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For devs using/maintaining ppc, was a QEMU-based target ever looked into, similar to armvirt or malta? Any foreseeable problems? A virtual ppc target would be handy for coverage and testing.
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guidosarducci: I don't think there are many PPC devices
There are some but the vast majority is MIPS and ARM
mangix: I know that, but ppc has a history of causing.. err revealing other SW problems, hence useful for test/debug. While it *is* possible to simply build one's SW against ppc targets (and I do), being able to run it too is better.
big endian ppc as a whole is rather dead
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stintel, thank you !
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plntyk: you're welcome!
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* rsalvaterra
looks at the interrupt distribution on his MT7621 device and wonders…
… has anyone around here tried irqbalance on MT7621?
The distribution I see doesn't look bad (Ethernet on one core, both Wi-Fi devices on the other core, one on each sibling), though…
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yay got my DACs
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stintel: DACs? As in audio ones?
no, Direct Attached Copper
to link the CN6640-SNIC10E to my switch ;)
for a DAC ... I'm waiting for Khadas Tone Board 2 in board/kit to become available
I will then try adding it to my DIY UcD400 PA
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Overkill. Both of them. :P
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rsalvaterra, o/
nitroshift: Hi, there!
hello! if i suspect a packaging bug in some things in the packages tree, would i discuss that here or in #openwrt?
stintel: Actually… that UCD400 looks sweet. Single channel, class D…
(of course i'm happy to file tickets or PRs but i first want to make sure i'm not missing things)
rsalvaterra: the kit was dual channel
rsalvaterra: wanted the Nc400 actually and got confused with the 400 # :P
rsalvaterra: but the Nc400 is only available in single channel kit
Habbie: if it's purely about packaging I'd say here is better - do mind that not all people who have access to the packages feed are on IRC
is it about any of the PowerDNS daemons :)
stintel: What preamp are you using?
rsalvaterra: it's not really a pre, but I wanted to move my most expensive speakers away from the main amp to reduce the risk of clipping when I'm going nuts :P
NAD T778
and the DIY kit was also kind of an experiment
when I build my own place, I'll go nuts on object based surround with something like Anthem AVM 70 prepro, and each channel on some NcXXX monoblock
with the monoblocks as close to the speaker as possible and balanced xlr from the prepro to the monoblocks
or that's the idea that's currently in my head, at least :)
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stintel: I'm happy with my cheap-as-chips TPA3116D2, for the time being. XD
that's all that matters!
stintel, thanks! and yes, i'm currently looking at 'opkg install dnsdist' which needs 19.9MB and i suspect it could be smaller
for example
Besides, getting the lady to approve all the cabling… yeah, wound't be a trivial task.
Habbie: ahh that's pretty awesome! smaller sounds good
libh2o-evloop appears to contain 3 identical copies of a .so
not symlinked, not hardlinked
rsalvaterra: I'd probably hide the xlr in the walls and ceiling
and ruby is pulled in for no reason that i can find
(also boost but that's an empty shell)
I'm actually running pdns-recursor on OpenWrt and I'm asking myself questions about the memory usage when loading large blocklists and using multiple threads
i can probably answer those - might make more sense in OFTC #powerdns but i'm not picky
alright, good to know (haven't paid much attention to it yet as it's some kind of side project)
I have to run now, meeting
actually I have both dnsdist and pdns-recursor on that device
-rw-r--r-- 1 stijn users 1,3M dec 12 07:46 bin/packages/aarch64_cortex-a53/packages/dnsdist_1.5.1-1_aarch64_cortex-a53.ipk
I guess you're talking about dnsdist + deps
the dnsdist ipk is around 1,3-1,5M yes
but with all deps it adds up to 19,9M installed
alright, it's hard for me to check that as I'm building custom images
i'm just toying with the rootfs image from the docker hub right now, and installing via opkg
so opkg install dnsdist pulls in ruby?
yes, because libh2o-evloop depends on it
i think it is a build dep for it
but not a runtime dep
so that might be as simple as removing one word from libs/h2o/Makefile
the package defines it as a normal dependency, not a build dep
PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=ruby/host libwslay
i guess -this- line means it needs ruby on the machine that is running the compiler?
yeah, that's a host build
and then later it indeed lists it as a normal dep, and i can't see a reason for that
so it needs ruby on the host to be able to build it
seems that dep is there since initial commit of h2o (c9fa74bf43cfa535d6220a9db8cf43e20c4f104c)
don't know if the maintainer is on IRC
he's been on #powerdns on occasion
but not recently
maybe drop him an email first to ask why that dep is there?
yep, makes sense
maybe it's just a leftover before he figured out PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS ruby/host
from before*
likely - the 3 copies of the .so also probably stem from inexperience (while he certainly has more than i do, at this point)
i'll ping him while i get a build env set up
I can actually try and remove that dep
I have a working build env
'dan graag' :)
geef me ff ;)
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nice, tools/zstd doesn't build
always the same problem when you want to "quickly do X"
looks like zstd itself has not been touched on master for a while
maybe I need a make clean
it looks like i am a bunch of makes away from being able to do anything, but that's to be expected as a new user i'd say :)
it's building a lot of things my Debian already has ;)
yeah the problem is that the device that I'm running pdns-recursor/dnsdist on is not supported yet and my current work doesn't rebase cleanly on master
i'm keeping life simple on x86 for now
what device is it?
I've got arm, arm64, mips, mips64, powerpc64, x86