alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard & Bifrost - Logs - <daniels> avoiding X is a huge feature
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<macc24> HdkR: how performance of FEX would compare to running programs natively on A73?
<macc24> as of now
<HdkR> Depends on what the app is abusing. I believe currently you can get like 2-3x slower with stuttering
<HdkR> But I haven't done performance testing for months so I'm not quite sure
<macc24> ok... how it works? would it be possible to make qemu use it?
<HdkR> qemu and fex operate at different levels. qemu wants to be a system level emulator but also supports usermode emulation, while FEX is usermode only
<HdkR> It's a bit outdated. LLVM doesn't exist and some other blocks could be removed
<macc24> hmm
<HdkR> LLVM was deemed impossible to support
<HdkR> Generates some nice runtime performance numbers though
<macc24> does fex emulate libraries?
<HdkR> We do have a thunking mechanism to replace guest libraries with host libraries
<HdkR> Which improves perf significantly for GL applications since GL is always a huge library
<HdkR> radeonsi in particular is nasty because of the LLVM integration
<macc24> how good is compatibility?
<macc24> as in will it segfault me if fex doesn't like the app?
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<HdkR> Unity+Mono applications will currently fail
<HdkR> 32bit you won't get far
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<macc24> there are some mono applications that can't run natively on arm? i launched terraria without emulation on my c100pa a while ago
<macc24> (aside from unity stuff)
<HdkR> Never tried
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<alyssa> icecream95: Does not seem good at all :'(
* alyssa says she's the Princess of Panfrost, but she's actually Princess of Getting Angry At Computers Hard-Rebooting And Corrupting File Systems
<alyssa> Those two titles are surprisingly coincident.
<HdkR> alyssa: How soon until you're working directly from an NFS share like me? :P
* macc24 sometimes works in tmpfs
<alyssa> HdkR: When code I write causes an OOM, such that I hard reboot in frustration and corrupt my mesa tree,
<alyssa> this is known as a self-correcting mistake ;)
<HdkR> hehe
<HdkR> I guess gigabit would NFS is only 125MB/s. Still better than SBC microSD card working
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<macc24> HdkR: why fex doesn't "automagically" support running 32bit stuff if 64bit cpus can run 32bit programs without problem?
<HdkR> Traditional 32bit application support comes from the kernel's compatibility layer, letting you run a 32bit x86 application with an x86-64 kernel. Or AArch32 application with an AArch64 kernel
<alyssa> icecream95: Nice find with the uniform depromotion
<alyssa> Experimenting with heuristics, as a follow on patch, and seeing some really nice wins. As in "there is no more spilling in my entire shader-db" nice :)
<HdkR> FEX taking an x86 or x86-64 binary on to a 64bit ARM host can't use that. We need to do full usermode CPU emulation. So from the kernel's perspective, FEX is always a 64bit ARM application, but the emulated application thinks it is 32bit or 64bit x86 depending
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<icecream95> A quick patch later and fsck worked, but gobbled up some files in the process...
<alyssa> My hobby: ignoring everything after the comma
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<raster> ha... wat? ...
<raster> running never winter nights on panfrost?
<HdkR> Oh, that's probably a good test
* HdkR yoinks the game
<HdkR> Yep, that just runs
<macc24> HdkR: is that on fex?
<HdkR> yea
<macc24> nice
<raster> HdkR: but... must be using an x86 emulator right?
<HdkR> raster: FEX is an x86-64 emulator
<raster> ha
<raster> first time i heard of this one
<raster> so a combo of fex+ wine?
<HdkR> This is a native Linux port
<raster> of nwn?
<HdkR> Aye, The Enhanced Edition has a native x86-64 Linux port
<raster> oh .. i didn't know...
<raster> well that makes it easier
<raster> :)
<HdkR> "easier" when running on ARM devices
<HdkR> There is work for Wine integration as well, but isn't viable to use yet
<raster> yeah.. i imagine it'd be tough
<raster> but... if fex + wine worked well.. proton would not be far behind which would open up a whole massive world of content to test... :)
<HdkR> Works better than qemu already, just need to get more perf out of it :P
<HdkR> Upcoming low hanging fruit will give 2-4x perf increases. So the 20FPS in that image gets quite a bit faster very quickly
<raster> well certainly wouldnt use this fo rperf testing panfrost
<raster> just for correctness...
<HdkR> Oh, that image didn't have FPS counter visible :D
<HdkR> Definitely
<raster> but man.. i forgot about nwn - so long ago that it came out
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<HdkR> Looks like the Enhanced edition is also available on GOG. So doesn't need to wait for 32bit support to stabilize to run the Steam version
<macc24> 32bit is WIP already?
