could you run with line 305 to tell also the number of words? is it greater than 3?
one second: alternatively, here are the array version implementation of those functions: dpaste.com/901328/
dsheets: also, thank you for looking into this, regardless of the outcome, I appreciate you taking your time very much :)
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there are 5 mallocs on the same address, with words: 3 5 3 5 3, respectively
m4b: what does "offset" mean? if you malloc'd 3 words but then use "offset" on line 319 to index, shouldn't you subtract 1?
i mean, it makes sense if it's really an offset… but clearly you can't get an offset of 3 into a block of 3 whose largest offset is 2, no? am i missing something?
offsets start at 0; there are several other binaries, squaring, factorial, etc., which all run fine with the hashtable and array version; but those are smaller programs, and less allocing and deallocing is occuring
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index array problems occurred earlier in the implementation when it wasn't quite implemented right; since they are working with the other problems fine, and I get no cases of out of bounds there, and in this case it is clearly when the address was mallocd, then dealloced, etc., that a problem occurred, and hence I suspect the hash tables
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hmm… but it seems like an off-by-one problem, no? if the last malloc was for 3 words and then you want the word at offset 3… that's a fault, right?
are you sure the array version is not incorrectly passing a buggy program?
i agree; however the off-by-one problem would definitely have occurred in a previous problem, square, if it was the issue; i've looked through that assembly for quite some time, and there are many cases where if the index isn't implemented right, it's an off-by-one; notice however, the previous malloc had 5 words
i have independent verification that the program runs on a vm implemented in haskell; i do have high hopes however if I can get the hashtable version running, it will be faster :D
i'm going to put the same printfs in the array version, and see if the execution is running in parallel; if not, then the issue is deeper, and probably a small bug somewhere else affecting the execution
indeed. i'm not sure the trouble is with the hashtbls, though. doing a.(3) on an array a with length 3 should fail
yes, it should
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and from the debug output, that seems to be the case
hi guys, would you mind sharing your experience when you meet segfault in ocaml?
dsheets: i know its tempting to think its an off-by-one, but I assure you, it isn't a dereferencing problem; the aidx and aupd pattern matching is _exactly_ the same for both versions; for the update function, since the same offset is passed in and used to dereference that array's value at that offset, it simply can't be the problem with aidx and aupd instructions being misimplemented; it has to be the hash table, or it has to be a
deeper program logic flaw.
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m4b: right. your debug output seems to indicate that an array of length 3 should exist at hashtbl location 346 and your machine fault indicates that the offset into the page at 346 should be 3… these can't be true while the input program is bug-free. Can you instrument your other interpreters to tell you more info about their behavior in this exact spot?
dsheets: yes, that is a correct analysis. so the program executions diverge after dealloc 661; the array version then mallocs 662; the hashtable version mallocs 661, both with two words; the hashtable then deallocs 661, while the array deallocs 662; not sure what to make of that...
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does Hashtbl.length count the invisible elements?
invisible? Hashtbl.length counts the number of values (which may be fewer than keys)
rather… greater than keys
anyway, use replace and they will be equal
so since one version calculates the new address using Hashtbl.length and returns that value as the new address, whereas the other calculates it by Array.length and returns that value, they'll eventually return different values, correct?
the hashtable version with all that output uses replace; add isn't present anywhere, except when initializing the program
yes, so i believe that length should be the same
yes, actually that output makes sense; the array version wastes space by replacing dealloc'd arrays with FREE; whereas the hashtable actually reuses the space
you keep no free-list
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and newAddress will be wrong a lot in the Hashtbl version
because you always expect a fresh address but then get back a used address
so, keep a free-list?
or dealloc by replacing by [||] instead of removing?
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oh! I think i may see what you're saying; the length version returns the size of the hashtable; but it just might happen that that same number was given before, the table was then expanded, then shrunk again with deallocs, and the same size is encountered, and so the number is given. Damn! that might be it right there! However, deallocing with [||] undesirable for the reason that it is just wasting memory; and memory becoming a huge
problem; the 15 meg binary is using about 1.5-2 gigs of ram when executing.
does it match your machine model? [||] wastes 1 hash table entry and 1 gc block
i believe deallocing with [||] is the model that is implemented with arrays and FREE
it is what is implemented with the arrays and FREE; but that specifically isn't required by the machine; all that is required by the assembly instruction "malloc 2 5", for example, is: allocate an array with the number of words found in register 5, and put the _unique_ identifier in register 2
but I think what you've made me realize is my newAddress function for hashtables isn't guaranteeing a unique identifier!
yes. use a free list if having [||] table entries bothers you. when dealloc, push onto the free list. when alloc, pop.
i'm unfamiliar with what a free list is?
m4b: a list tracking free memory
i think in your case: free_list : int list
dsheets: ok, right; i'll implement that for a correct version; right now just using a stupid brute force recursive function to actually check if that's the problem :D
* dsheets
wanders away
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dsheets: that was it :D thank you so much for troubleshooting a problem that turned out to be nothing related to the map module :DDD
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I'm looking to wrap this library: https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka but it uses pthreads. Will I need to do anything special to handle that?
