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for anyone following along, my question from earlier re: contracts for case-lambda via case-> – it looks like case-lambda clauses are more restrictive than normal lambdas:
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and so the contracts are more restrictive as well, in particular they don't need to support keyword and optional args. so, as the doc for case-> says, functions taking arbitrary (variadic) number of args should use the #rest parameter instead of ...
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countvajhula: I wouldn't say that contracts are more restrictive if/when they're for a function defined using case->.
I think more simply in general `...` isn't used for any function contracts.
You need to supply a contract for each parameter. And there's `#:rest` for the "all the remaining params" special case.
It might be need if `...` were supported for contracts like it is for `match` and macros clauses and so on, but it's not.
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greghendershott: oh man, are you sure about that?
this is very weird but, I've been using contracts that way for a while and it seems to work just fine
I just attempted to paste an example that works locally into pasterack, but pasterack seems to get really upset by it and raises an exception
I just attempted to paste a version of that example into pasterack, rewritten to use the ->*/#:rest form, but that gave a similar exception, so I'm not really sure what that's about
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What's the timeframe on registration codes for the racket package index? I'm trying to sign up but haven't received a code (in junk or otherwise) in ~15min
griffinbyatt, i don't remember having to wait
but i registered a little over a year ago, so my memory is suspect