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<mkk__> [Hanssel Enrique Morales Norato, skywater-pdk] Hello everyone, where can I find the procedure to apply to the google+efabless Open Source Shuttle Program?
<mkk__> I know that the main requirement is that the design is published on github and that we must somehow submit it to efabless but I can't find more information on
<mkk__> [Riking28, skywater-pdk] Follow the #shuttle channel on slack and the mailing list for announcements Soon:tm:
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<Lofty> lkcl: is that LibreSoC on SkyWater?
<lkcl> Lofty: auto-scaleable (thanks to Staf)
<tnt> Lofty: for config loading you can just chain all the latches you're using to hold the config bits and clock every other FF with a phi1 or phi2 clock, then generating proper pulses you can have a load config chain load "for free".
<Lofty> Hmm
<Lofty> Not quite sure I can visualise how that works
<tnt> mm, I think at least ... I might have screwed up that logic in my head.
<tnt> scratch that ... it doesn't work.
<tnt> my bad
<Lofty> tnt: A flop can be considered as two latches with enables tied to opposing clock levels, right?
<tnt> yes
<Lofty> So..if you double-pump the data line, does that give you a pseudo shift register?
<Lofty> A makeshift register, if you will
<tnt> I don't think that works.
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