparable module should have a val ord : t -> t -> (Gt | Lt | Eq)
yes, that part of BatOrd, I think we can get behind.
ah, Container.S1
hmm, but that doesn't extend comparable to lists...
It would be nice to have Ord(er)able, Printable, ...
oh well, I guess lists aren't comparable...
hcarty: exactly; some of them don't really apply; stringable is obseleted by printable
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and we're not doing binable or sexpable
although, medium term, batteries should try to become less monolithic
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thelema_: Proper/more flexible name spaces would help there
That's something I miss from Perl when writing/extending code in OCaml
It would be nice if Batteries.Array could be provided by a different library than Batteries.Calendar
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quite true, but there's some internals that we'll have to expose; instead of having Foo.enum/of_enum, we would need some functions to enable Enum.foo/of_foo
hcarty: actually, I'm not too concerned about that; it's sufficient for the toplevel namespace to be 1:1 with project names
actually, not quite project names, but compilation collection names - a bunch of modules that are compiled together.
s/together/at the same time/
thelema_: It is nice, though, that in the Perl world Net::FTP and Net::SCP can be separate entities
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CPAN does a good job of enforcing a global namespace for these; OCaml needs some way to do the same.
I don't think the Jane street people would appreciate me writing Core.Enum
it makes sense to me that they should somehow "own" that namespace
thelema_: I don't know. It would be nice to not have these general namespaces locked out.
The idea of deep heirarchical namespaces doesn't really sit right with me.
I'm not sure of the right way to put it
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But it would be nice if Core.Enum were possible without recompiling Core
yes, there's a tiny benefit to having many people able to put code into Net::*, maybe a few other examples too
I think that there's a big benefit. For example, I have local code to mix Batteries' IO support in CalendarLib.
And I too wish for a world where this is easily doable
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Maybe in 4.01 :-)
Or beyond
clearly the right answer isn't to have batteries depend on calendar, or vice versa
thelema_: Exactly
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at least that's not the right answer right now, and not even with cpam's auto-recompile when optional dep becomes available
The best solution I see is Calendar.IO, which depends on both and provides BatIO support for Calendar
thelema_: That would be nice
but I think that installing this library should not change the module signature of Calendar
meaning that anything using Calendar would have to be recompiled, as the md5 wouldn't match
with that, then the best solution is Calendar_IO
thelema_: If Calendar = module, then that's a problem. If Calendar <> module then it's not a problem.
hcarty: why shouldn't Calendar be a module?
and why introduce a new entity just for namespacing? Modules do a great job already
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thelema_: I need to run, but I'm not sure that something new should be added. That's just the impression I got regarding what the namespace branch in OCaml svn was doing.
thelema_: Some sort of module/namespace mixing
hcarty: I think we had quite few proposals
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I urge to have namespaces
they are needed
I keep reminding about CM - compilation manager in SML
hcarty: cheers
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namespaces branch 19 months ago
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heh. I just looked it up, too.
the description in the README is promising.
I'd rather have "namespace X.Y" in lieu of "in X.Y" as the example describes, but that's a minor thing.
bitbckt: agreed on the language extension
I also like the "open X.Y as N" syntax.
gasshe had a nice idea of DSL and namespaces dependent on a file system like modules in ocaml
bah, I can't say I like the approach. we have file = module, I think we should have exactly one level of directory = module in the include path.
It's a pity, i didn't even look at the branch
* thelema_
approves of the "short-paths" branch strongly
btw: I think also Fabrice had also some nice & concrete DSL to manage modules, but don't know how far it went...
I prefer the convention-based namespace<->filesystem convention over the dictated method in, e.g., Java.
er. that second "convention" should be "conversion"
bitbckt: project-name = base module
thelema_: yes.
bitbckt: is that too dictated?
bitbckt: OCaml is already bound to file system, so there is no way it can be done in a different way, i quite don't remember what the gashe proposal was but i quite liked it - but none of them had actuall read about SML CM
for an example of the "conventional" way, see something like Ruby.
the module = directory structure isn't required, but is encouraged.
wmeyer: iirc, gasche's proposal was to have a mapping file from module names to .cmi files that would disambiguate
(not saying about java style, but minimal support for structuring namespaces via file system is required in OCaml)
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the definition of "minimal" is the question.
bitbckt: in long run I don't like extreme case - "Java way"
that's not ironic - it's a clever idea
but it does not scale very well
I agree.
CM has notion of groups
wmeyer: I disagree; I say it scales extremely well, but has too high a constant factor.
I can't recall the last time I've needed/wanted anything beyond 3 levels of nesting.
(it=java namespacing)
but the Java system does provide what thelema_ was referring to earlier viz. Core.Enum.
bitbckt: Can you give an example where one level of namespacing isn't sufficient?
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but then, I like file ~ module in ocaml relation, but i dont like namespace ~ directory as such. Even if i use mlpack to pack modules in a same directory
that's my choice
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and convention i choose and not because the namespace manager forces me to do so
thelema: *thinking*
bitbckt: fabrice's example was something like microsoft, where they would want Microsoft.Office.* and Microsoft.Windows.*, etc.
bitbckt: but I disagree; if office and windows are compiled separately, Microsoft_Office.* and MS_Windows.* have *no* disadvantage
thelema: and sometimes you actuall want to group different hierarchies but sharing the same modules
so then filesystem solution is unusuable
thelema: let's say you want lib with all the features present, some other lib with excluded features
wmeyer: project-based solution fixed same modules; each project can have at most one copy of a module (not unreasonable)
thelema: and now i think about ocamlbuild - and actually start wanting melissa tea :S
wmeyer: melissa tea?
