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<razzy> i like title "programming from first principles"
<Regenaxer> Good morning razzy
<razzy> Good sunday morning to all :]
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* razzy spend 2 days meditating about how pico-chess engine making moves. (move) function seem to use only class and ending field. ("WhiteNight" . d5) . Razzy is still not sure how engine ensure that pick right starting piece.
* razzy remembered that he somehow solved the issue few moths back and forgotten about it.
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<Regenaxer> razzy: "WhiteNight" is a symbol
<Regenaxer> a transient symbol, in this case an object (a piece)
<Regenaxer> : (show 'a1)
<Regenaxer> a1 ((NIL . b1) NIL . a2)
<Regenaxer> piece "WhiteRook"
<Regenaxer> whAtt ("WhiteQueen")
<Regenaxer> color
<Regenaxer> y 1
<Regenaxer> x 1
<Regenaxer> -> a1
<Regenaxer> : (show @ 'piece)
<Regenaxer> "WhiteRook" (+White +Rook)
<Regenaxer> field a1
<Regenaxer> attacks (b1 c1 d1 a2)
<Regenaxer> cnt 0
<Regenaxer> ahead ((This) (: 0 -1 -1))
<Regenaxer> *Dbg ((1 . "pos.l"))
<Regenaxer> -> "WhiteRook"
<Regenaxer> The moves are made by manipulating field and piece objects
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<razzy> Regenaxer: thx for time. i get what you said. i have problem if i have 2 Rooks which can move to a2 for example. (go a1 a2) evals (move ("WhiteRook" . a2) at some point. I do not get how (move) function knows that you mean to move Rook from a1 not h1. where i propably have problem is using messages between methods which i do not understand.
<Regenaxer> I see!
<Regenaxer> "WhiteRook" is a *symbol*
<Regenaxer> not a string
<Regenaxer> It is the object
<Regenaxer> "WhiteRook" is just the name of that symbol
<Regenaxer> And yes, there are two symbols with the name "WhiteRook"
<razzy> whaaaaaaat?
<Regenaxer> but still they are separate objects
<razzy> mindblown :D,
<Regenaxer> You really should try to understand symbols
<razzy> still, how does picolisp know which "WhiteRook" i mean?
<Regenaxer> It would work even if the objects had no names at all
<Regenaxer> The names are just for debugging
<Regenaxer> They are not used
<Regenaxer> Then all objects (fields and pieces) would look like $354776073567
<Regenaxer> The names of symbols are irrelevant, except if you operate on the name withe 'chop' or 'print', i.e. when you use them as "strings"
<razzy> Regenaxer: it is not very helpfull for debugging if you have two symbols with same name and you cannot ask repl what is inside :]
<Regenaxer> You can ask of course
<Regenaxer> : (show 'a1 'piece)
<Regenaxer> "WhiteRook" (+White +Rook)
<Regenaxer> field a1
<Regenaxer> attacks (b1 c1 d1 a2)
<Regenaxer> cnt 0
<Regenaxer> ahead ((This) (: 0 -1 -1))
<Regenaxer> *Dbg ((1 . "pos.l"))
<Regenaxer> -> "WhiteRook"
<Regenaxer> : (show 'h1 'piece)
<Regenaxer> "WhiteRook" (+White +Rook)
<Regenaxer> field h1
<Regenaxer> attacks (g1 h2)
<Regenaxer> cnt 0
<Regenaxer> ahead ((This) (: 0 -1 -1))
<Regenaxer> *Dbg ((1 . "pos.l"))
<Regenaxer> -> "WhiteRook"
<Regenaxer> : (== @ @@)
<Regenaxer> -> NIL
<Regenaxer> Two different objects
<Regenaxer> just accidentally both with the name "WhiteRook" ;)
<razzy> Regenaxer: than my tries to save history with just saving *Undo are destined to failure
<razzy> because i safe only names :]
<razzy> now i know
<Regenaxer> OK, but *Undo stores the objects, so it schould be fine
<Regenaxer> pushes the whole move
<Regenaxer> Ah, you mean saving to a file?
<razzy> yop
<Regenaxer> Right, this is not useful
<razzy> phew, that is one goal done.
<Regenaxer> :)
<Regenaxer> You could modify the 'piece' function
<Regenaxer> To put more into the name, eg "WhiteRook1""
<Regenaxer> But still there is much more, the whole state of the piece and the board
<Regenaxer> Not simple to save
<razzy> btw, does not seem to obide "what you see that you get" picolisp rule
<Regenaxer> This is valid only for s-expressions
<Regenaxer> not the state of a whole system
<razzy> ah, i would like most of the system that way
<razzy> not sure how
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<Regenaxer> You can always do, needs to serialize all objects
<Regenaxer> Just as the DB does
<Regenaxer> If you put pieces and fields as DB objects, you are done ;)
<razzy> i will save starting board and move *Undo to *Redo collum :] and that should do :]
<Regenaxer> The 'ppos' function does only a simple save of the chess position
<razzy> i know :]
<Regenaxer> What if you call 'ppos' after each move?
<razzy> to same file?
<razzy> to new file?
<razzy> i want history
<razzy> for replays :]
<Regenaxer> yes, appending, or a new file each time
<Regenaxer> file1, file2 ...
<razzy> that does not do replays
<Regenaxer> I think it does. Load one file after the other
<razzy> i want to analyse each position
<razzy> your proposal do not fill undo redo stacks
<Regenaxer> I forgot how to load a position saved by 'ppos'
<Regenaxer> correct
<razzy> simple eval insides
<Regenaxer> yes, just 'load'
<Regenaxer> So you undo by loading the previous file
<razzy> i had strong emotions about those symbols.
<Regenaxer> Which kind of emotions?
<Regenaxer> I think you could experiment with *internal* symbols to achieve what you want
<Regenaxer> You give uniqe names to the pieces, and intern them
<Regenaxer> Just like the fields, a1 b1 ...
<Regenaxer> The fields are also internal symbols
<razzy> impossible "WhiteRook" symbol :D. i tried all emotions. than settled on emptiness
<Regenaxer> You could change the function which creates the pieces:
<Regenaxer> (de piece (Typ Cnt Fld)
<Regenaxer> (prog1
<Regenaxer> (def
<Regenaxer> (intern
<Regenaxer> (pack
<Regenaxer> (mapcar '((Cls) (cdr (chop Cls))) Typ)
<Regenaxer> (inc (0)) ) )
<Regenaxer> Typ )
<Regenaxer> (init> @ Cnt Fld) ) )
<Regenaxer> This gives you WhiteRook1 ...
<razzy> that would be much better for thinking
<Regenaxer> 'intern' interns the symbol, so 'print' and 'read' can handle
<Regenaxer> yeah
<Regenaxer> Also debugging is a little more convenient
<Regenaxer> (show 'WhiteRook1)
<Regenaxer> You may also get WhiteRook3 though ;)
<Regenaxer> during pawn promotion
<Regenaxer> So the consequences may not be trivial
<razzy> i would say: it will be more usable
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<razzy> thank you very much :]
<Regenaxer> :)
<tankf33der> solved. without grid.
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<Regenaxer> wow, looks tough
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<Nistur> mornin'
<Regenaxer> Good evening Nistur ;)
<Nistur> o7
<razzy> tankf33der: how carts make turns? by random?
<razzy> ah, sry, read myself
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<razzy> tankf33der: do you have real task railtrack? i will not post it anywhere.
<tankf33der> what do you mean?
<tankf33der> railtrack?
<razzy> you surely get txt with huge railsystem to solve
<tankf33der> bed. sleep. afk.
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