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* isd
searches for hcalendar
Good to know about. Writing a decent sandstorm calendar app is vaguely on my todo list; may try to incorporate.
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seems to work if i replace `sandstorm/debian-jessie64` with `debian/jessie64` in the Vagrantfile. The former claims to be a "bit-for-bit" copy of the latter... any reason not to do this?
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abliss: At bare minimum you need contrib-jessie64 or contrib-stretch64.
But if you are going to update an old app, you might want to go ahead and update to stretch.
If you vagrant-spk init in a new directory like you're creating a new app, you'll get a more modern Vagrantfile and
thanks. what does updating to stretch look like? is sandstorm/debian-stretch64 a thing?
No, the Sandstorm-specific box is gone.
so you're saying debian/jessie64 won't work? how do i add contrib- to my vagrant box?
debian/contrib-jessie64 should work.
got it, thanks
vagrant-spk was pretty badly bitrotted. I am kinda of the opinion a good way to update apps is to vagrant-spk setupvm $stack, vagrant-spk vm up, vagrant-spk init, etc. in a new folder, and then overwrite a lot of the app's existing .sandstorm folder.
Vagrantfile and shouldn't require any modification to overwrite an existing app.
It's mostly the,, and that's likely to include app-specific things.
how do i figure out $stack ? is it in the old Vagrantfile somewhere?
Your app has a /.sandstorm/stack file which specifies the stack it used.
If it's GitWeb, it's diy.
And then you probably don't need to modify,, or at all.
yep, thanks, will give it a shot
So yeah, get the latest Vagrantfile and from following the instructions to make a new vagrant-spk app, and paste them in there, because there's probably half a dozen bugs we fixed from whatever was in the GitWeb folder.
vagrant-spk creates those files on app creation, and never really had a good story for updating them as vagrant-spk is updated. I think that's something I'd like to tackle at some point.
Possibly expressing in those two files especially not to modify them, and having a vagrant-spk command that overwrites them.
On my todo list, in case you are curious: Merging the open vagrant-spk PR and then calling the following version vagrant-spk 1.0.
Because the PR fixes the last stacks that were still broken from the jessie days.
why does vagrant-spk default to listening on 6080, the same port a real sandstorm install listens on? I only have one x86_64 machine so I have to use it for both making packages and serving live traffic. why not make vagrant-spk default to 6081 so I don't have to override it everywhere?
abliss: I can't think of a good reason, my guess is it was just oversight. Want to submit a PR?
abliss: I think 6081 is a default mongo port.
for Sandstorm.
So maybe not that one. :)
I use a different dev machine but since I do spk dev and vagrant-spk dev sometimes I've definitely done sandstorm stop solely so I can vagrant-spk vm up.
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I would go for 6090. It doesn't appear in IANA's port list at all.
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Gosh darn it.
abliss got me on a roll. vagrant-spk 1.0 is gonna have some changes.
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