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yes, its calming
i am proponent; but i have obsessive thoughs already how to improve it
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thelema: I think the only times I've wanted more than the toplevel namespace are for disambiguation.
taking the earlier Calendar name as an example.
when I think about ocamlbuild supporing namespaces somewhat feel scared
I'd rather not have a _project_ named Calendar and a _module_ named calendar.
I think ocamlbuild would be simplified by directory-based namespaces, in that ocamlfind could be removed from the equation, and include paths be sufficient for all module-finding
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(except for sub libs, I guess)
thelema: ocamlbuild is already a simple namespace manager
mlpack, mlypack, mllib etc.
bitbckt: it doesn't make sense to you for the project named Calendar to have all its work available as Calendar.*?
pack would also disappear in my world
pack needs to disappear.
thelema: pack is a hack.
in any world.
you could have
thelema: it's too general a name.
in my world, I don't see a huge use for .cma and .cmxa
"naming is hard"
<lib/*>: group(myexcellentlib)
this is buggy!
they're already just poor substitutes for -I foo
nevertheless possible
better solution is
group <lib/*> myexcellentlib
or something like this
no need for ocamlbuild to know anything about packages or libraries
so tags sytnax at the moment is limited
oasis can do this better.
so ocamlbuild should have exposed API
and Oasis should call it.
and provide minimal support
yes, ocamlbuild should have API
in compiler-libs/
that's what was the discussion on the OUD with Nicolas
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wmeyer: ah, you talkes to nicolas about this at OUD?
when i proposed that; I think generally it would be cool to remove all those intermediate files
I did
and make oasis interprter and not a compiler
and he said that he was working on other things, but you could try to do this yourself?
something like that
:) not surprised
i didn't feel he liked too much the idea, but he said it's possible
i also talked to gildor
and i am preparing mentally to do this someday
it'd be a good project. You'd have to do a good job of it for it to be accepted upstream
i can buy it with a test suite :-)
ocamlbuild bugs have one source, everybody is scared to do anything because it has no functional suite
i already started to work in git on it
ok, shower and back on the track
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if i define a function "let bad name = 5 ;;" and then type "bad -1 ;;" why does it gives me an expression error?
menace, bad -1 is parsed as (-) bad 1
because "bad -1" is parsed as "bad - 1", and you can't subtract 1
from a function
menace, you need to do either bad (-1) or bad ~-1
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languages with lots of () and , for functions don't have this problem, a minor price to pay for being allowed to omit them
- being unary and binary is just handled oddly in ocaml imo
often it works, but when it doesn't, it's sometimes surprising
let x = -1 in bad x;;
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let bad = 2 in bad -1;; (* :) *)
Drakken: :)
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yeah, i tried with bad (-1) ;; too, but i wondered
but now i understand ocaml a little better... i think :D
menace: no problem
learn more by asking more questions
thanks! :)
first trying a few times is better ^^
builds up courage, they say ;)
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Has ocaml an imperative Set? Something like Hashtbl?
wieczyk: nope, use refs
Does Ocaml do inter-modules optimalizations?
yes, although not through functors
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How he does it? Ocamlopt produces .o files, which are usable onlu for linking
(also produces .cmx, but a lot of code seems to be in .o)
.cmx has information needed for cross-module optimization
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including cross-module inlining
And he is inlining code from .o?
I think inlining-enabled code is kept in the .cmx in a parsed form
or some intermediate
yes, some AST form
err, yes, some intermediate
How does ocaml compile code?
I read about using CPS/ANF/SSA as intermediae languages
wieczyk: Xavier L has some nice lecture about intermediate representations. If you know ANF then probably you've already looked in the right place.
I have read about ANF in some old article 'The essence of compiling with continuations'
Does any compiler use CPS now? In ANF-article (1994?) i have read that CPS terms were very big, but in Kennedy article (2002)
I have read about more modern transformations which do not produce administrative redexes.
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btw: It is funny in SML that it has ad-hoc polymorphism for + but does not use - for substraction and unary negation
wieczyk: intermediate representations should be stacked. Good compiler framework should be able to convert between them if it's possible. CPS <=> SSA is lossless for instance. SSA <=> RTL also.
all of them have some advantages and suitable for different compilation stages
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hacking perl for a long time helps me.. understanding finer grains of ocaml... :D
SSA <=> RTL is not entirely lossless, SSA => RTL introduces additional move instructions.
Never seen RTL
menace: I made the transition from perl to ocaml as well; it's not as unnatural as some here believe
or perhaps I am wrong coloring introduces mov instructions
SSA conversion is not entirelly trivial. It's trivial in case if you want to introduce to many Phi nodes
but pruned version of SSA is perhaps more difficult - but doable, once you have a decent graph library and build control flow graph
ANF is something in between SSA and CPS
ANF just adds let bindings to CPS, but Phi nodes are expressed as continuations
(or you would say edges in the CFG)
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actuall proper SSA conversion is right now on my backlog
so 3 adress RTL is still very useful. Usually in the mid end and in the very late backend.
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It's easy to generate RTL from some other intermediate form (but perhaps then C-- is better)
I dont see big difference between ANF and CPS
somewhere close to the frontend
especially when we speak about CPS-based-intermediate-language from Appel's book, not just lambda in CPS-style
because then SSA form is difficult to manager directly
wieczyk: lectures should tell you exact differences, there are not very different true, but details are important.
this migt be interesting to study further