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dsheets: take care, have a good night/morning/afternoon, and again, I appreciate the help!
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('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> ('a -> 'b) * 'b
can anyone think of an expression that will result in a type like that?
I don't understand how to get ('a -> 'a -> 'b)
that should be a function right?
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in general, I just wonder how you can possibly get a function like ('a -> 'b)?
let f x = ?
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derek_c: a function that raise an exception (like fun a -> failwith "") is of type 'a -> 'b
PM: Is that the only way?
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… or a function that never ends :-) like let rec f x = f x
derek_c: I don’t known another way to do it, but there may be more
hmm, that really helps!
so how about ('a -> 'a -> 'b)?
if I do:
let x = fun y -> something
that will be ('a -> 'b -> something)
what is your use case? I’m curious
no, that's just a homework question
I see ;-)
we need to come up with expressions that result in the specified type
alright, then: how could you make the type inference assure that x and y are of the same type in: let x y = failwith "nonsense"?
give me a sec
hmm, I'm trying to do this:
let x y = let q = [x; y] in failwith "dwadaw";;
but it's ('a -> 'b) -> 'c
I thought if I put two things in a list
they will be of the same type
they should actually
it works on my machine
wait really??
# let f x y = let _ = [x;y] in failwith "";;
oh I see
val f : 'a -> 'a -> 'b = <fun>
ah, you made a typo ;)
yeah, and I defined x earlier
I missed the f
hmm cool, let me if I can solve this problem then
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OMG this is so hard
let f2 = (fun x -> failwith "whatever", failwith "whatever");;
I'm expecting ('a -> 'b) * 'b
but this results in 'a -> 'b * 'c
can you see why?
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not really... unless failwith doesn't return the same type each time
that’s the meaning of 'b in 'a -> 'b
plus: (fun x -> x, x) => fun x -> (x, x) ("," has a higher priority than "->", that’s basically a parsing issue)
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PM: thank you, I will think about this
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Someone managed to get BER N100 up and running?
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how can I distribute a cmxs file with ocamlfind? i.e. what do I put in my META file?
there are no examples on the ocamlfind website
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just a BNF grammar for META files, and looking at other packages, none of them seems to distribute cmxs files
oasis adds the line you need
it has "plugin" in it
not interested in oasis, thanks :)
are you stupid?
> it adds the line you need
so using it to create a hello world project will teach you what line you need to add
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(oasis 0.3+ by the way)
I'm not sure cmxs file smake a lot of sense in META files
could be wrong
adrien_oww: cmxs are plugins, no?
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what's that web server called again?
that one can use cmxs from META, I think
the oasis changelog mentioned it when giving the reason for this change
adrien: thanks, I realize I confused cmxs and cmx
adrien: it's the cmx I want to distribute along with the cma and the cmxa
the cmx are inside the cmxa
pippijn: to enable cross-module optimizations in native code?
aren't they?
I thought they were *not* in the cmxa?
I'm pretty sure they are, because I seem to remember problems caused by it
pippijn: correct, I just checked the reference manual
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either way, cmx files definitely don't go into the META file
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pippijn> the cmx are inside the cmxa -> ??? I thought cross-module inlining only happened when you had the .cmx around
mfp: I thought too...
protz: what did you find in the reference manual? (protz> pippijn: correct, I just checked the reference manual)
mfp: Such a library packs in two files (lib.cmxa and lib.a/.lib) a set of object files (.cmx and .o/.obj files).
if you have a cmxa the cmx files are optionals
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if they are in the path, they are used
otherwise, the compiler doens't care
thomasga: are they useful?
for cross-module inlining yes
ie. if you want improved performance
otherwise not really
thomasga: what I did is I'm not mentioning them in the META file but I'm installing them through the call to ocamlfind install
then I guess I remember incorrectly
which solves my problem
protz: that's indeed the right way to go
thomasga: so in my case I'm building the .cma and the .cmxa (it's a library); does that mean I should install other the other cmx from all the other individual files that make up the big cmxa ?
