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<sf-slack> <nfrancque> Hey all. Looking at the dsp fuzzer to get started helping out per @mithro's advice. Anyone know if there is already a plan in place for dsp's or just keep trying to add stuff?
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<sf-slack> <kgugala> Hi @nfrancque
<sf-slack> <kgugala> there is some work done for for DSP
<tpb> Title: prjxray/fuzzers/100-dsp-mskpat at master · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at
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<_whitenotifier-5> [yosys-symbiflow-plugins] mkurc-ant opened issue #3: XDC plugin missing annotations -
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<_whitenotifier-5> [prjxray] KOLANICH opened issue #1192: Stop using sphinx_materialdesign_theme malware in the docs -
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