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hi guys
i am writing a wrapper for C. a C function is like this: bool sc_open(int *v);
how can i express this in Ocaml?
what's the semantics of v?
it would be something like:
whitequark: v is the pointer to a value that will be written to by sc_open() when it is run
i am trying this:
does it capture the pointer?
whitequark: what do you mean by "capture"? in C, i would call sc_open() with a pointer to an int variable, to get back updated value after sc_open()
like this:
int v;
if (sc_open(&v)) ....
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i have no idea how to express this in Ocaml with "external"
trying: external cs_open ....
then stuck, have no idea how to express the pointer, and also bool as return value of function
whitequark: you just finished the code when we were talking??
whitequark: thanks!!
you're welcome.
ok i undestand your code. but then this is expressed like this in Ocaml interface:
external sc_open unit -> int = "sc_open"
you need to compile a stub library with the function I posted above in order for this to work
then, use "external sc_open : unit -> Int32.t option = "ocaml_sc_open"
so the value of 'v' will be returned at the output, right. or '0' otherwise, but this doest really reflect the original semantics of sc_open()
no, as you can see the return type is Int32.t option. so if sc_open returns false the ocaml wrapper returns None, otherwise it's Some v
because 'v' can get legal value of 0
Val_int(0) is how OCaml represents None internally.
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so in ocaml i would use this like:
if sc_open != None then begin ... end;
is that correct?
no. first, you need to call sc_open with a unit argument, i.e. "sc_open ()"
second, you probably want to use pattern matching. "match sc_open () with None -> (* nothing *) | Some v -> (* v contains the value*)"
oh i see ...
btw for compiling the stub library, you may find ocamlmklib useful. ocamlmklib foo.ml foo_stubs.c -o foo should do it.
whitequark: awesome, let me try, thanks!
whitequark: yes i know how to link, just confused on how to express C code in interface ...
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can you pair a pattern matching statement with an if statement?
flux: yes i saw that but find the manual too dry. some sample code would help me much faster
kaka22: yes, any github account works.
I think it needs GH account for commenting. silly you can't turn it off, but that's what we have
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personally I think initializers aren't as useful as the general form of: class foo = fun arg1 -> let _ = Printf.printf "Some initiliation code" in object method get_arg1 = arg1 + 0 end;;
as that allows giving the initial value for 'var's
actually no need for that class foo = fun arg1 -> let .., plain class foo arg1 = let .. works. haven't used those things, or ocaml for that matter really :(, for some time
the chapter 12 on classes on RWO mentions both styles
flux thanks i am going to register a GH account now
please do note that finalizers are *not* destructors.
there are no guarantees that a finalizer will be run deterministically or run at all.
no gurarantees? so what is the point of having them?
so how can i destroy my object?
finalizers are used to free external resources when the object dies. however, that's just a last-resort measure.
if you mean "how do I free memory", then you don't: GC takes care of that automatically
if you mean "I have some external resources associated with the object", then provide an explicit method to free them, *and* register a finalizer.
whitequark: right, i want it to free external resources
yeah, explicit #destroy plus finalizers will work. just remember this is not RAII.
oh finalizer in Ocaml is really different from every other languages. it should be easier like others, isnt it?
well, not from every other language, just different from C++.
Ruby, Python, Java, .NET and most languages in general have finalizers which work like this.
whitequark: but they hide all the details, and usually i never have to know what Gc is
my first class method get this error:
The method test has type 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> unit where 'c is unbound
so i have a class, which got 2 argument to the initializer
and method test(a, b, c)
ok, you're not using count
so ocaml cannot infer its type.
whitequark: but i havent used the other two either (code & addr), and it doesnt complain?
shows one error at a time
i see
in the code above that, i have:
| Some csh -> ();
i thought that way is ok to save the value of csh. but later, in test(), i cannot access to csh
how can i fix this?
i mean: | Some bsh -> ()
match is scoped like: (match a with .. )
so whichever bindings you have inside match disappear after that initializer
or that match more precisely
so if you need to keep the values around longer you either return it, or maybe in case of objects, you assign it into a value
flux: i changed the code to this:
| Some v -> let bsh = v;
that's probably not a valid ocaml fragment in your code.. and let is not an assignment, it is scoped binding syntax
so let works like: (let a = 42 in expr)
let bsd = v; <- that is not (let bsd = 42 in ..)
flux: no, i dont want to do anything next, but only save that value, and done
well, that's not the way to do it then :)
oh, what is wrong then?
some ways maybe to achieve your goal: let bsh = match foo with Bar v -> v
let maybe you can use mutable variables (if you are using objects), variables can be assigned with <-
or you can use the same let _foo = .. in -kind of syntax in the beginning of the class as you used in the previous code
what I mean to say that this is meaningless to ocaml: (match 1 with 1 -> let a = 1)
legal version: (match 1 with 1 -> let a = 1 in ())
but it is equally useless
because the scope of a ends ends before the end of the scope of let
and the scope of let ends before the end of match
what can be done is: let interesting_value = (match 1 with x -> x + 42) in .. (* interesting_value is now 43 *)
of course, the scope of interesting_value ends when the scope of that 'let' ends..
ok this is getting even more confused for me :-(. what is the best way to fix the code i posted just to save value of bsh for test() to use later?
what should the value of 'bsh' be if bs_open returns None?
I'm thinking, None
in that case, test() would refuse to run, like return 0 at output
if bsh is not None, test() return something positive
do you need _mode and _arch after the bs_open call?
yes i do. that code using it is not implemented yet
the more i code with ocaml, the more i like it, but the syntax is still quite confused to me so far ...
so basically your code needs to consider both cases
either bsh is None or it isn't
oh i see. the code looks quite better now, thanks flux
let me implement more code to my class to see how it is going ...
btw, labeling those things like _mode might not be a good idea, as the compiler ignores warnings on unused _variables by default. or maybe that's exactly why you did it?
usually _names are used in pattern matching indicating when you want to (maybe) ignore a value but you still want to give it a name
flux: oh now, i did that unintentionally. thanks for this info!
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now i have another problem with that class: i put it into one .ml file, and reference to it from another one
in this file, i just "open Classfile"
but then compiler complains about no implementations provided ...
do i need to do anything to refer to a class in another module?
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wmeyer: how did you get that error?
wmeyer: I cleaned the tree between each run because I was switching versions; that might be the difference
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wmeyer: more than a branch, it's more testing for more people that is needed
kaka22, how do you compile it?
kaka22, you need to compile classfile.ml before the one that uses it
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flux: i found the bug: turn out that the order of linking is important
my code refers to another file, and that file must be linked before my code. that is the problem
flux: yes you are absolutely right
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kaka22: ocamlbuild handles topological sorting (and many more) for you
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but with side-effects in module initialization, especially with C bindings, you can get annoying things
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that might be the reason, as i have C bindings
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well, it really depends on the specific case
difficult to foresse
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early birds
can I use lwt to invoke a function 30 times each second?
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nm, on_timer
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whitequark: I heard from jpdeplaix that he got segfault by using the LLVM bindings
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I think this is a design defect for an OCaml binding (even though the underlying C++ API may well specify that segfaults may happen in case of misuse), and there should be a (possibly optional) layer of dynamic checking to prevent that
but I never saw the faulty examples so you would have to ask him directly
gasche: this will be very hard to do in general. main problems:
1) LLVM in Asserts builds checks various very nontrivial invariants with assertions, and if they fail, just aborts. There's nothing I can do.
2) LLVM's data structures, mainly llcontext/lltype and llmodule/llvalue, have an ownership contract incompatible with OCaml's GC. this can be theoretically solved by wrapping each llvalue in a tuple which keeps the reference to its llmodule, but I'm not sure if that's worth it or if it will solve the problem completely.
I'm somewhat leaning to "yes" for 2), but it's also a huge amount of work
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I see
are those properly documented in the binding interface?
I'm already going down that road by converting the data structures which don't have owned pointers to use OCaml's GC, but that would break API so I'm blocked on the (lack of) backwards compat policy in LLVM, for the moment.
(documented) yes, it is.
gasche: personally, I spend a lot of time in C-land, so segfaults don't scare me very much. do you (as an OCaml user) think it would be a big problem for people adopting the LLVM bindings?
