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<david.lenfesty> Is it valid to just spec the power supplies at power-on current levels and leave it at that for a spartan 7? That's ~200mA for VCCINT/VCCBRAM and ~50mA for VCCAUX
<david.lenfesty> The power estimator spreadsheet is borked on libreoffice and vivado is a ways out
<david.lenfesty> although it's also pretty trivial to just spec everything for 500mA anyways
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david.lenfesty: I would use the power estimator spreadsheet. I usually just estimate the chip stuffed to the gills with some vaguely representative clock rate
it uses heavy vba macros so not surprising libreoffice cant handle it
i usually run it in a windows vm in actual office
i'll crunch some numbers for you in a bit
<theorbtwo> I wonder if it is worth porting the spreadsheet to something sane, or re-charachterizing the chip and making your own equivalent. (Probably neither, to be honest.)
Having to use a windows VM once per board design isn't that catastrophic
so not exactly a priority
david.lenfesty: for the prototype, honestly, i'd say 500 mA on everything is more than adequate
on the actual board i'll run the spreadsheet and see. those rails will be likely shared by other logic
so i'll add everything up
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[starshipraider] azonenberg commented on issue #3: Active Probe Control/Power Prototypes - https://git.io/JLSpB
[starshipraider] azonenberg edited a comment on issue #3: Active Probe Control/Power Prototypes - https://git.io/JLSpB
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[starshipraider] davidlenfesty opened pull request #4: Active Probe Host Prototype - https://git.io/JLHJu
<david.lenfesty> dangit I forgot some of the USB level shifters
Let me know when it's ready for review. As far as power sequencing there shouldnt be any real requirements for 7 series, i'd just use LDOs and let them all come up at once
on the actual BLONDEL system the stm32f7 on the main control board will likely be in charge of all power sequencing and monitoring
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