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<bvernoux> hello
<azonenberg> o/ bvernoux
<bvernoux> It is great to measure balanced/unbalanced things on PCB UFL / Wire ...
<bvernoux> Wire=PIN
<bvernoux> as without that it is impossible to measure in live on a board which does not have SMA ;)
<bvernoux> especially with VNA
<bvernoux> in order to calibrate correctly everything ;)
<bvernoux> it is nice to check impedance of traces also
<bvernoux> on final PCB
* azonenberg looks
<bvernoux> even if main case is to fine tune final PCB antenna ;)
<azonenberg> so my main concern with u.fl is the extremely lmited number of mating cycles
<azonenberg> like 3 or something?
<bvernoux> no
<bvernoux> more
<azonenberg> the last ones i looked at on digikey were rated at single digit cycle count
<azonenberg> by comparison, MMCX is only a little larger and good for ~100 cycles
<azonenberg> Which is why i chose it as my standard for small stuff
<bvernoux> high quality SMA with connector lubricant much more
<bvernoux> see that
<bvernoux> they explain it
<bvernoux> as connector lubricant for UFL help a lot for more mating cycles
<bvernoux> as we often push to strong and not correctly ;)
<bvernoux> 30 mating cycles
<bvernoux> anyway it is only for case when there is no space on PCB to add MMCX or even better SMA
<bvernoux> mainly for antenna
<bvernoux> for traces it is better to add some to probe with dual Pin
<bvernoux> +via
<bvernoux> example on USB HS there is often 2 via so it can be used to probe the impedance with 2 pin
<bvernoux> also I have a special UFL to SMA male connector in my Calibration Kit
<bvernoux> Auburn probes has just been shipped ;)
<bvernoux> I habe bought 2 ;)
<bvernoux> in order to compare them and check if they are like on paper with full caracterization
<bvernoux> from 30KHz to 6GHz with s1p & s2p
<bvernoux> 1601pts
<bvernoux> will be nice to compare to yours
<bvernoux> to check what we could reach ;)
<azonenberg> Yeah, I *still* havent had time to assemble that last probe pcb spin
<bvernoux> there is no hurry
<azonenberg> Progress is being made, just on so many different fronts each one is moving at a glacial pace :)
<bvernoux> on my side it is even worse ;)
<bvernoux> some project in "frozen" state since too much time
<bvernoux> anyway I have made good progress on NFC next gen chipset ;)
<bvernoux> so far all is very good
<bvernoux> i'm working to create a sigrok/pulseview decoder for this chipset ;)
<bvernoux> as there is so much SPI transaction not documented that I need to spy what happen on my eval board ;)
<bvernoux> some config are like black magic (and not documented correctly of course) and I want to check/understand all in order to push the chipset to the limits ;)
<bvernoux> I will documentation that with tutorials of course
<bvernoux> documentation=>document
<bvernoux> What I can say if NFC 13.56Mhz on latest PM3 is very far from what there in the spec (or that I have checked with eval board) of the chipset I'm using ;)
<bvernoux> NFC differential antenna is amazing not only on paper ;)
<bvernoux> including auto-tuning is clearly some of the killer features ;)
<bvernoux> I would love to have that on other RF chipset/SDR
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