OCaml programs never segfault
the norm in OCaml-land is that segfault come from a bug that is not your fault
(you can in fact get genuine segfault by marshalling, but that's rather rare)
the major culprit is "buggy C binding"
so if people use your library and get a segfault, they will assume that it has a bug somewhere, usually in the way it handles memory
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I have little experience with C binding, so I'm not sure whether you can do something meaningful when LLVM abort (ie. problem (1))
it's not about the binding. it aborts precisely because when it detects such a condition, its internal state is invalid.
I guess you don't have much options (the "good" experience would be to get an OCaml exception raised, but....), so this will come down to "use gdb to find out where the problem is"
it's really unfortunate that the (absence of) error-handling policy forces us to debug OCaml programs as if they were C program
theoretically you could throw the whole compilation context out and start again, but the problem is that in Release LLVM builds, it won't abort, just silently misbehave and/or crash (it's common for it to not crash but produce invalid result, in practice.)
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you don't need gdb, it prints a sensible message and a backtrace itself.
I'm surprised by how much the Release situation sucks
the rationale here is that asserts involve a very big amount of often costly checks. so you couldn't compile as fast as you can (which is one of main LLVM goals) if you do them all the time.
they really are costly -- Release+Asserts builds can be 10x or more slower than just Release builds.
indeed, but you could probably implement the checks more efficiently by adding some bookeeping logic for it in the implementation
(I mean, dynamic languages don't rebuild the whole dynamic context by inspecting the call stack at each check, they move dynamic type representations around instead)
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but well
well, it almost always asserts in conditions which result from blatant interface or algorithmic errors
I get the point that compile time is a bottleneck for C++ :p
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interfacing it from Ruby was *much* harder; OCaml's typechecker catches like 90% of what could become a segfault/assert in my Ruby bindings
I can't helpfully comment more as I don't know anything about those bindings, just hearsay
I see.
there's also one thing to consider, the fact that you use LLVM to generate very unsafe code (and sometimes run it right in your process, with JIT).
I'd say that the "ultimate" OCaml binding would run enough dynamic checks to avoid aborts, and either expose a clear explicit memory-handling interface (with gracious failure modes) or (better) encode the ownership logic through some devilish tricks to make it understood by the OCaml GC
(eg. keeping a list of things you own on the OCaml-side is not unheard of, rwmjones does that in some of its bindings)
I perfectly understand that this may require unbounded amount of work (and it is debatable whether you want to re-implement sanity checking in the binding when that is logic that lies in the project itself)
wmeyer: I can imagine something which would explain your current issue; if you build again, does the issue persist?
I could just convert all llvalue's into tuples of (llmodule,llvalue). I'll look into how costly/complex that is, sounds doable.
wmeyer: without cleaning: only "make $foo"
I would be interested in better documentations about how to attack bindings with libraries using refcounting or explicit ownership disciplines
(in particular with the new ctypes stuff)
I have never done that myself
gasche: reimplementing asserts is intractable. unfortunately this is not even up to a question. consider this: it will abort in codegen or optimization passes for structurally valid IR which passes/the codegen cannot understand.
this will basically require me to reimplement every single assert and track the changes in them.
I think LLVM was implemented this way not so much because of speed, but because it's often impossible to sensibly define how to recover from an error.
say you use an intrinsic which your codegen does not understand. what next? the best you could ever do is to show a message to the user and die.
LLVM does just that.
I think we can agree on distributing the Release+Asserts build from opam and letting anyone who wants it faster to compile it on their own, it's not hard.
I may want to experiment with producing LLVM IR programs in a live-coding environment (eg. in my OCaml toplevel)
what do you think?
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hm, I think I've seen some API to intercept fatal errors, let me look.
but I tend to agree that if their design choices make errors impossible to catch, then it's not the responsibility of the binding author to paper over that
no, it aborts anyway, just lets you call your own error handler.
gasche: re live coding: that's a very interesting idea and I just recently wrote a patch which actually allows one to use LLVM in toplevel,
from an OCaml user p.o.v., it would be nice to be able to, say, wrap the LLVM computation in a separate process to be safe from failures
but that's probably a project that could be kept separate from the LLVM binding
(eg. if my end goal is to produce some LLVM IR, which is marshallable by design, I could run all computations on this new process and then get the IR back)
note you can get an abort while constructing the IR very easily.
besides, I'm not sure it is convenient to write something portable for that (I don't remember which of the Windows ports support Unix.fork)
I think the right approach here is the one taken Haskell's llvm-general: it defines a set of ADTs resembling LLVM IR which you can construct, then marshall with the language and flatten to LLVM IR elsewhere.
makes sense
(windows & fork) that'll be only Cygwin, not native, and it's so slow you won't want to use it.
but as my "separate process" idea, it can be built *on top of* clean bindings to what's actually exposed as an interface
clean as in?
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in this occurrence it meant "close to the C binding interface"
that's my current goal, yes
talking about C bindings, do you think there's a binding for mmap syscall?
I'll need that for LLVM's new JIT.
there should be one in Bigarray or Unix
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unix doesn't have one
Bigarray doesn't seem either
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Kakadu: that looks like an install problem that is not really opam-related (by which I mean that building the package from sources yourself would probably run into the same error)
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I'd guess 'qmake' is the command not found, but I have no idea why
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with bash -c 'echo WTF && which qmake' I get same 'command not found`
eikke: I don't understand your caml-list post
which *might* be some valid answer when using the unsafe variant
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but in the safe case should raise an exception, just like `(%caml_string_get16) "a" 0` does
It looks like a bug indeed
if I'm correct, it should work as you expect in bytecode
hmh, not sure, think I tried that as well and it failed
but I might be mistaken and remember badly
when using utop, bytecode versions are used, right?
no, it behaves in the same way
(just tested)
think I tried it (through ocplib-endian) from utop, and it returned 0 as well
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hi guys
what is the format string for Int64? i tried %llx & %lx but nothing works
this is on linux 64-bit machine, if that matters
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kaka22: %Ld if you want it printed as decimal
%Lx for hex
johnelse: thanks. it is different from C
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eikke: I think I found the bug, and it's nasty
testing right now
I looked into the compiler code but couldnt find anything too fishy immediately, and didnt have much time to proceed
so, cool :-) looking forward to read the patch
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whitequark: in your code at https://gist.github.com/whitequark/7313774, why dont you just return Val_int(v), but have to insert it into another block (allocated by caml_alloc_small())?
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hmm to handle it later with "match..." i guess
is there a way to let ocamlopt dump some/all of its intermediate forms when compiling a module?
kaka22: that's the contract of the type 'a option
whitequark: this line: Store_field(result, 0, caml_copy_int32(v));
can i write it to:
None is Val_int(0), Some x is a block of size 1 with tag 0 and the 'a inside
Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(v));
whitequark: can i?
kaka22: yes, but you would need to change Int32.t option to int option in the signature.
what is the difference between Int32.t and int??
range. int is a 31- or 63-bit integer.
Int32.t is, well, 32-bit.
when int is 31 bit, and when it is 63-bit?
I don't know what your API uses so I chose the conservative variant.
int is 31-bit on 32-bit architectures and 63-bit on 64-bit ones.
of common ones: 32-bit: arm, x86, etc. 64-bit: amd64.
i see
whitequark: on this line: result = caml_alloc_small(1, 0);
why dont we use caml_alloc(), but caml_alloc_small() ?
more efficient
alloc in the minor heap?
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eikke: you can have a nice segfault with (set64 "" 0 0)
ok, so what is the common sense here: when to use caml_alloc_small(), and when to use the other?
kaka22: I meant: you usually don't have to wonder but in some specific cases you might want what isn't the default behaviour and ocaml lets you chose
kaka22: use 0x1000L
kaka22: try 0x1000L
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(and *I* tested)
as a side note
the way most language handles implicit conversion is terrible
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Haskell does it somewhat right
but Java is an absolute pain to deal with
anything C-derived for that matter
go explain your students that when you have (double x) and you do (double y = x*10/100), it works, but (double y = x*(10/100)) doesn't
java is what I have to teach
(of course (double y = x/5 will behave as expected))
gasche: "mksize_t which is (or can be) unsigned"
that sounds rather scary to me :P
mlsize_t, that's a typo
isn't that the C convention to return sizes and indices in an unsigned type?
depends, there's size_t and ssize_t
*that* is crazy
most things return ssize_t so (-1) is a valid result value (denoting error)
size_t is used as an argument, ssize_t as a result
I'm used to size_t
I wonder why I don't remember ssize_t at all
it seems ssize_t isn't standard C
gasche: C99 probably
it probably didn't exist at the time at which the runtime was implemented
gasche: the additional "s" means "signed" iirc
I got that
web-browsing seems to indicate that ssize_t is in a recent POSIX spec, but not in any C standard
I'm not very familiar with exact C versions etc... I'm happy if my stuff compiles, and read prototypes from manpages, picking up types on the go
C89 is the lowest standard you should care about
C99 introduces some things which are not vital but oftn _much_ nicer
including better types, designated initializers for structs, ...