because ocamlbuild mylib.cmxa yields nothing
you can install the cmx if you want cross-module optimizations
if you don't install the cmx files, this will still works
thomasga: which cmx? I can't find out how to build mylib.cmx
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not for the lib itself
thomasga: thanks, that answers my question :)
for the modules in the lib
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do we have a funciton like Printf.printf but to generate interpolated strings ?
or can I print to some kind of string streams ?
osa1: are you looking for Printf.sprintf ?
yes, thanks
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Hai guys,a question - what does it this mean -> arrays and lists are isomorphic data structure
don't understand the meaning of isomorphic
in this context I mean
do they just mean, they are the same - nothing more?
I think it is just mathemetical `isomorphic`
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skow: It is probably false, though : there are infinite lists; there is no infinite array
What's the context? It doesn't immediately sound like a particularly useful statement to make, anyway.
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anyone know when CUFP for 2013 will have info up? what is last call for presentations nad all
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orbitz: CUFP 2012 videos that i've seen were not of the best quality
i hope they will make up for it in this year
no wait my bad
i've mixed up Ocaml meetings vids with CUFP
CUFP's vids are indeed good
but Ocaml meetings vids are meh :(
sorry. really depends on the local arrangements
orbitz: the call for proposals should be out soon; you have a few months
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hi guys, I wonder where does hd::tl in: let test arg = match arg with hd::tl -> tl;; come from...
skow: it's a pattern; if arg is a list containing at least one element, it has the form hd::tl, where hd is the first element in the list, and tl is the rest.
ben_zen, when can I fnd the list of patterns available?
skow: there are as many patterns available as there are constructs you can make in the language.
ah, ok
They tend to fall along the lines of specific values (0, 1, 2, 'a', 'b', ...)
or ways the data is arranged (hd::tl, [], (a, b, c, d))
or as variants of a type.
ok, thanks!
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avsm: great, thanks
trying to find something I can talk about so my work will pay for me to go :)
What can I do about this? Fatal error: cannot load shared library dlllwt-unix_stubs
This happens when executing 4.00.1/bin/utop
invariant: sounds like your ld.conf file doesn't have the path to where lwt's stubs were installed
thelema, but I did the eval opam config dance.
you're using OPAM from git, aren't you?
there was a small window where the CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH was broken a few days ago
if you update to the latest, it'll work
avsm, yes, that works.
How nice is it to update and recompile opam in 2 minutes :)
Or 10 keystrokes to test.
Is there some Money type in OCaml too?
By OCaml, I mean anywhere on the Internet.
invariant: int
thelema, that doesn't even cover overflow.
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thelema, does that cover overflow?
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invariant: yes, in that it can't overflow with all the money in the world
Batteries has a Int.Safe_int module that errors on overflow
no Int64.Safe_int; so only very large safe ints on 64-bit platforms
thelema, the advantage of overflow would be that it would be an extra safety net to make sure nothing "weird" is going on.
yes, yes.
What are the technics in other languages to prevent/raise integer overflow errors ?
djcoin: Ada has this built into the language standard, and it's up to the compiler authors to implement it efficiently
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djcoin: python has abritrary precision integer arithmetic… and thus prevents integer overflow/underflow
some languages promote to a larger int type
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yeah, promoting ? I hope you don't play with bits mask or something then
these are usually languages that don't demand super performance
djcoin: promoting requires some sort of dynamic dispatch of (+)
you can use Num in ocaml
And at the deepest level, I guess you can't avoid an overflow detection after or before each operation I guess ?
djcoin: correct. there's flags that can be checked on x86, but there's still a test + branch required
although branch prediction will eliminate much of the cost of this
assuming you're not overflowing often
Ah yeah, the flag is always set up of course, right. Yeah, so it does not cost so much. I'm not really aware of branch prediction behaviour, is it just a way of saying to the compiler "most of the time there won't be any overflow so optimize this branch" (I mean static prediction) ?
what would the compiler do in that case? It still has to emit the branch
err, ignore
branch prediction is something that the CPU does.
Well, I know there are instructions for gcc to make him prefer one branch other the other
I guess it saves a "jmp" isntruction
at the assembly level
looking at how often each branch of a test is taken, it can speculatively execute the more common one
s/other the other/over the other
before the result of the test is known
if it's right, then it sped things up, if it was wrong, it has to throw away the work it just did and restart with the other branch