[scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #383: Rename "peak to peak" filter to "amplitude" to reflect that it returns the cycle-by-cycle amplitude, not global. - https://git.io/JI9bu
[scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #383: Rename "peak to peak" filter to "amplitude" to reflect that it returns the cycle-by-cycle amplitude, not global. - https://git.io/JI9bu
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JIHdU
[scopehal] azonenberg 2c4aec9 - Major improvements to BaseMeasurement accuracy
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±1] https://git.io/JIQSl
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg 6462d74 - Documented Base and CAN filters
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1] https://git.io/JI7HU
m4ssi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
endeavour has joined #scopehal
Hey, I was asking on twitter what would be involved to add support for an additional scope to libscopehal. I'd quite like to get GLscopeclient working with my red pitaya. Can anyone point me at the relevant bits of code?
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JIhoR
[scopehal] azonenberg b860fbc - Clarifications to comments
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #295: Issue with FFTS for Windows with MSYS2 mingw64 (Keysight 3000T) - https://git.io/JIhDt
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #273: [Windows] Going into fullscreen mode and out again causes the window title bar to permanently disappear - https://git.io/JIhh1
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #300: December 19th hackathon meta-issue - https://git.io/JIjI7