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analysis & patch look sensible, unless idx comes close to MAX_SIZE_T I guess
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gasche: adrien the appendix L works, thanks!
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eikke: I think MSVC still doesn't implement C99 completely.
whitequark: LLVM aborts ?? IMHO, no. It got a null pointer when the internal types are not good and tries to apply, then segfaults.
eikke: everything else does, so that boils down to supporting msvc.
jpdeplaix: was that an Asserts build ?
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but in any case ssize_t seems not to be C99 anyway
jpdeplaix: I often see LLVM compiled without Asserts by default, ie: in debian, in llvm from opam, ...
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whitequark: I pretty much only target a single platform when writing software (both professionally as well as side-projects)
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I've just answered your post on the mailling-list
whitequark: Asserts build ?
gasche: it's fairly weird; I'm asking around
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jpdeplaix: (read your reply) LLVM has an enormous amount of asserts checking for various preconditions
eummh sorry: « But that's horrible »
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jpdeplaix: not sure I follow
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asserts in library are almost the worst choice to do IMHO
(but that's C++ so, it's kinda comprehensible)
don't complain about llvm or I'll make you use webkit!
well, LLVM uses a combination of ErrorOr and asserts. for recoverable conditions exceptions are too costly and require RTTI
$ git grep assert lib |wc -l
I've had your idea to make a checking interface to LLVM but that quickly faded
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is cmm generation before or after inlining?
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jpdeplaix: looking at your bugs on llvm.org now
you really should have posted bitcode, no one would (understandably) bother compiling your project
you didn't even post build instructions
jpdeplaix: by the way I just tried to compile it and there's no package monad-exn in opam
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jpdeplaix: overall I would be happy to help you work with the bindings and improve them if they're missing something.
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what's the convention for labelling boolean arguments? ~is_signed:bool or ~signed:bool ?
what you prefer :)
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now i want to mix some "if then else" into the "let ....." part, how can i do that?
i try with begin ... end block, but ocaml report error
for ex, i want to set "x = 1" if _arch ==1, otherwise x = 2. how can i change that code ?
i still don get used to the way "initializer" works yet
let x = if _arch = 1 then 1 else 2 in ..
you don't need initializer for that either :)
initializer is for when you want to do some operations on the already constructed object
flux: so when do i need initializer?
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btw, be aware that == is not a great operator to use. it means 'pointer equivelance'. it works the same as = for basic primitives like integers and booleans, but not the same for things like strings
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== is reasonable for mutable objects
Using it on values is pretty suspicious though
use of == when beginning ocaml programming is very highly suspicious :)
gasche: yeah, apparently ssize_t is >= SUSv2
nothing in C99
wasn't it so that Jane Street Core even disabled == by default
yezariaely: not segfaulting ? :p
it did something similar to = as well, though
They gave it a more explicit name
gasche: obviously :-p
flux: now if i want to write some code with "match", how can i mix with above "let ... in" code?
(And gave the old one an unsatisfiable type, iirc)
i tried: ...let ... in match .... with
the bug is that sometimes the out-of-bound check doesn't fire when it should
but error
so the expected behavior is an "out of bounds" error
ah, I see. thanks.
the error code is like: let .... in match ... with ... in
let () = match a with 42 -> printf "hello" in ..
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(for example)
note that "let .. in" in class declarations is only useful for data that is shared between instances
if you want an per-object initializer, there is proper support for that (initializer)
gasche, not if your class has arguments
gasche, initializers are no good for setting object variable initial values
oh so tricky. let me try ....
flux seems to understand what you want to do better
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I've been looking through the List. module but can't seem to find what I need. How can I input 2 lists [1; 2; 3; 4; 8] [2; 4; 7; 8; 9] and output a list of the common values -> [2; 4; 8]?
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Usually you would use sets for that
sdlo22, 1) concatenate lists 2) sort them 3) find values that are consecutively in the list
If the lists are sorted it wouldn't be too hard to write though
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I'll have a go at doing it using the way flux explained as long as there isn't something in sets that would do it really easily
Cheers guys
in ocaml, can i assign 2 tuples like this? :
let (a, b) = (c,d);
seems impossible, so any alternative?
kaka22: It is possible, what is the problem?
let (a, b) = (c, d) in ... is fine
But it isn't "assigning two tuples"
well Set can do it really easily indeed, it's Set.inter
( SDLo22 )
Most of the ceremony would be getting elements in and out of the sets
thanks a lot
you'll still have work to do to understand how to convert a list into a set and back
but it's an useful knowledge to acquire about OCaml, I think
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module IntSet = Set.Make (struct type t = int let compare = compare end) let intset_of_list list = List.fold_left (fun set elt -> IntSet.add elt set) IntSet.empty list
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ok, my code is like:
match x with
| a b -> let c = d;
error in the "let" line
; is not a valid thing to put after let like that
what is the problem?
let is an expression, not a statement
let c = d in ... ?
"let" is not an assignement
gasche: but i have nothing behind for "in ..."
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The | a b pattern is also wrong
What are you trying to do?
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kaka22 : "let" introduces a name for a construct , it doe not assign a value to a variable
ggole: hard to explain what i am doing, since it is complicated
(and wrong)
so how to fix that "let" part?
we cannot tell you without knowing what this should mean
gasche: i think so. ocaml is so hard to get it right for newbie
you should give the whole code snippet and explain what you want it to do
"let c = d" doesn't mean much in isolation
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and it's not clear that there is a one-to-one mapping of constructions you know from other languages into OCaml; you may have to restructure the code a bit
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(which is why we're helpless without actual precise context)
kaka22, if you cannot put 'in' after a let, you are either making a top-level definition, or a mistake :-)
kaka22, if you want to get values out of a 'match' you need to remember that 'match' is an expression with a value. each of the patterns result in a value being returned, which ends up being the value of the match expression
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for instance: let (foo, bar) = (match x with 0 -> (0, 1) | _ -> (1, 0)) in .. (* now foo and bar have (0, 1) or (1, 0), and the values have been moved outside the match expression)
it is times like these when I think that ocaml reuses the same keywords a bit too much..
revised syntax uses "val" for top-level "let", makes sense
flux: this seems what i want... let me try ....
I don't personally care for this one
but beginners sometimes write "let x = ... in let foo = bar;;", which I found very puzzling at first but is in fact rather natural
(note that explicit "val" wouldn't help here)
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gasche, what would they write with a 'val' then?
let x = .... in val foo = bar?
well, you can just say 'val' can never be 'inside' something like that
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it's more difficult to communicate about a let
this is what I tell them
because there are two kinds of lets
but in fact, there is no really convincing reason not to allow (<local decl> in phrase)
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flux: actually your sample code above is not really what i want to achive. i will paste the code out ...
It's a touch clumsy to have a binding around a function, too
gasche, I don't think I follow..
let f = let q = ref 0 in fun x y -> ...
what would be a better solution?
People seem to want to write let q = ref 0 in let f x y = ...
would be the way to do it without involving two classes
flux: i see what you mean, but if in my branch, i dont access writeback, i can get away with that, no?
then later on, when you check the condition with match, you can check it like: match arch, writeback with | I1 a, Some writeback -> (* now you have writeback deconstructed here *) | I2 a, _ (* ignore writeback *) -> ..