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<HdkR> Needs a custom kernel atm and downstream changes
<raster> HdkR: btw that is midgard or bifrost?
<macc24> HdkR: custom kernel as in?
<HdkR> Neither, I was just testing FEX supporting it there :P
<HdkR> macc24: I need custom syscalls atm for 32bit support, so you need a kernel with those added
<HdkR> very big WIP
* macc24 noted
<raster> impressive tho that nwn works at a decent framerate and being emulated too
<raster> i wonder if that is a sign of how good arm SoCs have gotten vs old old intel chips or how good the emulation is... :)
<macc24> raster: well, arm laptops already outperform old x86 laptops in native performance
<raster> you mean the m1?
<macc24> i mean rk3288
<raster> or mthe qc ones?
<raster> oh those...
<raster> thats even weenie vs rk3399
<macc24> the gpu is faster than my thinkpad x201 and my guess for cpu performance would be around merom c2d
<raster> if you get a pinebook pro .. it's not too shabby
<macc24> nah i got duet
<raster> but i know that arm soc perf has gone up much faster than x86 in recent years l.. so it all depends on how old the x86 system is vs the arm one etc.
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<macc24> what differs between g52 and g72?
<HdkR> g72 is just bigger
<macc24> hmm
<HdkR> Each execution engine is 4x larger in the g72 compared to the g52
<macc24> then it's weird
<HdkR> There's probably also some other random changes but high level :D
<macc24> if g52 works and g72 isn't that much different then why g72 doesn't work
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<alyssa> macc24: g52 and g72 are separate architectures
<alyssa> No, I don't understand the versioning scheme either.
<alyssa> G71 and G72 are one architecture
<alyssa> all the other Bifrost are a different architecture
<alyssa> (G72 is older)
<macc24> what the fuck
<alyssa> that's correct
<alyssa> So, for Panfrost purposes, G31 = G51 = G52 = G76
<alyssa> (G51 and G76 probably Just Work if you allowlist, only reason they aren't is because nobody's ttried them)
<macc24> G72 = G71 = ?
<alyssa> Yeah, roughly
<alyssa> Although G71 being even older needs even more "special" things.
<alyssa> I think it's to sync versioning with the Arm CPUs
<macc24> that's.. useful then
<macc24> now what do i do with it, i don't know
<alyssa> >:
<macc24> do i look like someone who knows stuff?
<HdkR> With enough effort anyone can know stuff
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<macc24> you don't start moving the mountain by lifting big rocks
<HdkR> Some rocks only look big and imposing then you realize they set set dressing made out of polystyrene :P
<HdkR> they are set dressing*
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<macc24> i guess
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<HdkR> oh snap
<macc24> btw duet can boot from hdd just fine
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<robmur01> macc24: once again, family tree diagram surprisingly accurate - and Multimedia/GPU Architecture/Arm-GPU-Bifrost-Family.png
<robmur01> G72 is "first-gen++", kinda like T620 was to T600
<macc24> 404
<robmur01> bah, stupid cloud hosting - source page is
<dstzd> is duet lenovo?
<macc24> dstzd: yes
<dstzd> damn these are not that expensive
<archetech> got kde on it?
<dstzd> how well does it perform?
<macc24> no ideda
<archetech> better than a pbp?
<macc24> definitely
<archetech> so is panfrost not cooperating?
<macc24> i have no idea
<archetech> so its a fancy brick?
<macc24> no, it runs somewhat mainline linux
<archetech> so you be the guinea pig
<macc24> perhaps
<archetech> i'm the G52 pf guinea pig
<dstzd> where do you get your kernel source macc?
<alyssa> G52 is guinea enough for me :p
<macc24> dstzd: i stole it frfom bbrezillon
<alyssa> you can pry my t860 from my cold hooves
<archetech> old tech
<archetech> rock is dead long live amlogic
<dstzd> duet it mediatek
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<archetech> N2 is aml
<macc24> dstzd: there's debian derivative for duet
<dstzd> i might have to get one of these duets
<dstzd> muh wallet
<dstzd> since i want an n2+ also...
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<archetech> I was just looking at the rockpi 4 c w/ nvme
<archetech> but it has older 860 gpu
<macc24> does rock pi have bleeding edge broken bifrost?
<alyssa> gemini://
<macc24> tomorrow ill check if 5.4-rc4 + mesa master is broken on g72