No nice prettifying or rounding of anything, all just boxes for now
this is all of the nodes in the graph showing input and output port names (which i should probably unify at some point, i'm not good at picking port names or even consistently using caps etc on them)
No lines connecting them yet
You can't drag them yet either
autoplace only
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[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±6] https://git.io/JIGRe
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 0ff6604 - FilterGraphEditorWidget: draw lines between nodes. Autorouting avoids other nodes, but not lines yet. See #161.
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 2200ef6 - Continued work on line autorouting. Now avoids colliding routes in vertical routing channels. See #161.
<theorbtwo> Potentially silly question, but... if you are running clock recovery and then sending that to a "clock jitter" block, is it really a clock jitter block or just a jitter block? Could you also send it signal and a delayed signal and have it compute the jitter in the lag time?
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azonenberg, it will be nice to add USB HS support in scopehal
decoding ...
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d1b2: I'm measuring jitter in the tx clock
by comparing the filtered clock through the pll with the original
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bvernoux: we have partial HS support that miek was working on
I don't know how far he got
pretty sure it's not merged in master
and getting it set up and compiling. Would you be interested in primarily offline analysis working on saved waveforms acquired from somewhere else, or live processing on hardware you have?
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Good question. What IRC client do you use, azonenberg? I have a Velleman 2channel scope and signal generator. I have only ever done minimal things with it. No idea even how one validates a scope past using a frequency standard and voltage standards.
Where is help needed?
NCFN: I'm using pidgin. Does your scope have any kind of PC interface?
usb, ethernet, heck even rs232 or gpib
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And right now there are 142 open tickets against libscopehal, 88 against scopehal-apps, and 9 against scopehal-docs (and the only reason there's not more is that I haven't filed tickets for all of the things that aren't documented yet)
So there's a huge range of things to work on :))
At a high level the main categories of work needed are:
* Testing/debugging/build process improvements
* Instrument drivers
* Protocol decodes and math/DSP blocks
* GUI features
* Documentation
NCFN: So which of those sounds most interesting to you?
You know, I've never written an instrument driver from scratch. Though I've hacked on drivers and firmware that are already written. That sounds like a worthwhile thing to do. Do you already have drivers for the Velleman?
Nope. The first step for that is filing a ticket against the scopehal repo requesting a driver, and including any information about the instrument
Better support for low cost hardware would definitely be nice
right now the best driver support is on the high end, like LeCroy and midrange Tek products
Also track down as much documentation as you can about the PC interface protocol the instrument uses
Do they have a SDK? Is there a documented SCPI command set?
Before you actually start writing the driver, make sure you have glscopeclient compiling on your machine and able to load waveforms from files
just to establish a baseline of functionality in case you have, say, a graphics driver problem or something
For sure, with prototyping kits for around $10 including delta-sigma and SAR adc's, I think very-low-cost scopes up to MHZ or 10 MHZ range are very doable.
I'll check. I bought this thing 6 or 7 years ago.
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Yes, they have a SDK with examples on how to hook into their .dll's. It does not look like they have source code for the libraries, though it's USB, so it might not be hard to port sniff the commands off it.
Yeah. I'd suggest you start by making a ticket on libscopehal so people know you're working on it, link to the SDK and any other info you can find
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then start reverse engineering the USB protocol
are you reasonably familiar with libusb?
I don't see any reference to SCPI so far. None in the source code for the demo program. And it's hard to search for because the Velleman PCSGU250 shows up on a lot of pages with other products that DO mention SCPI. Best guess right now is no. And it's the first time I've heard of SCPI
I haven't used libusb. The other time I was debugging a serial over USB and I used some USB packet sniffer. I forget the name. I think sysinternals also has one, maybe?
Yeah, most likely it's not using SCPI at all, likely a full custom usb protocol
Are you running on windows, then?
So, if the dll works reasonably, possibly no reason not to just use it.
Yes, usually. I have an ubuntu stick, but I don't use it much.
As long as it's license compatible, that could work. It would just mean that scope couldn't be used except on windows
Which isn't ideal
But it's better than no support at all
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[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JIn4P