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if arch == I1 then read writeback, else dont ...
well you cannot conditionally define values to be in scope
regardless if you use them or not later
it must be possible to just read the code's structure and see what variables are accessible there
maybe, i am not sure. but in other dynamic language like Python, this is possible ...
point a finger in the code, read the code towards the top of the file and say, "this line is able to access cc, writeback, id, addr and arch"
there is no "also it can access writeback if that condition is true"
kaka22: the important part here is "dynamic"
kaka22: do you realize how unsafe what you're asking is ?
kaka22, I think you are misunderstanding the meaning of "let a= b in ... "
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Drup: oh, so ocaml is not as "dynamic" as Python?
kaka22: ocaml is not dynamic at all.
most definitely not
and we like it that way :)
new to me, i dont know this
" let a = b in X" means that in the context of X , I will use a as a shortcut for b. It does not create any variables
syntropy: yes i think so. so "let a = b" doesnt assign b to a?
what it really does then?
well, syntropy's explanation is great but it doesn't consider the side effects, only the value
then my code is completely wrong, since i want to accesss to cc, writeback later, in other method (of that class)
no, your code looks fine regarding that
all those things are inside let a = b in ...
so they are able to refer to the binding 'a'
flux: so in the code you posted, i can access all those cc, writeback, ... in methods of bs_in class?
but the thing about let bindings..
for example, if you have let value = Random.int() in (value + value)
then whichever random integer you got will be the same
so value is bound to the value of Random.int () at that time
(actually it's called Random.int 42)
i see, but that is fine to me, cause i dont do anything like that
if you later on have another (let value = 42 in (value + value)) then this uses its own value binding, that much is obvious
and of course the scope of 'value' ends at the end of the last closing parenthesis and the old binding, if there was one, become visible again
sure, since all of those are read-only vars
yep, so that works fine with the 'binding' or 'short-cut' way of thinking
kaka22: why are you using classes?
if you are a beginner, you should probably try to avoid them at first
they are certainly not necessary to write good code
(and they allow beginner to indulge in their habits with other languages and write bad code)
indeed classes are an advanced subject in ocaml
gasche: to learn ocaml :-)
but I suppose it's possible to start with them as well :-)
of course you may be hacking on already-existing code that uses object-oriented programming, and then it's fine
I think it's the logical way for someone new to ocaml to go if they are familiar with objects.. but I sort of doubt it's the easiest :)
flux: we have a nice expression in french for that, "se mettre des bâtons dans les roues"
i am writing from scratch, that is why there is so many problems fo rme
which document are you using to learn OCaml?
gasche: some tutorials i found
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then i started reading some code, and hacking some more
which ones?
gasche: tutorials?
so the idiomatic english translation seems to be "to put a spoke in my wheel"
gasche: english people have only one wheel ? that explains a lot. :)
kaka22: I think that picking a good learning document would be a more efficient way to learn OCaml than getting sparse explanations from the IRC chan
I think the equivalent english saying is "to put a spanner in the works" :)
gasche: absolutely.
what do you recommend?
so the french expression has the idea that you're adding difficulties, but that may not stop you from succeeding; it's just much harder (for no real useful purpose)
I'm not exactly sure
there is Real World OCaml that's just out, and which is available freely online
as newbie, my impression on ocaml is that it is so weird and different from other imperative languages (such as python). i read docs and tutorials again and again, but it seems only writing code is a good way to improve skills
of course you need practice
It's not an imperative language, really
but the mistakes you're making right now should have been prevented by a good document
There are imperative features, but the smooth path is fairly functional
but let say i am really impressed with you guys on this IRC. certainly the best community out there, people are so friendly here. in other channels (#C is one notable), i would get bashing immediately when i open my mouth
just to have an idea of the level of madness
I guess people bitch whether you add things to the language quickly or be conservative
C is much more sensible (even if the memory model - copied from C++ - is somewhat broken)
The last few C standards haven't exactly set the world on fire either
you're being a bit unfair, at least they (C/C++) did a real effort on specifying the memory model
it's maybe not as resilient as Java's, but I think they did a pretty good job
I'm not surprised that memory model researchers find a thing or two to criticize, but the intent is noble and the realisable seemed reasonable to me
it's somewhat insane. there are parts of it literally no one understands.
there's some technical stuff that happened
then ???
then this blog post
??? seems to be marketing people getting involved
I don't see a problem with the blog post
in any case, this mentions clearly that they are using the MSVC header
they're proprietary
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without a license?
I doubt MS doesn't put *any* license on the headers, that would prohibit you from even developing applications
your lack of faith is disturbing :)
you get an EULA with MSVC, there's a license in the headers, and both of them are fairly ugly iirc
in any case, you're going to be forbidden from redistributing them
adrien: they don't redistribute headers
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the toolchain is supposed to go in place of MS's compiler, not the whole SDK or VS itself
yeah, which is a bad approach in all honesty
it's not even clear you can use MS headers with something else than MS compielrs
but this means that this doesn't give you a free toolchain and this is not on track to do so
which look completely stupid considering that mingw-w64 provides free headers and libraries that fill in the gap in the standard conformance of MS' CRT
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developing a free toolchain isn't a goal of llvm/clang? rather, developing a good compiler is
as I understand it, it's also (supposed to be) abi-compatible with msvc
also, what prevents one from reusing headers from mingw-w64?
why haven't they started with them?
i want to return a list with this code, but got error: this expression has type bool, bu an expression was expected of type unit ...
they're using very proprietary stuff right now
pls can somebody tell me what is wrong?
it's not clear the whole project can be legally used!
adrien: if I understand it correctly, the motivation for clang@windows is to have a modern compiler that works.
so one could use c++11/14 in llvm itself, chrome, ...
kaka22: you seem to be trying to use mutation inside the anonymous function
kaka22: "=" is equality test, not affectation
kaka22: you should try to use one of the "fold" (left or right) functions in the List module
kaka22: you'll have to understand them but they should help you do what you want and nicely
oh i cannot append to a list with l = l @ [a] ?
Lists are immutable
whitequark: even if it cannot be legally used? and gcc works on windows; it's also quite frustrating to see duplicated efforts on one difficult topic
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kaka22: affectation is *only* done by "let bla = bli in blu"
kaka22: "bla = blu" is the equality test
adrien: gcc also works on everything else clang/llvm support
kaka22: also, if you are trying to reverse a list, this is a terrible technique :p
I think he just wants List.map, actually
whitequark: windows is a special case
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so if list is immutable, how can i append to it? since i want the output is a list
You make a new list with another element on the front
elt::list returns list with elt "consed" onto the front
what i want is like: list = []; for x in somelist do list.append(new myclass x) end
Use List.map for that.
kaka22: you should really follow the tutorial we gave you
looking at fold_left, but not sure what to use as the first argument
and if list is immutable, then i have no idea how to append at each iteration of the loop
kaka22: it will explain all this stuff far better than what we are trying to do here
List.map (new myclass) somelist
kaka22, you are trapped by your knowledge of imperative language
ok i see. let me go thru it first ....
syntropy: yes no doubt. i guess this is why most newbies struggle with ocaml
adrien: I think gcc doesn't attempt to replicate msvc's abi
so still not quite a duplicate
oh right, list.map is what i need ..
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whitequark: it does
there's one missing C++ ABI compat
and it's improving
I see, interesting
it was quite frustrating because this windows support for llvm came out of the blue
still, that adds windows support for anything using llvm as a backend.
rust, d, ...
yup, noone is denying what this brings but there's two decades of reverse-engineering of microsoft/windows stuff, including for things which MSDN gets wrong
and no communication before the announcement
when using ocaml class, i can access to its method with class#method. how about class variable? can i use same way class#var to access its variable?
looking at some tutorials, they all seem to turn to method for every access
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kaka22: yes
kaka22: "variables" (in the object-oriented meaning of the term) are just methods without arguments
Drup: ocaml makes a difference between methods of no argument and variables
kerneis: yes, and val are not accessible, as opposed to method, hence my sentence
i can access myclass#id, myclass#addr
or not?
kaka22: ah, this is yet another thing
kaka22: I already told you, and I'm going to do it again : follow some tutorials we gave you and stop trying to use OO in ocaml.
kaka22: you're learning a new language with a différent paradigms, you're not going to succeed by applying what you know about other languages.
gour_ is now known as gour
think you are right. it is not like i am not trying, but ocaml is significantly more time consuming to learn than anything else i know, so i am struggling ....
kaka22, in order to give you a perspective, I have still not really used the OO part of Ocaml ( except for playing with phnatom type)
kaka22: Drup is right: OO in OCaml is an advanced feature
kaka22: it's only because you're trying the wrong way. If you take the good approach, ocaml is not that hard to learn.
most of other languages i can learn in a day, but it seems Ocaml would take a month ....
kaka22: in other words, you are trying to learn Ocaml by starting with some of the most advanced feature
kaka22: How many non-imperative language do you know?
syntropy: ocaml is the first one i am serious about
haskell or #F i took some quick looks only
kaka22: So you are trying to learn a new programming paradigm alltogether ... Not so surprisingly, this takes time.
kaka22: and to be honest, OO is probably one of the most "alien" feature of ocaml. it's *very* different than OO in regular object oriented programming language.
