<mkurc> @mithro Yes it does. I just wasn't aware of the (* carry *) attribute.
<kgugala> actually it is listed in the comment in top of the V2X file
<kgugala> TBH i'd be good to extract those comments and create proper documentation
<kgugala> @mkurc can you log an issue about it?
I thought I had test cases with documentation
But maybe that never got merged...
mkurc: Is everything in #85 answered then?
<mkurc> Most of them are documented through examples
<mkurc> I think that what Karol has in mind is list of all of them in the documentation just like the one on the top of the code.
<kgugala> yep
<kgugala> I think we can create automatic rst documentation from examples
<kgugala> and publish it on RTD
<mkurc> @mithro Yep
The useful thing about `(* carry *)` attribute is that when drawing diagrams we can use it as a hint that the pins should be running top<-to->bottom rather than left<-to->right
kgugala: Yeah the docstrings should also be published to rst
<mkurc> Ok. I'll file an issue about the docstring documentation
<kgugala> @mkurc thanks
[python-symbiflow-v2x] mkurc-ant opened issue #86: Make V2X code docstrings apprear in the generated documentation - https://git.io/JT0L5
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