robmur01: Hi! I've been chasing an issue we have on s922 (amlogic) (tomeu, narmstrong and/or chewitt probably reported it here a while ago) where the first few jobs we start on a new GL context fail with faults (DATA_RANGE_FAULT, TILE_RANGE_FAULT, ...)
things stabilize after a while, but I found out that disabling the BO cache in panfrost make things worse (it basically faults on every BO we pass, unless it's already been passed to a previous job)
after further investigation it seems to be cause by the shareability attribute when adding pages to the page table
when I force it to non-shareable (instead of inner-shareable), the faults disappear (and that's also what mali_kbase/libmali seem to use), but I'm not sure I understand what happens here
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raster: It was probably 40b99bb79e1 ("panfrost: Revert "Disable frame throttling"") in Mesa that improved things for you
icecream95: not a kernel change?
this was on my list of annoyances to look into...
There's still no real scheduling, but at least GPU-heavy applications don't fill the job queue with too many jobs anymore
alyssa: With AFBC, glmark2-es2 -b texture is probably still slower than before 528e132d4f7
bbrezillon: that all seems to chime with the working theory of (at least some part of) the cache being f'ed
shareablility may well affect how things allocate into the caches in the first place
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robmur01: I tried invalidating/flushing the MMU and L2 caches agressively, but still had the issue
so I'm wondering what in this inner shareability domain could influence the cache entries
bbrezillon: my gut feeling is that allocating into L2 is most likely the problem, so invalidating is liable to make it worse ;)
(again, not sure what in the inner domain in that case, and I won't pretend I get all the subtelties of the shareability concept)
it seems plausible that NS might mean bypassing (shared) L2 and allocating directly into L1 (and possibly subsequent evictions from L1 out to L2 might not be broken)
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hm, ok, so you think it's an issue that only impacts amlogic
yup, I'm fairly convinced it's some issue in their integration
if I could un-break my Juno I'd flash a G52 onto it ;)
* robmur01
might have to brave the faff of trying to book a trip into the office
robmur01: hm, my bad, mainlines set the outer-shareable attribute, not inner-shareable
note that there's more awkwardness with shareability - for Midgard "LPAE" the inner domain is essentially "everything in the GPU" while the outer domain is "the rest of the system"
which is called "SHARED_BOTH" in mali_kbase BTW
hm, ok
however with AArch64 format the meanings are changed to work more like VMSA
I *think* it becomes more like inner = shader core and outer = whole GPU
how do you think we should fix that?
2. use AArch64 tables
actually, I didn't check what's used when running in AArch64 mode
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it probably makes sense to hook up AArch64 properly for Bifrost, which might mean some fiddling with io-pgtable attributes to match kbase
when I tried AArch64, I saw the same issues
fwiw :)
tomeu: do you have a branch to share?
BTW, is the GPU revision in S922 r0px or r1px?
robmur01: "GPU identified as 0x2 arch 7.2.1 r0p0 status 0"
cool, thanks
(apparently that generation of GPUs played the nasty Cortex-A9 trick of having significant functional differences between revisions)
robmur01: rvgl is working great for me - the only problem I have is stuttering during shader compilation, but after the first lap everything is smooth
hmm, wonder how hard it would be to add disck cache support to Panfrost
icecream95: on RK3399 (using the binary slurped out of the odroid arm64 .deb) occasionally black cones appear on the faces of all the wheels, and the sky on the stunt arena glitches between textured and black
(also it segfaults a fair bit, and my Xbox 360 controller has an annoying tendency to pull to the left... might be time to dig out the Dreamcast for some 'proper' Re-Volt again :D)
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robmur01: What Mesa verison are you using? The "black cones" on wheels and the stunt arena sky have been fixed for months...
hmm, it *should* be git master, but I suppose it's possible that SDL somehow gets around my ld.so.conf trick and gets the distro mesa instead - I'll double-check
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nope, just built master as of right now, hacked panfrost_model_name() to verify in-game that it's picking up the right mesa, and the glitches are very much still there
(if it matters, I'm using ES1.1 mode without shaders)
bbrezillon: actually, there is another possible reason for wonky cache behaviour...
robmur01: I'm using GL3 mode (Profile=0 in rvgl.ini, and PAN_MESA_DEBUG=gl3 mesa_glthread=true)
the pgprot_writecombine() mapping means who knows what stale crap is sat (clean) in the CPU cache for snoops to hit
non-shareable should happen have the side effect of making non-snooping accesses thus having no possibility of inadvertently hitting stale CPU cache lines
robmur01: the GPU reports ACE-Lite support
but mali_base ignores it and set the coherency reg to non-coherent
I'm trying your suggestion
another trick is to run some kind of memory benchmark/test in the background to thrash the CPU cache and make sure BOs don't get a chance to hang around in there
if that visibly reduces the appearance of faults it would point strongly to this
(this is pretty much what I was doing with Juno last year)
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robmur01: hm, so you force ARM_LPAE_PTE_SH_IS ?
Midgard needs OS to emit snoops properly (which is what the patch does), but Bifrost may be different and do so anyway
(I'm trying to look that up ATM)
nope, it doesn't help
uh, wait
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forgot to update the dtb
robmur01: nope, that's even worse, now I have translation faults
then make sure cfg->coherent_walk gets set
Maybe I should try to update that branch properly...
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robmur01: nope, still failing
with INSTR_INVALID_ENC faults now
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I guess there's a good reason libmali disables the coherency and set the shareability attrib to NS
well, libmali+kbase
[/scroll goto -10
icecream95: reality check, thanks, still need to figure out what to do about that
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/me thinks her ducks are in a row to refactor formats
I refactored everything so the { swizzle, format, sRGB, zero } 22-bits are all together in textures/attributes
so now need to redo the table mapping PIPE to MALI to actually map PIPE to { swizzle, MALI, sRGB, zero }, all packed at compile-time
then the explicit format swizzle handling goes away on <= v6 (Midgard, G71, G72)
when we start paying attention to v7 (later Bifrost, without HAS_SWIZZLES quirk), we can do the same trick, just without the full swizzle (only "swap r/b" etc bits)
So then we'll end up with two lookup tables depending on version, things are a lot cleaner, less runtime work too :)
table itself can be done compactly with some macros, and also some python slop to ingest our current source code + Gallium format list and help do the generation
BTW kmscube no longer works on RK3399 at the moment (mesa master, kernel 5.8) - "failed to set mode: Invalid argument" - will that be the AFBC modifier thing?
(plus a big old pile'o'warnings from mesa about "failed to remap gl<blah>NV")
robmur01: current master only uses AFBC for internal textures/fbos, anything shared will still be linear (or u-interleaved tiled)
kmscube wfm
maybe need to force one of `-D /dev/dri/card{0, 1}`?
nope, definitely the right device - it goes through all the normal blurb up to "using modifier fff...f" before failing
I wonder what else could be different on my system (Arch)... libdrm perhaps?
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* alyssa
poking at invalidate_resource
breaks webgl somehow
invalidate_resource getting called but we're having to wallpaper anyway
Probably some race between our batch tracking and global gallium, um