Forget objects and look at basic types, functions, tuples, records, ADTs
Drup: ok it seems harder than i thought
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kaka22: without objects in ocaml, you can do almost everything that is done using objects in other languages
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and with objects in ocaml, you do vastly different things than what you do with objects in other languages
kaka22: ocaml itself is not, just don't try to use OO
kaka22: The problem is that in normal OO language, the OO part is essential to organize the code.
I haven't done object code in months
most people here are probably in the same case
really, admit it for now, and after you get some practice, you'll see how they're different
the only use case I know for objects in OCaml (except advanced type trickery) is a visitor pattern to make dealing with huge ASTs easier
(and don't get us wrong, the OO part of ocaml is really great, you can do fantastic stuff with it, it's just not what you would expect when you are coming from an OO programming language)
(like in CIL or Frama-C)
kerneis: js_of_ocaml too :p
kaka22: In Ocaml, you should organize your code using type, function and then module. You shoud first learn that objects are not a necessity and then revisit this part of the language
the ""Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could only have originated in California." --Edsger Dijkstra is cited in the nimrod tutorial (http://nimrod-code.org/tut2.html)
kerneis: also, GUIs
gour: every single Dijkstra quote is great :D
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Drup: btw, have you looked at nimrod?
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I have heard of it several time, but not really looked
only once in the begining, it looked like a fake strong type system who behave like C in practice
"arrogance in CS is measured in nanodijkstras"
i really like a lot about it, but if ocaml makes something out of lablqt/wxocaml, i'll settle on ocaml
ok might be some dirty hack, but i added methods that return all those variables. code runs well, but yes i would need to improve it later when i am more experiences on ocaml
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gour: I read it, yes
and I still feel the same
why 'fake type system' ?
look at the way it encode Maybe !
I mean, this is completly wrong and terrible
Drup: how does it do that?
whitequark: by checking a boolean property of an object and returning the element or nil
iirc, Maybe is just example how it can be done, not real implementation in the language itself
there would be a case to be made for this kind of encoding, eg. in dependently-typed systems
in lower languages, Typed Racket would be a reasonable example of real-world use of "predicate typing" (if this boolean condition is true then...)
Drup: sounds like a regular discriminated union ?
whitequark: look at the implementaiton.
"If it were to be set to False then accessing the value field would cause a runtime exception. Nowadays in some cases this error can be detected at compile-time."
it's an encoding you do if you have dependend pair
Drup: do you consider Ada has strong type system?
'cause i'm told that nimrod has the same type-safety...
Strong isn't a very precise word with which to describe type systems.
ggole: that's a good point
Ada does some stuff like allowing to put arbitrary integer bounds on integer types that you cannot realistically hope to control statically always
I was told that nimrod had the same type safety than Rust too, which prove that some people don't understand anything
It can mean "no implicit conversions", or maybe "sound", or a few other things
when you see this kind of Ada code, and you know that people didn't have the expertize to do Coq proofs everywhere, you *know* that some dynamic checking will be involved, and that the static analysis will be partial
this isn't the case of a notion as fundamental as "a sum type"
sum type should be a mandatory primitive for every language, except maybe dependents one (because you can re-encode it)
It's useful to be able to type array indexes strongly though
(Particularly for the kinds of programming Ada was intended for.)
I'm amazed go doesn't have a sum type
go doesn't have much in its type system
no generics, no sum types (not even unions)
Yeah, it's pretty basic. If you don't have them, then you end up manually encoding them into bits or silly things like that.
go is C++ which compile fast. :p
well, their argument is "lol interfaces"
companion_cube: structural interfaces are good but somewhat orthogonal
Drup: does it mean that Rust is also not particularly type-safe lang?
well some people think that coercion to interface types subsume bounded polymorphism
rust has typed unions
gour: no, it means some people have no idea what they are talking about :)
I mean, sum types
Rust is type-safe
ahh, ok. :-)
too bad it has such a noisy syntax
Rust is supposed to be entirely sound apart from explicit (marked) unsafe bits afaik
I'm not sure whether that goal was achieved or not, though...
gour: because nimrod's syntax is better ? :p
Drup: well, i admit nimrod's one is nicer :-)
you have strange tastes
you don't like python?
the problem with Rust is that the type system is constantly changed for pragmatic reasons
at this point it's quite certain that the current rules in rule are unsound
gour: I don't like indentation based programming languages, no
it's not stable, but it looks pretty powerful
and they will not become sound before a lot more work in put on doing proofs
gour: but that's not my point
but it's maybe ok to have a type system that *tries* to be sound without actually being sound
Drup: ahh, ok. isn't ocaml in the same categoy having layout rule?
that's one way to make progress, and everybody has done that in the point at some point
gasche: right, but I think this is a different problem to "oh, you can just mutate that and it won't be safe".
gasche: well, as long as the unsoundnes is considered as a bug and is fixed, it's ok
gasche: the language is very young
The intention is pretty clearly a memory safe language (excluding the unsafe subset).
And they've gone to some lengths to try to tame, ie, iterator invalidation
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I think the current process of Rust development is not conductive of correct type systems
they do consider unsoundness to be bugs, but (at least from what I can see from the outside) they don't invest the necessary effort to make sure those bugs don't actually happen
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mutating a type system without proving things is like writing a program without testing anything
you look at it, and you try to think hard about whether it's correct, and sometimes by using it you actually find a bug
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but you will never write bug-free code this way
(except if you write formal proofs of course, but that's usually not the realistic scenario)
Beats just giving up though
but it's not completely satisfying to us ivory tower cold-hearted perfectionists
it's not exactly "ok" (but already quite exciting)
It's sign of forward progress, at least
gasche: doesn't ocaml do pretty much the same thing?
they're trying to implement a complicated type system that has few (no) equivalents, don't they?
basically, ML + linear types
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whitequark: no, they don't
gasche: I find it ok for such a young language
new type system features in OCaml have always been followed or preceded by a formal paper proof of its correctness (usually in a *restricted* setting)
sometimes the correct stuff had to be adapted to fit OCaml in a way that was a bit unsatisfying
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(eg. nobody would swear that our first-class modules are exactly as in Claudio Russo's papers and therefore certainly absolutely sound)
and there is no up-to-date, maintained formal proof of the whole system
but each feature is described in a formalism where it is well-understood
I see
GHC has a particularly good record of doing something reasonable in their "core language" formalism, which (for the type system part) is System FC
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they have a solid formalization of a rather complicated kernel language, and then they compile everything in the surface language (type classes, type families...) down to it
in practice this compilation is sometimes flaky, and some parts are still unsound (moreso than for OCaml because they do really weird stuff sometimes), but the process itself is right
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and sometimes, someone find a bug and garrigue is all panicked for a week :3
* nicoo
changes Drup's injectivity.
gowel is now known as gargawel
the injectivity bug is the first "real" bug we've had in a long time
there have been other bugs about GADTs before, but they were implementation bugs rather than conceptual issues
so, for you guys, there is no question what to pick from the {nimrod, ocaml, rust} set
if you are not afraid by instable stuff, rust may be a good experience, it's young and lively and quite interesting. Just don't expect it to be stable and all ironed out
gour: Mmmmh, I played a bit with Rust, and I'm pretty sure it has its uses. But most of the stuff I do, I would still do in OCaml
And as Rust said, Drup is still immature and unstable
Drup: Sorry, honnest mistake :3
And as Drup said, Rust is still immature and unstable*
is ocamlpro team still behind wx(ocaml)?
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I think so, but they also tend to work on things that clients are ready to pay for, so if nobody shows active interest in WxOCaml it will not be a priority
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gasche: that's ok. i just wonder whether it will be wxocaml or wxqt, someone mentioned qt once here
gasche: you mean someone paid for ocp-build or ocp-indent? :p
companion_cube: First rule of ocp-build is that you do *not* speak of ocp-build :]
hm qtocaml I guess
I don't know which one you should choose gour
and regarding your question about Rust
I think I would consider using it if I was doing system programming
nicoo: second rule of ocp-build is that you do *not* build ocp-build
and I'm quite happy with Rust as a language experiment
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whitequark: OCamlPro's new square whee^W^W build system.
(Note that this was a slight against companion_cube, not OCamlPro ;)
I'm not saying OCamlPro isn't happy to help the community with some additional stuff
but merely pointing out that if someone here is interested in paying for WxOCaml development (or knows someone that is), it's the best way to make sure there will be something usable on the long term
I'd rather pay for implicits ^^
companion_cube: You mean implicit parameters? I'm really not fond of that kind of features
nicoo: implicit as in type classes
Drup: Ah, yeah.
well it's related
type classes constraints *are* implicit parameters, aren't they?
implicits make typeclasses easy to implement and use
yeah, it's exactly the same, presented in a different way
but I'd be happy with "only" typeclasses
companion_cube: Yeah, but implicits are full of potential for abuse.
so, just typeclasses then :)
implicit parameters?
