sexplib is a standalone package that does exactly that? maybe core uses it?
oh that's true, i just always associate it with core
yes you can install sexplib on yoru own. opam install sexplib
great, now how can I use it ? seems like it doesn't have a documentation
use it like i did and compile with -package sexplib and -syntax sexplib.syntax i think
ops no
-package core,sexplib,sexplib.syntax -syntax camlp4o is how i compile that
so just remove the core
osa1: batteries provides printing functions that make it much easier to create print functions, nothing automatic
i.e. List.print (Tuple2.print Int.print String.print) stdout [(1,"xy");(2,"yz")]
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What's an easy way to reuse code in OCaml for use in _oasis projects? For example, with shell code you can use the source command and there is a very low barrier to make a library.
With OCaml I have the impression you actually need to create a bunch of functions before it is worth the effort.
As a result my OCaml utility programs are programs, not libraries.
fasta: I make libraries out of most everything
fasta: my ocaml projects are a collection of ocamlfind-enabld dirs, and I compile them as if they wer eany other library. Pushing them out on their own is easy if I decide to doso
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orbitz: ok, so you add some directories to some environment variable and it magically works?
or if you use ocamlbuild -I dir I think
orbitz: does that also work with opam, etc.?
fasta: Opam just executes your build script, my build script establiseh teh paths
it's not very ocamly, but it's how I like it
but opass in opam uses the ocamlbuild trick with -I
orbitz: I mean: doesn't setting OCAMLPATH interfere with opam?
No, why would it?
orbitz: I don't know.
fasta: I append (or prepend) to OCAMLPATH, so whatever is there is still there
orbitz: ok, so for extreme convenience you could just append everything you ever created.
And then by the time something has really grown package it up more properly.
Does OCAMLPATH override the standard locations?
Or does it only add to it?
Really annoying that searchengines throw away case.
We have 100 times cheaper storage, but still no uppercase search.
This variable may contain an additional search path for package directories. It is treated as if the directories were prepended to the configuration variable path.
Thanks, author of man 5 findlib.conf
orbitz: and does oasis or ocamlbuild not reset OCAMLPATH to be more 'pure' or something like that?
fasta: if you use ocamlbuild, you use -I to specify the path containing your lbraries, so no OCAMLPATH
is there a way to #use multiple files ? my ocamlop can't find a module that is in same folder with file I'm #using
compiling foo.ml to foo.cm* defines a module "Foo"
#use doesn't do that
#use is like copy-pasting
* orbitz
never usees #use beyond topfind
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fasta: IIRC you have to install conf-libev via OPAM (and also IIRC it would re-compile lwt as needed automatically)
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mfp: what a horrible system that it works like that.
mfp: thanks for the help
A more 'proper
' system would allow all possible library versions to be installed without conflict.
orbitz: how did your Nix experiments go?
Fine. I have the Core Suite installed via it
orbitz: do you run the OS or just the prefix?
OS on a VM
orbitz: and where are your real development tools (on your real OS)?
fasta: I guess OPAM's ability to have multiple "OCaml environments" (and to clone an existing one) installed at once and to switch easily is meant to address that
after compiling my sources to multiple .cmo files, how can I load them in toplevel ?
mfp: yes, but that quickly becomes unmanageable.
mfp: exponential blowups for example.
I can picture that
osa1: you can #load "your.cmo" iirc
fasta: what do you mean?
how do you specify which "lib combination" you want to link against in Nix?
orbitz: I assume that in the end you want to run a program on your real OS, not on the VM.
mfp: you have to define a package nme based on thecombination
orbitz: and regarding my earlier comment, I meant tools like an editor, etc.
fasta: nope, generally no
i edit remotely
orbitz: because there is some fast server on which you compile?
no i just dont't write softwar that needs to be run on my local machine
orbitz: ok, so how do you deploy now with nix?
orbitz: do you use those makedeb targets, etc.?
The stuff I write is all for personal consumption so ther eis no real deploy step
orbitz: so, you run it on the VM then?
orbitz: i.e. the programs you are interested in.
Although every lib I depend on exists in opam, so leaving my little environment isn't much more than either installing them via opam and compiling my package or adding my package to nix
fasta: yep
seems to work well so far
orbitz: yeah, I suppose with the right hardware it's not really noticable.
All the sfotware I write has been compilable on a 500meg NixOS VM without issue
fasta: but like I said, my Nix packages is really just mirror what I want from Opam, so not much of a big deal
I see opam as an inferior tool which just has gotten more traction.
inferior to what?
It's the same thing with 'popular' programming languages.
orbitz: nix.
They are not attacking the same problem
orbitz: nix is a superset of opam, unless I don't understand opam.
fasta: Almost. The main distinction is that opam can't install all of its dpendenceis
so it's an incomplete univers
but it's also meant to integrate with other peoples package management
orbitz: yes, that's true, but long term that's just a bad idea.
In the short-term it's something that 'works'.
from an ocaml perspective it makes signfiicantly more sense
How so?
because a lot less people are goingto adop an entirely new package manager to use your language than are going to install a little program that manages its own ocaml packages
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Technically one could build a compiler which would take opam input and translate it to nix.
It could even potentially build the packages in the exact same way.
(even the native C ones)
(At least when they are distribution packages_
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Now, that would probably go quite far, but it's not impossible.
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fasta: yes i'll probaly write opam->nix eventually
fasta: i dont' think opam contains dep informtio nfor non-ocaml deps
orbitz: from what I see, opam integrates with other peoples package management very poorly
hm? OPAM is a source-based package manager
it's not meant to integrate with other people's package managers. That's why it keeps everything in its own area
(for things like compiler switches, custom pins, and so forth. It's for development)
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so does anyone actually use Nix regularly here (aside from fasta's useless rant)
i used Nix for some time after reading their excellent paper on NixOS, but the constraints weren't quite powerful enough for ocaml
avsm: I run NixOS on a VM
I like it, but you have to be pretty hands on with it (which is good for me, bad for my grandmother)
I find it significantly easier to do experiments with than othe rpackage managers, it's trivial to go backto a pre-experiment state
orbitz: it seems ideal for cloud-y image construction indeed. I'll take it for a drive again soon, thanks!
orbitz: the question the practical value - I found simple apt is most of the time good - so Nix is maybe step forward from the perspective of adding/developing new packages
avsm: yeah def. There is also a chef/puppet thing built on top called Charon i think, I haven't used it
I've always found apt difficult to reason about
but nix comes with its own host of issues
* orbitz
I'd like to try Nix
the NixOS paper is quite nice; they covered a lot of the UNIX-specific problems they encountered