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aeth I mean arguably GDScript is pretty easy to translate because it's not particularly different from other languages that everyone knows. Save for a few shortcuts for things specific to the engine (for example onready vars or $NodeName as a shorthand for get_node('NodeName')
BitPuffin: The problem is, there's always weird quirks in behavior in any programming language, and at least with the known ones they're known. e.g. what 4 / 3 evaluates to.
I mean sure, but I don't think this would come much in the way of translating examples of GDScript to a lisp?
hopefully not
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Odds are you'll run into at least one quirk in the process, I just don't know what it is.
yeah I'd agree that's pretty likely
but I think if you're fairly methodical about the process it should be pretty surpmountable
(My example in particular is of course Python 2, which is supposed to be a dead language now.)
lol surp
Hmm yeah, I guess something that makes python 2 -> python 3 more difficult is that a lot of python 2 code runs in python 3
so I assume most people would "translate" the code by just running it and fixing it where it crashes
and then there would be subtle bugs remaining from the minor changes
but you didn't actually like go through and rewrite all the python 2 code in python 3
and test the code along the way
or understand what it even does
Of course, when Python 4 eventually happens it will (100% certainly!) be implemented as #lang python in Racket, so 4 / 3 will now evaluate to 4/3 and use the numeric tower, thus having 2, 3, and 4 all give a different result for "4 / 3"
s/thus having 2, 3, and 4/thus having Pythons 2, 3, and 4/
I feel like I have seen one but it wasn't an SRFI
also a completely random aside, just thought I'd post the thought now cuz I remembered it
Racket's optimizer favors code that doesn't use mutation (at least according to the docs, I haven't measured anything in regards to this personally). Which is fine for the language racket. But racket is also kind of supposed to be a tool for making languages. So for those of us who are interested in implementing more imperative languages in racket isn't that quite a bit against the grain?
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BitPuffin: I don't know the details for racket, but lots of optimizers work on single assignment form, which is non-mutating
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Hmm yeah I suppose that's true
So if you output SSA style racket maybe it's fine
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