* nicoo
would definitely be happier with « just » typeclasses.
nicoo: try do program in a dependtly typed language without implicit parameters
You're going to have fun
I assure you.
Drup: You program quite diferently in dependently typed languages, though.
gasche: both wx & qt bindings for ocaml look good to me...i'm going to choose the one receving more/better support
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(I'd like to point out that my comment below was a form of criticism of Rust, but not meant to deter people from using the language; I think it's a very exciting development for a new language)
gasche: below ?
(the problem with language designers is when they ignore the scientific knowledge we've accumulated over years about design mistakes, or when before they start listening they've screwed things so deeply that most hope is lost; Rust is certainly not in that situation, and it can only improve if more people willing to prove stuff start contributing)
yeah, above
I meant "a few minutes ago"
I think they're trying to first have a type system that doesn't make the language unusable
but they definitely know the state of the art in typing
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(unlike go designers)
go designers have different aesthetics and let other things guide their design process
companion_cube: gotta love covariant generics (and mutability) :)
I think it's mostly pointless to bash them, I can only let them go their own way and hope that people will find what they're looking for in it
gasche: have you tried a carreer in politics? :D
in practice people that use Go seem happy with it
indeed, but I really believe that not having generics in go is a huge mistake
(mostly segfaults, that is.)
the main advantage of go seems to be "it's not C"
they should have known better
which *is* an advantage
whitequark: it's not C++*
* whitequark
learning from the history of java, for instance
if they can get programmers to be more productive than they previously were, well, good for them
Drup: well, Go is pretty much C without the low-level parts. C for applications, something like that
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if finally they find out that they should maybe have cared about type systems, it will be too bad for their users (but those have been warned enough), and maybe one more good lesson
I'd say C++ has a different niche
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whitequark: Go was done because google was sick of C++ compilation time, and it's the main design process "C++ wich compile fast"
also in practice maybe good language design isn't always the dominant factor for productivity
See: javascript
whitequark: or efficient python
(without the too high-level parts)
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"undefined is not a function" is such a productivity boost.
Drup: I really don't see the C++ bits in Go.
gasche: have you considered interpreting other people's thoughts as a day job? :D
"efficient python" is how I should think of go, right
without a separate AOT translator, of course, just tweaks to the regular JIT.
whitequark: Ah, I see. asm.js is much worse that what I thought.
nicoo: what bothers me most is how Mozilla just ran and made it a PR topic.
They did ?
like, for example, it happened with Raspberry Pi
google for "asm.js", you'll see
nicoo: why "worse" ?
it's an incredibly specific and delicate technical decision, yet it was deliberately promoted for some reason
* whitequark
I agree with the part "Why is asm.js a JavaScript subset?"
but in the other hand, mozilla tried something like that before, and it didn't had any sucess, for this precise reason
(it was not a subset of javascript)à
whitequark: I'm not sure I agree with all your points, but no time to argue now (realized I'm hungry, and I need to fix my bike to leave the lab)
Drup: I didn't remember ams.js was so constrained.
it's an asm
nothing more, nothing less
it's even in the name
I don't even understand how people got it wrong
Drup: I was, for instance, expecting to be able to be passed a JS string, and see it as an array of chars. Seems it is not the case.
Apart from doing the simulation pipeline for a game (or perhaps some crypto) in asm.js, I don't really see the use-case right now (I don't dev in-browser stuff either, though)
Drup: Yes, I understand this. I just don't see how a compiler can generate meaningfully-big fragments of code in asm.js
nicoo: asm.js is a formalization of what emscripten generates.
nicoo: the same way it generates asm for regular architectures ? :x
nicoo: in fact one of the authors of the spec is also the author of emscripten.
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Drup, whitequark : Yeah, but what happens when you interact with the DOM/the UI/whatever ? Do you need to copy/convert any single value you grab to a format suitable for asm.js, then call the asm.js code ?
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ah yeah, that's the not so funny part, sure;
How do I install Coq properly if I have OCaml version 4 or up?
nicoo: exactly
it works just as a C library hooked to ocaml would work.
for pretty much same reasons.
whitequark: Except that quite a few things (strings, big arrays, ...) do not need to be copy-converted.
* nicoo
goes away for good, now
bad analogy :]
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apropo the discussion about finalizers this morning
Who else is with me saying that ocaml should call all finalizers on exit?
you mean do a GC cycle at exit?
whitequark: yes, with all global variables removed.
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mrvn: I'm not sure if that's safe, since finalizers can refer to them.
in fact, since you can do everything in a finalizer, there's no guarantee they will ever finish running.
whitequark: then they will remain reachable till the finalizer is run and removed.
there should probably be a limit how often the GC should run, like run until nothing can be freeed anymore.
.net has a timeout
mrvn: I suppose you have in mind shared resources that would not be released because the finalizer doesn't run?
like file locks or whatever?
You really need to handle that gracefully anyway
companion_cube: sure, or posix ipc objects.
In case the power goes out or your process is OOM-killed or the sysadmin nukes it
if the power goes out then everything is gone anyway
Or there's a bug in some C code you call, or whatever
I'm not sure that's the same
if your process is sigkill'd you cannot free the resources
mrvn: is there something in OS which doesn't get released when the process dies?
if it's sigterm'd then you *should* release
whitequark: posix ipc objects
also, temporary files/sockets
Well, the kernel will eat all of those
whitequark: they are shared between processes so they survive a process dying.
But anything that sudden unexpected death would leave in an unwanted state needs to be thought about
what ggole says.
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temp files that don't use O_TEMPFILE also need to be removed
anyone know where the work on a preemptive ocaml is done?
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mrvn: Temp files that do not use O_TEMPFILE need to be removed from code ;)
nicoo: O_TEMPFILE is still verry new
is there even a patch for ocaml for O_TEMPFILE yet?
No idea; if not, should be done (and my to-procastinate list probably isn't the right place for it)
dsheets_: when I come back from my trip with The Doctor, you know, in the blue box.
ups, ewin
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ping adrien
hi wmeyer`
hi whitequark
Hey, is there a predefined List. function for finding the diff between one int list and another? Like this [1;1;2;2;3;3;4;4;5;5] [5;3;4;3] = [1;1;2;2;4;5]
I assume it needs to be sorted
well providing the lists are already sorted
if thats easier
I'd convert this to sets and use the Set
wmeyer`: how's the windows patch?
whatever it's sorted or not
I am waiting for adrien
okay, thanks wmeyer
module Set = Set.Make(struct type elt = int let compare x y = x - y end);; let diff_list l1 l2 = let s1 = List.fold_left Set.add Set.empty l1 let s2 = List.fold_left Set.add Set.empty l2 in Set.elements (Set.diff s1 s2);;
thanks a lot!
you are welcome
adrien send me an email when you are back
we have to fix the issue, or I will revert the patches (or fix it myself)
mrvn, wut? tripping?
<mrvn> dsheets_: when I come back from my trip with The Doctor, you know, in the blue box.
dsheets_: < mrvn> ups, ewin
ooo ups is oops, sry
and yes, Doctor Who. :)
just a jump to the left and then a step to the right...
"It's smaller on the outside." "That's a first."
mrvn: don't forget to bring back ocaml 17.6 on a usb stick, if you wander with the Doctor
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module Set = Set.Make(struct type elt = int let compare x y = x - y end);; Error: Signature mismatch: Modules do not match: sig type elt = int val compare : int -> int -> int end is not included in Set.OrderedType The field `t' is required but not provided
you need Set.Make(struct type t = int ..... end)
you see, the module Set.Make takes as argument must contain a "t" type, not an "elt" type
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whitequark: I forgot the « .git » at the end of the url :/
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wmeyer`: I'm going to try Xavier's test case in less than 30 minutes
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Hello guys.
Is anyone on?
Newuser yes yes
I wanted your opinion on whether I should learn OCaml.
I have some experience with OOP and imperative languages but not functional.
well then, if you're curious that might be a very interesting experience for you
I was looking for a very powerful language like Haskell.
Or mathematica.
what do you mean by "powerful" in this context?
Speed, large library, high degree of complexity.
And OCaml supports imperative, func and OOP so it seems like a good fit for me.
I'm not sure "high degree of complexity" is something you should wish a language had :D
otoh ocaml has a decent amount of libraries (including big "standard libraries" like core), is fast, and has many features
so it may be indeed what you're looking for
I mean syntax level higher then something like a BASIC dialect
depends on what you would like to write in the functional language you learn
oh, right. then ocaml definitely has a more powerful syntax
(in the "more expressive" sense)
Well, some of the programs I would write would be for math, physics and engineering.
if you want to make use of your imperative idioms, ocaml is a good fit (I would'nt recommend OOP ones :P)
let's say you can still write some imperative code, yes
"OCaml is a general purpose industrial-strength programming language with an emphasis on expressiveness and safety"
I don't know much about numeric algorithms
What do you mean by safety?
For security purposes like NSA?
ah, safety is the absence of bugs, I'd think
means that OCaml tries to make it harder to write bugs
the type system is very helpful in this respect
Ok then.
Does OCaml have a web framework?
Newuser: ocsigen
Oh, that's nice. Thanks.
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I think OCaml will be a nice language for me then.
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Newuser: then welcome :)
Oh, you can utilize C and Fortran libraries?
you'll have to write bindings for them, but yes you can
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Been programming in Fortran 77 and 95 from ages
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There is support for manipulating c & fortran arrays from ocaml side.
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Was OCaml made from Caml?
Caml light?
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Newuser: also, http://opalang.org/ written in ocaml to generate JS. never had the need to use it, but awesome all the same.
Yes, Caml light is the direct ancestor of OCaml.
Newuser ocaml is done in ocaml, as the java compiler is done in java
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Uh, is there an IDE for OCaml?
Are you more Emacs, vim or eclipse?
Eclipse is what I use normally.
But I downloaded from the OCaml website.
Now I have no idea what to do
Vim* (also deserve a capital :P)
I have two things, OcamlWin and Browser
Do you know the Real World Ocaml book?
https://realworldocaml.org/ should be a good starting point if you don't know what to do after unpacking.
Oh, thanks
Ok, so I checked the book out on github. It told me to go to the website for installation instructions. And on realworldocaml.org but see little instructions
Installation instructions, avsm>
I'm actually updating the site at the moment
Oh wow, the author is right here.
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come on avsm, you scared him/her! :D
besides, what is the equivalent for to_string ?
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Who registered thisÉ
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hey how do i make a variable of a certain type? i.e. I have: type blah = int * char option * int. How do I make something of type blah? I'm trying: let r : blah = (1, Some 'a', 2);; but i get unbound constructor transition
let (r:blah) =....
oh wow
i mispelled it
ollehar has joined #ocaml
actually taht doesnt work Anarchos
zamN let me test it
er, i got it now
it was declared inside of my module
so I had to do Module.blah
let r : blah = (1,Some 'a',2);; val r : blah = (1, Some 'a', 2)
zamN or "open Module"
what does that do?
the former
val r : blah = (1, SOme 'a', 2)
What advantage, if any, does OCaml have over Lisp, haskell, scheme, smalltalk etc?
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Newuser1: hi back!
Thanks companion_cube.
compared to lisp/scheme/smalltalk, ocaml is strongly typed and has pattern matching, objects, algebraic types
compared to haskell, it's not as extreme - you can still write imperative code
Haskell doesn't matter. I just don't like Haskell for some reason
compared to haskell (and all other mainstream programming languages), a powerful module system
But like, I have some experience with lisp and smalltalk
hmmm, right def-lkb
Newuser1: ocaml is quite different, because of the typing, whereas lisp and smalltalk are very dynamic languages
Well, I will just give OCaml a try then. Thanks.
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wmeyer`: around? my patch from last week fixes XL's issue
looks really defiant :D
(which, in all honesty, is not surprising considering the patch)
ugh. types are confusing in ocaml -_-. So If I want to access members of a type I would have to match them right?
zamN: if the types are algebraic types, yes, it's better
how else can i access them?
zamN: what are the types you're talking about, more precisely ?
zamN: do you export the definition of nfa?
well, nfa in that paste == Nfa.nfa
do you have a .mli file?
The typer seems to disagree.
my program is set up in this way: module type NFA = sig .. template .. end -- module NfaImpl = struct .. end
module Nfa : NFA = NfaImpl;;
that makes the Nfa.nfa type abstract
zamN: as a beginner, you shouldn't need module type/module in a single file
since in NFA i only have: type nfa;; whereas in NfaImpl I have type nfa = ...;;
the simplest is to have a flat .ml file
companion_cube: school project >_>
and maybe a .mli file to restrict the view
zamN: does the project require this architecture?
zamN: you can't pattern match on an abstract type
yes it is required
def-lkb: but is it abstract inside of NfaImpl?
where i redefine the type
well, define
zamN: it is abstract outside of NfaImpl
it's not abstract in NfaImpl, but it becomes when you write module Nfa : NFA = NfaImpl
ah okay
you may write module Nfa : NFA with type nfa = Nfa.nfa = NfaImpl
(ugh, starting to become repetitive)
companion_cube: I'm basically just trying to learn this stuff in the interpreter before writing it inside of NfaImpl
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oh ok
well more exactly, in NfaImpl everything is transparent. as c-cube said, when defining Nfa the ": NFA" constrains the type nfa to be abstract.
so its kind of irrelevant
I guess i can just define all this tuff in the interpreter
yes, maybe you don't need to focus on modules right now
yeah, i want to learn types first x_x
start with the types and pattern matching
look at the ocaml.org page I linked above :)
ah yeah once i declared everything in the interpreter it works :D
okay, so now lets do it the sane way (with named parameters)
don't forget that two record types cannot share the same names
(not in the same module)
yeah that shouldn't be an issue
I only have these 2 types
I just hope doing it this way won't make me have a lot of headaches
records have many nice features in ocaml, that you'll probably discover later, so it's important you know them
omg this is amazing ^_^
companion_cube: but this is the last ocaml project :x
<-- programming languages student
maybe you'll be enlightened and wish to use it on your own ;)
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heh, maybe. I was thinking about taking the compilers course which is all Ocaml
I'll have to write a TON more ocaml before I even think about that though
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companion_cube what are the nice features of records for you ? Mutable in place ?
mutability also comes handy from time to time
companion_cube: is there any way i can redefine a record? Or would I have to recreate the whole thing every time?
companion_cube what is functional update ?
zamN: what do you mean? change a value of a record type?
Anarchos: { r with field=value;}
zamN: so, the syntax is just there! :)
type point = { x : float; y : float; }
let pt = { x=1.0; y=2.0;} in { pt with x=42.0; }
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companion_cube: but that is at declaration
I mean after pt is made
the right part of "in" creates a new value, distinct from pt, if that's what you asked for
i'm saying: let z = {s=1;fs=[1;2];t=[(1, Some 'a', 2)]};;
if I want to change the value of s
z.s = 2 just compares. z in { z with s = 7; };; gives me a syntax error
yes, you write { z with s = 2; }
{ z with s = 2 ; } is a value
it means "same record as z, except for the field s"
oh nice.
how would you do the same with a tuple?
you would have to recreate it?
Anarchos: you may look at the pattern matching on records, if you don't know it :p
zamN: you would have to recreate it
companion_cube ok :)
because you can't name the "fields"
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Anarchos: another nice feature of records is higher rank polymorphism
def-lkb higher rank ??
oh, the quantification thing?
type 'a continuation = { call: 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> 'b; }
hmm, not sure it's useful in this case, but whatever
Anarchos: well nice in this context is subject to interpretation, but it's a reasonable way to that level of expressivity if needed
adrien: it throws an error
for m
for me
companion_cube oh ok as in method types ?
crocket has joined #ocaml
yes, you can do this with records
hi crocket
I want to learn ML's module system. Which ML between SML and OCaml should I learn?
crocket: both should be fine
but OCaml is still evolving and has many other nice features
companion_cube: How does OCaml differ from SML?
SML is a standard language, OCaml isn't
thus ocaml has gained many features over time, objects, poymorphic variants, and last but not least GADTs
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adrien: try first with "make world.opt"
Ocaml module system allows both generative and applicative functor application, and also offers first-class modules / packages.
wmeyer`: running it now
SML is a mostly *frozen* standard ...
my point exactly
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wmeyer`: reproduced!
PHP also has accumulated lots of features and has gotten worse because of added features.
I don't know what applies to OCaml.
crocket: I don't think php and ocaml core contributors are on the same level :]
classes were added to PHP, and PHP became an ugly monster.
adrien: good. thanks, can you try to fix it now>
companion_cube: I'll see.
makes sense.
oh come on
wmeyer`: yeah
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nothing forces you to use classes in ocaml :)
no guarantee but I'm on it
def-lkb: ???
So you guys want to forget about classes even with OCaml.
At least, python classes are not monstrous.
crocket: just because in OCaml, there are better abstractions
crocket: adding classes in any language should be considered a crime. OCaml just got objects slightly less wrong than other languages.
wow, you're actually an extremist, def-lkb
def-lkb: C++ and smalltalk?
crocket: try your self modules if you are fancy and you will see ;-)
Javascript objects are pretty cool although they are not easy to use.
crocket: ok for smalltalk. I am still trying to find the object system in C++
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crocket: may I ask, why do you need objects? What kind of programming patterns you are after need classes?
wmeyer`: object doesn't require class.
wmeyer`: Javascript doesn't have classes but objects.
crocket: that's fine, prototype objects are fine
Object inheritance that doesn't suck.
no, I am not asking about features, I am asking about patterns that lead to abstractions
wmeyer`: objects seem to simplify code.
in other way, what kind of programs you want do using classes or objects that can't be done using modules or records
If you need to bind the same data structure to many function calls, objects simplify.
just this?
how about calling a function on this?
also, objects make it easy to have several implementations of the same interface
or not.
But this is a tremendous benefit for readability.
companion_cube: or modules.
and choose which implementation to use at runtime
(e;g. ocamlnet)
companion_cube: that's legitimate, but nevertheless still does not justify objects
why not?
because you have records with functions and first class modules for that!
wmeyer`: objects enable different patterns of coding than FP.
I'd say dynamic dispatch is a key thing
first class modules are not suitable for this.
and convenience of binding late
companion_cube: why not?
they don't allow you to do much with the types they contain
wmeyer`: If they are better alternatives to objects, maybe.
because "the type variable may escape its scope"
companion_cube: that's also legitimate, but records sort this out too
err, no
besides, I'd rather use objects than many first class modules
the latter's syntax is really ugly
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crocket: glad to hear that, try modules, <period>.
wmeyer`: with more serious than most of my previous interventions, I find objects quite suited for representing large entities with a dynamically known and changing interface. like processes in an operating system
wmeyer`: I'd like to try OO, FP, and modules.
def-lkb: I agree. The other pattern I like are rules system
where each rule is a function
parsing combinators
wmeyer`: So you don't use classes in OCaml?
crocket: I did try, and found them rendundant. (Coming from C++ background)
for instance parsing rules or pretty printing rules
you can't do this with first class modules - no dynamic dispatch. And with records is cumbersome - no inheritance.
wmeyer`: Michael O Church also doesn't use the "O" part in OCaml.
other part of story is that clasess are good for encoding some of the properties of the progam using row types
that's because he already has an "O"?
+1 companion_cube :D
"call me objective church" :D
wmeyer`: "with records is cumbersome"?
yes it is
wmeyer`: holy crap, I was either high or zombified when I made my third patch
Objects, in the specific case of ocaml, are sometime used to encode extensible records.
because to inherit you have to create another type iwth additional field representing the inherited record, which is not transparent
Do people use OCaml in any important projects?
some use it for finance, some other for tools dedicated to the analysis of (critical) software
wmeyer`: Your last statement is rather opaque.
wmeyer`: I think I made something as demo for Jacques and then forgot it was only a demo/example
(though this is mostly due to the expressivity of ocaml' object model and the lack of proper extensible records in the language than an intrisic quality of OOP :P)
(nice, that's exactly what I had in mind!)
adrien: please correct. submit the patch and I will review it and apply it :-) Simple as that.
* wmeyer`
switches to learnig mode
wmeyer`: it's building
def-lkb: thanks! More of it can be done, paramtric polymorphism too.
( similar to constraint in classes )
wmeyer`: on a more practical side, a few month ago, you told me about an OpenGL UI toolkit. did you made any progress on it?
wmeyer`: are you working actively on this ? I you got use extensible records, I promise you a hug.
(or a beer, if you prefer)
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(… and with implicit values, we should be able to add support for first-class fields, sugared with a nice ppx extension …)
Drup: Can't a guy want both ?
Drup: "free as in free hug"?
with implicit values, we can do pretty much what we want...
companion_cube: with implicit values AND Obj.magic
just implicit magic objects
let air = crap in [...] companion_cube wheel;; (* let's see how much you like implicits *)
let reinvent ?#(shape=square) wheel = ...
♥ ♥ ♥
companion_cube: Obj.magic is not expressive enough for trve hackers. alone it can't work around value restriction, you need to combine it with packages to get fully polymorphic magic values
I want higher-rank Obj.magic!
companion_cube: By the way, I don't se a clean way to have multiple instances of a single typeclass (over different datatypes) in a single scope.
with implicit typeclasses as first-class objects!
(using implicits)
nicoo: I think that if implicit are optional arguments that are automatically "filled-in", it's ok
because then you can still specify by hand the one you want
the same way you specify an optional argument
nicoo: I am not sure to see the problem. can you explain ?
companion_cube: Yes, but you lose a lot of what makes friendsh^W typeclasses magic.
I don't think so
Drup: hug is too much Drup, tooo much. A glass of mango juice is fine :D
because you only need to specify it if there is an ambiguity
(yeah, I might some time now)
def-lkb: About implicits, or about “implementing” typeclasses as a bunch of implicit parameters ?
and besides, if you provide the top instance, it should be re-used in the body of the function that is parametrized by the typeclass
nicoo: about having multiple instances in a scope, over different datatypes
adrien: how is that going
* wmeyer`
behind his consolete
issue fixed and patch ready, I'm sending it
def-lkb: Well, if I understand C³'s proposal correctly, he wants implicit and use them to say “Expecting "Ord a => type" is the same thing as exepecting an implicit argument compare of type ('a -> 'a -> int)”. But if I have multiple instances in scope, I have to de-ambiguise by hand, which is going to be a PITA.
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nicoo: hmm, if you have multiple instance.
(And, comparing to Haskell's typeclasses, you lose that very desirable feature which is that the compiler can infer which instance you wanted)
in the function constrained by Ord a, you don't care as the you are polymorphic over a, the instance will be chosen by caller
'night, adrien
nicoo: you shouldn't have multiple instances for the same type in scope
adrien: not so fast adrien
not often
adrien: let me check up your patches at first
def-lkb: Yes. What I meant is that you need to add boilerplate at the call-site to deambiguise
nicoo: the implicit would obviously need to choose the instance depending on the type
companion_cube: I didn't mean “for the same type”
in the context where you call the function and have to provide an instance, either you fixed the a so you know the actual type, or the 'a is still polymorphic and you share the constraint.
well, it's useless if it cannot do it by itself
companion_cube: Ok. That would be pretty slick, then.
heh :)
Sorry I misunderstood what you meant.
right, actually you would need stuff like let print_list ?#(show:'a ord) (l :'a list) : string = ..... to be used to provide an implicit for list types
err, s/'a ord/'a show/
nicoo: if you only have one instance per type, there is no need to disambiguate
def-lkb: As I said, it seems I misunderstood C³
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nicoo: ah ok, so I was just as confused as you were :)
Glad to feel less alone.
can I use a match inside of a match?
nicoo, def-lkb : practice more agda, guys.
zamN: yes, but you can probably do everything in the same match
i.e. match blah with (h::t) -> match h with (a, b, c)
zamN: you ca do better
zamN: match blah with ((a,b,c) :: t) ->
Drup: I wasn't expecting Agda-style implicits, but Scala-style implicits, which are a (much) weaker version.
I don't know Scala, but yeah, you can't get Agda powerfulness, for obvious dependently typed reasons.
wmeyer`: any issue yet?
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Drup: Scala implicits are such that you may have at most one non-implicit parameter
nicoo: it's the same in agda
nicoo: in respect to type contraints
it's just that Agda type contraints are very powerful
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adrien: no, but I am checking twice
adrien: you may go to bed now, I really think it works, thank you
I will do the same. good night everyone!
Drup: Yes, I “played” a bit with Agda, I remember.
is there an easy way to check the result of a function without making a custom print?
zamN: What do you mean ?
zamN: not really, but you can use the top level
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wmeyer`: \o/
it may print some simple stuff.
i want to make sure my function returns a transition list
otherwise this makes debugging hell x_x
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